Fat chance Joe!
I was assigned to work with Lee Wybranski of Group W Artworks (I'm sure many on the site know Lee). We wanted to create a logo that celebrated Lancaster County. This event is unique in that approximately 80% of all vendors are local including Tait Towers, Clair Brothers and Atomic Design. Those three companies collaborate to stage virtually every major rock tour in North America. We wanted to capture something that was easily identifiable with Lancaster's heritage but which did not objectify our plain community. We thought the modified hex would resonate locally and be readily identifiable out of the area. The roses in the logo reflect Lancaster's ubiquitous red rose symbol.
We hosted a kickoff event on Saturday with Arnold Palmer and raised the USGA flag this morning. Tickets also went on sale today. It is incredible how enthusiastic this community is. I think the USGA has been very pleasantly surprised by the resources available in this community and engagement is very high. We are 65% of the way there with volunteer registration for example.