Thanks, Dan.
I can't get enough of reminders like those.
As you noted on another thread, the fault (if we must use that word) lies not in our stars but in ourselves.
I have to admit that, for me, any philosophy of life that doesn't recognize this fault/fall, or -- to put it as kindly and generously as that wise man did -- that doesn't remind us that we need to cultivate gratefulness, misses some fundamental truth about human existence, at least as I have experienced it.
Architects - you don't need to do very much at all. Just give us an arena (one of many many such arenas in life) that makes it just a tad easier to experience a state of mind/being that is akin to gratefulness. That is a great gift.
Thanks again, Dan.
P.S. That's a good place to stop, don't you think? I find it puts much into proper perspective.