I get why people like Raynor courses, but the idea that every Raynor course should be in the running for top 100 in the USA is ridiculous.
Should someone say that, I would totally agree.
I know you didn't say that, but that's the sum total of how people think.
How many Raynor courses have you seen? Most people have only seen a few of them, and think those are the special ones and tout their own faves for the top 100. But it can't work like that in aggregate. The "hidden gems" like Blue Mound are less special when you factor in all their close cousins, and even less special when you have to compare them to NGLA, Yale, Fishers Island and the like.
Blue Mound does have a really neat set of greens that sets it apart from the "B list", but I'm not sure that would put it in the top 100. If you said it's a 7 on my scale, that's probably fair -- I don't remember whether I gave it a 7 or a 6 -- but that would leave it competing with a ton of other courses for the last spots on a U.S. top 100 list.
I hear you Tom. I know that just saying a course is designed by XYZ architect is many times a cut to the chase credential to respect. We are a little more persnickety here and rightly so, as it is a passion for some and at least a hobby for most.
Seeing as Raynor and Macdonald worked so closely together, I went to the Seth Raynor society website for his list. Have to admit I haven't ever heard of at least 12 or so from the 50 they say he designed or redesigned (7 are NLE I also learned). I see that I have played 9. Many are left to play.
In reference to BM, two things stand out to me. Well actually three, come to think of it.
- First are the greens which are the star as the course is not overly difficult, or long but the greens are very good.
- Second are the amount of uphill/downhill shots. Compared to Shoreacres for example, which is on flat land with a ravine running through and we all love, BM adds more undulations to the layout. This makes the uphill par 4's for example very stout! Prevailing wind adds to that as well.
- Lastly, BM has taken great care of their course and reclaimed greens, managed their trees and even were adding some tee boxes when I was there this past summer. It is polished. Although I know they have a few things the club would like to do (Jerry Rossi can chime in), it is pretty close to optimal probably now.
I'd say it is a polished gem and only hidden by those who haven't gone to see it. I have no problem with a 7, but I have it as an 8. Outside of the big hitters (Fishers, Chicago, etc.) I think BM is right there with Yale, Fox Chapel, Charleston etc.