I understand your point, although I'm not completely convinced, since it seems like every hole in golf has some level of unpredictability due to ever-changing conditions. Add that to the unpredictability in my golf swing and I think that's enough (for me) without adding it in on purpose. I think Shivas had four good examples of this, but you've already nit-picked half his list, so that's going to continue going around in circles.
The drop area is on the island on that hole, so its not much of a shot. Two 5's and two 6's if I remember right, and no, it wasn't the two single-digits who made the 5's.
You're very right, there are many reasons people enjoy this wonderful game (and that's partially why it can be discussed here). It obviously would be terribly boring if everybody thought the same way. Interestingly enough, when I try to teach my high school girls golf team one of the first things I stress is that there's nothing wrong with a good miss. However...after four years I'm finding that the more good shots and the fewer misses they have (good and bad), the more times we win
I don't think anybody here is saying that they want everything determined by luck, and I don't think anybody is saying they want no element of unpredictability (I'm not, although it sounds like maybe I'm not saying it very well). Luck and skill are part of the game...however some people prefer more of the game to be determined by skill and others by the unpredicability of the golf course.