A ball that is travelling faster is more likely to horseshoe out.
Thomas however claimed that a ball is more likely to horseshoe out on 'faster' greens which is factually incorrect. The only reason I can see that he would presume this is if he is conflating high stimp reading (fast green
) with fast ball. Language matters very much in this case and if you ask most golfers if a 'fast' green means that the ball rolls faster on it they will answer yes.
Just because it is a 'common' phrase does not mean it should be accepted even though it is factually incorrect.
I agree with the last sentence and you've convinced at least Thomas- and I now that only leaves 25 million others
I didn't see anywhere Thomas use the phrase "horseshoe" referring to lipouts perhaps he edited his post?
he did refer to the Pelz "donut" which is an entirely different thing-
Did I miss something?
I ask not to start an argument, but rather because this is a topic near and dear to my heart (see Doak quote below) and nearly all my communications with Thomas have shared a similar viewpoint about the silly green speed arms race.