Philly and many of our golf-centric cities have loads of lesser-known, sporty courses that are slowly being rediscovered, as I'm sure you are well aware. That they get exposure and discussion on this site is probably one of GCA's greatest contributions. They SHOULD be shared and have their merits, particularly when they have historical context, showcased. This course is under 3,000 yds and our group, playing modern equipment, even with the better golfers, certainly had no one coming off it feeling cheated or cheapened by the shorter test.
The nine had challenge, charm, and craft throughout. It was FUN and FAST to play. Our last group, a 6-some, breezed around. These elements, when present over golfing ground, are really what make the game enjoyable...the LENGTH of the test is irrelevant! If the clowns at the top would understand and direct their energy at fostering awareness of this approach, the game would be FAR healthier and stable. In ALL areas. But they would rather concentrate on: the "BUSINESS" on golf, rolling out the next initiative de jour, and how to line their pockets.
If you plan on coming to Philly I'm sure our local contingent could provide Arbie-overload in squiring you around some of our storied and lesser-known, sporty gems. The US Open is here in June; we'd love to have you across!