Iceplant is prolific. I don't know that much about how to grow it, but I'm learning. The landscape archie for the city has offered us some of his. So Iassume, it can be grown in most other regions if it can grow here. It's a succulent so it don't need much as far as maintenance. Other than controling the spread. There's more than one variety and I'm particular to the smaller leaf (more brocoli-like looking stuff). The long fingered variety is the one that can be find on the peninsula courses and it will turn your white shoes a rare shade of amber and is very difficult to clean off after drying.
Playing shots out of iceplant, are not impossible, as has been reported. Grant it, one needs to consider carefully whether they should try to attempt to thrash-out, or take ones medicine (unplayable). In my experience, unplayables are the exception, not the rule. The shot requires a steep downward angle, like the explosion shot out of sand, and if any distance is also needed, a mighty way-lay, is definitely required.