Obviously, the answer is that it can't, but ever see one of these greens on which the ball seems to defy the laws of physics and break uphill?
I encountered this most recently on the 13th green at Wintonbury Hills. The green is cut into a hillside, which obviouosly throws off the perspective. The hole was cut back-middle and my ball was front-middle. The putt was no more than 20 feet and appeared to be relatively straight or even slightly left to right. My partner—who is a member—had a longer putt on the same line and played it TWO FEET outside right and still missed it on the left.
No way I would have read that break correctly. Even after seeing his ball roll, I couldn't tell where the break was coming from. Obviously, the left to right cant of the green was usurped be the even greater right to left slope of the hill.
Question: Does an architect/shaper plan for this kind of optical illusion, or is it simply a fortuitous happenstance?