I'm very happy to be the messenger of the following:
Aronimink “STARS and STRIPES” BBQ Gala
July 2 & 3, 2010
12:00 Noon – 6:00 ish p.m.
All GCA members, fellow lurkers and their kin…you are hereby invited to attend another festive offering by fellow GCA lurkers the Shreiner brothers and Billy Daulton. As those who attended the stellar Walker Cup caper well know, it promises to be another first class presentation each day, including: shenanigans, plenty of fine fare, with adult and youth beverages on offer.
The “Yankee Doodle” Cart Shuttle Service, for those that may need an assist with the very short walk to and from the course, will once again be in operation. The venue is a lovely, covered terrace and lawn area of a home just down Golf Club Rd., the street directly across from the main entrance of Aronimink Golf Club. It gets no better and we’re a musket shot from the golf!
We encourage all who wish to attend to bring friends or family out to enjoy the day. So kindly RSVP to the email or telephone information listed below and we’ll put you on the list! We look forward to hosting you, as we embrace our nation’s birthday weekend and share in the classic, colonial GCA spirit, along with other golf and social banter.
Again, there will be no charge for the revelers. A themed contest will be held, with chances and donations greatly appreciated, to benefit educational assistance to our most deserving caddies of the J. Wood Platt Caddie Scholarship Trust.
The directions, daily menu and further details will be posted shortly. There is also a vicious rumor circulating that Tom Paul "Jones" and Tom “Poor Richard’s Almanac” MacWood… may be staging a feather-quilled pen… duel to the death on the grounds that weekend. That alone demands a sound beating of the Tom-Tom and the attendance of all parties!
Steve and Kris Shreiner, Bill Daulton
Contact Information
Email- pam@shreinertreecare.com
Ph#- (610) 265-6004…ask for Pam