While I assume you are merely providing your best estimate, I think you are off here. As you saw firsthand, kingsley is not a course that gets crowded or backed up. I believe the Mashie weekend was one of their busiest, and I personally waited on only 1 or 2 tees (over roughly 100 holes). Additionally, in many cases, some groups finished in under 3.5 hours, and were done eating lunch before the next group came in, so the length of rounds that weekend varied quite widely. In 5 rounds there, I think one of my rounds was 4.25, with the other 4 all quicker (3.5 to 4).
Concerning green speed, how do you know the #? Just curious on that. Regardless of the f'ing stimp reading (or made up estimate, thereof), I thought they ran perfectly - neither too fast nor too slow - and very true. I never found putting slowed down any of my groups, particularly since we were playing matches.
Brian- Actually I think that our group played in 4 hours, and I think your estimate is right and proves my point. Some groups prob did play in 3.5 and others played in over 4, remember i said don't lump GCAers in the Collective. I thought that the tournament pace was great! I am guessing on stemp too, they were the fastest i have putted on in a long time (remember i play a muni in some people's eyes). Your last sent. i disagree with. My point is Kingsley proved that if the course proved any slow play it was around and on the Greens, not walking back 20 yards on 3 holes to the tips. Which i played a practice rounds from the tips and played faster than from the members in the tournament. Proving that you can't compare everyday play to tournament (gathering). As Mr Shackelford has said and many other wise, that super fast green speeds slow up play but people want to focus on what ''Tee it forward''! I thought the set up was amazing and the best i have experience, i thought the greens were a touch fast for their design. I believe some prefer CD greens to not be higher than 9-10 on the stemp and they are all about F&F.
Jason- I played a muni twice two weeks ago in Florida and played both rounds under 3.5 hours, you gotta know what you are doing. You start of ten tee and play in 2.1hrs, then you play the front in 1.2hrs. It is real simple. I remember you don't venture off your own club much, but you know the walking policies of public courses around you and you don't even play them, lol!
Tim- you again attack what i say and provide no examples. An estimation of stemp reading is a guess, i am not a keeper and i don't carry around a measuring device in my bag! When you come to the thread next time, try some critical thinking!