The unmentioned part of my point is that the very challenging 6500-6800 yard journey would of course, for the average mid teen handicap golfer, play to around 6100-6300 yards from the middle or regular tee (as opposed to the forward tee).
Because we use metres and not yards in Australia, we don't have a magical 6000 yard mental barrier. That figure clocks in at the mid 5000s for us in metres, and so the regular tees at most courses are under no pressure to hit 6000m (6540 yards approx).
Indeed, Australia has in fact far more 18 hole courses measuring less than 6000m from the back "plates" that it does over 6000m. Suffice to say, it is rare for a modern upscale facility to ever consider going less than around 6150-6200m (over 6700 yards).