Not sure how many days I was gone this year, I quit counting! but with my principal airline, 27 round trips and you need 30 to classify as the second highest catagory of frequent flyer, so I won´t even make silver this year thanks to the economy. Use to be gold before getting married and traveled 25 to 28 days per month but new wife said(ten years ago), reorganize, delegate and keep your traveling to a maximum of 8 to ten days a month or stay single. No wonder I married her!! I just got back yesterday from a trip and Damn one needs patients at this time of year, too many once a year travelers that disrupt the flow and every where you turn becomes chaos or is it kaos! When you meet new people and tell them what you do for a living, they always respond, really I never met a golf course architect before! But, one time I was in the DFW airport and there is a nice wine bar there and when the bartender asked me the normal question, he responded, ah I know another archiect that was in here not to long ago, ever heard of Tom Doak! Merry Christmas to all!