Obviously, if any of us gca knew what owners wanted, really wanted, we would each get 100% of our respective (public, private, high end, low end) jobs. As noted, they only really know they need a golf course, and often make a "safe" decision.
Like Tom Doak, and others, I go crazy trying to figure out how some new guy gets jobs when there are so many qualified gca's out there. Or, how some guys who are deemed "qualified" go on forever without ever really changing their design style. One example, I toured a course and drove the cart right into one of the invisible, almost flat bunkers the designer had put in his last ten courses that I had seen. How can he or potential owners look at those and not see something is very wrong?
I once lost a project to a then new design firm. I offered to have the committee go see my work and they replied that a trip like that might unduly influence the decision. Huh? How else would you make a decision? In that case, it turned out to be hiring a pro based firm, because they like jock sniffiing, I gathered.
Short version, not all design decisions get made for the right criteria, especially those made by committee. Whats the old saying about committees - they start out to design a horse and get a zebra, or something like that?
Thanks for listening to my rant......