As an analogy, I present the following:
Back when I was a kid, late 70s, me and my buddies used to sneak on the roof all the time over at the local school. We'd do everything and anything up there. Play games, sit around and talk, look for cool lost items, chuck stuff at girls walking by, etc. Well one day as you can guess, one of my buddies fell off and broke his arm. And the reaction was unanimous in the form of, "you damn kids, serves you right for messing around on the school roof". And we were all correctly scolded.
Nowadays something like this happens and the school gets sued, the parents are outraged that preventative actions weren't taken to prevent such a thing, the schools are deemed an "unsafe environment" and everything else under the sun to make excuses for their kids who couldn't have possibly been at fault.
You step on a golf course, you know balls are going to go offline, you may even hit a few offline, and you may get hit. For the most part you know what you are getting yourself into.
Instead it turns into, they shouldn't have built the course like this, how could they not forsee such and such situation, how could someone get hit by a ball on the course, yada, yada, yada. Its almostly all entirely a load of bullocks and so here we are!!