I have no problem listing those guys as lead associates; the only hesitation is that it doesn't tell the entire story. Bruce wouldn't have been able to build Cape Kidnappers without Brian, Brian, Eric, Chris Hunt and Dan Proctor helping him out; none of our courses have been built without at least a couple of associates contributing their talents.
Jim N:
Perhaps it is political suicide for the other architects here to comment on your thoughts, judging from the responses. Or maybe they just haven't been close enough to Jack's work to comment, apart from Jim Lipe.
All I can comment on for sure is that I do indeed complete the routings for all of my courses myself. Sometimes, someone else has given us a head start, and sometimes one of my associates has suggested a hole or three, but usually it is mostly mine, even in collaborations (where everyone should do the parts they do best).
If Sebonack is representative, I spend about four days on site for every day Jack spends himself. I don't think that means I make a lot more decisions than Jack does, it only means that I take more time to think about them before I decide. In fact, Jack wondered aloud more than once why I take so much time -- he prefers to make his decisions quickly and get on to other things, and he certainly implied that I would get more done if I'd just make my decisions and delegate my associates to take it from there. But, Jack has little inclination to hang around and watch a green being shaped, whereas I think that's the second most fun part of the job.
But as to your last question, absolutely, Jack is a golf course architect. I'm sure he could route his own courses if he wanted to, but he has decided to delegate a lot of that work and just comment on it and edit his associates' attempts, probably in part because he does a lot of development-related projects and the routing process is more time-consuming with all the give and take. I don't think Ben Crenshaw has done many of the routings of his courses, either, but he certainly has a lot of input in the process on any course his name goes on, and so does Jack.