"Sometimes I feel if they could read this website and what some of its contributors say about them they'd all fall out laughing their asses off." TE Paul
No doubt, as I do from time to time.
I also wonder if sometimes when we ascribe certain things of brilliance to them that they don't grasp their chin and think to themselves, "yes, that must have been what I was thinking when I left that old stone wall alone running across the fairway" or "precisely my thoughts when I angled the fairway so that only a cut tee shot hit OB over the sheds had a chance of finding the shorter turf".
As to being hard on the old guys, I don't think I am at all. I buy their books, enjoy their courses, and participate in keeping their legacies alive. What I don't do is deify them while vilifying their modern conterparts. Generally, I like to understand what is being communicated, why the expressed belief is held, and whether there is some consistency in the thinking.
When it comes to Behr, I have a hard time just getting by the first one (what). With MacKenzie, his motivations and consistency do puzzle me from time to time.
BTW, do you think that Fazio has anything on MacKenzie when it comes to self-promotion? Please forward me the picture of Fazio in his Rolls Royce or Hummer limo at Shadow Creek's #17.