Jim, Back ten years ago, or so, there was a serious pitch cancre (sp?) scare. At that time I wondered what the course would look like void of trees. I speculated it might help the claustrophobic nature of the inland holes and provide water views from most holes. So, that is one possible fix. Architecturally there is really nothing horribly wrong with the forest holes. The greens are as good a set as anyone could hope for. They really are the test/challenge one needs to be up for when playing there. IMO
As for the land itself. The reason the routing is the way it is, as I understand it, was that was the parcel available. There's also a huge difference in the make up of the soil between the forest holes and the first five. Well, call it 4 holes and change, because the first hole doesn't get to the sand base until the green end. The soil in the forest is very clayey. Also, It didn't helped that Mr. Jones cleared and burned right there. Likely in the corridor created from the clearing. It's my understanding the ash from the burning likely created an impenetrable barrier which probably made the clayey soil worse for drainage. Ergo, all the problems they have during the At&t.
BTW, #8 is one of the best holes on the course and it's in the forest. #10 is also a personal favorite because of it's elasticity and it's green slopes subtly away.