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W.H. Cosgrove

Re:Sunday's PGA Champ Broadcast on CBS
« Reply #25 on: August 16, 2004, 02:53:39 PM »
One of the most strategic modern courses gets zero inputfrom the announcers.  

Leonard hits two really bone head shots on #18 and they are "surprised".  Where was the overhead shot and the telestrater that show the only play with a one shot lead is to the right and middle of the green.  

Vijay knew that and the winnners check was deposited to his account!  

These guys act as though they don't know anything about how to PLAY the game.  


Travis Ripley

Re:Sunday's PGA Champ Broadcast on CBS
« Reply #26 on: August 16, 2004, 03:27:41 PM »
they really did seem to have a lot of trouble with vijay's fairway woods.  

i can't stand Nantz.  FWIW.  someone should put a hand on each of his shoulders, look him dead in the eyes, and say:  "jim, you are not now or never will you be.....william shakerpeare."  


Re:Sunday's PGA Champ Broadcast on CBS
« Reply #27 on: August 16, 2004, 03:42:46 PM »
"But when Lanny Wadkins says Chris DiMarco is going to try a draw the ball into the #18 green in the playoff, and then Chris D. clearly aims his body left to fade it in there (he pulled it a left bunker), it just looks dumb."

I couldn't tell his alignment but I'd argue against it. He had to make birdie, pin is on the left. Dimarco is a right to left player. Why would he try fading it into that pin?


Re:Sunday's PGA Champ Broadcast on CBS
« Reply #28 on: August 16, 2004, 04:22:23 PM »
Lanny's analysis is a joke.  He rips Els on Saturday for hitting iron off the tee at #18 (playing downwind).  Then on Sunday, he says nothing when Ernie blows his driver through the fairway with wind hurting.  He was adamant on Saturday that Els should have hit wood, then says nothing on Sunday.  It was a right play for Els to hit iron on Sat (he just pulled it).

Dan Herrmann

Re:Sunday's PGA Champ Broadcast on CBS
« Reply #29 on: August 16, 2004, 04:46:51 PM »
my impressions of the broadcast were similar to franks - there were WAY too many commercials - there HAD to be many more than on a 'normal' PGA event - and, even worse, it was the SAME commercials, over and over.   :'( :-[ :P :'(

Paul - you too can find bliss with TiVo :)


Re:Sunday's PGA Champ Broadcast on CBS
« Reply #30 on: August 16, 2004, 05:31:47 PM »
I am right in seeing a direct correlation between number of commercials and Tim Finchem's involvement? The tour gets richer and the TV coverage gets worse and worse. The only interesting thing I saw all weekend was the overhead shot from the blimp showing WS to be the Shadow Creek of the Mid West - Flat cow patures all around not a dune in sight.


Re:Sunday's PGA Champ Broadcast on CBS
« Reply #31 on: August 16, 2004, 05:36:14 PM »
I am right in seeing a direct correlation between number of commercials and Tim Finchem's involvement? The tour gets richer and the TV coverage gets worse and worse.

Tim Finchem is with the PGA Tour, not the PGA of America.


Re:Sunday's PGA Champ Broadcast on CBS
« Reply #32 on: August 16, 2004, 06:07:01 PM »
I am right in seeing a direct correlation between number of commercials and Tim Finchem's involvement? The tour gets richer and the TV coverage gets worse and worse.

Tim Finchem is with the PGA Tour, not the PGA of America.
My mistake. Which is a shame, there must be more guys who prefer to see Levitra and Cadillac over Brian Davis..

John Kirk

Re:Sunday's PGA Champ Broadcast on CBS
« Reply #33 on: August 16, 2004, 08:40:32 PM »
"But when Lanny Wadkins says Chris DiMarco is going to try a draw the ball into the #18 green in the playoff, and then Chris D. clearly aims his body left to fade it in there (he pulled it a left bunker), it just looks dumb."

I couldn't tell his alignment but I'd argue against it. He had to make birdie, pin is on the left. Dimarco is a right to left player. Why would he try fading it into that pin?


Thanks for your comment.  I guess that's why I'm not in the booth either.  I really didn't know whether DiMarco fades or draws the ball.  I was making an educated guess.

Perhaps the astute commentary would have been to point out how far left he was aimed, because he hit right where he was aimed.  Better yet, say nothing at all.

Mike Hendren

Re:Sunday's PGA Champ Broadcast on CBS
« Reply #34 on: August 16, 2004, 10:24:27 PM »
Why didn't CBS just have the Levitra woman in the booth, talking about the "quality of experience" at Whistling Straits for some of the players?  Killl two birds with one stone.


Perhaps she could do a PSA for the USGA:  "If your round of golf lasts over four hours, consult your swing doctor."  Talk about living Levitra loco!


Two Corinthians walk into a bar ....

Rick Shefchik

Re:Sunday's PGA Champ Broadcast on CBS
« Reply #35 on: August 17, 2004, 01:02:17 AM »
Ever since I first saw the woman on that Levitra ad, my reaction has been, "This guy obviously has the worst case of erectile dysfunction in the history of Wester Civilization."

As for DiMarco's shot to 18, I think it was Wadkins (I'm trying to give Lanny some credit here, hard as it may be to do so) who mentioned that he fights a hook -- and you could see it on almost every follow-through, with the left elbow sticking out in the chicken-wing position. That's the pose he struck after his shot to 18, but it was obvious that he didn't finish his backswing and came so far over the top that no amount of holding on in the follow-through was going to save that shot -- even though the wind was blowing very briskly from left to right. If DiMarco's going to break through and become a major championship winner -- and he certainly seems to have enough game to do that -- he's going to have to figure out what Hogan did: how to tame a hook under pressure.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2004, 01:02:43 AM by Rick Shefchik »
"Golf is 20 percent mechanics and technique. The other 80 percent is philosophy, humor, tragedy, romance, melodrama, companionship, camaraderie, cussedness and conversation." - Grantland Rice

Tom Ferrell

Re:Sunday's PGA Champ Broadcast on CBS
« Reply #36 on: August 17, 2004, 09:12:59 AM »
At least none of you guys was broadsided by the local cowtown CBS affiliate here in Denver.  Get this - PGA Championship (inane commentary and all notwithstanding) comes down to final hole.  A crawl runs on the bottom of the screen.  "Stay tuned for Broncos football at 5:00.  We will keep you updated on the outcome of the golf tournament."

I turned to the folks watching with me and noted that if they broke at 5:00, we wouldn't see the end of the hole.  "No one's *that* stupid," they said.  Guess what?  The people in charge of KCNC Channel 4 in Denver are *that* stupid.

Vijay putts.  Leonard hits out of the grass face of the bunker and begins lining up his putt.  Screen goes dark.  Cut to Buffalo, not to the Bronco's *pre* (read: absolutely meaningless) season game but to the PRE-"GAME" SHOW!  Worse, football "commentator" Adam Schlereth acknowledges the frustration of golf fans by telling us, "it's football season.  Deal with it.  Read about it in the newspapers."  We learned that the playoff was commencing by changing to TGC.  Finally, KCNC went to split-screen for the last hole of the playoff.  They replayed the playoff at 10:50 p.m.

At least you guys got to hear Lanny and crew make asses of themselves.  We got to experience an ass of a different color!


John Nixon

Re:Sunday's PGA Champ Broadcast on CBS
« Reply #37 on: August 17, 2004, 10:21:27 AM »
I guess I don't quite get the complaints about the commercials on a commercial television broadcast. It wasn't that many years ago that we could see, what, the last 5 or 6 holes of a MAJOR televised? Now we can see, along with the innumerable aspersions to one's libido, nearly all of the last 2 or 3 group's rounds. Not too bad a bargain IMHO. Ya gotta pay the piper.

Paul Richards

Re:Sunday's PGA Champ Broadcast on CBS
« Reply #38 on: August 17, 2004, 08:49:30 PM »

Excellent idea about the Tivo  ;)

However, don't know how much longer they will be in business.... :-[
"Something has to change, otherwise the never-ending arms race that benefits only a few manufacturers will continue to lead to longer courses, narrower fairways, smaller greens, more rough, more expensive rounds, and other mechanisms that will leave golf's future in doubt." -  TFOG


Re:Sunday's PGA Champ Broadcast on CBS
« Reply #39 on: August 17, 2004, 09:05:00 PM »
Tom Ferrel,

We had the same thing in Dallas for a meaningless, and as it turns out, hopeless performance of the Cowboys.  At least our scroll said you could change over to UPN 21 to get the rest of the golf action.  I had scheduled some chores, so I missed the end anyway, but it was nice to have an option.
Jeff Brauer, ASGCA Director of Outreach


Re:Sunday's PGA Champ Broadcast on CBS
« Reply #40 on: August 17, 2004, 09:11:34 PM »
My issue was the ryder cup coverage, I guess CBS had no desire to pump up NBCs ratings against their football broadcasts that same weekend. Sad.

They should have had a running leader board with current Ryder cup points for those five guys on the bubble.  They not only did not have that graphic they could not give you the answer.
Proud member of a Doak 3.


Re:Sunday's PGA Champ Broadcast on CBS
« Reply #41 on: August 18, 2004, 09:09:45 AM »
"But when Lanny Wadkins says Chris DiMarco is going to try a draw the ball into the #18 green in the playoff, and then Chris D. clearly aims his body left to fade it in there (he pulled it a left bunker), it just looks dumb."

I couldn't tell his alignment but I'd argue against it. He had to make birdie, pin is on the left. Dimarco is a right to left player. Why would he try fading it into that pin?

I've had a few people question whether Dimarco plays a draw. I remember seeing him on the Golf Channels "Lessons from the Pro" series and I'm pretty sure he said he's more comfortable hitting a right to left shot. It also looks like his hold on finish is to prevent a hook.  If someone knows for sure.............................
