I do not agree with Gene and Peter, but out of deep and abiding respect for the drive-by photo shoot of Southampton on which the Doctor escorted me, back in 2013, I will abide by civility, respect and (fingers crossed) graciousness, in my effort to portray why I disagree.
[/size]1. The writer is in love with language, particularly his own command of it. I don't believe that it impedes nor imperils the message that he wishes to convey, which I interpreted as: For those of you who are not golf addicts, this is what happens behind (and adjacent to) the scenes of the one golf event that you watch each year;
[/size]2. As we know too well around this discussion board, some of us do elevate players, architects, and courses to a stature and status of enormous reputation. Sometimes, we miss the mark. Bobby Jones and the ANGC have been elevated in the same manner by (select your preferred order) Hollywood, the media, professional golfers, marketers, fans. It is understandable that an outsider might not understand the (perhaps improper) adulation and respect that certain, hard-core golfers hold for both;
[/size]3. After opening with an informative paragraph on the sub-air system, utilized to perfection by the club, the writer sheds all trappings and hits with this sentence: It is by now hardly scandalous to note that Augusta National—called the National by its members and devotees, and Augusta by everyone else—is an environment of extreme artifice, an elaborate television soundstage, a fantasia of the fifties, a Disneyclub in the Georgia pines. Any hope for salvation is dashed-the writer has chosen his path, and follow him, we do. It's a harsh one, but I ask: with as much complaining about the changes to the course from its original, read on this DB, are we in disagreement?
[/size]I'll hang up and listen for now. I hope that I've maintained the three tenets as established by TGD (the good doctor.)