I hear what you say and agree with many of your
comments -- I'm one of those guys who does like hitting a low iron on some holes.
While I am not hear to belittle the motives of Tom D and others I have to think the argument for an "Up Day" is akin to the same belief of those guys who play softball on Saturday / Sunday mornings under "slow pitch" rules. The folks playing, in most instances, are former baseball players, who cannot or prefer not to, handle anything remotely associated with the real game of baseball.
That would include using a harder smaller ball -- where the pitcher can throw at whatever speed they prefer and where the field is usually a bit bigger to force players on it to be more defensively skilled. For many softball leagues the spirit of casual competiton is alive and well and that's just fine.
I am perfectly aware that people who still enjoy the elements of baseball shifted to softball because it gives them the opportunity to still really enjoy what they did when they were younger. However, to call it the same game is a bit of a stretch.
People can choose whatever tees they prefer. If people don't like the idea in HAVING to play from tee markers that are a bit beyond their skill levels so be it. They should play where they want to and go from there. Ditto the reverse.
The problem is that course owners feel they have to market themselves as "championship courses" and other such silly promotional ploys. You also get the macho type golfers who believe they need to see the WHOLE COURSE but in reality don't have anywhere near the game to do such a thing.
I like the general concept of "Up Day" because it would allow many more golfers to play holes and shots within their means to play. However, I have a counter proposal -- for every "Up Day" let's be sure to have a "Back Day" too !