I had the good fortune of enjoying a round with Bill McBride last year. I asked him about a recent trip to the UK, and he was telling me all about it; he even mentioned a course I had never heard of: Bowduhzayr.
He must have seen the somewhat confused look on my face, and managed to work in how many folks assume it's pronounced "Bow Desert", like, well Bow Desert!
(As an aside, the ability to correct someone without making it seem like you're doing it must be one of the marks of a refined, well mannered, secure individual. I'd contrast it with a story about how I learned the correct pronunciation of "Zagat's", but let's just say the guy was not at all gentlemanly in his manner.)
So, I wonder how some things are said by the locals. For instance, I know Edinburgh does not rhyme with Pittsburgh, but I've heard different ways of saying it. "Edinboro" "Edinbura" "Edinburr" - what's right?
One of my first uses on this site was emailing George Bahto to find out how to pronounce "redan".
Anyone care to share other odd pronunciations, to help the rest of us out?
P.S. Leave it to Tom D to be smart enough to choose a name it's tough to mispronounce. Looking at the other architects on board, maybe that's one of the keys to success. Brauer, Young, Andrews, etc. - little room for misunderstanding there!
Now Hanse, on the other hand....
P.P.S. In case you're wondering, my last name rhymes with raisin.