I may be wrong but I don't think Tom was after a magic bullet in starting this thread.
More likely that if we have to have rankings what would be the formula/system used (that would get his golf courses higher on the list)
I am of the opinion that Tom Huck's attempt is the most suitable. However I would discount challenge tee - green 4 points. Also aesthetics under this system includes routing which deserves greater weighting.
10 - Challenge tee to green
15 - Strategic interest tee to through the green
10 - Short game interest
15 - Fun to play for all levels of golfers
10 - Variety: internal [length and shape of holes]
10 - Variety: external [course has a unique character or individual holes which surpass those on other courses]
10 - Conditioning: proper maintenance meld [copyright T. Paul]
15 - Esthetics: not just having scenery but using it in the routing of the course
5 - ambience/feel/tradition: a feeling or reverence and awe the course evokes; this can come from historical events that have occurred there, or traditions being upheld, or easy walkability, or many other ways.
I think challenge tee to green is also awarded points in the fun to play for all levels category. For some of us just playing the game is a challenge. To score high points in both these categorys (total 25points) will seperate the good from the great anyway.
In fact 40points for Challenge, fun and Routing/Aesthetics sounds about right.