Golf Club Atlas => Golf Course Architecture Discussion Group => Topic started by: Mike Bodo on November 10, 2022, 01:04:39 PM
While I'm aware of work Kris Spence did at Blowing Rock CC in 2017 to try and bring much of the Seth Raynor feel the course lost over the years back, when I watch the flyover videos produced for each hole on their website I don't see enough classic Raynor elements that make me want to go play it as a Raynor fan. While I like the work Keith's done restoring many Donald Ross courses over the years, the work performed at Blowing Rock falls short of the mark, IMO. The course still looks like a hodge-podge of what Raynor did or may have done and whatever came after him.
The course sits on a fantastic piece of land in the High Country. One thing the Blowing Rock area and country club doesn't lack is money. My dad lives in Banner Elk, NC so I'm keenly aware of the tourism dollars that flow through that city. Unfortunately, design plans of Raynor's original work there do not exist. However, someone with keen knowledge and experience restoring Raynor courses elswehere could devise a masterplan that made each hole appear as though it were a Raynor original and, in doing so, increase the course's profile and prominence in the state.
I bring this up for purely selfish reasons given the frequency which I'm there, but after the Pinehurst/Southern Pines/Aberdeen area the 3B's (Boone - Banner Elk - Blowing Rock) in NC is the second most popular golf tourism spot in the state and rates, in some peoples minds, as the best from a variety standpoint. A more Raynor-esque Blowing Rock CC would only serve to further elevate its status and popularity among the golfing public.
You are referring to Kris Spence of Spence Golf, Inc - not Keith correct ?
You are referring to Kris Spence of Spence Golf, Inc - not Keith correct ?
Yes. Thanks for catching that and note I fixed the error. I had Keith Foster on the brain at the same time I was writing this and merged the two together. LOL!
We have performed work on holes 2, 9 thru 14 to date. Holes 5, 6, 17, 18 were redesigned by Tom Jackson, his work still exist on those. TJ also added new holes 10-13 when several original Raynor holes were abandoned to avoid golfers having to cross busy 321 highway, I remodeled those in a Raynor style about 5 years ago.
We are currently updating the master plan in preparation of completing the remaining holes in the Raynor style, schedule TBD. I think we’re in agreement the current course needs a more cohesive set of Raynor holes.
All the best,
Keith 😂
The course sits on a fantastic piece of land in the High Country. One thing the Blowing Rock area and country club doesn't lack is money. My dad lives in Banner Elk, NC so I'm keenly aware of the tourism dollars that flow through that city.
Is Blowing Rock open to the public? If not, what do tourism dollars have to do with what they're doing?
Just curious. Years ago a member tried the full-court press to enlist me to consult there, but I was starting to limit my consulting commitments and had to say no, thanks. I haven't been to the three B's since my family drove through there when I was a kid.
The course sits on a fantastic piece of land in the High Country. One thing the Blowing Rock area and country club doesn't lack is money. My dad lives in Banner Elk, NC so I'm keenly aware of the tourism dollars that flow through that city.
Is Blowing Rock open to the public? If not, what do tourism dollars have to do with what they're doing?
Just curious. Years ago a member tried the full-court press to enlist me to consult there, but I was starting to limit my consulting commitments and had to say no, thanks. I haven't been to the three B's since my family drove through there when I was a kid.
TD, you're surely aware of club reciprocity? How do you think so many private club members get access to courses they don't belong to were it not for that? I've played Hounds Ears in that area in addition to Grandfather G and CC - both private courses. There are other ways people can get on private golf courses without doing it on a reciprocal basis or even playing as an invited guest of a member. Happens all the time.
That said, both Linnville GC and Boone GC are open to the public and both are solid courses. Lastly, just because the majority of courses in the area are private doesn't mean it isn't a golf mecca - especially when you consider 80% of members at the private clubs in the 3B's aren't full-time residents and are seasonal members. A lot of them are Floridians that come up for the summer. 80% may be a low-ball figure. Those people have deep pockets and put a lot of $$$ into the local economies. It's a completely differnt clientele from the Pinehurst/Southern Pines and Aberdeen crowd. Kris Spence, I'm sure, can attest to this. While the Pinehurst - Southern Pines area has money and affluence. Boone, Banner Elk and Blowing Rock has BIG MONEY and they're not shy about letting you know it.
We have performed work on holes 2, 9 thru 14 to date. Holes 5, 6, 17, 18 were redesigned by Tom Jackson, his work still exist on those. TJ also added new holes 10-13 when several original Raynor holes were abandoned to avoid golfers having to cross busy 321 highway, I remodeled those in a Raynor style about 5 years ago.
We are currently updating the master plan in preparation of completing the remaining holes in the Raynor style, schedule TBD. I think we’re in agreement the current course needs a more cohesive set of Raynor holes.
All the best,
Keith 😂
Kris, thanks for responding. I greatly appreciate it and know you're doing the best you can to get things right there. Thanks also for clarifying the holes you've been able to redo to date, as I thought most everything had been redone by you in 2017.
That said, what throws me off on some of the holes you've done is the absence of classic Raynor green surround bunkers and renowned template greens. I'm hoping phase 2 incorporates more of these elements and I would hope the membership wants this as well seeing it's the only course Raynor built in the state and he had a lot of Ross courses to compete with at the time. Thus, his only foray in NC had to be something extra special for it to stand out.
This aside, I love 9 green. Wow! What a cool complex that is. There's no margin for error on the approach and the interior contouring looks great. The boomerang shaped green on 11 is pretty crazy and I like how it slopes from front to back with the mound on the front left spitting balls out in every direction. 12 green is the most Raynoresque of the bunch with what appears to be a Redan. It also has the famous elongated rectangular roll-faced bunkers flanking the left side. Great job there! 13 may be my favorite green of the bunch. Square with great interior contouring, a false front and no bunkers. Miss the green left or right and you're essentially screwed. Great looking hole!
There aren't a lot of fairway bunkers and the few that exist don't scream Raynor, but then the course doesn't really need it. It's tight enough as is with a lot of elevation changes and undulations in the fairways. If your tee ball drifts too far left or right you're either in the trees, a creek or worse.
All told, the seven holes you've done to date are a vast improvement to the others there. Were the rest of the holes done in similar fashion the membership will have an excellent and cohesive course. Hopefully, you're able to complete the remaining work the next 2 - 3 years, as I want to play the course in its finished form while I can still swing the club relatively well. LOL!
All the best to you and your team. I look forward to seeing the finished product.
Boone, Banner Elk and Blowing Rock has BIG MONEY and they're not shy about letting you know it.
They sound lovely. :-X
Boone, Banner Elk and Blowing Rock has BIG MONEY and they're not shy about letting you know it.
They sound lovely. :-X
Think of the Birmingham, MI crowd times two on the wealth scale. LOL!
Mike no doubt the courses are very good and the improvements will be welcomed by those with access. When I read your comments I had the same reaction as Tom. I even went to the Blowing Rock CC and saw they have a link to book tee times (unfortunately it redirected to member login). I think it's because your perspective on "the golfing public" appears to be very different than my perspective on the golfing public.
Mike no doubt the courses are very good and the improvements will be welcome by those with access. When I read your comments I had the same reaction as Tom. I even went to the Blowing Rock CC and saw they have a link for book tee times (unfortunately it redirected to member login). I think it's because your perspective on "the golfing public" appears to be very different than my perspective on the golfing public.
Joe, I lump multiple classes of golfers when using the term "golfing public", but that primarily refers to those that are well traveled and have the appreciation and means to get on the finer courses in the country - public, private or semi-private. I don't use it with the daily fee, Weds. night beer league golfer in mind (no offense to anyone here that falls into that category, as it takes all levels of golfers to keep the industry going and staying healthy), but moreso private club and destination retail golfers. I don't know how else to put it without coming across snobbish, which I kinda did anyway in explaining myself. LOL!