I'm not sure if this topic has come up previously but...
What are some of the most satisfying walking courses by state or within your own areas? Where the combination of the walk, routing, and challenge is most satisfying and interesting.
We could even have a good topic about how the best way to appreciate a routing is by walking it, but I won't go there.
Public or private is fine and maybe indicate whether it's one or the other.
In my area (SF), I can't say I've run into that many unfortunately.
Harding is a good walking course from green to tee, but not exactly very satisfying or interesting. The routing is somewhat dull at times.
In Marin, I find San Geronimo interesting enough, but not throughout. There are stretches where there's just too much of a walk for my taste, but the routing is enjoyable. I actually like FoxTail North as well. Good walking course with some pretty decent holes. Not a great course, but satisfying and interesting given the walk.
I haven't played everywhere in NorCal, but Pasatiempo has to be one of my favorites. Maybe a little too much of a walk in certain spots (as in too hilly), but most satisfying and interesting. The routing is very enjoyable with plenty of anticipation from hole to hole.
I think the key for me is the walk can't be too much of a hike. Likewise green to tee can't be a mile long affair.
So let's hear what some of you have to say about satisfying walking courses in your area.