I've been sick most of this week (nothing serious, just a little bug), so I've been doing a lot of laying around wallowing in misery.
And lots of thinking, especially about Mac's thread last week about this site and the value of its participants, with its seeming goal of improving relations.
Here's one conclusion I came to (among several): I think people confuse "honesty" and "truth".
You can be completely honest and yet rarely tell the truth. I could post my thoughts on our current President and they would be honest, from my point of view, but I know at least half the site would not agree that these thoughts are the truth. And I'm honest enough to realize these thoughts might not be the truth, either.
So maybe the next time you start wondering about someone motives for posting such obviously "false" information, perhaps reflect on the difference between "honesty" and "truth" and then maybe incorporate that into your post.
Just a little food for thought. Have a nice weekend.