Famous Golf Links is very rare, and much rarer than its close successor of 1897, British Golf Links, of which I (like I suspect several GCA adherents) do possess a copy in its 2005 facsimile form.
The full bibliographic description of Famous Golf Links is given as
FAMOUS GOLF LINKS. By Horace G. Hutchinson, Andrew Lang, H. S. C. Everard, T. Rutherford Clark etc.
With numerous illustrations by F. P. Hopkins, T. Hodge, H. S. King, and from Photographs.
Published London. Longman, Green, and Co. 1891.
You can see that there are several names here among the contributors whom Hutchinson also induced to contribute to the celebrated Badminton volume (wherein appeared such classic essays as HH's own Hints to Golfers of Riper Years, as above).
Which courses are you particularly interested in? There is apparently very considerable crossover between the 1891 work and the successor of 1897? Hope this helps a bit.
All best Richard