On a group outing to Scotland we are playing Renaissance, ane of my best friends is in our foursome. This story only makes sense if you know that he needs a fair amount of coaching around the course. After about the 4th hole, I ask him how he likes the course. He likes it, but questions the narrow fairways. I respond with "oh, they are not that bad" while trying to figure out what he is talking about, but we play on. At about the turn, once again he mentions the narrow fairways. I am a little perplexed as they just don't seem to be that narrow, but I tell him to just not worry. Hit the ball down the middle, all that stuff. I do notice a small bead of sweat coming down his forehead but our friend is sort of a worrier. On the 17th (or was it 16th) I am cleaning my club, and hear the following conversation at the tee. Golfer: What's my line? Caddy: See that single bunker? Go straight for that. Golfer: But that's on the edge of the fairway. Why are you telling me to hit it there? Caddy: No sir, that that target is right down the middle. Golfer: No it's not. That's on the edge. Me as I slowly turn my head: What are you saying? Golfer: The caddy is giving me a line down the edge of the fairway Me: That's the middle. What exactly are you looking at? Golfer: See the dark area and the light area? Me: Yes, that is how they cut the fairway. The dark side is the cut that is coming towards you, the light away, but it's all fairway. Golfer: That's not the fairway. They just cut it like the fairway. At this point , the group realizes that our friend had been "seeing" the course this way for almost the entire round. He was freaked out because he was trying to drive into the light half of the fairway. None of us has ever really understood how this happened after the first hole, but it took us awhile to proceed we were laughing so hard. As a note, he was seriously fined and hates this story.