I agree with you regarding neglect. In most cases -- tees have been neglected because of other priorities or because the superintendent / staff have been inattentive. The next time you play a highly rated course take a good look and see how much neglect is present. You'll be surprised to see there's plenty at many different courses.
If you think it would be "creative" for an architect to deliberately set up holes with slanted tees I urge you to enjoy them when created. I'll be taking a pass.
Conditioning of all types is, in my mind, the final element, that elevates a course above and beyond others. The attention to detail is what allows all the attributes originally designed by the architect to come to the forefront.
Keep in mind attention to detail does not mean spending big time $$ on the scale of Augusta National in order to achieve these things. It's clear people put a fundamental priority on the state of the greens at any facility. Certainly, greens have a huge impact on the ultimate opinion people will form after playing. I say -- just add tees to the list of considerations regarding overall course grooming. Tees are NOT more important, however, they should be elevated as an EQUAL concern to the items you mentioned.
From what you have written I guess this is a concern that matters less to you than I. That's your opinion and I respect it though I disagree.
Tom, I grew up on public courses and many of them had unique design features which were clearly special. I did appreciate them. However, I also know that with some attention to detail these same elements that have held the course back could be changed and the qualities of the design would be enhanced many times over.
Conditioning is an element that I include in any course assessment. Conditioning has a place in differentiating those courses that are not prepared properly. Yes, it would be nice to say "what if" the course did this and "what if" they did this. When I rate for GD I cannot operate on a "what if" basis. I rate on a "what is" reality. And, conditioning, is part of that equation.
Clearly, you feel otherwise. A "great course" designation by my definition cannot be applied if key conditioning elements are lacking. Level tees are part of that. Playing a tee shot with the ball considerably above or below your feet is not appropriate and in my opinion not golf as it is played TODAY.
How Tom Morris and his minions played the game one hundred years ago is not relevant to today's game. Golf has clearly evolved and the role of tees has been a part of that evolution.
A level tee takes away the very thing you mention: which is to artificially provide for a player an easier way to play a certain shot (i.e. a draw with the ball above your feet, a fade with the ball below your feet, etc).
Ask yourself this when you go to the driving range have you ever played off a mat that was deliberately slanted? Most, if not all, are completely level. I guess if you want to practice this shot at the range you should bring a cereal box and place it in whatever position you can to duplicate the slant you want!
The game of golf as we play it TODAY involves level teeing area for all hitting positions. In my review of courses I do place some value on this -- you may place a lesser amount or none at all. That's what makes the world interesting -- an honest difference of opinion.