For those interested in educating themselves about trees and their relationship to the golf course, this is a partial list of references.
Golf Course Tree Management by Sharon Lily, Arbor Press. This is an easy read and a great introductory education. This is a must for your library.
Grasses, an Identification Guide by Lauren Brown, Houghton Miflin. Good reference for identification of native grasses existing on your course.
National Audobon Society Field Guide to North American Trees, Knopf. Impress your friends by identifying trees on the course. It will also help you in determining the proper environment for transplants and new plantings.
Landscape Restoration Handbook by Donald Harker, Gary Libby, Kay Harker, Sherri Evans, Marc Evans:Lewis Press. This is for the serious only-not a laymans reference. Very technical. Reviews different forest/grassland ecological restoration.