When I scanned the pix that was my first thought as well, get that green up to the left. In a strange way this reminds me of the 16th at Delamere Forest.

I was hugely impressed that Fowler didn't do what would be obvious thing today by slapping the green next to the water. Instead, he chose to place the green slightly further up the hill in a sort of natural mini bowl. I wish more archies today would reject the obvious option more often.

Mike, I see that you have employed bunkering near water a few times. I am determined to discover the reasons for this kind of hazard on a hazard. While I don't always agree with the use of water hazards, I can understand their appeal. What I don't understand, especially in this incidence where the bunkering seems partially negate the water as a hazard, is why bunkers are placed next to water. Help out a poor country lad trying to make his way in the world.