"Am I the only one that has noticed that a disproptionately high % of GCA participants golf lefthanded? Is there a correlation between this anomaly and our predisposition towards golf holes which are bassackwards (e.g. Redans) and writers who can't think straight (like Max Behr)?
Just wondering......"
All left-handers are sinister just as Latin said they were.
As for Max Behr, he's the only one who did think straight in a world of people who were thinking like a crooked road. Obviously many still are thinking crooked including all those like you who don't think Max thought straight.
But instead of these occasional gratuitous remarks of yours that Max didn't think straight, perhaps you'd like to explain why you don't think he thought straight.
But we should all realize, Rich, that all lefthanders probably are sinister simply because they're constantly in a foul mood with the realization that basically no golf architecture was designed for them. It was all designed for us right-handers who are good, moral, righteous and clear thinking and who live our lives on the sun-lit uplands of life.