This is an area where design, agronomy, construction and maintenance need to meld perfectly for the desired results to be consistent. Hell, it’s pretty damn easy to say, ‘that little depression would be cool as a chipping area”, next thing you know your boss is telling you to mow it tight and he’s not usually interested in the fact that the drainage, grass type, and irrigation doesn’t match up with what he wants. And he really isn’t interested in knowing he needs a few more mowers and needs to double his top dressing sand line item and probably buy a larger top dresser to boot. Nope, just mow it down and then fret about why it’s always wet.
If you want it to work, you have to over do the drainage because chipping areas only work if they collects balls…and water. If you have greens and surrounds with different grasses, like bent greens and Bermuda surrounds, the fun begins as obviously the bent green needs more water and somehow you have to keep it out of the chipping area…unless you’ve really beefed up the drainage. Throw in a USGA green with one of those horrible liners and now you really have fun as the areas have different grasses and different soils.
It’s very possible to make it work, and IMO the way to do it is easy…do what we did at Wolf Point and treat the entire greens area as one…same sand (helps if you can get it onsite and aren’t tied to a “spec” sand), same grass, same irrigation, and beefed up drainage.