This storm is going to blitz the Philly area about 8:30 am if not sooner....
It's 2:00am EDT right now; the first tee times are in five hours; the leading edge of the storm is hitting the N/S line from Cleveland to Columbus in a few minutes; two advance pockets, north and south, are already in western PA.
Between what is on the ground in Ardmore already, and the size of the storm behind the leading edge, plus its speed, I have a suspicion that tomorrow may end up being a scrub altogether.
Craziest Spring ever here in the Northeast...what am I saying..?.. there has been no spring...about 20-25 seasonally fair days total since March 21.
EXAMPLE: Sunday, May 26...temps in lo 50s , wind chill 38 caps...
Thursday, Friday May 30, 31...HIs of 91 in Central Park, ice towels and bottled water ferried out to players