"There aren't many bunkers next to ponds on classic golf courses, because there aren't too many ponds on them to begin with.
But, the first two I can think of are the cross bunkers between the green and the pond on the 18th at Pine Valley, and then the greenside bunkers on the 9th at Merion."
There are ponds (of a sort) in front of PV's 18th and Merion's 9th but in both cases there were waterways (of a sort

) on both holes before golf was put on those properties.
As I'm sure you know the somewhat formalized bunkers between the water and green at PV were done by Flynn after the fact. The original situation between the water and green on the 18th of PV was a massive upsweep of sand that had virtually no chance of holding long-term and so like on #2 and #10 it was altered after the fact on #18 to a series of more formalized bunkers with grass surrounds apparently to create greater stability against erosion which had been a previous constant problem.
#18 green is quite interesting too, as I believe Crump essentially created most of it by fill via just lifting up most all of the front from what was the pre-existing natural grade. Colt actually called for an 18th green that may've been smaller (perhaps farther back) with a grass grade (perhaps even shortish cut where a ball might filter backwards) sloping back into the water from the front of the 18th green.
Some of those old course survey maps hanging on the walls of the club have the pre-construction contour lines on them even if, at this point, they are remarkably faint and hard to make out.
I have a feeling the stretch of ground from the back of the first tee across the front of the 18th green and over to the end of the clubhouse was brought up significantly compared to the way it was in that area before the golf course.