Golf Club Atlas => Golf Course Architecture Discussion Group => Topic started by: Sven Nilsen on January 24, 2018, 11:25:23 PM

Title: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on January 24, 2018, 11:25:23 PM
The current thread on the 100 best Ross courses had me revisiting the Donald Ross Society list (found here - (  I'm not sure if the latest revision is from 2011 as it says on page 1 or from 2014 as is noted in the url, but in any case the list is due for an update, as well as a bit of critical analysis.  There have been a number of recent storylines in the Ross world that have come to light, many of them highlighted in Chris Buie's excellent book on the master.

I'm going to attack this chronologically, along the way highlighting Ross' involvement with each project, as well as trying to pin down who he worked with on each.  Hopefully, looking at the magnitude of his work in one place will help all of us to understand a bit more about his practices, and that perhaps we've hung on a bit too long to the fallacy that he was not an on the ground architect. 

For each course, I plan to start with the information provided by the DRS (noted in blue) and provide any source information that might illuminate, advance or correct their rather cryptic annotations.  If anyone has any additional information or insights to add at any point along the way, please do so.  I'd only ask that you endeavor to fit the posts into the appropriate spots in the chronological order.

First Up -


Oakley CC (Watertown, MA) - 18 holes, New in 1899/1910, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

Oakley was the impetus for Ross coming to America and the story has been told elsewhere in great detail.  When Ross arrived at Oakley in April of 1899 he took over the reigns of an existing 18 hole course that had been laid out in 1898 by Willie Campbell.  Ross set to work immediately on reworking the course, an endeavor that would continue even after his 1910 departure from the club.

1900 Harper's Guide -


March 3, 1900 Boston Globe -


Oct. 1900 Golf Magazine -


1900 Plan of Ross Course (a clearer version can be found on the Given Memorial Library site here - (


1901 Harper's Guide -


1902 Official Golf Guide -


1905 Spalding Official Golf Guide -


June 23, 1907 Boston Globe -


March 11, 1908 Boston Globe -



March 30, 1910 Boston Globe -



Aug. 18, 1911 Boston Globe -


Undated Early Photo -


Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on January 24, 2018, 11:48:42 PM

Pinehurst Country Club #1 (Pinehurst, NC) - 18 holes, New in 1900-1948, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 72 Holes.

Like Oakley, Ross inherited an existing 18 hole course that he would go on to rework over a number of years.  Not going to go into too many details here but did want to include some early photos.

May 1901 Golf Magazine -


Dec. 1905 Golf Magazine -


Dec. 1916 Golf Illustrated -


Undated -


Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Tom_Doak on January 25, 2018, 08:12:39 AM
Reading the fine print, I loved the detail that Oakley was 5902 yards ... and a bogey of 81 !
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on January 25, 2018, 05:48:48 PM

Pinehurst Country Club #2 (Pinehurst, NC) - 18 holes, New in 1903 - 1948, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 72 Holes.

Irregardless of what #2 turned into, it holds a special place in the Ross continuum as his first "blank slate" design effort.  Like the contemporaneous efforts of Ross' acquaintances at Oakmont, Pinehurst #2 would become a life-long labor of love.  Golf was just at the tail end of its early boom in the United States, yet the practice of the golf course architect had not yet been formalized.  The general model of design was for the local expert to lay out a course that would be improved by the members or resident pro over a number of years.  A few of those experts, like Bendelow, Willie Dunn and Findlay, had a broader reach, but for the most part much of the post-layout molding of a course was done in house.  It would take a few years before it became de rigeur for a new club to hire a "name architect," but by this time the roots of the ideals that would fuel the Golden Age of design were being laid, including early work and musings by Travis, MacDonald, Emmet and others.

The #2 course would follow its own gradual evolution, with an expansion to 18 holes following in due course, alterations to the layout taking place and years down the line a conversion to grass greens.  Like Oakmont, #2 did not become the course we think of today until years later, and as the photos above and in this post indicate, it was a bit more rough around the edges than most would think.  But the popularity of the Pinehurst resort and its courses would put Ross on the map as an architect.

It is also of interest to note the involvement of Walter Travis in the development of the #2 course.  The two men had a great deal of professional respect for each other, both as players and as designers.  Their relationship of collaboration and inspiration would continue throughout their careers.

May 1903 The Golfer -


1904 Photo -


Jan. 1916 Golf Magazine -


Undated Photo -


Jan. 30, 1914 New York Sun -


Oct. 27, 1935 The Tennessean -


Jan. 1937 Golfdom -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on January 25, 2018, 05:54:38 PM
Here's what Ross looked like in 1905, at around the height of his playing career.  It is of interest to note that he gave up any aspirations of being a professional golfer to focus full time as an architect, one of the great what-ifs in the history of GCA, both for what might have been gained and what certainly would have been lost.

1905 Spalding Official Golf Guide -


June 18, 1905 Boston Globe -


A few shots of his swing from 1901.

Aug. 4, 1901 Boston Globe -


Aug. 11, 1901 Boston Globe -


Aug. 18, 1901 Boston Globe -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Derek_Duncan on January 26, 2018, 08:54:57 AM
One of the all-time great mustaches. A dapper fellow as well.
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Brad Tufts on January 26, 2018, 09:45:16 AM
I find it amazing and cool that 14 of the 1900 Oakley holes are still going today.

1 (same today), 3 (#2 today), 4 (#3 today), 5 (#4 today), 6 (#5 today), 8 (#10 today), 9 (#11 today), 10 (#12 today), 11 (#13 today), 12 (#14 today), 14 (#15 today, though 40y shorter now), 15 (#16 today, 50y longer now), 16 (#17 today, now 80y shorter), and 18 (same today, but now 80y shorter) are all in play today at Oakley.  Today's course has been stretched to about 6100 yards par 70.

Looks like the original #2 became the current 175y-long driving range, and the property containing the original 16th green, original 17th hole, and original 18th tee was sold at some point, as there are houses right behind the 16th green (380y hole) and 18th tee (395y hole) today.  The original 13th is now the parking lot, although today's wild practice green may have been the original 13th green.  The original 7th is the last hole doesn't exist today, but the current 9th green is likely the original 7th green, now played from 90 degrees to the left.  Today's 6/7/8/most of 9 play on land acquired sometime after 1900.

In our Met League in the Boston area, a lot of guys grouse about playing Oakley, as it doesn't enjoy the seemingly vast property size of Winchester/Salem/Charles River, and the quirkiness gives the home team quite an advantage.  I've always enjoyed it for the history, and the off-chance of shooting in the 60s if you remember the quirks.
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: PCCraig on January 26, 2018, 10:09:50 AM

I may not be of huge assistance on this thread, but I want to let you know that I will be following intently. Should be a fascinating exercise.
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: MCirba on January 26, 2018, 10:48:42 AM

I may not be of huge assistance on this thread, but I want to let you know that I will be following intently. Should be a fascinating exercise.

Ditto on your very ambitious undertaking here, Sven.

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on January 28, 2018, 03:52:17 PM
We'll revisit Pinehurst a bit later when we address the other courses Ross built on site, but I wanted to include this Aug. 1927 Golfdom article on the sand used on the greens that was forwarded by Jim Kennedy.


Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on January 28, 2018, 04:04:17 PM
The DRS List notes Woodland GC in Auburndale, MA as a 1928 remodel.  They fail to mention Ross' involvement with the extension of the course from 9 to 18 holes in 1903.

DRS 2018 Update - 9 Holes New in 1903 added to the listing.

June 1904 Golf Magazine -








Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: MCirba on January 28, 2018, 10:32:41 PM
Hard to understand how they missed Woodland.   It was one of the most well documented of the early good courses.
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on January 28, 2018, 11:22:57 PM

It seems like the DRS List only mentions projects where Ross had significant involvement (although I think they oversell that involvement in a few cases).  There are quite a few "consultations" or "advisory" situations that they do not mention.  I guess it is hard to quantify the influence Ross had on those courses, but I feel they at least deserve mention when you're presenting the body of the architect's work.

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on January 29, 2018, 11:37:42 AM

Merrimack (Valley) GC (Methuen, MA) - 18 holes, New in 1906, Still in Existence

Not noted in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

Merrimack Valley is a bit of a mystery, as is the note "See Dunn" included in the DRS listing. 

The club got its start in 1898 when the original 9 hole course was laid out by Alex Findlay.  I can find no mention of the course being extended to 18 holes until the 1927 Annual Guide, except for the Jan. 1911 Golf Magazine article copied below which mentions that a new course has been laid out by A. G. Lockwood.  It would appear that this course was never built.

So what did Ross do, and if he did anything, when?

1900 Harper's Guide -


Feb. 1901 Golf Magazine -


Jan. 1911 Golf Magazine -


March 1914 American Golfer -


Update:  The article below indicates that the club did not go forward with Lockwood's plans, and instead hired Ross to lay out an 18 hole course in 1911.  However, the March 1914 article above suggests that any expansion of the course did not immediately take place.

Oct. 26, 1911 Boston Globe -


Southern Pines County Club - Elks (Southern Pines, NC) - 18 holes, New in 1906-1912, 9 holes, Remodel in 1928, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Listing changed to reflect the #1 course as 18 Holes New in 1906-1913 and the #2 course as 18 Holes New in 1924-28

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 36 Holes.

It would be impossible to improve on Chris Buie's history of Southern Pines (found here - (  For this exercise it makes sense to point out that Ross really wasn't involved with the course until 1914, and although his revisions essentially formulated the course we know of today, it is disingenuous to describe his involvement as a "New Course" with the dates ascribed above.

Jan. 1907 Golf Magazine -


Jan. 1913 Golf Magazine -





1939 Plan -



Pinehurst Country Club #3 (Pinehurst, NC) - 18 holes, New in 1906-1948, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 72 Holes.

Pinehurst #3, on the other hand, is an open and shut case.  Another labor of love course that Ross would work on throughout his career.
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on January 29, 2018, 12:14:30 PM

Belmont Country Club (f/k/a Belmont Springs CC) (Belmont, MA) -  18 Holes, New in 1918, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Listing updated to show 18 Holes New c. 1910 and 18 Holes Remodel in 1920

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

The 1918 date given in the listing is only off by about a decade.  Ross did come back in 1918, but the work he did then did not amount to a new course.

June 30, 1908 Brooklyn Daily Eagle -


Aug. 2, 1908 Boston Globe -


The March 1909 American Golfer notes suggestions on the layout of the course were made by D. Ross, A. Ross,  A. Findlay and members of the committee while the May 1910 edition of Golf Magazine notes the course was laid out by Donald Ross. 

June 1918 American Golfer -


Oct. 1916 Golf Illustrated -



Feb. 8, 1920 The Sun -


1918 Ross Layouts -


Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on January 30, 2018, 01:07:30 PM

Jekyll Island Golf Club (Jekyll Island, GA) - 18 Holes, New in 1909, NLE in 1960

Not noted in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

While Jekyll Island is more known in these parts for its Travis course, Ross did do work here in 1909 on a new course.  While I can find no contemporaneous accounts of Ross' involvement, there are reports of the opening of the course.

Feb. 14, 1910 New York Tribune -


Ed Homsey provided a very concise history of the activities, which I've copied below from another thread:

"There has been some mention Jekyll Island, and an aerial posted that purports to show the location of the Travis and Ross courses.  Because one of our members resides year-round at Jekyll, and has spent many hours researching the history of Jekyll Island golf, the Travis Society's Jekyll Island file is significantly larger than any other Travis course.  Here's what I have gleaned from our materials:  In 1909-1910, Ross created an 18 hole design approximately in the area of the current Oleander Course.  Though records are not conclusive, it is believed that 9 holes of the Ross plan were built and that the Jekyll Island golf pro, Karl Keffer designed some seaside holes that joined part of the Ross course.  Though Travis had been to Jekyll earlier, it wasn't until 1926 (not 1898 as stated in a previous post) that Walter Travis was commissioned to design the 18 hole Great Dunes course.  There are early aerials and photos that show the entire Travis Great Dunes course, with the oceanside 9 holes as well as the current Great Dunes 9-hole course.  Records indicate that the oceanside 9 was not re-opened after the Jekyll Island Club was closed in 1942.  From all appearances, it would have been one of the great oceanside 9 holes around."

The Given Memorial Library has a map of the course (copied below) that was prepared from the notes of Ross which outlines an 18 and a 9 hole course.  With only 9 holes being built, the DRS listing is a bit misleading when it notes there were 18 new holes.



Essex County Club (Manchester-By-The-Sea, MA) - 18 Holes, New in 1909, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - 18 Holes Remodel in 1910-1917

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

Essex County dates back to 1893 as one of the earliest golf courses in the country.  Ross became the pro here around 1910, moving over from Oakley and for a while lived on the course.  Like Oakley, the story goes that he reworked the course over a number of years.  Although I can find little documentation of his work during his tenure, today Essex County is considered to be all Ross.

Nov. 1908 American Golfer -


Aug. 19, 1910 Boston Globe -


The Nov. 10, 1910 Boston Post noted that Ross was to reconstruct the links. 

Dec. 13, 1910 Boston Globe -


July 16, 1911 Boston Globe -


Aug. 18, 1911 Boston Globe -


Essex County represents a number of courses on the DRS List where he is given credit for creating a new course when the work essentially entailed reworking an existing layout.  Without a more in depth critical analysis of exactly what was done, it is hard for me to dismiss the work of those that came before him.  The Ross name carries a lot of weight in the golf world today, but without explicit evidence that what he left on the ground was so far removed from what was there originally to bear no resemblance, I have a hard time describing this type of work as "New."

Lu Lu Country Club (o/k/a Lu Lu Temple CC) (North Hills, PA) - 9 Holes, New in 1909, 9 Holes, New in 1918, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

Credit for dissecting the complex history of Lu Lu belongs to Joe Bausch and the plethora of other Philadelphia area golf history enthusiasts.  Ross is largely responsible for the course, but he did not work there in 1909.   The first 9 holes of the course opened in 1912, designed by J. Franklin Meehan and W. Webb.  Ross was hired in 1918 to design a new course on existing and newly acquired land, as reported in the Jan. 1919 edition of American Golfer.  However, to add a bit of mystery to the story, a subsequent article noted that 9 new holes were created by Francis James.

Dec. 3, 1919 Philadelphia Inquirer -


Edit:  Adding in this Aug. 16, 1918 Evening Public Ledger article discussing the origins of the club and the plans to have Ross extend the course to 18 holes.


Addition to the List:

Columbia Country Club (Chevy Chase, MD)

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

The initial design of Columbia CC has always been credited to H. H. Barker, but there is evidence that Ross played a role in the first layout.  The combination of Barker and Ross makes sense, if you consider they were both guys Travis would recommend for a project.

Oct. 26, 1909 Washington Times -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: MCirba on January 30, 2018, 01:36:23 PM

I'm really enjoying this thread, thanks.

In the case of Lulu, we are very confident that Frank James constructed the course to Ross' plans.

We also know that Ross retained the routing of 7 of the 9 Meehan/Webb holes in his 18 hole plan.
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on January 31, 2018, 10:52:19 AM

Dedham Country and Polo Club (Dedham, MA) - 9 Holes, New in 1910?, NLE?

2018 DRS Update - Date changed to 1915

Not noted in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

The DRS might want to update this to 1915.

Feb. 1, 1914 Boston Globe -


May 28, 1915 Boston Daily Globe -


May 30, 1915 Boston Daily Globe -


A 1923 "Confidential" letter from Ross to Leonard Tufts describing why he turned down doing any subsequent work at Dedham.


Wellesley Country Club (Wellesley, MA) - 9 Holes, New in 1910, Still in Existence

Not noted in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

I have no contemporaneous reports of Ross at Wellesley, and would love to see some.  The timing and location make sense, but it would be nice to see something concrete to lock this one down.

Chevy Chase Club (Chevy Chase, MD) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1910, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

I'm not sure if describing this as an 18 hole remodel is entirely accurate, as it would seem that Ross added a number of new holes.  The date here should probably be 1909, although Ross did return in 1910 to add bunkers. 

May 10, 1909 Evening Star -


Sept. 12, 1909 Evening Star -


May 1910 Golf Magazine -


Hillandale Country Club (o/k/a Durham CC) (Durham, NC) - 9 Holes, New in 1910, NLE in 1961

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

I can find no information on Ross working here in 1910, and that date is probably off as a Jan. 1912 American Golfer article notes the planned opening of the first 9 holes of the course.  The 1928 article below notes plans for a new course by Ross (although the Annual Guides from 1916 - 1921 noted an 18 hole course under construction).  Hillandale, like quite a few other early Ross courses with little to no source materials, does not have an entry on the Given Memorial Library website.

Feb. 2, 1928 The Daily Tarheel -


Overhills Golf Club (Overhills, NC) - 9 Holes, New in 1910, 9 Holes, New in 1918, NLE

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

Other than some possible discrepancies over the date (the course having most likely been laid out after 1910, an important date in the Ross timeline which we'll discuss later), this listing is fairly accurate.  Overhills was covered in detail by Chris Buie in an earlier thread, one that should stand out as a benchmark for historical analysis -,46197.0.html (,46197.0.html)

Feb. 1917 Golf Illustrated -





Course Plan (the notes indicate that this was prepared after 1910) -


Bethlehem Country Club (Bethlehem, NH) - 13 or 14 Holes, New in 1910, 4 or 5 Holes, Remodel in 1910, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

Date should be 1909.  In addition to the articles below, please see the May 1910 Golf Magazine article posted above under Chevy Chase and the June 17, 1916 The Evening Post article in post #47 below.

July 4, 1909 New York Tribune -


June 1910 Golf Magazine -


June 25, 1911 Washington Herald -


Cherokee Country Club (Knoxville, TN) - 18 Holes, New in 1910, 18 Holes, New in 1925, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Now just an 18 Hole Remodel in 1919-22

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

Another mystery, especially with regards to the 1910 date.  The April 1908 edition of Golf Magazine noted that a 9 hole course had been laid out by Bernard Nicholls, with plans to add 9 more holes later.  There are reports of those plans in 1910, and later in 1914 the Spalding Official Golf Guide noted they had been carried out.  What adds a wrinkle to any Ross involvement at that time is the H. H. Barker activity covered in the article below.  As for any subsequent work on an entirely new 18 hole course in 1925, I have yet to find any confirmation.  Like Hillandale above, the Given Memorial Library has no information on any activity at Cherokee.

June 29, 1916 Daily Arkansas Gazette -


Update:  Ross showed up in 1919 to remodel the existing course.

Dec. 22, 1919 Journal and Tribune -



Essex Fells CC (Essex Fells, NJ)

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

Essex Fells is one of those cases where Ross' involvement has been reported so much that it seems like it must be fact.  But again, I can find no reports of him doing work at any time.  I wanted to include this in the listing as a possibility, one that merits more research.  The 1910 date is included as that is the date several sources give for when he added 9 holes to the existing course.  Seeing as the extension to 18 was covered in the papers in 1916, that time frame would be a more likely candidate.
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Tim Martin on January 31, 2018, 01:25:42 PM
Sven-I know Raynor gets the credit now for Essex Fells and remember reading that some felt Banks might have actually been the lead. Was it originally a Ross?
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on January 31, 2018, 11:50:58 PM
By the end of 1910, Ross had gained a toe hold in the realm of American golf course architecture.  Unlike Bendelow, Findlay and the other big names, Ross was not linked with a larger concern like Spalding.  Rather, his work seemed to be derived by referral. 

In the May 1910 Golf Magazine article copied above we learned of his plans to travel to England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales to study those countries' courses and their construction.  The timing of this trip, right at the start of his career and shortly after the publicized pilgrimages of other big names in the industry, makes a lot of sense.  Ross intended to pursue a career in the business, and he had the wherewithal to know that he needed to expand his base of knowledge.  A rather astute observation for someone who probably could have lauded his roots in Dornoch and St. Andrews as education enough. 

It would make sense that Ross' benefactors encouraged not only the trip, but also his longterm plans.  Taking three months off of work from the busy Boston golf season only made sense if it was a precursor to larger moves to come.  It isn't spelled out explicitly, but you have to imagine that Ross already envisioned what his design business would become.  Part of the vision entailed a faith that there would be plenty of work.  It is no stretch to link the imminent opening of MacDonald's National Golf Links into this train of thought.  Those in tune knew that a new era of golf course construction was about to begin in America.  And they were right.

Upon his return, Ross made sure the whole country knew what he had learned.

Nov. 10, 1910 Brooklyn Daily Eagle -


Dec. 17, 1910 Pinehurst Outlook -





June 25, 1910 Christian Science Monitor -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on February 01, 2018, 09:33:32 AM

Country Club of Havana (Havana, Cuba) - 18 Holes, New in 1911, NLE

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

April 22, 1911 Pinehurst Outlook -


Dec. 19, 1912 Brooklyn Times Union -


Dec. 26, 1912 Chattanooga Daily Times -


Rhode Island Country Club (West Barrington, RI) - 18 Holes, New in 1911, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

A Feb. 16, 1913 Wilmington Morning Star article which will be included later notes Ross discussing his work here.  The club acquired its land in 1912, so it is likely that Ross' work started around the same time.

May 1913 American Golfer -


Agawam Hunt (Rumford, RI) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1911, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes Remodelled.

In 1911, Agawam Hunt was playing golf on its original 9 hole Willie Park design laid out in 1895.  The club would move to a new site in 1917 when it took over the lease of Metacomet's 9 hole course.  It was at that time that Ross was brought in to revamp the course and expand it to 18 holes.  The following November 1920 Providence Magazine article was forwarded to me by Chris Buie, and lays out the entire story.

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Bret Lawrence on February 01, 2018, 10:17:36 AM

I am enjoying this thread, great work.

Regarding Dedham NLE?. I believe there are still 4 holes left from the original Ross routing.  The 1st, 4th, 5th and 16th holes in the current course appear to follow the Ross routing. 

Ross' original 1st and 9th holes were removed when the club moved their club house.  Ross' original 2nd, 3rd and 4th holes are today's 4th, 5th and 16th holes, respectively (still in existence).  His original 5th and 6th holes were combined and slightly rerouted to make a new hole. The original 7th hole is today's 1st hole (still exists) and the original 8th green was removed and rebuilt by Cornish in a different location. The body of the 8th hole still exists, but the approach is from a different angle and to this newer green.  The original 8th is today's 2nd hole.

Here is a photo of today's 4th hole:

The club hired Brian Silva to do a significant renovation this past Fall.  Brian's plans were to gear the holes more towards a Raynor look than a Ross look, so I don't know how much Ross will be left after the renovation.

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Bill Crane on February 01, 2018, 01:29:05 PM
Sven-I know Raynor gets the credit now for Essex Fells and remember reading that some felt Banks might have actually been the lead. Was it originally a Ross?

Perhaps you are thinking of Essex County ( and Francis Byrne public course next door, formerly an asset of Essex Co.).   Essex Co, NJ  is a fine under-rated Raynor.

It is only 3.2 miles from Essex Fells, and there are other courses nearby, too, including Crestmont, and Montclair CC.  Probably twenty other courses within 12 miles in Essex, Union and Morris Counties.

Being a Crane from NJ I should know this stuff !

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Bill Crane on February 01, 2018, 01:34:04 PM
Guess I stand corrected, there is a mention on Raynor on Essex FELLS CC website.

Not previously aware of that.
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Tim Martin on February 01, 2018, 09:11:01 PM
Sven-I know Raynor gets the credit now for Essex Fells and remember reading that some felt Banks might have actually been the lead. Was it originally a Ross?

Perhaps you are thinking of Essex County ( and Francis Byrne public course next door, formerly an asset of Essex Co.).   Essex Co, NJ  is a fine under-rated Raynor.

It is only 3.2 miles from Essex Fells, and there are other courses nearby, too, including Crestmont, and Montclair CC.  Probably twenty other courses within 12 miles in Essex, Union and Morris Counties.

Being a Crane from NJ I should know this stuff !

I wasn't thinking of Essex County and Francis Bryne is a Banks course and not a Raynor. What do Crestmont and Montclair have to do with Essex Fells or other courses in neighboring counties? Oh and thanks for the geography lesson. ;)
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on February 01, 2018, 11:26:29 PM
The May 1911 edition of American Golfer noted Ross' ongoing work at Essex County, as well as his recent trip to the UK and an increased focus on design work.


A Nov. 1911 American Golfer advertisement noting the dual professional role Ross maintained.  A little while back I read an article discussing the small fortunes a few pros were making that noted one professional had amassed over a million dollars from his teaching, club sales and course designs.  I don't believe the pro was named, but it would be hard to believe they were referring to anyone but Ross.  If I can find it, I'll post it here.

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on February 03, 2018, 11:07:54 AM

Brae Burn Country Club (West Newton, MA) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1912, 2 Holes, Remodel in 1927, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - 1927 2 Hole Remodel date changed to 1928

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 27 Holes.

I don't have anything that definitively links Ross to Brae Burn in 1912, but the timing matches up.

May 1913 American Golfer -


As for the later work, the 1926 article below details changes suggested by Ross in anticipation of the upcoming US Amateur.  Looking at the 1928 Plan of the Course, you can infer that some of the changes were made.

Nov. 20, 1926 Boston Globe -



Plan of the Course, Aug. 26, 1928 Brooklyn Daily Eagle -


Update:  Adding in this April 14, 1928 Boston Globe article which notes changes were made pursuant to the plans of Ross to 8 holes.



White Bear Yacht Club (White Bear Lake, MN) - 9 Holes, New in 1912, 9 Holes, New in 1915, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - 9 Holes New in 1912 and in 1917, 9 Holes Remodel in 1912 and 1914

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

I'm going to leave the discussion on this one alone for now.  There has been plenty of supposition as to whether White Bear is a Ross, a William Watson, a Vardon or some combination thereof.  Whatever the case, there's enough information out there to suggest the listing isn't entirely accurate.

Edit:  Adding in the best description of what happened at White Bear I've found to date.  The article is from 1925, and was written by a Teugega member who was on a rail tour of western states and golf courses that was put on by Golfers Magazine.  Although certainly non-contemporaneous, the description of original plans being done by Watson with Ross and Vardon offering advice seems to fit all of the evidence we've gathered to date.

Aug. 1925 Rome Sentinel -


Second Edit:  See the Sept. 1, 1916 Minnesota Tribune article on Minikahda in the 1917 listing noting Ross was to visit the course with a view for rearranging the layout.

An undated Map of the Golf Links -


Fairview Country Club (Elmsford, NY) - 18 Holes, New in 1912, NLE in 1968

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

I'm not so sure on the timing for this one.  Around 1908 the club moved from Tuckahoe to Elmsford, with George Low being given credit for laying out an 18 hole course.

May 1908 Golfers' Magazine -


Ross does show up around 1918 to remodel the course.

March 23, 1919 New York Tribune -


North Fork Country Club (Cuthogue, NY) - 9 Holes, New in 1912, 9 Holes, New in 1922?, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

In addition to the 1912 article below, there is a 1937 article discussing Ross doing the first 9 with Emmet coming in later to add 9 additional holes.

July 1, 1912 Brooklyn Times Union -


Aug. 5, 1937 The Watchman -


Pinehurst Country Club #4 (Pinehurst, NC) - 18 Holes, New in 1912-1937, NLE in 1938

2018 DRS Update - Date changed to 1910-1937

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 72 Holes.

Another addition to the Pinehurst collection. Clearing work for the 4th course started in 1910, with the first 6 holes opening in 1912.  The full 18 would open some time before 1919.

Dec. 9, 1911 Pinehurst Outlook -


Dec. 1912 Golf Magazine -




Memphis Country Club (Memphis, TN) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1912, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Date changed to 1910-12

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

The only reports of work on the course from 1912 involve the addition of 60 bunkers with no architect being named.  The 1916 Annual Guide listing for Memphis CC contains a notation that the course was being remodeled by Donald Ross.  It is possible this work started as early as 1912, but it is more likely that the 1916 date is a bit more accurate.

Update:  As the Feb. 1920 American Golfer article below notes, Ross worked here after the Western Open, which was held in 1913.

See also the Jan. 8, 1916 Pinehurst Outlook article in post #47 below noting Ross doing a new course in Memphis.

Feb. 1920 American Golfer -



July 1920 Golfers Magazine -



Tedesco Country Club (Marblehead, MA)

2018 DRS Update - Now just reads 18 Holes New in 1912

Not noted in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

The DRS lists Ross as being responsible for 18 new holes with a date of 1937.  Ross was here in 1911/12 reworking the existing 9 hole course and adding 9 new ones.  In addition to the 1937 date, Brad Tufts has informed me that the club has Ross' notes made in 1931 on suggestions for the course, several of which were carried out.

Feb. 1912 American Golfer -


July 8, 1912 Christian Science Monitor -


Wyckoff Country Club (o/k/a Mount Tom GC) (Holyoke, MA)

2018 DRS Update - Now reads 18 Holes New in 1912

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

The listing has this as a new 18 hole course in 1923. It fails to mention his activities in 1912 and 1914.  In addition to designing and remodeling the new course, Ross served as Chairman of the Green Committee here.

Jan. 1912 American Golfer -


Jan. 1914 American Golfer -


Dec. 1914 American Golfer -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on February 04, 2018, 10:41:57 AM
A 1913 image of Ross' swing -


If you look back at the first decade or so of Ross' career, you can lump the projects into two different categories. 

(a)  Courses where he was engaged essentially full time - Oakley, Pinehurst, Essex County; and

(b)  Courses where he had more of a traditional architect's role.

You can pretty much track the various connections that lead Ross to the projects in group (b).  Southern Pines and Overhills are obvious, as is all of the Massachusetts work.  Just about everything else came about from the clients' familiarity with Ross himself and the work he was doing at Pinehurst.  Lurking in the background of all of this is Walter Travis.  Although I don't have anything concrete describing any promotion Travis might have put forth for his friend, Travis would later write about his appreciation for the style of work Ross was putting forth.  It isn't hard to imagine Travis not only encouraging Ross to pursue his design career, but also encouraging clients like Walter Harban to utilize Ross' talents.

By 1913, even with a body of work that would only represent a good year for the likes of Tom Bendelow or Alex Findlay, Ross was considered one of the pre-eminent course designers in the country.

The following two articles ran in early 1913, the first being the original piece and the second being one of a number of reprints that ran in other papers.  Both are included to note the subtle change in the lead in, with Ross now being considered "long a National authority on golf course architecture and construction."

Feb. 8, 1913 Pinehurst Outlook -


Feb. 16, 1913 Wilmington Morning Star -


The titles of these two articles is also of note.  A new era of golf course design had been ushered in with the opening of NGLA, and clubs throughout the country were no longer satisfied with an adequate playing field.  Courses needed to be "ideal."

The era after NGLA marked the second great boom in American golf course construction.  In the 15 or so years since golf had become part of our vernacular, the game itself had changed dramatically.  New equipment and balls made many of the older courses outdated.  More interest and money made the projects larger.  Simple courses built on available land with functional hazards were no longer acceptable.  Courses now had to be scientific, with sites selected because they offered land fit for the game, and if it wasn't there was plenty of money and man-power available to make it so.  Courses were no longer being built in locations determined by their proximity to the nearest train depot, the automobile now made it possible to build in locations that would have been unreachable mere years prior.

It isn't any coincidence that many of the greats we think of today saw their design practices take off in the early teens.  There was plenty of work to go around, and with a brief hiccup for World War I, that work would continue right up until the great depression.

Donald Ross was perfectly posed to make the most of the opportunity.  With bases in New England and North Carolina, he could cover a large territory, and with Pinehurst the great names in golf had been coming to him for nearly a decade.  Whether he was or wasn't America's authority on design at this point, the mantle stuck and was repeated not only in the papers, but by Ross himself.

April 27, 1913 Pittsburgh Press -


May 1913 American Golfer -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on February 04, 2018, 12:03:48 PM
Tucked within those early 1913 articles above are a number of projects Ross had underway.  They include:

Old Elm
The Balsams
Rhode Island CC - noted in the 1911 list above
Kansas City - new course
Glen Falls, NY - new course
Charlotte - new course
Rochester, NY - remodel
Glen View CC - remodel
Winchester CC - remodel
Cohasset CC - remodel
Tedesco CC - remodel, noted in the 1912 list above
Tatnuck CC - remodel
Essex County - continuing work
Pinehurst - continuing work

This list contains an interesting snapshot of the development of Ross' career.  The number of New England courses is of no surprise, but we start to see him branch out to more remote locations with upstate New York, Kansas City and Chicago.

1913 marks a bit of a benchmark, as his momentum would lead to the creation of a more formalized design business and the addition of his crew of associates in the years to come. 

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Cal Seifert on February 04, 2018, 12:45:51 PM
I believe North Fork was declared the only Ross course on Long Island.  Pretty amazing he didn't do more work there.
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on February 04, 2018, 01:28:57 PM

East Lake Golf Club #1 (Atlanta, GA) - 18 Holes, New and Remodel in 1913, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 36 Holes.

The Tom Bendelow designed East Lake opened in 1906, and became one of the first courses to be "softened" after its initial design.  George Adair would bring in a slew of experts over the subsequent years to offer their advice on the project, including H. H. Barker, Findlay, Travis and a number of professional players.  Ross didn't arrive on the scene until 1913, and was responsible for designing a system of traps.  He probably had a hand in the rearrangement of the course from the original design as well, but so did a few other folks.

July 1913 American Golfer -


Sept. 1914 American Golfer -


Hinsdale Golf Club (Clarendon Hills, IL) - 18 Holes, New in 1913, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

Hinsdale is another mystery.  The club built a new course on adjoining land around 1908.  From 1914 - 1916 extensive changes were made.  But there is no mention of a new course around 1913, nor any Donald Ross involvement. 

Old Elm Club (Highland Park, IL) - 18 Holes, New in 1913, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Changed to 18 Holes Remodel in 1913

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

Whether this was purely a Colt design with Ross doing the construction or more of a collaboration remains subject to debate.  Suffice it to say that the thought that Ross was the untested rookie in the equation doesn't hold water.  There is no doubt Colt was the senior statesman, but Ross was already a known commodity.  It is interesting to note in Darwin's article below that he pays no heed to the resident American architect, despite the fact that Ross had been engaged on the project longer than Colt.

See also the June 17, 1916 The Evening Post article in post #47 below.

Sept. 28, 1913 Chicago Tribune -


May 24, 1914 Chicago Tribune -


May 1913 Golfers Magazine course plan -


Poland Spring Golf Course (Poland Spring, ME) - 9 Holes, New in 1913, 9 Holes, Remodel in 1913, Still in Existence

Not noted in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

Poland Spring did have an 18 hole course by 1916, but I can find no record of any Ross involvement.  Travis and Fenn made a number of improvements around 1916, including building 6 new greens.  If this was a Ross in 1913, it is hard to understand why this work would have taken place.

Island Country Club (Martha's Vineyard, MA) - 18 Holes, New in 1913, NLE?

Not noted in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

Another one I'd like to see some confirmation on.  Timing and location make sense.

Tatnuck Country Club (Worcester, MA) - 9 Holes, Remodel in 1913, Still in Existence

Not noted in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

Ross work noted in the Feb. 9 and Feb. 13, 1916 articles posted above.

Wianno Golf Club (Osterville, MA) - 9 Holes, Remodel in 1913, 9 Holes, New in 1920, Still in Existence

Not noted in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

I have yet to find any confirming information on Wianno.

Echo Lake Country Club (Westfield, NJ) - 18 Holes, New in 1913, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

Other sources credit the original course, which was known as Cranford GC and for a while was called Union County CC, to George Low.  The club did bring Ross in to do the bunkers, but I have no other evidence of his involvement or if this work was completed.  There is a Ross course plan, but there is no date and I can't make out a date on it.

Oct. 14, 1914 New York Times -


Ross Plan -


CC of Rochester (Rochester, NY) - 18 Holes, New in 1913, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes Remodelled.

Ross work noted in the Feb. 9 and Feb. 13, 1916 articles posted above.

July 6, 1913 Cincinnati Enquirer -


Wanango Golf Club (Reno, PA) - 9 Holes, New in 1913, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Date changed to 1912

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

Although it was reported in April of 1913 (see the April 27, 1913 article above) that Ross was to visit Oil City to lay out a course, Wanango is not a Ross.



Druid Hills GC (Atlanta, Ga)

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

See the July 1913 American Golfer above under East Lake.

Glen View Club (Golf, IL)

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

See the Feb. 8 and Feb. 18, 1913 articles above.  Ross and Colt, during part of the time they were in Chicago together working on Old Elm, stopped by Glen View to offer up advice.  The timing of the earlier 1913 articles suggests that Ross may have had additional input prior to Colt showing up.

March 1914 American Golfer -


Cohasset GC (Quincy, MA)

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

2018 DRS Update - Changed to 9 Holes New in 1909 and 9 Holes New in 1913

Ross would return in the '20's to rework the course, but he was here in 1913 remodeling the existing layout (see the Feb. 8 and 18, 1913 article above).

Charlotte CC (o/k/a Mecklenburg CC)

2018 DRS Update - Changed to 9 Holes New and 9 Holes Remodel in 1913-15 and 2 Holes Remodel in 1945

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

In addition to the notation in the Feb. 8 and Feb. 18, 1913 articles, Ross' work here in 1913 was heavily covered.  The DRS listing notes his later remodeling work in 1925 and 1942, but does not cover his remodeling of the existing 9 hole course and the addition of 9 new holes.

Jan. 28, 1913 Evening Chronicle -


June 18, 1913 Evening Chronicle


Sept. 12, 1913 The Evening Chronicle -


Oct. 26, 1916 Charlotte Observer -


Glens Falls CC (Glens Falls, NY)

2018 DRS Update - Changed to 9 Holes New in 1912 and 9 Holes New in 1921

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

The listing notes a new 18 hole course in 1923.  From the Feb. 8 and 16, 1913 articles posted above, it is evident he laid out a new course here around 1913.  A Sept. 27, 1924 Burlington Free Press article notes this as a course that had been laid out previously by Donald Ross and Walter Hatch.  If they did work together here in 1913, this is the first mention I've seen of Hatch's involvement.

The idea of the expansion of the course to 18 holes started as early as 1917, with Ross having mapped out the additional 9.  This work wouldn't take place until 1921 as covered later in the thread.

June 30, 1917 The Post-Star -


Dec. 31, 1917 The Post-Star -


Wanakah CC (Buffalo, NY)

2018 DRS Listing - Added to the Listing with 9 Holes New and 9 Holes Remodel in 1913

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

May 29, 1913 The Buffalo Commercial -


May 29, 1913 Buffalo Enquirer -


June 29, 1913 Buffalo Courier -


See also the July 6, 1913 Cincinnati Enquirer article above.

Westmoreland CC (Pittsburgh, PA)

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

May 1913 American Golfer noted the addition of 9 holes on newly acquired land.  See also the June 17, 1916 The Evening Post article in post #47 below.

April 27, 1913 Pittsburgh Press -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on February 04, 2018, 01:29:30 PM
I believe North Fork was declared the only Ross course on Long Island.  Pretty amazing he didn't do more work there.

That declaration would be wrong.
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Cal Seifert on February 04, 2018, 02:25:04 PM
I believe North Fork was declared the only Ross course on Long Island.  Pretty amazing he didn't do more work there.

That declaration would be wrong.

What courses there are Ross?
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on February 04, 2018, 02:33:35 PM

This is a chronology.  We're not there yet and I'm trying to keep all of these posts on point.

In the meantime, you can check out Chris Buie's article covering Ross in New York -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Bret Lawrence on February 04, 2018, 03:25:21 PM

I have an article from The New York Times dated March 23, 1924 titled "Ross Creator of 10 Courses to Stage Major Events".
The article starts:  "By a curious coincidence, at least ten of the courses on which major golf championships will be played this year are creations of the same architect, Donald Ross, superintendent of the Pinehurst Country Club. Ross designed all five of the Pinehurst courses, on two of which the three North and South tournaments will be held."

The other courses listed include:
Oakland Hills Golf Club-US Open
Worcester CC and Oak Park CC-Sectional qualifiers for the US Open
Rhode Island CC-US Women's Open
French Lick-PGA Championship
Calumet-Western Open
Hinsdale CC-Western Amateur

I realize this article is from a few years later, but it seems to suggest Ross did some work at Hinsdale.


Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Tom Bagley on February 05, 2018, 01:30:16 PM
Really great thread.

Tucked into the aforementioned 1913 articles is a mention by Ross of perhaps working on both Worcester Country Club and Tatnuck Country Club, Worcester.  His wording is a bit odd, but he references "Country Club, Tatnuck Country Club at Worcester, Mass."  Based on his earlier reference for "Country Club, Cohassett, Mass," it seems to me that Ross is implying that "Country Club" AND "Tatnuck Country Club" are two different courses. 

The mention of Worcester CC in that time-frame would make sense, based on my understanding as to when the course opened.

Thanks again for the clarification on much of the DRS data.  Their information is 100% inaccurate regarding my home course Oak Hill CC, Fitchburg, but my past attempts to correct the record have been unsuccessful.  The correct information is that Ross added 9 holes in 1927 (construction 1925-26, opened for play 1927) and remodeled the original 9 in 1928, opening for play in 1929. 
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on February 05, 2018, 04:58:47 PM

Hartford Golf Club (Hartford, CT) - 14 Holes, Remodel in 1914, 14 Holes, New in 1946, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Now 18 Holes New in 1914, 4, Holes New in 1946, 14 Holes Remodel in 1946

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

The course was reworked in 1914, but it was a few years later when the newspapers note Ross being involved in adding 9 new holes to the course.  Ross would return here in 1946 to add 14 new holes and remodel the course.

Jan. 1914 American Golfer -


May 1914 Golf Magazine -


Feb. 14, 1917 Hartford Courant -



1946 Ross/McGovern Plan -


Shennecossett Municipal GC (o/k/a Shennecossett GC) (Groton, CT) - 18 Holes, New in 1914, 3 Holes, Remodel in 1916-19, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

July 11, 1914 The Day -


July 19, 1914 The Sun -


Oct. 1915 Golf Magazine -


1919 Course Rendering -


Undated Course Plan -


Exmoor Country Club (Highland Park, IL) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1914, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Now 9 Holes New in 1914, 9 Holes Remodel in 1914

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes Remodeled.

Exmoor has been covered before around here -,61011.msg1449242.html#msg1449242 (,61011.msg1449242.html#msg1449242). 

I don't have much to add to what you can find in that thread, other than to note that the course gets described as a "Ross" by quite a few folks around here.  As Dan Moore noted in that thread, there was much more to the story.

See also the Jan. 9, 1916 Pinehurst Outlook article in post #47 below.

Indian Hill Club (Winnetka, IL) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1914?, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - The "?" was removed

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes Remodeled.

There are varying accounts as to who exactly laid out the course in 1912.  Colt was certainly involved, and differing reports have either Barker or Ross also playing a role.  Ross would revisit the course prior to its opening to rework the original design.

Nov. 14, 1912 Lake Shore News -


Dec. 1913 American Golfer -


April 1914 American Golfer -


May 2, 1915 Chicago Tribune -


Dec. 18, 1918 Chicago Tribune


Oak Park Country Club (Oak Park, IL) - 18 Holes, New in 1914-16, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Added in 18 Hole Remodel in 1921

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

Ross was engaged to lay out the new course in 1914.  He would return here in 1921 to inspect the course.

Jan. 1915 Golfers Magazine -




Bass River Golf Course (South Yarmouth, MA) - 18 Holes, New in 1914, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

Bass River is another mystery.  The course supposedly got its start in 1900, but the first listing I can find for it is on the 1915 Hodgeman's Map of New England golf courses.  It is noted in the 1916 Annual Guide which doesn't list any details, and the next appearance in the guides is in 1922 where it is noted as having 9 holes.  It wouldn't be until the 1925 Annual Guide that the listing notes 18 holes.

Kernwood Country Club (Salem, MA) - 18 Holes, New in 1914, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

First 9 holes in 1914 and second 9 opened in 1918.

See also the June 17, 1916 The Evening Post article in post #47 below.

May 1915 American Golfer -




March 5, 1918 The Evening World -


Aug. 27, 1920 Boston Post -


Worcester Country Club (Worcester, MA) - 18 Holes, New in 1914, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

April 1914 American Golfer -


Nov. 1914 American Golfer -


June 1925 Golf Illustrated -



Detroit Golf Club - North (Detroit, MI) - 18 Holes, New in 1914, 18 Holes, Remodel in 1936, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Remodel date changed to 1926

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 36 holes.

Even though the plan for the two courses copied below is dated 1916, from the account below, it would appear that preliminary plans were drawn up in 1914, which would be interesting to see.  Ross returned here in 1926 to rework a number of holes, as evidenced by his notes.

1915 Spalding Official Golf Guide - 


Dec. 1919 American Golfer -


1916 Ross Plan -


Detroit Golf Club - South (Detroit, MI) - 18 Holes, New in 1914, 18 Holes, Remodel in 1934, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 36 holes.

See the North course info above.

Maplewood Country Club (Bethlehem, NH) - 9 Holes, New in 1914, 9 Holes, Remodel in 1914, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Remodel date changed to "1914 & 1928"

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

Although Maplewood started as a 9 hole course, it had 18 holes by 1907.  There was a flurry of activity here in 1910 with Alex Smith, Willie Maguire, Alex Findlay and George Merritt contributing, and the course was lengthened in 1911.  But I can find no mention of Ross doing any work here, and the notation of 9 new holes doesn't jive with the already existing 18.

Knickerbocker Country Club (Tenably, NJ) - 9 Holes, New in 1914, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 holes.

April 1915 Golf Magazine -


Dec. 19, 1915 New York Tribune -


Siwanoy Country Club (Bronxville, NY) - 18 Holes, New in 1914, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

March 28, 1914 Rye Chronicle -


Feb. 20, 1915 Evening Telegram -


Columbus Country Club (Columbus, OH) - 18 Holes, New in 1914, Remodel in 1914, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Now reads 18 Holes, New in 1915, 18 Holes, Remodel in 1935-40

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

The Walnut Creek course for the Columbus Country club was built by Tom Bendelow in 1915.  Ross may have come in later to rework the course (some sources attribute his work to 1920) but he was not here in 1914.  I have not found anything that confirms his subsequent activity.

Flourtown Country Club (o/k/a Sunnybrook CC) (Flourtown, PA) - 18 Holes, New in 1914, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

March 1914 American Golfer -


July 24, 1915 Evening Public Ledger -


Philadelphia Cricket Club - Flourtown (Philadelphia, PA) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1914, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

Seeing as the Flourtown course of the Philadlephia Cricket Club wasn't built until the early 1920's, this is either a mistaken reference to the work Ross did at the club's St. Martins course (see the 1914 Additions post below) or to Sunnybrook CC in Flourtown.

Wannamoisett Country Club (Rumford, RI) - 18 Holes, New in 1914, 18 Holes, Remodel in 1926, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

Ross first visited in 1909 to look over the ground for an 18 hole course.

Nov. 7, 1909 Boston Globe -


In 1914 Ross expanded the existing 9 hole course to 18 holes.


Jan. 1915 Golf Magazine -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Colin Macqueen on February 06, 2018, 04:38:45 AM

This is simply a labour of love and a wonderful piece of work it is too.
I am entranced by the early photographs and am astonished at how many women golfers and spectators figure in the images. And the hazards are whopping hazards!
I was amused by Ross's declaration upon returning from the prodigal son's visit/return to study British courses where he claims that visiting Americans would find " .... no rabble at Royal Dornoch"!

My how times have changed!  I've been there and what about that rabble rouser Rich Goodale eh?!

Great work by you,  Cheers Colin
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on February 06, 2018, 10:17:25 AM
1914 (cont.)


Midlothian CC (Midlothian, IL)

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

Ross was sent in to inspect the course prior to the US Open.  Although I haven't found anything that explicitly notes the changes were the result of his suggestions, its hard to imagine he didn't have some say.

April 30, 1914 Chicago Tribune -


May 10, 1914 Oregon Daily Journal -


Nov. 1915 Golfers Magazine -


CC of Detroit (Detroit, MI)

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

CC of Detroit is a Colt design, but Ross did contribute.

July 1915 Golfers Magazine -


Aug. 22, 1915 Chicago Tribune -


Plainfield CC (f/k/a Hillside G&TC) (Plainfield, NJ)

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

June 27, 1914 Evening Post -


Raritan Valley CC (o/k/a Somerville CC) (Somerville, NJ)

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

Oct. 9, 1914 New Jersey Home News -


Westchester Hills GC (f/k/a Gedney Farms CC) (White Plains, NY)

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

June 1915 Golf Magazine -


Allegheny CC (Pittsburgh, PA)

2018 DRS Update - Now reads 18 Holes, Remodel in 1911-1924

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes Remodeled.

See also the June 17, 1916 The Evening Post article in post #47 below.

Jan. 1914 American Golfer -


March 30, 1915 Boston Globe -


June 1915 American Golfer -


Philadelphia Cricket Club (St. Martins) (Philadelphia, PA)

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

Nov. 16, 1914 Evening Public Ledger -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on February 06, 2018, 07:55:01 PM
The Donald Ross Web Library ( ( contains a wealth of information, included quite a few course maps and hole drawings. 

Unsurprisingly, there is less information available for Ross' early courses.  Of the courses covered so far in this thread (prior to 1914), only the following ones have a listing:

Oakley CC
Pinehurst #2
Southern Pines
Jekyll Island
Rhode Island CC
White Bear Yacht Club
Wyckoff (but only covering his later work)
East Lake
Old Elm
Poland Springs
Echo Lake
Charlotte (but only covering his later work)
Glens Falls (but only covering his later work)

By my count that is less than half of his output.
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on February 07, 2018, 12:05:01 PM
1914 was a benchmark year for Ross in the design business.  As noted in the article below, Ross had decided to forego his northern activity as a club professional (he would maintain that position at Pinehurst throughout the winter).  It was in 1914 that Ross would hire Eric Nelson as his Travel Secretary, Business Manager and Accountant.  Although it doesn't appear that he had much input into the actual design and construction of courses, Nelson remains today as the most unheralded member of the Ross team.

March 7, 1914 Eugene Guard -


Jan. 26, 1915 Brooklyn Times Union -

( (

1914 also denotes a marked expansion in the scope of Ross' work.  Following on the success of Old Elm, Ross capitalized with a number of projects in Chicago and Detroit, locations that would remain strong outposts for his work throughout his career, and areas he would repeatedly return to for additional work and inspections of past projects.  With his New England work still taking off, he was also highly sought after in New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania.  Just about the only area he hadn't made significant inroads at this point was the South.

We also see the beginnings of the enterprise that would become Donald Ross & Associates.  He was just starting to work with Walter Hatch, and J. B. McGovern wasn't too far behind in joining the team.  Even before taking on "foremen," Ross' courses required the employment of hundreds of workers.  It is during this period that the formulation of the Ross work teams began as his network of field workers and those who could supervise them began to grow.

It is hard to quantify exactly how much time Ross spent on a given project.  Cases like Oakley, Pinehurst and Essex County are easy, as are more publicized courses like Old Elm and Overhills.  Quite a few of the courses listed above were more like consulting arrangements, where Ross was brought in to provide ideas of modernization (often new bunkering schemes) that would be implemented by the club itself.  With the amount of work that was building up in his portfolio by 1914, it isn't hard to imagine Ross telling a club he would have the time for a visit and to formulate a plan of improvement, but that he was stretched too thin for anything else.  It also isn't hard to imagine his desire to be in multiple places at once, a desire that fueled the plans to expand his business model.

I am struck by the seemingly meteoric rise to fame that took place between 1899 and 1914.  In his first years in America, he wouldn't have been viewed any differently than the hundreds of other club professionals plying their trade on these shores.  But in due course he was being lauded in the press as "the authority," "the preeminent expert" and "the famous golf course architect."  There were other highly sought after architects working at this time, including Barker, Bendelow, Findlay, the MacRaynor team and others, but Ross had seemingly attained the top of the list ranking, even becoming the go to guy for the USGA to call on to improve the courses that would host our national tournaments. 

It is hard to deny that there was a bit of luck involved with his success.  Having fallen into the Pinehurst job created a network of national connections that would be familiar with his work.  Being in the right place at the right time helped, but it would be hard to deny the impact seeing his work had on his future employers.  He wasn't hired at Essex County because of his name, he was hired because George Willet knew his work at Oakley.  That same story was repeated many times over.
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: BCowan on February 07, 2018, 12:37:07 PM
In regards to CC of Detroit, it opened in 1927 as new Alison course with new land.  Those Ross features I believe do NOT exist.  I believe Tony is out of town but this is his response from a prior thread regarding CCD.  Tony Gholz is a C&H expert. 

''I'm currently updating a list of C&A courses in North America that I've been working on for the past couple years.  I'm not ready for a gca post quite yet, but it's clear to me that the Alison course designed for the CCD in 1926 and opened in 1927 is a totally new course.  True, part of the Alison course is on property that included some of the area of Colt's course, that lying between the clubhouse (both former and current) and Provencal and between Kercheval and Chalfonte, the former Black Marsh Ditch.  The Alison course also includes all the area from the clubhouse to Moross Road that was not part of the club's property in 1913 thru 1925.   I recently overlaid the NY Sun layout for the 1915 AM (prior GCA post) with today's Google Earth and none of the hole corridors or green sites align, with the possible exception that the current practice green may be the site of the original Colt 18th green. Colt's holes 6 thru 13 were either in the area west of Black Marsh Ditch, today's Chalfonte, or crossed the ditch into the area of the houses now existing at the Chalfonte end of the course.  That's 8 holes from Colt gone.  The area between the clubhouse (today's ch and the "golf pavilion" in 1913") and Moross Road include all or parts of the current Alison holes 6 thru 12 and 14 and 15.  That's 9 holes on property that Colt didn't have to work with.  It appears that today's 1 thru 5, 13, and 16 thru 18 are actually on property that was part of both courses.  Again the best I can tell, there is no complete hole routing or green site from both courses that overlaps, only parts of certain fairways and those are from different playing angles. I am currently reading a "History of the CCD" manuscript (probably written c.1960) that I found at the USGA Library last week and interestingly to me it says that the "Colt & Allison (sic) plans approved by the BOD April 1926" noted that "plans for a nine-hole course inside the new 18-hole layout were also approved…"  Tom would know, but could you put 9 holes in the area of the tennis course, polo field, and maintenance shed and woods?  Or maybe RTJ SR found the right solution.  Additionally, in partial answer to a question from a previous question as to why the CCD thru out a 6400 yard plus Colt course worthy of a National Championship for a new course by his partner:  the history I'm reading suggests that the Wayne County Road Commission was considering a road thru the course either in line with the Black marsh Ditch (Chalfonte) or, even worse, Charlevoix which would have cut thru the property where the tennis course are now.  So the club was also looking to ward off a potential future problem that did occur on the mid 20s.  At Port Huron Golf Club (see my IMO post) we lost two Alison holes to the St Clair County Road commission in 1950.  Not quite as bad as the CCD could have been.As I continue researching this interesting situation where Colt and Alison did separate courses for the same club at different times, I'll keep looking for clues of this Ross tidbit.  So far I've seen nothing except what Sven just posted.''Anthony

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on February 07, 2018, 12:43:48 PM
Before moving on to the 1915 listing, I wanted to post these three articles from that year as they each touch on aspects of the last post or earlier information from the thread.

First, a description of his activity in 1914 and 1915 and the expansive growth of his practice.  If the numbers in the article are accurate, we're still missing records of more than a few of those projects.

Feb. 14, 1915 Oregon Daily Journal -


Second, a project on Long Island that was to be built on a fairly large scale.  The New York papers would cover the evolution of the plan, including the proposal to purchase around 500 acres of land near Massapequa and form the Massapequa Golf Inc. Company.  Freeman was a Dyker Meadow guy (along with a few other metro area clubs) who spent time at Pinehurst, so it isn't hard to understand why Ross was his initial selection here.

At the very least, we know that Ross didn't have any hesitancy at this point in his career in working in an area that we commonly associate with Emmet, MacRaynor, Travis and others.  Perhaps it was this project that prompted the alluded to gentlemen's agreement on turf between Emmet and Ross.

April 14, 1915 The Courier-News -


By the end of 1915 Ross' count would be at 73 courses laid out and constructed.  (Just to compare, by early 1916 Bendelow was reported as having laid out over 600 courses).  I have a count of 95 through 1915, but a large number of those involved remodeling work, so it would appear that there are still a good number of courses that we have yet to identify.

Dec. 3, 1915 Washington Herald -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on February 07, 2018, 12:52:15 PM
In regards to CC of Detroit, it opened in 1927 as new Alison course with new land.  Those Ross features I believe do NOT exist.  I believe Tony is out of town but this is his response from a prior thread regarding CCD.  Tony Gholz is a C&H expert. 


Thanks for chiming in.  I'm fully aware of what happened at CC of Detroit, but for this exercise I am trying to identify all of the work Ross did do, and CC of D fits the bill.  There are a number of courses on this list where his work has been altered, replaced entirely or the course has gone away.  Unfortunately, time and space would make it prohibitive to list the entire history of every Ross project.  I suppose it would be possible, but I'm looking to wrap this thread up by the time the Masters starts.

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: MCirba on February 07, 2018, 03:44:26 PM

My you've been busy...great work!   :D

I'm hoping this is helpful regarding Bass River.   It's from a 1993 publication by Paul Harber titled, "The Complete Guide to Golf on Cape Cod, Nantucket, and Martha's Vineyard".


Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Anthony Gholz on February 08, 2018, 01:06:14 PM

Kudos for attempting the (almost) impossible in this thread.  I think you should write the new book on Ross as your asides are very astute and go well with the layers of information presented.  I also appreciate Ben trying to stick a fork in the Colt course, but you and I have reviewed that before and I think we're in agreement there.  Happily what I wrote 3 years ago isn't totally out of date today.

A couple points, first re The CCD: 

Although the article you put forward was published in July of 1915 as a lead up to the US AM, the changes described were from Colt's final trip to the US in 1914.  Clearly Ross and Colt knew each other in a working relationship from his first trip in 1911 and the follow up visit in 1913.  The course is clearly Colt's design although the local historian at The CCD would give much credit to Archie Simpson who had come over to be the head pro.   In fact Colt and Simpson played golf together during that first visit in 1911 on the CCD's downtown GP course by Bert Way.  So the plot thickened right from the get go.  Simpson and Colt would have had common architectural references to discuss from GB&I.

The Ross references come first from your article by Howard lee a local CCD player of scratch abilities who played in national tournament sea wrote about golf occasionally.  If he says Ross was there, I'd take his word for it.  The key player though at this time in Detroit golf was John Sweeney, also mentioned by Lee.  He knew everyone locally and also nationally and put course founders and architects together almost at will.  He personally designed the Lochmoor Course and was involved at the CCD and DGC and others in the Detroit District through the 1920s.  I have no doubt if Ross was in town at the same time as Colt that Sweeney knew about it and brought them to whatever project he was working on at the time.  Walter Travis at loch moor is a good example where Travis "consulted" though more of gave his blessing to Sweeney;'s efforts. 

I go on about this only to suggest that Sweeney was a "natural" at bringing architects both of the professional and amateur variety, all with distinguished pedigree.  IMO Ross waved his hand over the course at Sweeney's request and perhaps made a few suggestions.  Colt was on-site for 2 weeks (albeit 2 and maybe 3 times), Ross for one day, and Simpson was there 24/7.  And he probably had more influence than anyone other than Colt on the course's details, dare I say re most of the bunkering detail work.

Regarding Detroit Golf Club:

I have been following the DGC history for many years having played (poorly) the DGC in USGA Jr qualifying rounds as a kid and more recently trading information with John King their historian regarding their first Highland Park course probably being a Bendelow 1900 design (although NOT for certain) and following along thru the Way years as designer, contractor, and as part of his professional family.  Ross was clearly in Detroit in 1914, however, I don't believe that the first plan for the 36 hole DGC layout, on additional and overlapping new land northwest of the Way course, was by Ross.  I have read three articles which lame to believe that 1) Colt revised the bunkering on Way;s course with his agreement in 1913 and did the first plan for 36 holes on the "new" property.  This include a plan where "One will be a full length course while the other ... may be shorter the laid out an bunkered as to render [it] as difficult as the other."  Sound familiar?

So maybe Colt did the new DGC 2-course Master Plan and Ross followed up on it in 1915/16 as Colt was involved in a WW and never came back to North America.  Mystery's abound!

[size=78%]Thanks for your efforts and I'm particularly following all the instances where Colt and Ross and later Alison intersected.[/size]

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on February 08, 2018, 09:23:17 PM

Belleair Country Club - #1 West (Belleair, FL) - 9 Holes, New in 1915, 9 Holes, Remodel in 1915, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 36 Holes.

March 14, 1914 Tampa Times -


March 27, 1914 Tampa Tribune -


Dec. 1914 Golf Magazine -





Dec. 1914 Golfers Magazine -


Jan. 1915 Golf Magazine -


Dec. 1915 Golf Magazine -



Belleaire Country Club - #2 East (Belleair, FL) - 18 Holes, New in 1915, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 36 Holes.

See articles above.

Cedar Rapids Country Club (Cedar Rapids, IA) - 18 Holes, New in 1915, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

Cedar Rapids has been the subject of a lot of conversation on this site of late.  It would have been quite the excursion for Ross, tacking on some extra miles beyond Chicago.  It is of interest to note the bit of hyperbole Ross included at the end of the second article, something that more than a few architects were guilty of.

April 1915 American Golfer -


July 7, 1917 Des Moines Register -


Plan of Course as designed by Ross -


Ravisloe Country Club (Homewood, IL) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1915, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Listing - Date changed to 1916-24

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes, Remodeled.

I'm not sure where the 1915 date comes from here, nor the number of holes.  The course had been recently renovated in 1910 according to suggestions made by William Watson.  Ross showed up in 1918, but the scope of his changes didn't extend beyond a few holes.

May 17, 1918 Chicago Tribune -


May 18, 1918 Chicago Tribune -


Skokie Country Club (Glencoe, IL) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1915, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Date changed to 1914

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes, Remodeled.

On the other hand, Skokie was pretty much a full reworking of the existing course, and Ross probably should get credit for new holes here as much of today's course is due to his handiwork.

See also the June 17, 1916 The Evening Post article in post #47 below.

May 21, 1914 Lake Shore News -


May 7, 1915 Lake Shore News -


Bendelow Layout -


Ross Layout -


Langford Layout -


Shawnee Country Club (Topeka, KS) - 18 Holes, New in 1915 1921, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

For a while the story at Shawnee was that Ross never set foot on property, and designed the course from topos.  He was there in 1915, and came up with plans for an 18 hole course that matches what is on the ground today.  The course has an interesting history in two regards.  First, the construction of the full 18 holes was delayed until 1921 with Robert Fullerton laying out a temporary 9 hole course for the membership to use in the interim.  Second, the original plan was for the CC of Topeka to move to the Shawnee property in due course, taking over the course that was designed by Ross.  Those plans were scrapped when the CCoT decided to expand their existing course and the Shawnee club purchased its land.

See also the Jan. 8, 1916 The Pinehurst Outlook and June 17, 1916 The Evening Post articles in post #47 below.

May 8, 1915 Topeka State Journal -


Sept. 1, 1915 Topeka State Journal -


Sept. 3, 1915 Topeka State Journal -


May 17, 1919 Topeka State Journal -


April 29, 1921 Topeka State Journal -


April 30, 1921 Topeka State Journal -


Concord Country Club (Concord, MA) - 18 Holes, New in 1915, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Now reads 9/9 Holes, New in 1914 & 1930

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

As the article below, Ross was brought in to design 9 holes in 1915.  Ross returned in the late '20's to add 9 additional holes.

Dec. 1915 American Golfer -


Nov. 12, 1925 Ross Letter -


Oct. 6, 1930 Boston Globe -


Balsams Grand Resort Hotel: Panorama Course (Dixville Notch, NH) - 18 Holes, New in 1915, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 holes.

Ross' work here started as early as 1913 (see the two articles in post #27 above).  See also the June 17, 1916 The Evening Post article in post #47 below.

Dec. 13, 1913 Pinehurst Outlook -


July 1914 Northward Ho Magazine -


Aug. 1914 Golf Magazine -


1912 Ross Plan -


June 1922 Golf Illustrated -


Mount Washington Golf Course (o/k/a Bretton Woods) (Bretton Woods, NH) - 9 Holes, New in 1915, 18 Holes, Remodel in 1815, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Listing - 1815 changed to 1915

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 27 holes.

Obviously the 1815 date in the listing is wrong.   The thought is that Ross remodeled the existing 18 hole course and added 9 new ones making 27 in total.  The Annual Guides first note the additional new 9 hole course in 1921.  I have found nothing describing Ross' work here.

See also the June 17, 1916 The Evening Post article in post #47 below.

As an aside, many of the northern resort courses were considered health retreats, much like the Greenbrier or the Hot Springs in Arkansas.  There's a great article penned by Alexa Stirling in one of the magazine that dispels her imminent death and any other bodily ailments after news of a short visit to Rutland, VT was released.  She was simply there to play golf.

Aug. 1914 Golf Magazine -


June 1927 Golf Illustrated -


Deal Golf & Country Club (Deal, NJ) - 3 Holes, New in 1915, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Listing - changed to 3 Holes, Remodel in 1915

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

Ross was here in 1918 and suggested a number of changes.


Seaview Resort (Bay Course) (Absecon, NJ) - 18 Holes, New in 1915, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

If you hunt around in the back pages of this site, there are a number of threads dealing with the history of Seaview.  The short story is that the original Bay Course was done by Hugh Wilson a few years prior to 1915, with Ross being brought in to bunker the course.  Ross left detailed plans, but not all of his suggestions were carried out.

May 1915 American Golfer -


Glenburnie Golf Course (Lake George, NY) - 18 Holes, New in 1915, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

Another mystery.  The course dates to 1909, and was laid out by Alex Findlay.  Other sources note Ross was here in 1915 and remodeled the course and added a few holes, but I've seen no press accounts to verify this.

Chillicothe Country Club (Chillicothe, OH) - 9 Holes, New in 1915, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

Ross did the original lay out for the club, which was replaced a few years later by a new course.

May 29, 1922 Chillicothe Gazette -



Oakwood Club (Cleveland, OH) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1915, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Listing - NLE - 2011 added

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes Remodeled.

Something doesn't jive between the two reports below and a July 1921 Golf Illustrated notation that Ross laid out the course 8 years ago.  Oakwood was reported as a remodel in the Jan. 8, 1915 Pinehurst Outlook article in post #47 below.

1914 Spalding Official Golf Guide -


Cleveland Area Golf book -


Shaker Heights Country Club (Shaker Heights, OH) - 18 Holes, New in 1915, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

The date here should be earlier.  Shaker Heights was formed around 1913 as a reorganization of the Euclid Club.  The Oct. 1913 edition of American Golfer noted a new course had been started under the direction of Ross.

April 1915 Golfers Magazine -


1932 Map of the Course -


Newport Country Club (Newport, RI) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1915, Still in Existence

Not noted in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

Another one with no press accounts for verification.  The location and timing certainly make sense (although I don't believe Ross had yet set up his summer quarters in Rhode Island).

Washington Golf & Country Club (Arlington, VA) - 18 Holes, New in 1915, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Date changed to 1922

Not noted in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

I have no evidence of Ross doing any work here.  I'll let the 1922 article below speak for itself as to the state of the course up until that time and whether it seems likely that he had.

Oct. 29, 1922 The Sunday Star -


Oconomowoc Golf Club (Oconomowoc, WI) - 18 Holes, New in 1915, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

In addition to the notations in the Jan. 8, 1916 Pinehurst Outlook and June 17, 1916 The Evening Post articles in post #47 below, there is a course plan that notes it was laid out by him in 1915.  There was also an interesting article that covered the use of peat in the construction of the new course.

Jan. 1916 American Golfer -


1915 Ross Plan -



Somerset Hills CC (Bernardsville, NJ)

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

When Somerset decided to build a new course on new land, Ross was the first architect they called on.  The commission eventually went to Tillinghast, and it would be interesting to know why this switch was made and if Ross ever visited the site and/or offered up preliminary plans.

Dec. 4, 1915 Central New Jersey Home News -


Pittsburgh Field Club (Pittsburgh, PA)

2018 DRS Update - Added to the listing as 5 Holes, Remodel c. 1916

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

The club's history notes that after Alex Findlay submitted his design for the new 18 hole course, Ross or an associate submitted their own plans to revise holes 2-6, plans that were carried out in 1917.  I have not seen anything concrete that backs up this assertion.
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on February 09, 2018, 08:45:32 PM
1916 and the start of World War I marked a slow down in the design business across the country.  However, you wouldn't know it by looking at Ross' output.  Although his numbers would be a bit down in 1918, 1916 and 1917 were banner years.  Before we dive into the actual courses, here a number of articles from 1916 dealing with his work in general.

First up, a Jan. 8, 1916 Pinehurst Outlook article.  This article presents a fascinating look into not only the demands on Ross, half of the requests for new courses and half to modernize earlier efforts, but also his methods once hired (as an aside, I'd love to know what the "hopeless" course and the Connecticut $12,000 mistake were as well as the summer resort course which he bid out at $100,000).  No where in the article, nor in any discussion of the courses we've covered so far, does it sound like Ross "mailed it in."  The article does cover the thought that Ross would leave a club with detailed plans to be implemented by others, but it also makes the point that he had a particular genius for creating plans that could be easily followed and which resulted in a superior final product.



April 1916 Golf Illustrated -


I've previously posted the following article which was forwarded to me by Jim Kennedy and that thread has a bit of conversation on some of its details.,58323.msg1367778.html#msg1367778 (,58323.msg1367778.html#msg1367778)

The major takeaway for this thread are the demands on Ross' time that were created by the sheer volume of work he was requested to take on.  Combine that with Tucker's comments in the article about the difficulties of finding good workmen to translate the ideas to the ground, and you can understand why Ross not only needed but held on to the associates he worked with.  Why would a J. B. McGovern or a Walter Hatch want to put out their own shingle when staying with Ross meant they'd have all of the work they could ever want? 


One last quick note from 1916.  There are a few mentions of Walter Fovargue moving to California that have the same comment about his understudy role with Ross as noted below.  I'm not sure what kind of business relationship they had, if any, but it would be interesting to know if Fovargue and Ross were sharing ideas, or if there was some kind of teacher/student arrangement between the two.  Ross and Fovargue certainly would have known each other from Skokie.

Dec. 15, 1916 Hartford Courant -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on February 11, 2018, 11:04:15 AM

Lakewood Golf Club (Lakewood, CO) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1916, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

Another Bendelow course that Ross supposedly reworked.  What is interesting in this case is that Bendelow returned in 1921, casting a bit of doubt on Ross being there in the interim, although the June 17, 1916 The Evening Post article in post #47 above noting Frank Woodward's request for Ross to remodel a course in Denver.

Fort Myers Golf & Country Club (Fort Myers, FL) - 18 Holes, New in 1916, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

One of the first Ross/McGovern combinations.  The course of the private club would be purchased by the city in 1927 and operated as a municipal course.

Oct. 23, 1916 Tampa Tribune -


Dec. 6, 1916 Fort Myers News-Press -


Dec. 13, 1916 Fort Myers News-Press -


Nov. 30, 1933 Fot Myers News-Press -


Plan of the Course -


Ponce de Leon Resort & Country Club (St. Augustine, FL) - 18 Holes, New in 1916, NLE

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 36 Holes.

This was originally the St. Augustine Links - North course.  Ross laid out both the North and South courses in 1916, with the South course opening first.


Ross Plan -


St. Augustine Links - South (St. Augustine, FL) - 18 Holes, New in 1916, NLE

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 36 Holes.

See also the Jan. 8, 1916 Pinehurst Outlook and June 17, 1916 articles in post #47 above.

Aug. 20, 1915 Orlando Sentinel -


Dec. 28, 1916 Brooklyn Daily Eagle -


Bob O'Link Golf Club (Highland Park, IL) - 18 Holes, New in 1916, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

Bob O'Link would be reworked by Alison about a decade later, but the first effort was Ross.

See also the June 17, 1916 The Evening Post article in post #47 above.

May 25, 1916 Chicago Tribune -


May 27, 1916 Chicago Tribune -


1916 Ross Plan -


Cohasse Country Club (Southbridge, MA) - 9 Holes, New in 1916, 4 Holes, Remodel in 1930, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Changed to "9 Holes, New in 1918, 4 Holes, Remodel in 1927"

Not noted in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

See also the June 17, 1916 The Pinehurst Outlook article in post #47 above discussing Ross doing a new course in Southbridge.

The plan below was prepared in the late 1920's.


Pocasset Golf Club (Pocasset, MA) - 18 Holes, New in 1916, Still in Existence

Not noted in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

The first article below notes the course was expanded from its original 9 holes to 18 in 1924, with Ross as architect.  I have found nothing that details who did the original 9 hole course.

Aug. 17, 1924 Boston Globe -



Aug. 30, 1934 Boston Globe -


Weston Golf Club (Weston, MA) - 9 Holes, New in 1916, 9 Holes, New in 1923, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

Sept. 1916 American Golfer -



Sept. 2, 1917 Boston Globe -


The Ross Plan copied below from 1923 shows the full 18 hole course.

1923 Ross Plan -


I don't have a date on this image of Weston, but wanted to include it as it is one of my favorite early golf course photos and really shows off the rolling New England countryside and the glacial deposits the early pioneers (in golf and other matters) had to work with.


Winchester Country Club (Winchester, MA) - 18 Holes, New in 1916, 18 Holes, Remodel in 1928, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

Ross' first work here started as early as 1909 as described below and later in 1913, as noted in the Feb. 16, 1913 Wilmington Morning Star article posted earlier in the thread.  As noted below, his later remodel work took place in 1921 and 1924, as well as in 1928.

Aug. 24, 1909 Boston Globe -



Jan. 26, 1921 Boston Globe -


April 18, 1925 Boston Globe -


Jan. 8, 1930 Boston Globe -



Augusta Country Club (Manchester, ME) - 9 Holes, New in 1916, Still in Existence

Not noted in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

I don't have anything on Ross here.

Northeast Harbor Golf Club (Northeast Harbor, ME) - 9 Holes, New in 1916, Still in Existence

Not noted in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

The club's website lists Arthur Longwood as responsible for the 9 hole course built in 1916.  I haven't seen anything to confirm or contradict this or Ross' involvement.

Shadow Ridge Golf Club (o/k/a Ionia CC) (Ionia, MI) - 9 Holes, New in 1916, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

One of the least discussed Ross courses on this site, and one where you can probably find his work pretty much untouched (Joe Hancock has been quietly offering up Shadow Ridge for a while).

See also the Jan. 8, 1916 Pinehurst Outlook article in post #47 above noting a new course in Detroit.

Sept. 22, 1915 Detroit Free Press -


Nov. 1916 American Golfer -



Tryon Country Club (Tryon, NC) - 9 Holes, New in 1916, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

The Givens site has the map copied below, which doesn't explicitly note Ross.  Perhaps the fine print does, but the version on their site is too small to make it out.


Lake Tarleton Club (Pike, NH) - 18 Holes, New in 1916, NLE

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

I have no evidence of Ross' involvement here.

Englewood Country Club (Englewood, NJ) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1916, NLE in 1976

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 holes.

See also the June 17, 1916 The Evening Post article in post #47 above.

April 1916 Golf Magazine -


May 1916 Golf Illustrated -


June 1916 Golf Illustrated -


Ridgewood Country Club (Ridgewood, NJ) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1916, NLE

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

Ross' work here was in 1915.

March 3, 1915 Paterson Morning Call -


Jan. 24, 1917 Brooklyn Daily Eagle -


Riverton Country Club (Riverton, NJ) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1916, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Date changed to 1915-17

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 holes.

This was a R9/A9, as there were only 9 existing holes prior to Ross.

See also the June 17, 1916 The Evening Post article in post #47 above.

Oct. 4, 1917 Evening Public Ledger -


Jan. 10, 1918 The Sun -


Hudson River Country Club (Yonkers, NY) - 18 Holes, New in 1916, NLE in 1966

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 holes.

In 1915 the Saegkill CC decided to update its course by rearranging its present links.  The club eventually changed its name in 1916, and brought Will MacFarlane in for the renovation.  Two years later their were reports of Willie Tucker remodeling and extending the course.  The only mention I have of Ross is his being brought in 1919 to rework the greens.

Sept. 14, 1919 The Sun -


Irondequoit Country Club (Rochester, NY) - 9 Holes, New in 1916, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 9 Holes.

The following Oct. 10, 1917 Democrat and Chronicle article suggests this work may have taken place in 1917.


Ross and McGovern would return around 1945 to design an additional 9 holes that would be built after Ross' death.

July 3, 1952 Rochester Democrat and Chronicle -


1945 Ross/McGovern Plan -


Course Plan -


Scioto Country Club (Columbus, OH) - 18 Holes, New in 1916, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

Surprisingly quiet in the press on this on, but undoubtedly all Ross.

May 25, 1919 Cincinnati Enquirer -




May 1926 USGA Green Section Record -





Conewango Valley Country Club (Warren, PA) - 9 Holes, New in 1916, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

In addition to the article below, see the Ross Letters and Notes included in post #175 in this thread and the notation of a new course in Warren in the Jan. 8, 1916 Pinehurst Outlook article in post #47 above.

April 28, 1928 Warren Tribune -


Gulph Mills Country Club (King of Prussia, PA) - 18 Holes, New in 1916, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

July 8, 1916 New York Times -


July 1, 1918 Evening Public Ledger -


July 15, 1918 Evening Public Ledger -


Kahkwa Club (Erie, PA) - 18 Holes, New in 1916, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Changed to 18 Holes, New in 1916-19, 18 Holes, Remodel in 1927

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

According to the March 1922 edition of Golfers Magazine, the Ross course was completed in 1918, not sure when Ross' involvement started.

See also the June 17, 1916 The Evening Post article in post #47 above discussing a remodel for the Erie CC.

March 1922 Golfers Magazine -


Ross Plan -


Homestead Old Course, The (o/k/a Virginia Hot Springs) (Hot Springs, VA) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1916, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

I have nothing to confirm Ross at any time at Hot Springs other than the course map copied below which can be found on the Givens site.  We touched on the history of the course earlier this year in another thread -,64670.msg1541424.html#msg1541424 (,64670.msg1541424.html#msg1541424).

Ross Plan -


Woodlands Golf Course (f/k/a Hampton Roads GC o/k/a Hampton GC) (Hampton, VA) - 18 Holes, New in 1916, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Changed to 18 Holes, Remodel in 1928

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

I don't have anything addressing Ross here in 1916, and the Annual Guides don't note an 18 hole course until 1923.  Ross did submit plans to rework the course in 1929.

Jan. 30, 1929 Daily Press -


Oct. 6, 1935 Daily Press -


Nov. 18, 1935 Daily Press -


Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: MCirba on February 11, 2018, 02:03:51 PM

Ross incorporated a pretty significant portion of the original John Reid/George Coale 9 hole course at Riverton when he brought the course to 18 holes.    Even some of the old cross bunkers are still in evidence today, thanks.

The following Philadelphia Evening Public Ledger article from 1918 gives more information about the extent of Ross's work.

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on February 11, 2018, 05:14:36 PM
1916 (cont.)


Topeka CC (Topeka, KS)

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

While Ross was in Topeka planning the Shawnee course (which the Topeka CC eventually planned to take over), he spent some time working on the CC's existing course.

Aug. 26, 1916 Topeka Daily Capital -


Louisville CC (Louisville, KY)

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

Ross paid a quick visit here and offered suggestions.

See also the June 17, 1916 The Evening Post article in post #47 above.

Dec. 24, 1916 Courier-Journal -


Highlands GC (Grand Rapids, MI)

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

The DRS listing has this as a new 18 hole course in 1927, but Ross was called in around 1915 to rework Bendelow's recently completed 18 holes.

See also the Jan. 8, 1916 Pinehurst Outlook article in post #47.

Sept. 22, 1915 Detroit Free Press -


Happy Valley GC (Asheville, NC)

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

Happy Valley was eventually laid out by Willie Park, but before he became involved the plan was to have Ross do the design.

Oct. 3, 1916 Asheville Citizen-Times -


CC of Atlantic City (Northfields, NJ)

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

The history of Atlantic City has been hotly debated on this site.  For our purposes, we only need to note that Ross was going to be hired to design the new course that was contemplated in 1917.

May 27, 1917 Philadelphia Inquirer -


June 1917 Motor Travel -


Blind Brook Club (Port Chester, NY) 

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

There were a number of big names involved in the early workings of Blind Brook before Raynor took the reigns.  Ross at least deserves credit for a consultation here, and perhaps for laying out an early version of the course.

Jan. 7, 1916 The Evening World -


May 30, 1916 The Evening World -


Nov. 17, 1916 The Evening World -


Durand-Eastman Park Golf Course (Rochester, NY)

2018 DRS Update - Added to the list as 9 Holes, New in 1917

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

Jim Kennedy has asserted the Ross provenance for this course previously on this site.  The course started as a municipal project, but became a private club around 1929, and in 1935 was revamped by RTJ.  See also the Oct. 10, 1917 Democrat and Chronicle article posted above under Irondequoit CC.

Sept. 14, 1936 Rochester Times-Union -


July 14, 1918 Rochester Democrat and Chronicle -


Grover Cleveland Municipal Golf Course (f/k/a CC of Buffalo) (Buffalo, NY)

2018 DRS Update - A listing was addd for CC of Buffalo in Buffalo as 18 Holes, Remodel in 1918

CC of Buffalo is included in the 1930 Ross Booklet, but probably referring to new course he designed in 1926.

See also the June 17, 1916 The Evening Post article in post #47 above.

June 9, 1916 Buffalo Enquirer -


April 2, 1922 Buffalo Courier -



Aronimink GC (Philadelphia, PA)

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 27 Holes.

Going to add the Aronimink info in here, as his work here was first mentioned in 1916 (see the June 17, 1916 The Evening Post article in post #47).  In addition to whatever work took place in 1916 or earlier, Ross was back in 1918 doing additional work and reshuffling the course.

April 22, 1917 Philadelphia Inquirer -


Dec. 3, 1919 Philadelphia Inquirer -


St. Clair CC (Pittsburgh, PA)

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

Although St. Clair would be designed by Bendelow, Ross, Tillinghast and Bendelow were asked to bid on the project.

May 30, 1916 Pittsburgh Daily Post -


Camden CC (a/k/a Kirkwood Golf Course) (Camden, SC)

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

The DRS listing notes Ross doing an 18 hole remodel in 1939, but it fails to note his work here in 1916 on the early version of the course.

Jan. 9, 1916 New York Herald -


March 1916 Golfers Magazine -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on February 11, 2018, 05:48:08 PM
Hidden away in the two 1916 articles copied above in post #47 are a couple of lists of courses he had underway or had recently completed.

Connecticut Course - Shennecossett?  Or was this a reference to Blind Brook.

Nantucket - to be addressed in the 1917 listing

Portland CC (remodel) - DRS has 1921 for his work here, but course was expanded to 18 holes around or prior to 1916

Exmoor (remodel) - addressed in the 1914 listing

Dayton (new course) - Dayton CC or Miami Valley?, both which the DRS has as 1919

St. Augustine (new course) - addressed in the 1916 listing

Memphis (new course) - addressed in the 1912 listing

Topeka (new course) - Shawnee, addressed in the 1915 listing

Warren, PA (new course) - Conewango, addressed in the 1916 listing

Grand Rapids (new course) - Highlands, addressed in the 1916 listing

Detroit (new course) - Shadow Ridge, addressed in the 1916 listing

Oakwood (remodel) - addressed in the 1915 listing

Aronimink (remodel) - Addressed in the 1916 Additions

Englewood (remodel) - Addressed in the 1916 listing

Riverton (remodel) - Addressed in the 1916 listing

Pittsfield (remodel) - The DRS listing has his work here in 1921

Bretton Woods (remodel) - Mount Washington, addressed in the 1915 listing

Bethlehem (remodel) - Addressed in the 1910 listing

Kernwood (new course) - Addressed in the 1914 listing

Southbridge (new course) - Cohasse, addressed in the 1916 listing

Balsams (new course) - Addressed in the 1915 listing

Denver course (remodel) - Lakewood, addressed in the 1916 listing

Woodhill (new course) - to be addressed later

Oconomowoc (new course) - Addressed in the 1915 listing

Allegheny (remodel) - Addressed in the 1914 Additions

Westmoreland (remodel) - Addressed in the 1913 listing

Willowick (remodel) - The DRS listing has him working on a new course in 1928, but it appears he reworked the old course as well

Erie CC (remodel) - Kahkwa, Addressed in the 1916 listing

Buffalo CC (remodel) - Addressed in the 1916 Additions

Overhills (new 9 holes) - Addressed in the 1910 listing

Palmetto (remodel) - Need to fit this one into the appropriate place in the listings

Palm Beach (new course) - To be addressed in the 1917 listing

Louisville (new course) - Addressed in the 1916 Additions, where it seems that the club opted to remodel instead of building a new course

Bob O'Link (new course) - Addressed in the 1916 listing

Skokie (remodel) - Addressed in the 1915 listing

Old Elm (new course and remodel) -  Addressed in the 1913 listing
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on February 12, 2018, 07:56:56 PM

Palm Beach Country Club (Palm Beach, FL) - 18 Holes, New in 1917, Still in Existence

2018 RS Update - added in 18 Holes, Remodel in 1939

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

See also the June 17, 1916 The Evening Post article in post #47 above.

Jan. 25, 1916 Washington Herald -


April 4, 1916 Tampa Tribune -


Plan of the Course -


Calumet Country Club (Homewood, IL) - 18 Holes, New in 1917, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

The 1917 date here is off by a few years.  The club initially had plans for 27 holes to be done by Langford and others.  Ross came in around 1921 and reworked the 18 holes that were completed.  He returned in 1923 to make a few additional changes.  The plan copied below doesn't really match any other Ross plans I've seen, and my guess is that it was prepared by the club.

Feb. 6, 1921 Chicago Tribune -


May 6, 1921 Chicago Tribune -


Oct. 24, 1923 Chicago Tribune -


Course Plan -


Evanston Golf Club (Skokie, IL) - 18 Holes, New in 1917, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

Ross was here in 1917 to design a new course, and returned in 1918 to check on construction.  The Map of the Grounds copied below has a date, but it is too small to read.  It doesn't appear that the map was generated by Ross or anyone in his organization.

April 26, 1917 Chicago Tribune -


Oct. 28, 1917 Chicago Tribune -


May 21, 1918 Chicago Tribune -


Map of Grounds -


French Lick Spring Resort - Hill Course (French Lick, IN) - 18 Holes, New in 1917, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

March 31, 1918 Chicago Tribune -



Nantucket Golf Links (Nantucket, MA) - 9 Holes, New in 1917, NLE

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

I don't have any articles covering Ross' work at Nantucket, but the 1917 Annual Guide noted the course was being rebuilt by Ross.

See also the Jan. 8, 1916 Pinehurst Outlook article in post #47 above.

Ross Plan -


Oakland Hills Country Club - South (Bloomfield Hills, MI) - 18 Holes, New in 1917, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Date changed to 1916-17

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 36 holes.

Ross returned here in 1921 to oversee the planting of 170 trees on the course (adding some food for thought for those that espouse returning the course to its original treeless look).  There is also evidence that he returned around 1937 to make updates prior to that year's US Open.,62242.msg1479500.html#msg1479500 (,62242.msg1479500.html#msg1479500).

May 20, 1917 Detroit Free Press -


Sept. 16, 1917 Detroit Free Press -


Dec. 15, 1921 Detroit Free Press -



May 1, 1937 Wisconsin State Journal -




Rogell Golf Course (f/k/a Phoenix CC o/k/a Redford CC) (Detroit, MI) - 18 Holes, New in 1917, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

The first article below suggests Ross added 9 holes to an already existing 9 hole course, while the later 1938 article suggests he created a full new 18 hole course.

Dec. 23, 1917 Detroit Free Press -


July 2, 1939 Detroit Free Press -


Minikahda Club (Minneapolis, MN) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1917, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 holes.

In 1916, it was reported that Bob Taylor was making changes to the course.

April 1916 American Golfer -


With Ross visiting Minneapolis to work on the Woodhill course, Minikahda piggybacked on his time in the area.  Ross would return to make changes in the years leading up to 1927.  (Thanks to Rick Shefchik for supplying a number of articles on the Minnesota courses.)

Sept. 1, 1916 Minneapolis Tribune -


Oct. 29, 1916 Star Tribune -


March 20, 1927 Star Tribune -


Aug. 1927 Golf Illustrated -


Woodhill Country Club (Wayzata, MN) - 18 Holes, New in 1917, 18 Holes, Remodel in 1934, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Date changed to 1916

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 holes.

In addition to the Sept. 1, 1916 article above under Minikahda and the Sept. 17, 1916 article below, the Aug. 3, 1915 article below notes an expert from New York being brought in.

See also the June 17, 1916 The Evening Post article in post #47 above.

Aug. 3, 1915 Star Tribune -


Sept. 17, 1916 Minneapolis Tribune -



Hillcrest Country Club (Kansas City, MO) - 18 Holes, New in 1917, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Date changed to 1912

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 holes.

The date for Hillcrest should be 1912, although it took a few years for the course to be completed.  Ross would return in 1921 to suggest improvements.

Dec. 2, 1912 Hutchinson News -


June 4, 1921 Topeka State Journal -


Ardsley Country Club (Ardsley-On-Hudson, NY) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1917, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

Dec. 27, 1916 The Evening World -


Jan. 6, 1917 El Paso Herald -


Schroon Lake Golf Course (Schroon Lake, NY)  - 9 Holes, New in 1917, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Added to the Listing.

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

Sept. 19, 1917 The Post-Star -


Schroon Lake History by Robert Swan -



Immergrun Golf Course (o/k/a Charles Schwab GC) (Altoona, PA) - 9 Holes, New in 1917, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

This was Devereux Emmet, not Ross.

Rolling Rock Club (Ligonier, Pa) - 9 Holes, New in 1917, 9 Holes, Remodel in 1947, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 9 Holes.

Nothing naming Ross, but McGovern was here in 1918 constructing the course.

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sean_A on February 12, 2018, 08:32:44 PM
Rogell Golf Course (f/k/a Phoenix CC o/k/a Redford CC) (Detroit, MI) - 18 Holes, New in 1917, Still in Existence

Sadly, Rogell, or New Rogell, as it was called after the City of Detroit sold the course, is NLE as of handful of years ago. The course became Redford CC in the early 20s when it was sold to Redford. Detroit bought the course in the mid 1940s. I am not sure when it became Rogell, but I suspect in the 70s.

Folks may remember that the Detroit News held a hole in one contest at Rogell every year for those who had hole in was a lot of fun to get the invite, go down and hit two shots (I think it was the par 3 18th) then play the rest of the course. 

Rogell was named after Billy Rogell.  My dad loved the guy because he was an instrumental part of the awesome infield (playing with a few no namers; Gehringer on 2nd & Greenberg on 1st) for the Tigers, the 1935 World Series champions.  Leading up to that season, the infield stats are unbelievable: the four (Marv Owen on the left side) totalled 769 hits (remember the 154 game schedule), 462 RBIs, 445 runs scored, .327 average with one game between the four missed all season.  Despite all the above, I think Rogell is most loved as a city servant for 36 years (I think) as a Council Member. Its for this reason that the course was named after Rogell.  For those who frequent Detroit Metro, you will notice that once Merriman crosses I94 from the north, the road names changes to WG Rogell Drive.

Incidentally, another public Ross course was named after a ball player...George Wright...

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on February 12, 2018, 09:13:46 PM
1917 (cont.)


East Potomac Park Golf Course (Washington, DC)

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

From its impetus in 1916, the public course in East Potomac Park had quite a few hands involved, including Ross, Walter Travis and Walter Harban with a first crack at construction by Col. Ridley before it was eventually completed by Robert White.  There is no way to know if any of Ross' ideas survived the nearly 5 years of development (with the land being used to grow corn during the way), but he did have his say in 1919.  This is one case where it wasn't a question of competing architects, but rather the collaboration of good friends.

Feb. 23, 1919 Evening Star -


Dover Hall GC (Brunswick, GA)

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

No evidence this course was ever built.

May 1, 1917 The Daily Republican -


Lake Shore CC (Glencoe, IL)

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

Ross visited in 1917, but I have no evidence any of his suggested changes were made.  In 1918, the club decided they would bring Ross back at a later date for extensive changes.  It appears that instead George O'Neil was brought in to renovate the course in 1920.

April 26, 1917 Chicago Tribune -


June 9, 1918 Chicago Tribune -


Olympia Fields CC #4 (Olympia Fields, IL)

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

The second project I am aware of where Ross was originally on tap, and the project eventually went to Willie Park.

June 15, 1916 Chicago Tribune -


Jan. 7, 1917 Chicago Daily Tribune -


Yeamans Hall GC (Charleston, SC)

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

Before Raynor worked here in the mid-1920's, there were plans for Ross to lay out a course on the Yeamans Hall estate.

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on February 12, 2018, 09:43:40 PM
In early 1917 the Grantland Rice piece below was carried in a number of papers across the country. 

First, if the 200 number for Ross courses to date was correct, there are close to 80 or so courses from the years leading up to 1917 that we have yet to identify.  My guess is this was a bit of inflation, and we're probably pretty close to the 120 or so already identified in this thread.

Second, the article offers some nice insight into the design philosophies (more accurately "general guidelines") that Ross had developed in the close to two decades he had been working on course design.  As with any architect, his work evolved over time.  In Discovering Donald Ross, Brad Klein identifies the year 1918 as a delineation between his early more basic work and his "mature period," a period that saw him spending more effort on tying his work into the surrounds.  I'd suggest that if Ross was explicitly acknowledging these concepts in 1917, he had been thinking about them (if not putting them into practice) for a good while up to this point.  The following quote alone makes the article noteworthy:

"The main development from now on will be in the way of landscape effect, of building for beauty on a course as well as the right test of golf."

There is probably also a line of conversation as to how much influence Ross' work had on William Flynn and the other "nature fakers," and that perhaps we've thought of the wrong guy when doling out this moniker  There was a recent thread on Ross' lineage, and although there really aren't any direct descendants in his family tree, it would be hard to argue that any architect that worked in the 1920's and beyond wasn't influenced by Ross.

Feb. 18, 1917 Indianapolis Star -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Lyndell Young on February 12, 2018, 10:09:51 PM
Sven I played Yeamans today great Raynor, I was justing thinking what Ross would have done with the site. Do you think Ross would have done better?
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on February 12, 2018, 11:37:49 PM

Country Club of Mobile (Mobile, AL) - 27 Holes, New in 1918, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

The 1916 Annual Guide notes an 18 hole course that was established this year and the 1920 Guide has 18 holes and notes this as a new course by Donald Ross in 1916.  None of the Annual Guides note 27 holes.

May 1917 The Rotarian -


Ross Plan -


Broadmoor Golf Club - East Course (Colorado Springs, CO) - 18 Holes, New in 1918, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

June 16, 1918 Indianapolis Star -


Ross Plan -


May 1920 Golfers Magazine -


Nov. 1921 Golf Illustrated -


Undated Drawing -


Country Club of Orlando (Orlando, FL) - 18 Holes, New in 1918, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

Not a Ross.  Here's what I wrote in an earlier thread:

"There are numerous reports from 1918 to 1920 of Bendelow's involvement with the addition of 9 holes (the original 9 opened around 1911 and was designed by D. K. Davidson).

Adding to the story, a Jan. 20, 1925 Orlando Evening Star article discussing a proposed Ross course in the Palermo subdivision off of Windermere Road quotes Ross saying he had only passed through Orlando prior to his recent visit."

Northmoor Country Club (Highland Park, IL) - 18 Holes, New in 1918, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Date changed to 1919

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

All of the reports I've seen have Ross here in 1921.

Feb. 28, 1921 Chicago Tribune -


March 25, 1921 Lake Shore News -


Ross Plan -


Belmont Country Club (f/k/a Belmont Springs CC) (Belmont, MA) - 18 Holes, New in 1918, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Listing changed to 18 hole, New c. 1910, 18 Holes, Remodel in 1920

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

Addressed in the 1908 listing in post #14 above.

Bellevue Country Club (Syracuse, NY) - 18 Holes, New in 1918, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Date changed to 1917

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

The date here should by 1916.

April 1934 Syracuse Journal -



Wollaston GC (North Quincy, MA)

Not noted in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

April 22, 1920 Boston Post -


Grove Park Inn (o/k/a Asheville CC) (Asheville, NC)

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

The history of Swannanoa/Grove Park/Asheville has been hashed out here a bit in the last few years.  What was once thought to be a Ross layout is addressed by the DRS listing as a 1926 18 Hole remodel.  Ross was here in the late teens.

Jan. 26, 1918 Asheville Citizen-Times -


March 24, 1918 Asheville Citizen-Times -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: ANTHONYPIOPPI on February 13, 2018, 07:06:54 PM

Wykoff still exists but it is not the same course Ross designed. The layout was significantly altered when I-91 was built. For a period of time Ross lived on Northampton Street in Holyoke, within walking distance of the first tee.

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on February 14, 2018, 01:31:20 AM

Banff Hotel Golf Club (Banff Springs, CAN) - 9 Holes, Design in 1919, NLE

2018 DRS Update - NLE date of 1928 added.

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

Nov. 4, 1919 Calgary Herald -


1920 Report of the Commissioner of Dominion Parks -


1921 Through the Heart of the Rockies & Selkirks -



Lambton Golf & Country Club (Toronto, Ont., CAN) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1919, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

See the June 21, 1919 Calgary Herald article below.

Pine Ridge Golf Club (Winnipeg, Man., CAN) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1919, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

1919 Ross Plan -


Rosedale Golf Club (Toronto, Ont., CAN) - 18 Holes, New in 1919, Remodel in 1919, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

I don't have much on Ross' work in Canada.  If anyone has any articles or other information on any of his work north of the border or any additions to the list, please don't hesitate to add it in.

1919 was his first foray into Canada.

May 16, 1919 Lincoln Journal Star -


June 21, 1919 Calgary Herald -


Nov. 1919 Golf Illustrated -


Miami Country Club (o/k/a Miami Golf Links) (Miami, FL) - 18 Holes, New in 1919, NLE

2018 DRS Update - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1939 added

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

Ross would return to Miami CC some time after 1939 to rebuilt the course (see the March 16, 1947 Miami News article below).

July 21, 1920 Palm Beach Post -


Nov. 29, 1921 Miami News -


1919 Ross Plan -


March 16, 1947 Miami News -


Beverly Country Club (Chicago, IL) - 18 Holes, New in 1919, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Changed to 18 Holes, Remodel in 1918

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

Ross' work at Beverly has been discussed a bit in other threads.  I am of the mindset that giving him credit for a new course discounts the impact of George O'Neil's original routing, most of which remains in place on the course.  An earlier thread attempted to clear up exactly what O'Neil built
(,60113.msg1420785.html#msg1420785 (,60113.msg1420785.html#msg1420785)).

Ross did come in and suggested a number of changes which seem to have been made a bit at a time in the '20's.

March 20, 1918 Chicago Tribune -


May 18, 1918 Chicago Tribune -


March 18, 1922 Chicago Tribune -


Dec. 8, 1922 Chicago Tribune -


Vesper Country Club (Tyngsboro, MA) - 9 Holes, New in 1919, 9 Holes, Remodel in 1919, 9 Holes, Remodel in 1947, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - 1947 Remodel changed to 18 Holes

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

June 24, 1921 Boston Globe -


1947 Ross/McGovern Plan -


Cape Neddick Country Club (o/k/a Cliff CC) (Cape Neddick, ME) - 18 Holes, New in 1919, Remodel in 1920, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Listing changed to 9 Holes, New in 1919, 9 Holes, Remodel in 1925

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

I have nothing linking Ross to Cape Neddick.

Monroe Golf & Country Club (Monroe, MI) - 18 Holes, New in 1919, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 holes.

I have nothing on Ross at Monroe.

Midland Valley Country Club (Overland, MO) - 18 Holes, New in 1919, NLE

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

This sounds more like a remodel than a new course.


1919 Ross Plan -


Elmsford Country Club (Elmsford, NY) - 18 Holes, New in 1919, NLE

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 holes.

I have nothing at Ross at Elmsford.

Rip Van Winkle Country Club (Palenville, NY) - 9 Holes, New in 1919, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

The only article I have on the genesis of the club doesn't mention Ross.

July 9, 1917 Brooklyn Daily Eagle -


Dayton Country Club (Dayton, OH) - 18 Holes, New in 1919, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

See the Jan. 8, 1916 Pinehurst Outlook article noted in post #47 above regarding his work at a course in Dayton (which could also have been Miami Valley).  It appears that Ross started working with the club in the late teen's, with the final plans for the rearrangement of the course being submitted in 1922, although I've found no evidence these plans were ever carried out.  Ross returned in 1935/36 to reconstruct the course.

May 12, 1917 Dayton Daily News -




Oct. 5, 1922 Dayton Herald -


Oct. 4, 1935 Dayton Daily News -


Feb. 16, 1936 Dayton Daily News -




Feb. 23, 1936 Dayton Daily News -


Inverness Club (Toledo, OH) - 9 Holes, New in 1919, 9 Holes, Remodel in 1919, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Changed to 18 Holes, Remodel in 1919

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes, Remodeled.

Two quick notes on Inverness, which has been covered in great detail in other threads.  First, the course had 18 holes prior to Ross' arrival.  Second, Ross came back in 1920 for two weeks to "dress up" the course in preparation for the US Open.

April 29, 1920 The Evening World -




Miami Valley Golf Club (Dayton, OH) - 18 Holes, New in 1919, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

July 3, 1920 Sandusky Star-Journal -


April 30, 1931 Indianapolis News -


Memoirs of Miami Valley -


Mohawk Golf & Country Club (o/k/a Mohawk GC) (Tiffin, OH) - 18 Holes, New in 1919, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

No articles, but the Ross plan is dated 1919.


Berkshire Country Club (Reading, PA) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1919, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

I don't have anything on Ross here, but the Givens site does have a number of hole drawings he did for the course.

Pocono Manor Golf Club - East (Pocono Manor, PA) - 18 Holes, New in 1919, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Upate - Date changed to 1911

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

I don't have anything linking Ross to Pocono Manor, and it doesn't appear that they got a new course in 1919.
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Bret Lawrence on February 15, 2018, 09:22:06 PM
Another Ross in Canada article from The Bridgeport Times and Evening Farmer-May 5, 1919:

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Bret Lawrence on February 15, 2018, 09:32:55 PM
Two clips from 1918 and 1919 comparing Ross' income to other professionals:
Evening Public Ledger-February 19, 1918

Evening Public Ledger-December 22, 1919
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Jim_Kennedy on February 15, 2018, 09:37:07 PM
The folks at Rip Van Winkle have a large blueprint of the course hanging on the wall behind the counter in the pro shop. It was constructed by Walter Hatch, who did a great job of creating a fun golf course on a pancake-flat site. The name was taken from the RPV club in Shandakan that went under, literally, when the town was flooded to create a reservoir for NYC. The Smith family has owned it since the '40s .
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on February 15, 2018, 10:34:42 PM
1919 (cont.)


Mississauga G&CC (Mississauga, Ont.)

See the June 21, 1919 Calgary Herald article above under the Rosedale listing.

North Adams CC (North Adams, MA

Ross was to be hired to inspect the course and offer suggestions.  I don't have anything confirming whether or not this work ever took place.

April 18, 1919 North Adams Transcript -


Bloomfield Hills CC (Bloomfield Hills, MI)

A 1938 report notes Ross was here in 1919 making changes, including adding an irrigation system



Oak Ridge GC (Forest Park) (Tuckahoe, NY)

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

Feb. 27, 1919 New York Tribune -


Maketewah CC (o/k/a Hamilton County CC) (Cincinnati, OH)

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

Nov. 2, 1919 Cincinnati Enquirer -


May 28 1921 Cincinnati Enquirer -


Aronimink GC (Philadelphia, PA)

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 27 Holes.

Oct. 12, 1919 Philadelphia Inquirer -


Dec. 3, 1919 Philadelphia Inquirer -


Roxborough GC (Philadelphia, PA)

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

I don't have anything that links Ross to RGC, but a number of other Ross listings include this as his work.  Worthy of further study at the least.

Whitemarsh Valley CC (Philadelphia, PA)

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes Remodeled.

In addition to the article below, see the Dec. 3, 1919 article above under Aronimink.

March 16, 1919 Philadelphia Inquirer -


Dahlgren GC (f/k/a Danville GC) (Danville, VA)

2018 DRS Update - New listing added noting 18 Holes, New in 1919-31

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

Dec. 29, 1919 Richmond Times-Dispatch -


July 21, 1929 The Bee -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on February 15, 2018, 11:27:35 PM
As you can see by the 1919 numbers, once WWI ended, Ross was back on schedule.  Many of the projects that wrapped up around 1919 had started earlier.  The war put a freeze on new construction, delaying the completion of plans made in the late teens.  Looking for articles from this period, one wonders if there was a bit of an intentional black out in the press on any work that was taking place. 

A Dec. 31, 1919 article gives us a bit of insight into his daily routine.


And it comes as no surprise that Ross was looking for innovations that would make the construction process easier.


A couple of articles touching on Ross' opinion on course length.  Ross considered himself the club member's architect, in that he sought to design courses that emphasized the pleasures of the game.  In the 20 years leading up to these articles that he had been in America, the game had changed drastically.  It says something that many of us would consider a 6,500 yard course to be a perfect length today, yet these were the distances that new courses were being built at back then. 

The NYT article also gives us a bit of insight into how his design practices were evolving with the utilization of topographical maps, field note cards and hole blueprints.  If you study many of those notes and drawings on the Givens site, it is easy to understand how his vision was imprinted into the ground so easily by the foreman who were tasked with their interpretation.

May 11, 1919 New York Times -


June 4, 1919 Waterloo Courier -


Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Bret Lawrence on February 16, 2018, 12:12:39 AM
One more addition for 1919 is Oakmont.  Buried in the back of a preview article on the 1919 Amateur, the author mentions Ross was consulted to look over the Oakmont Links prior to the National Championship:
The Evening World-August 16, 1919: (the article includes a typesetting error)
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Jim_Kennedy on February 16, 2018, 01:22:38 AM (

The reference to Hatch at Palenville is in the third column of text under the heading "Palenville". 
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on February 16, 2018, 12:19:17 PM
Bret and Jim:

Thanks for the additions.  I have heard the speculation of Ross at Oakmont, but never seen it in print.

Like Oakmont, it appears Ross was called into Myopia as well.  I'm pretty sure Jim posted this article a couple years back in another thread, and I haven't seen anything to confirm or deny that any changes were made, other than a late '20's article noting that Myopia had been altered less than almost any course in the district.

The article also fits in nicely with the comments above on Ross' thoughts on difficulty.  When CBM built Lido, the contention was he attempted to build as stern a test as possible to provide an American playing ground that (i) matched those in the UK and (ii) would provide a training ground for American golfers to level the playing field with their British counterparts.  The article does a good job of describing the counterbalance between the needed updates for modernization which many courses were facing and the thought of keeping the course playable for the average member.  Ross was positioning himself perfectly with respect to this juxtaposition, seemingly being able to straddle the center line by being the USGA's go to guy to update their championship courses while still maintaining the reputation of being able to suit his alterations to the needs of the average joe.

Sept. 6, 1918 Brooklyn Daily Eagle -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on February 16, 2018, 05:49:56 PM

Riverside Golf & Country Club (Rothesay, NB, CAN) - 18 Holes, New in 1920, 18 Holes, Remodel in 1920, 18 holes, Remodel in 1936-39, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - 1920 Activity changed to 9 Holes New, 9 Holes Remodel

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

St. Charles - South (Winnipeg, Man., CAN) - 9 Holes, New in 1920, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Listing - Country Club added to the name and changed to 9 Holes, Remodel in 1919

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

St. Charles - West (Winnipeg, Man., CAN) - 9 Holes, New in 1920, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Listing - Country Club added to the name and changed to 9 Holes, Remodel in 1919

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

A few additional Canadian courses, including work in Winnipeg as noted in the article Bret posted above.

Sarasota Golf & Country Club (Sarasota, FL) - 18 Holes, New in 1920's, NLE

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

The Sarasota G&CC was the oldest club in Sarasota, stemming from the early holes laid out by J. Hamilton Gillespie.  The course was reworked in the mid 1920's, but I can find no mention of who did that work.  If this reference is for a new course built in the '20's, although there was a ton of activity in Sarasota at that time, I don't believe there was a new course with this name constructed.

Gainesville Municipal Golf Course (Gainesville, GA) - 9 Holes, New in 1920, NLE

2018 DRS Update - Date changed to 1933

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

I don't have anything on Ross in 1920 here.  There is an 18 hole map for De Soto Heights Golf Course in Gainesville with a date of 1933, suggesting Ross came back here later to rework the course and add 9 holes (assuming this was the same course).  I have no idea if this work was ever done.

1933 Ross Plan -


Ellinwood Country Club (Athol, MA) - 9 Holes, New in 1920, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Date changed to 1929

Not noted in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

I don't have anything on Ross here.

Ludlow Country Club (Ludlow, MA) - 18 Holes, New in 1920, Still in Existence

Not noted in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

I don't have anything on Ross here, other than to note that the Annual Guides only note 9 holes up to 1927.

Newton Commonwealth Golf Course (Newton, MA) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1920, Still in Existence

Not noted in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

Feb. 1923 Golf Illustrated -


North Andover Country Club (North Andover, MA) - 9 Holes, New in 1920, Still in Existence

Not noted in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

I don't have anything addressing Ross here, and a 1922 article notes a new course being contemplated in North Andover.

Dec. 1922 Golf Illustrated -


Plymouth Country Club (Plymouth Center, MA) - 18 Holes, New in 1920, 3 Holes, New in 1929, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Changed to 9 Holes, New in 1921, 9 Holes, New in 1929

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

I don't have anything covering the 1920, and only have the 1929 Ross plan below with respect to the later new holes.


Sweetheart Tea Room (Shelburne Falls, MA) - 9 Holes, New in c. 1920, NLE

2018 DRS Update - Changed to 9 Holes, Design in 1920

Not noted in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

I don't have anything on Ross here.

Whaling City Golf Course (New Bedford, MA) - 9 Holes, New in 1920, Still in Existence

Not noted in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

I don't have anything on Ross here.

Paradise Springs Golf Club (Paradise Springs, ME) - 9 Holes, Design in 1920, NLE

Not noted in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

1920 Ross/Hatch Plan -


Fred Wardell Country Club (Detroit, MI) - 9 Holes, New in 1920, NLE

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

I don't have anything on Ross here.

Fred Wardell Estate Golf Course (Detroit, MI) - 9 Holes, New in 1920, NLE

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

I don't have anything on Ross here.

Grosse Ile Golf & Country Club (Grosse Ile, MI) - 9 Holes, New in 1920, 9 Holes, Remodel in 1921, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 holes.

Note:  I deleted the Aug. 29, 1920 Detroit Free Press ad included earlier which covered the Island CC on Grosse Ile, which can now be found later in the thread in a discussion on that course.  In its place I've added the following article.

Feb. 12, 1922 Detroit Fre Press -


Ross Plan -


June 26, 1938 Detroit Free Press -


Muskegon Country Club (Muskegon, MI) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1920, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Changed to 18 Holes, New in 1920 & 1930

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 holes.

I don't have anything on Ross here.  The routing map below matches the current lay out of the course pretty well, and since it is my understanding that Ross reversed the direction of the holes from the existing course, this plan probably represents his work.

Routing Map -


Minneapolis Golf Club (Minneapolis, MN) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1920, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

June 24, 1920 Star Tribune -


The Givens site has a map of the course, but the 1917 notation predates Ross' involvement.

Course Plan -


Forsyth Country Club  - Course #1 (Winston-Salem, NC) - 9 Holes, New in 1920, 9 Holes, Remodel in 1920, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

Dec. 2, 1921 Winston-Salem Journal -


Nov. 6, 1922 Winston-Salem Journal -


Homestead Country Club (Spring Lake, NJ) - 18 Holes, New in 1920, NLE

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 holes.

May 29, 1921 New York Herald -


July 10, 1921 Brooklyn Daily Eagle -


July 14, 1921 Asbury Park Press -


Montclair Golf Club (Montclair, NJ) - 27 Holes, New in 1920, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Date changed to 1919-22

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 27 holes.

Aug. 13, 1922 Brooklyn Standard Union -


Teugega Country Club (Rome, NY) - 18 Holes, New in 1920, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Date changed to 1921

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

June 30, 1921 Rome Daily Sentinel -


1920 Ross/Hatch Plan -


Wykagyl Country Club (New Rochelle, NY) - 18 Holes, New in 1920, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Changed to 18 Holes, Remodel in 1920

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes Remodeled.

I don't have anything on Ross here, and it is worth noting that there were reports in 1919 of William Tucker remodeling a number of holes.  The club's history notes Ross' work, but has it as a remodel on several holes, and not a new course.

Piqua Country Club (Piqua, OH) - 9 Holes, New in 1920, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 9 Holes.

Aug. 28, 1922 Dayton Herald -


1920 Ross/Hatch Plan -


Westbrook Country Club (Mansfield, OH) - 18 Holes, New in 1920, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

Ross first visited Westbrook in 1917.

Sept. 13, 1917 News-Journal -


The club elected to build a new course a few years later, with Ross doing the layout.  The new course opened in 1923, and a Sept. 27, 1924 Burlington Free Press article posted in the 1924 listing notes the course was planned by Donald Ross and Walter Hatch.

Aug. 23, 1929 Dayton Herald -


1920 Ross/Hatch Plan -


Chattanooga Golf & Country Club (Chattanooga, TN) - 18 Holes, New in 1920, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

I have nothing on Ross here.
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Bret Lawrence on February 17, 2018, 09:32:59 AM
Whaling City Golf Course in New Bedford, MA was not built in 1920. 

If you look on you will notice the course did not exist in 1938.  By 1961 the course included 9 holes and by 1971 Route 140 was built causing the original nine to be rerouted and nine additional holes were added.

If Ross built this course, it wasn't implemented until after 1938.  If the plan was from 1920, it would have taken at least twenty years to get the plans in the ground?  I think most of what remains is William Mitchell's work from the late 50's.

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on February 17, 2018, 12:33:33 PM
1920 (cont.)


Tucked at the end of an article on Biltmore Forest included later in the thread is the mention of Ross heading to Palm Beach and Kansas City to lay out courses.  The Palm Beach work is probably the Kelsey City project noted below.  As for Kansas City, the only course that makes sense for that time period is Midland Valley, which was a remodel and not the laying out of a new course.  The Hillcrest work took place much earlier, unless this trip had something to do with his 1921 visit to suggest improvements.  Exactly what three courses the article referred to would be a nice find.

July 19, 1920 Asheville Citizen Times -


Denver CC (Denver, CO)

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

These changes were reported in 1920, but its possible that the emanated from an early Ross trip out west.

1920 Spalding Official Golf Guide


Kelsey City CC (a/k/a Palm Beach Winter Club) (Kelsey City, FL)

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

The Kelsey City course would eventually be built by William Langford.  It has a bit of a confusing history, as it was known as the Palm Beach Winter Club when it first opened.  The PBWC would eventually move over to the nearby Raynor course built a few years later just north of Kelsey City. 

July 21, 1920 Palm Beach Post -


Bellevue GC (Boston, MA)

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

The Nov. 1920 Golf Illustrated notes Ross visiting in contemplation of extending the course to 18 holes.  I don't believe these plans were ever carried out, as Bellevue is noted as a 9 hole course in all of the Annual Guides through the 1920's.

New Bedford (CC of) (New Bedford, MA)

2018 DRS Update - New listing added with 9 Holes, New in 1924, 9 Holes, Remodel in 1924

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

Tagging this here as a followup to Bret's post above regarding Whaling City.  It is possible that Ross did work in the city around 1920, just not at Whaling City.  The Annual Guides note the expansion of the CC of New Bedford course from 9 to 18 holes in the early 1920's.

Genundawah CC (East Rochester, NY)

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

July 20, 1919 Democrat and Chronicle -


March 25, 1920 Democrat and Chronicle -


Hempstead CC (Hempstead, NY)

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

Nov. 26, 1920 Register Observer Post Inquirer -


April 15, 1921 The Evening World -


June 12, 1921 New York Tribune -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on February 17, 2018, 12:54:25 PM
There's an old thread you can find in the back pages hereabouts discussing why Ross didn't do much work on Long Island.  A misguided poster suggested that it was most likely due to Ross' personality.  I almost spit out my Fresca when I read those words.

Donald Ross may have been golf's most beloved, with all apologies to Ran.  He was just at home playing with a young beginner as he was getting a round in with the President.

April 7, 1920 Atlanta Constitution -


Nov. 8, 1920 Washington Herald -


Putting this thread together I have been struck by the similarities between Ross and Tom Bendelow.  I'll touch on their individual impacts on the game later in the thread, but for now I want to highlight non-design activities that they had in common.  Both Ross and Bendelow were in the small group of experts that were called upon to run a wide number of tournaments.  They were both considered top notch instructors.  In addition, they both were involved with some of the first college classes in the realm of golf architecture.

March 12, 1920 Boston Globe -


Dec. 20, 1920 Atlanta Constitution -


As we get into the 1920's, and the great boom in golf course construction in the United States, we start to see Ross expanding his bases of activity.  He was well established as the go to guy in most of New England and had taken on quite a bit of work in the NY/NJ/PA corridor.  It appears he was making almost yearly visits to Chicago and Detroit, and getting a bunch of work in Ohio and some other midwestern stops along the way.  He put himself on the map in Florida with his work at Bellair, with a deluge of work down there to follow.  At this point, the only real well-known hotbed for Ross courses that we would think of today that hadn't yet taken off was his winter home state.  He was certainly doing a ton of work around Pinehurst, but it would take a few years before golf course construction (and Ross' involvement therewith) would take of in the mid-Atlantic.

We touched on the impact of the automobile a bit earlier in the thread.  Here's a 1920 article discussing its impact on the latest boom.

Oct. 2, 1920 Buffalo Evening News -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on February 20, 2018, 11:53:50 AM

Daytona Beach Golf Club - South (Daytona Beach, FL) - 18 Holes, New in 1921, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1944 added

Not included in the 1930RB.

Opened as a private club, but became a municipal course.  Ross returned here in 1944-45 for a redesign.

Dec. 14, 1919 New York Sun -


Dec. 28, 1919 New York Herald -


Jan. 7, 1921 Tampa Tribune -


Dec. 9, 1945 Tampa Tribune -


Mark Bostick Golf Course at the Univ. of Florida (Gainesville, FL) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1921, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930RB.

I don't have anything on Ross here.

La Grange Country Club (La Grange, IL) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1921, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930RB.

Another mystery, nothing on Ross here.  Langford reworked the course in 1916.

Broadmoor Country Club (Indianapolis, IN) - 18 Holes, New in 1921, Still in Existence

The 1930RB notes 18 Holes.

June 30, 1924 Indianapolis News -


July 20, 1930 Indianapolis Star -


Charles River Country Club (Newton Centre, MA) - 18 Holes, New in 1921, Still in Existence

The 1930RB notes 18 Holes.

A Sept. 27, 1924 Burlington Free Press article in the 1924 listing notes course was planned by Ross and Hatch.  Ross redesigned at least one hole later on.

June 26, 1921 Boston Post -




1921 Ross/Hatch Plan -


Longmeadow Country Club (Longmeadow, MA) - 18 Holes, New in 1921, Still in Existence

The 1930RB notes 18 Holes.

Nov. 11, 1922 American Contractor -


1922 Ross/Hatch Plan -


Country Club of Pittsfield (Pittsfield, MA) - 18 Holes, New in 1921, Still in Existence

Not noted in the 1930RB.

I don't have anything on Ross here.  He supposedly returned in 1928 and his proposals lead to the Stiles and Van Kleek that severely altered Ross' layout.


The Country Club (Brookline, MA) - 18 Holes, Design in 1921

Not noted in the 1930RB.

Ross produced a layout for a second 18 that was never built.


Waltham Country Club (Waltham, MA) - 9 Holes, New in 1921, NLE

Not noted in the 1930RB.

1921 Ross/Hatch Plan -


Prince George's Country Club (o/k/a Beaver Dam CC) (Landover, MD) - 18 Holes, New in 1921, NLE 1980

Not noted in the 1930RB.

A muddled history here, with some reports giving credit to William Flynn in 1921 and subsequent work in 1927.  The course is noted as having anywhere from 9 to 27 holes.

Silver Spring Country Club (Silver Spring, MD) - 18 Holes, New in 1921, NLE

Not noted in the 1930RB.

This is the same course as Indian Spring GC which is noted in the 1922 listing.

Portland Country Club (Falmouth, ME) - 18 Holes, New in 1921, Still in Existence

The 1930RB notes 18 Holes.

I don't have anything on Ross here.

Kent Country Club (Grand Rapids, MI) - 9 Holes, New in 1921, 9 Holes, Remodel in 1921, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Both dates changed to 1916

The 1930RB notes 18 holes.

Ross' work here started earlier than 1921.  The Annual Guides note the expansion of the course to 18 holes in 1920, but I don't have anything linking it to Ross.

Jan. 1915 Golfers Magazine -


Interlachen Country Club (Edina, MN) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1921, Still in Existence

The 1930RB notes 18 holes.

Jan. 11, 1920 Star Tribune -



July 9, 1930 The Herald-Palladium


Aug. 1930 Golf Illustrated -







Mid Pines Golf Club (Southern Pines, NC) - 18 Holes, New in 1921, Still in Existence

The 1930RB notes 18 Holes.

The 1921 Annual Guide notes this as a new 18 hole course by Ross.

July 14, 1921 Moore County News -



Dec. 1, 1921 Pinehurst Outlook -




March 1922 Golf Illustrated -



Bald Peak Colony Club (Melvin Village, NH) - 18 Holes, New in 1921, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930RB.

I have nothing on Ross here.  A March 1921 Golfers Magazine article notes the course was laid out by George Merritt.

Wentworth-by-the-Sea Golf Club (Portsmouth, NH) - 9 Holes, Remodel in 1921, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930RB.

Ross Plan -


Plainfield Country Club (Plainfield, NJ) - 18 Holes, New in 1921, Remodel in 1928, Still in Existence

The 1930RB notes 18 holes.

Jan. 6, 1920 Central New Jersey Home News -


Sept. 17, 1921 Central New Jersey Home News -


Chautauqua Golf Club (Chautauqua, NY) - 9 Holes, New in 1921, 9 Holes, Remodel in 1921, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930RB.

Nov. 6, 1920 Jamestown Evening Journal -


Aug. 26, 1924 The Daily Notes -


Thendara Golf Club (Thendara, NY) - 9 Holes, New in 1921, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930RB.

June 6, 1920 Brooklyn Daily Eagle -


June 13, 1920 Brooklyn Daily Eagle -


June 20, 1920 New York Herald -


Sept. 27, 1920 Utica Daily Press -


1921 Ross/Hatch Plan -


Arlington Golf Club (o/k/a Aladdin CC) (Columbus, OH) - 18 Holes, New in 1921, NLE?

Not included in the 1930RB.

Question if this was more of a 9 remodel 9 new as opposed to 18 new.

May 23, 1921 Chillicothe Gazette -


Athens Country Club (Athens, OH) - 9 Holes, New in 1921, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Changed to 2 Holes, New in 1921, 7 Holes, Remodel in 1921

Not included in the 1930RB.

I don't have anything linking this to Ross, and an April 4, 1921 Sandusky Star-Journal article notes George Sargent being called to lay out a course.

Springfield Country Club (Springfield, OH) - 18 Holes, New in 1921, Still in Existence

The 1930RB notes 18 Holes.

The course had 9 holes up until the 1922 Annual Guide, timing fits and possibly an R9/A9.

1921 Ross/Hatch Plan -


1938 Aerial -


Edgewood Country Club (Pittsburgh, PA) - 18 Holes, New in 1921, Still in Existence

The 1930RB notes 18 Holes.

March 6, 1921 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette -


July 2, 1922 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette -


A Sept. 27, 1924 Burlington Free Press article posted in the 1924 listing notes the course was planned by Donald Ross and Walter Hatch.

1924 Ross Plan -


Green Oaks Country Club - West (o/k/a Westmoreland CC) (Verona, PA) - 18 Holes, New in 1921, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Date changed to 1913-14

Not included in the 1930RB.

The Ross work at Westmoreland was covered in the 1913 Additions above which included a April 27, 1913 The Pittsburgh Press article noting Ross was in town to lay out a new course for Westmoreland.  I don't have anything on a new course in 1921.

Torresdale-Frankford Country Club (Philadelphia, PA) - 18 Holes, New in 1921, Still in Existence

The 1930RB notes 18 Holes.

April 12, 1919 Evening Public Ledger -


July 12, 1920 Evening Public Ledger -


1919 Ross Plan -


Metacomet Country Club (East Providence, RI) - 18 Holes, New in 1921, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Changed to 18 Holes, Remodel in 1925

The 1930RB notes 18 Holes.

Nothing on Ross in 1921.  The new Metacomet course was planned by Willie Park and an Oct. 1, 1924 New York Telegram and Daily Mail article notes the whole course was to be rearranged with W. H. Follett handling the work.  Ross' remodeling plans are noted on the Givens site, and my understanding is that Follett was brought in by Carter's Tested Seeds with respect to the turf.

Edit:  Found a 1926 article that notes Ross had submitted his plans to improve the course.

April 27, 1926 Hartford Courant -


Belle Meade Country Club (Nashville, TN) - 18 Holes, New in 1921, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Changed to 18 Holes, Remodel in 1917-21

The 1930RB notes 18 Holes.

The history of Belle Meade is fairly muddled.  Credit is given to both Bendelow and Barker for the club's new course.  Ross showed up in 1917, but his work was focused on planning hazards and updating the course.  The 1922 article below makes it sound like Ross' plans weren't carried out for a few years and not completed until around 1928.

June 13, 1917 The Tennessean -


June 17, 1917 The Tennessean -


June 20, 1917 The Tennessean -


July 27 1922 The Tennessean -


Spet. 2, 1928 The Tennessean -


Galveston Municipal Golf Course (Galveston, TX) - 18 Holes, New in 1921, NLE

2018 DRS Update - Name changed to Galveston CC

The 1930RB notes Galveston CC and 18 Holes.

When this course opened it was a private club.  The story goes that the city's original municipal golf course was the Ross design, but it didn't open until the 1930's, and disappeared when it was reclaimed during WW II.  The city bought the club's course later, but it was never credited as a Ross.

April 1, 1922 Galveston Daily News -


March 19, 1923 Corsicana Daily Sun -


1919 Ross Plan (Nov. 9, 1919 Galveston Daily News) -


Jefferson Lakeside Country Club (o/k/a Lakeside CC) (Richmond, VA) - 18 Holes, New in 1921, Still in Existence

The 1930RB notes 18 Holes.

A Sept. 27, 1924 Burlington Free Press article in the 1924 listing notes the course was planned by Ross and Hatch.

Country Club of Virginia (Westhampton Course) (Richmond, VA) - 18 Holes, New in 1921, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Changed to 18 Holes, Remodel in 1920

Not included in the 1930RB.

The Ross plan notes 27 holes.  The Annual Guides note 18 holes up until 1931, then two 18 hole courses.

1921 Ross Plan -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Bret Lawrence on February 21, 2018, 12:38:03 AM

Here is a preliminary routing of Thendara from 1920.  This routing matches up with the September 27, 1920 article you posted on Hatch describing the fourth hole as a Par 3. 
Holes 3-7 have a different routing in the plan you posted from 1921 compared to this routing from 1920.
This map came from a 1987 book titled: Adirondack Golf Courses...Past and Present
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on February 21, 2018, 10:03:21 AM
1921 (cont.)


Marlborough CC (Marlboro, MA)

Not included in the 1930RB.

Although Marlborough would be laid out by Wayne Stiles, the club did call Ross in at the beginning to look at the site.

Feb. 13, 1921 Boston Post -


Hickory CC (Hickory, NC)

Not included in the 1930RB.

See the Dec. 11, 1921 Charlotte Observer article below.

Dec. 22, 1921 Manufactureres Record -


June 17, 1923 Charlotte Observer -


Hamilton County Adirondack Club (Lake Pleasant, NY)

Note included in the 1930RB.

April 1921 -


July 1923 -


Oct. 26, 1933 Post-Star -


Mercer CC (Princeton, WV)

Not included in the 1930RB.

Dec. 11, 1921 Charlotte Observer -


Nov. 25, 1922 American Contractor -


Industrial Development and Manufacturers Record Vol. 80 -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on February 21, 2018, 11:40:28 AM
Not much in the way of general articles on Ross in 1921, and with 30 or so courses in production it would have been tough for him to break away for an interview.

Ironically, during this busy year Ross proposed a timetable for pace of play.  An admirable thought that many clubs are still grappling with today.

March 17, 1921 Pinehurst Outlook -


It appears that he did think he'd have time to make a return visit to the UK, but I can find no record confirming he did indeed make the voyage.

Feb. 12, 1921 New York Evening Post -


As noted above, Ross' workload in 1921 is nothing short of staggering.  With just a passing glance you might assume that there was no way Ross could give each project the individual attention it deserved.  But reading through the articles it strikes me how much time he spent traveling and actually visiting the locations where his courses would be built and in many cases making return visits to check in on construction or suggest additional changes.  There were certainly different levels of involvement, both by Ross and by his team.  A course like Daytona was planned by Ross, but the construction was handled by the club itself.  On the other hand, courses like Charles River and Mid Pines, close to his summer and winter home bases, received a great deal of his attention.

It is worth noting that we start to see Ross losing a few contracts in situations where it was evident that he wouldn't be available to manage construction.  Alison would use this as a selling point for his work in the mid-20's when Colt & Alison made their return to the US.  Whether or not a Ross layout would have been better or worse for those clubs is a matter of speculative debate, but what is certain is that Ross would prove that courses that received as much time as he could manage turned out nothing less than spectacular.

But even those projects where Ross only did the layout and left plans have held up amazingly well over the years.  There are a number of courses like the Broadmoor in Indiana that still today are given their due regard.

In the background of his activity in 1921 is the loss of his wife Janet.  There might be a bit of grief management in the amount of work that was taking place.  But we can't discount that in 1921 Ross was already working with at least three associates (Hatch, McGovern and Johnson) and what we see is the swell of the wave his reputation and production had been building over the last decade.
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on February 23, 2018, 09:12:56 AM
At the end of 1921, Ross' calendar was full for the next three years.

Dec. 3, 1921 Buffalo Enquirer -


In the same month that the article above was printed, Ross would form a partnership  with E. S. Draper, a landscape architect based in North Carolina.  Draper was essentially the Olmsted of the Mid-Atlantic, and would play a role in the formation of a number of clubs in the region during the 1920's.  This relationship would fuel the NC numbers that Ross produced.

Dec. 11, 1921 Charlotte Observer -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on February 23, 2018, 11:46:30 AM

Biltmore Golf Club (o/k/a Miami Biltmore) (Coral Gables, FL) - 18 Holes, New in 1922, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Date changed to 1926

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

[To be updated]

1925 Ross 36 Hole Plan -


Florida Country Club (Jacksonville, FL) - 18 Holes, New in 1922, NLE

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

Dec. 12, 1923 Tampa Tribune -


Handley Park Golf Club (New Smyrna Beach, FL) - 9 Holes, New in 1922, NLE

Not noted in the 1930RB.

I don't have anything on Ross here, and there is no record of a course by this name in any of the Annual Guides.

Riviera Country Club (o/k/a Miami Biltmore-South) (Coral Gables, FL) - 18 Holes, New in 1922, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Date changed to 1924

Not noted in the 1930RB.

See the 1925 36 Hole Plan above.

[To be updated]

Ross returned here in 1945 to design a completely new course.

July 15, 1945 Miami News -


Highland Country Club (o/k/a La Grange) (La Grange, GA) - 9 Holes, New in 1922, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 9 Holes.

The Annual Guides note a 9 hole course with a date of formation of 1922.

Feb. 5, 1927 Atlanta Constitution -



Uncredited Plan of the Course -


Cohasset Golf Club (Cohasset, MA) - 18 Holes, New in 1922, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Changed to 9 Holes New in 1909, 9 Holes New in 1922

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

As noted in the 1913 listing above, Ross was here earlier to rework the course.  He returned around 1920, adding 9 holes and rearranging what was already there.

April 15, 1920 Boston Post -


Nov. 14, 1920 Boston Post -


Franklin Park Golf Course (Wm. J. Devine) (Boston, MA) - 18 Holes, New in 1922, Still in Existence

Not noted in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

Ross and Walter Hatch extended the existing 9 hole course to 18 holes, utilizing some of the features of the old course.

Dec. 29, 1921 Pinehurst Outlook -


May 24, 1922 Christian Science Monitor -



The Orchards Golf Club (South Hadley, MA) - 9 Holes, New in 1922, 9 Holes, New in 1927, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

I don't have anything on the 1922 work here.

April 9, 1927 Walter Hatch Letter -


Photo of the Course -


Petersham Country Club (Petersham, MA) - 9 Holes, New in 1922, Still in Existence

Not noted in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

I don't have anything on Ross here, other than to note that there was a 9 hole course in Petersham leading up to 1922 and from what I understand the course is now NLE.

Sandy Burr Country Club (Wayland, MA) - 18 Holes, New in 1922, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

Jan. 26, 1922 Waterloo Courier -


Indian Spring Golf Club (Silver Spring, MD) - 18 Holes, New in 1922, NLE - 1956

Not noted in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

This is the same course as Silver Spring GC from the 1921 listing.  Work started here in 1921.

Nov. 17, 1921 Washington Herald -


Feb. 19, 1922 Washington Herald -


Oct. 15, 1922 Washington Herald -


Biddeford-Saco Country Club (Saco, ME) - 9 Holes, New in 1922, Still in Existence

Not noted in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

I don't have anything on Ross here.

Barton Hills Country Club (Ann Arbor, MI) - 18 Holes, New in 1922, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

1922 Ross Plan -


Benvenue Country Club (Rocky Mount, NC) - 18 Holes, New in 1922, Remodel in 1946, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930RB.

May 1928 Golf Illustrated -


1922 Ross Benvenue Plan -


Biltmore Forest Country Club (Asheville, NC) - 18 Holes, New in 1922, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

Including a rather large cache of articles on Biltmore Forest to show a typical design and construction practice for Ross and his team, starting with initial visits, laying out of the course and supervision of construction.  In the case of Biltmore Forest, in addition to the plan for two 18 hole courses, it was interesting to discover how often Ross planned on visiting the site.

In addition to the articles below, a Sept. 27, 1924 Burlington Free Press article posted in the 1924 listing notes the course was planned by Donald Ross and Walter Hatch.

July 3, 1920 Charlotte News -


July 19, 1920 Asheville Citizen-Times -


Nov. 18, 1920 Asheville Citizen-Times -


Feb. 1923 Golf Illustrated -






Mayview Park Golf Club (Blowing Rock, NC) - 9 Holes, New in 1922, NLE

Not noted in the 1930RB.

Dec. 29, 1921 Greensboro Daily News -


1923 Ross Plan -


Brookside Country Club (o/k/a Lakeside CC) (Canton, OH) - 18 Holes, New in 1922, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

A Sept. 27, 1924 Burlington Free Press article posted in the 1924 listing notes the course was planned by Donald Ross and Walter Hatch.

1921, Canton:  The City of Diversified Industries -



Oct. 14, 1922 American Contractor -


Delaware Golf Club (o/k/a Odevene CC) (Delaware, OH) - 9 Holes, New in 1922, Still in Existence

Not noted in the 1930RB.

I don't have anything on Ross here, and the date for this probably should be 1924.

March 21, 1924 Detroit Free Press -


Wyandot Golf Course (Centerburg, OH) - 18 Holes, New in 1922, NLE - 1952

2018 DRS Update - Changed to the course in Worthington, OH (o/k/a Elks CC), and date changed to 1923

Not noted in the 1930RB.

As this course was in Canterbury and not in Worthington/Columbus, I am guessing it was a different course than the Elks CC course that became Wyandot CC.  I don't have anything on Ross here.

Buck Hill Falls Golf Club (Buck Hill Falls, PA) - 18 Holes, New in 1922, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Changed to 9 Holes New in 1922, 9 Holes Remodel in 1920-24

Not noted in the 1930RB.

June 17, 1928 Philadelphia Inquirer -


1922 Ross/Hatch Plan -


Overbrook Golf Club (Overbrook, PA) - 18 Holes, New in 1922, NLE - 1952

2018 DRS Update - Changed to 9 Holes, New in 1922, 9 Holes, Remodel in 1922

Not noted in the 1930RB.

More of a R9/A9 than a full new 18 hole course, and the work took place in 1919.

May 6, 1919 Philadelphia Inquirer -


Dec. 3, 1919 Philadelphia Inquirer -


Sakonnet Golf Club (Little Compton, RI) - 18 Holes, New in 1922, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

I don't have anything on Ross here.

Winnapaug Country Club (Westerly, RI) - 18 Holes, New in 1922, Still in Existence

Not noted in the 1930RB.

July 3, 1921 New York Herald -


A Sept. 27, 1924 Burlington Free Press article posted in the 1924 listing notes the course was planned by Donald Ross and Walter Hatch.

1921 Ross/Hatch Plan -


Country Club of Petersburg (Petersburg, VA) - 9 Holes, New in 1922, NLE

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 9 Holes.

I don't have anything on Ross here.

Kenosha Country Club (Kenosha, WI) - 18 Holes, New in 1922, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

There was a 9 hole course here prior to Ross' arrival, and it is unclear if he incorporated any of the existing course into his new layout.

March 21, 1921 Des Moines Register -


1922 Ross/Hatch Plan -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on February 23, 2018, 12:24:13 PM
1922 (cont.)


Wilmington CC (Wilmington, DE)

Not included in the 1930RB.

Dec. 7, 1922 The News Journal -


Highland Park GC (Grand Rapids, MI)

2018 DRS Update - Listing added with 9 Holes, New c. 1914

Not included in the 1930RB.

This one is a bit dubious, and the only citation for it I've seen is from a website covering Michigan courses: (

The Highland Park course is credited to Tom Bendelow, and as far as I can tell it wasn't built until 1929.

Cloquet GC (Cloquet, MN)

Not included in the 1930RB.

This is another of the courses where sources have long speculated it was done by Ross.  No evidence either way, and it is worth noting that Rick Shefchik has his doubts on this one.

Fort Bragg GC (Fort Bragg, NC)

Not included in the 1930RB.

The listing notes Ross doing the Stryker Course at Fort Bragg in 1946.  He was here in 1922

Jan. 5, 1922 Pinehurst Outlook -


High Point CC (a/k/a Sunset Park CC) (High Point, NC)

2018 DRS Update - Listing added for the "Emerywood Course" with 9 Holes, New in 1923

Not included in the 1930RB.

This was an E. S. Draper project where Ross was involved.

Oct. 10, 1922 Charlotte Observer -


Hyde Park CC (Cincinnati, OH)

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

2018 DRS Update - Date for the Remodel changed from 1926 to 1920

The listing has this as an 18 hole remodel in 1926.  From the sounds of it Ross created 17 new holes and left one of the existing holes intact.

July 23, 1922 Cincinnati Enquirer -


Aug. 5, 1922 Cincinnati Enquirer -


Greensburg CC (Greensburg, PA)

Not included in the 1930RB.

There was a 1922 report that Ross had come in to redo the course.  Jim Kennedy started a thread on this one a while back:,54344.msg1253263.html#msg1253263 (,54344.msg1253263.html#msg1253263)

May 26, 1922 Latrobe Bulletin -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on February 23, 2018, 01:13:22 PM
Reposting this early 1922 article on the number of projects taking place to emphasize just how busy things were in the early 1920's.  It is likely that Ross knew about a good deal of this activity because he had been asked to take it on.

Jan. 26, 1922 Waterloo Courier -


The next article almost reads like Ross' take on what an ideal course should be.  There is a distinction between his thoughts and those of CBM, in that Ross seems to willingly take what the landscape allows and seemingly wouldn't see the need to alter what this there other than to make it work.  Within his words remains the notion that courses should be built for the club player, and as we see below although there is room for championship courses, not every one needs to present the utmost of challenges.

The comment regarding his disdain for laying out 9 hole courses is interesting, in that a good deal of his workload up until this point was on 9 holers. 

May 2, 1922 Chillicothe Gazette -


During the summer of 1922 Ross would take his first trip to the West coast, a trip that would eventually only yield one project (which we'll discuss later).  But the fact he was called out there at all speaks to the scope of his influence.

The article below touches on quite a few of themes we've already discussed in this thread.

July 30, 1922 San Francisco Chronicle -





Aug. 5, 1922 San Francisco Chronicle -


Ross' thoughts on the true American championship tests.

Sept. 1922 Golf Illustrated -


A bit of followup on the Ross/Draper working relationship.  Although I wouldn't agree that Draper was responsible for bringing Ross into North Carolina, the thought that their agreement made it easier for smaller budget clubs to procure his services makes sense.

Nov. 30, 1922 Charlotte Observer -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Rich Goodale on February 24, 2018, 03:10:37 AM
Fantastic work, Sven et. al.  Ross needs a book using modern digital technology and your insights.

Keep up your good work.

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Chris Buie on February 24, 2018, 11:38:01 AM
Hi Rich, hope this finds all well.
What modern digital technologies and insights are you referring to?
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Rich Goodale on February 24, 2018, 02:40:11 PM
Hi Rich, hope this finds all well.
What modern digital technologies and insights are you referring to?

All is well, Chris.  Thanks for asking.

Vis a vis modernity, I would think that the information that Sven and others have utilized on this thread could be verified and expanded as to what DR actually did or didn't do on the courses he worked with.  Brad Klein's book on Ross (for example) could be significantly improved if drone pictures were used and Sven's work incorporated.

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Bret Lawrence on February 25, 2018, 01:42:24 PM

Here is an article and some grainy photos describing Ross' work at The Hermitage Club (now Belmont Golf Course-Richmond, VA) in 1922. The article is from The Richmond times-Dispatch-May 7, 1922.  The Ross info can be found in the last few paragraphs:

This second article from one week later describes Ross' work at Lakeside Country Club
The Richmond times-Dispatch-May 14, 1922:
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Bret Lawrence on February 25, 2018, 01:59:50 PM
Also including an article from The New York herald-July 3, 1921 on Winnapaug in Rhode Island.  Sven mentioned Lakeside and Winnapaug would be included in a later article, but I thought I would throw these in anyway.
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on February 25, 2018, 03:15:47 PM

Peninsula Golf & Country Club (o/k/a Beresford G&CC) (San Mateo, CA) - 18 Holes, New in 1923, Remodel in 1923, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - New in 1923 removed, Remodel date changed to 1922-1923.

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

Ross' visit is noted in the July 30, 1922 and Aug. 5, 1922 articles posted above.  This was basically a remodel, as he reworked the course designed by Bendelow years earlier.

Sept. 1922 Golf Illustrated -


1922 Ross Plan -


Elmhurst Golf & Links (Winnipeg, Man., CAN) - 18 Holes, New in 1923, Remodel in 1923, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - 18 Holes New in 1919 and 18 Holes Remodel in 1919

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

Another of the Canadian courses stemming from his earlier visit, although it appears that the work here took place earlier than 1923.

Aug. 30, 1920 Winnipeg Tribune -


Ross Plan -


DuPont Country Club (Wilmington, DE) - 18 Holes, New in 1923, NLE

Not included in the 1930RB.

1923 Ross/McGovern Plan -


Brentwood Golf Club (f/k/a Jacksonville Muny) (Jacksonville, FL) - 18 Holes, New in 1923, NLE

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

Dec. 12, 1923 Tampa Tribune -


April 1924 - Golf Illustrated -


1922 Ross Plan -


Gulf Stream Golf Club (Delray Beach, FL) - 18 Holes, New in 1923, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Date changed to 1924

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

Oct. 1, 1923 Palm Beach Post -


April 1924 Golf Illustrated -






1923 Ross Plan -


1933 Aerials -



Palma Ceia Golf Course (Tampa, FL) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1923, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930RB.

Palma Ceia is another Bendelow layout that was reworked by Ross. 

April 20, 1923 Tampa Tribune -




Dec. 10, 1924 Tampa Times -


Aug. 24, 1928 Tampa Tribune -



Timuquana Country Club (Jacksonville, FL) - 18 Holes, New in 1923, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

See the April 1924 Golf Illustrated article above.

1923 Ross Plan -


Tekoa Country Club (Wakefield, MA) - 9 Holes, New in 1923, Still in Existence

Not noted in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

The club had a 9 hole course prior to Ross' arrival.

1923 Ross Plan -


Whitinsville Golf Club (Whitinsville, MA) - 9 Holes, New in 1923, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Date changed to 1925

Not noted in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

1923 Ross Plan -


9th Hole from Golf Architecture in America -


Wyckoff Country Club (f/k/a Wyckoff Park CC o/k/a Mt. Tom GC) (Holyoke, MA) - 18 Holes, New in 1923, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Date changed to 1912

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

As noted in the 1912 listing, Ross was here earlier.

June 27, 1926 Hartford Courant -



Penobscot Valley Country Club (a/k/a Bangor) (Orono, ME) - 18 Holes, New in 1923, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

1923 Ross Plan -


July 3, 1926 Boston Globe -


York Golf & Tennis Club (o/k/a York CC) (York, ME) - 18 Holes, New in 1923, Remodel in 1930, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

I don't have anything on any later remodeling.

Oct. 4, 1926 Portsmouth Herald -


1923 Ross Plan -


Elk Rapids Golf Club (Elk Rapids, MI) - 9 Holes, New in 1923, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930RB.

1923 Ross/McGovern Plan -


Oakland Hills Country Club - North (f/k/a North Hills GC) (Bloomfield Hills, MI) - 18 Holes, New in 1923, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 36 holes.

Not sure of the provenance of this 1922 map found in the Tufts Archives.


St. Clair River Country Club (St. Claire, MI) - 18 Holes, New in 1923, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930RB.

I don't have anything on Ross here.  The Annual Guides note a 9 hole course here with a date of organization of 1918 prior to the 1923 date ascribed to Ross' work.

Blowing Rock Country Club (Blowing Rock, NC) - 9 Holes, New in 1923, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930RB.

Blowing Rock was a Raynor course.,62336.msg1538062.html#msg1538062 (,62336.msg1538062.html#msg1538062)

Carter Country Club (o/k/a Farnum Hill G&CC) (Lebanon, NH) - 9 Holes, New in 1923, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

I don't have anything on Ross here.

Manchester Country Club (Manchester, NH) - 18 Holes, New in 1923, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 holes.

July 28, 1923 Portsmouth Herald -


Crestmont Country Club (o/k/a Newark Athletic Club) (West Orange, NJ) - 18 Holes, New in 1923, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 holes.

Aug. 1925 Golf Illustrated -




Glens Falls Country Club (Glens Falls, NY) - 18 Holes, New in 1923, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Changed to 9 Holes New in 1912, 9 Holes New in 1921

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

A Sept. 27, 1924 Burlington Free Press article posted in the 1924 listing notes the course was planned by Donald Ross and Walter Hatch.

1921 Ross/Hatch Plan -


Ross returned in 1927 to offer suggestions on improvements.

Aug. 24, 1927 The Post-Star -


Monroe Golf Club (Monroe, NY) - 18 Holes, New in 1923, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

Jan. 5, 1923 Democrat and Chronicle -


May 28, 1924 Democrat and Chronicle -



May 7, 1935 Rochester Times-Union -




1923 Ross Plan -


Acacia Country Club (Lyndhurst, OH) - 18 Holes, New in 1923, NLE

2018 DRS Update - Date changed to 1921

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

A Sept. 27, 1924 Burlington Free Press article posted in the 1924 listing notes the course was planned by Donald Ross and Walter Hatch.

April 20, 1924 Cleveland Plain Dealer



1921 Ross/Hatch plan -


Elks Country Club (Worthington, OH) - 18 Holes, New in 1923, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Combined with the Wyandot listing, now has 18 Holes, New in 1923

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

Elks CC was also known as the Columbus Lodge No. 37, B.P.O.E. golf course.  Around 1930 or so the course would become Wyandot CC.

Dec. 8, 1922 Portsmouth Daily Times -


March 16, 1931 Akron Beacon Journal -


Course Plan -


Kennett Square Golf & Country Club (Kennett Square, PA) - 9 Holes, New in 1923, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update  - 9 Holes, New in 1936 added

Not included in the 1930RB.

The club history notes Ross laid out the original 9 holes in 1923 and came back in 1936 to add 9 more holes.  I can find nothing to corroborate either of these activities.

Early Aerial -


Misquamicut Country Club (Westerly (Watch Hill), RI) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1923, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

1921 Ross Plan -


Sunset Grove Country Club (f/k/a Pinehurst CC o/k/a H. J. L. Stark) (Orange, TX) - 18 Holes, New in 1923, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Separate listing created for Pinehurst CC in Orange

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

March 9, 1923 Houston Post -


May 16, 1926 The Austin American -



1923 Ross Plan -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: MCirba on February 25, 2018, 03:22:44 PM
The 1928 article describing Buck Hill Falls as having 27 holes by Ross is inaccurate.   He took an existing nine hole course and turned it into 18, of which somewhere around 14 holes exist today with lots of bunkers lost.   Robert White turned it to 27 holes and the Gordons were responsible for some later changes.
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on February 25, 2018, 11:20:29 PM
1923 (cont.)


Hollywood G&CC (Hollywood, FL)

Not included in the 1930RB.

Ross was consulted in 1923 for what would become the Hollywood G&CC course.  Tippett is given credit for the eventual design, with Ralph Young having constructed the course.


Palm Beach GC (Palm Beach, FL)

Not included in the 1930RB.

Ross first worked here in 1922/23, and returned in 1929 and 1938 for further updates.

Oct. 29, 1922 Palm Beach Post -


Jan. 2, 1923 Palm Beach Daily News -


June 8, 1929 Palm Beach Post -


Dec. 20, 1938 Palm Beach Daily News -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on February 26, 2018, 09:18:33 AM

Wampanoag Country Club (West Hartford, CT) - 18 Holes, New in 1924, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

Oct. 1, 1924 New York Telegram and Daily Mail -


Oct. 5, 1924 Hartford Courant -


Bradenton Country Club (o/k/a Palma Sola GC) (Bradenton, FL) - 18 Holes, New in 1924, NLE

2018 DRS Update - Date changed to 1925

Not included in the 1930RB.

Nov. 20, 1924 Tampa Tribune -


Dec. 8, 1924 Tampa Tribune -


Ross/Johnson Plan -


Longboat Key Club (Sarasota, FL) - 18 Holes, New in 1924, NLE

Not included in the 1930RB.

June 16, 1924 Tampa Tribune -


Dec. 28, 1924 Tampa Tribune -


Oct. 29, 1925 Tampa Tribune -


Ashland Golf & Country Club (o/k/a Idle Hour CC) (Lexington, KY) - 18 Holes, New in 1924, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Name changed to just Idle Hour CC

Not included in the 1930RB.

July 11, 1925 Courier-Journal -


1924 Ross/McGovern Plan -


Springfield Country Club (West Springfield, MA) - 18 Holes, New in 1924, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930RB.

I don't have anything on an a new course by Ross in 1924, but he did give advice (along with Travis) on lengthening the course in 1915 and visit a few years prior to 1924 to make some changes.  A later 1928 article notes additional changes (without noting an architect) and notes it was only the second time the course was revamped since the club's founding in 1928, casting doubts on the construction of new course in 1924.

Feb. 1915 American Golfer -



March 30, 1922 Boston Globe -


Winchendon School Golf Club (o/k/a Toy Town Tavern GC) (Winchendon, MA) - 18 Holes, New in 1924, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

A 9 hole course existed here prior to Ross' arrival.

June 7, 1925 Brooklyn Daily Eagle -


Sept. 1929 Golf Illustrated -


Ross Description -


1924 Ross/Hatch Plan -


Bannockburn Golf Club (Glen Echo, MD) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1924, NLE in 1948

2018 DRS Update - Date changed to 1918

Not noted in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

Ross' work here took place in 1918, but the actual implementation of his plans didn't take place until 1922 and was carried out by William Connellan.

April 1, 1918 Washington Herald -


May 12, 1918 Evening Star -


March 27, 1922 Evening Star -


Ross Plan -


Fountain Head Country Club (Hagerstown, MD) - 18 Holes, New in 1924, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

Feb. 1926 Golf Illustrated -



Lake Kezar Country Club (Lowell, ME) - 9 Holes, New in 1924, Still in Existence

Not noted in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

I don't have anything on Ross here.

Linville Golf Club (Linville, NC) - 18 Holes, New in 1924, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

Ross designed the second 18 hole course here.

April 25, 1926 Asheville Citizen-Times -


Aug. 15, 1928 Bristol Herald Courier -


1924 Ross Plan -


Waynesville Inn Golf Resort & Spa (o/k/a Waynesville, CC) (Waynesville, NC) - 9 Holes, New in 1924, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Date changed to 1926

Not included in the 1930RB.

Plans for a course in Waynesville were noted in the press in 1924, but I don't have anything that mentions Ross.

Oak Hill Country Club - East (Rochester, NY) - 18 Holes, New in 1924, Still in Existence

Oak Hill Country Club - West (Rochester, NY) - 18 Holes, New in 1924, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 36 Holes.

April 26, 1922 Rochester Chronicle and Democrat -


July 18, 1931 Amsterdam Recorder -


1924 Ross Plan -


Granville Country Club (Granville, OH) - 18 Holes, New in 1924, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.


Portsmouth Elks Country Club (o/k/a Portsmouth CC) (Portsmouth, OH) - 18 Holes, New in 1924, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

Ross' work here started in 1922.

Sept. 28, 1922 Portsmouth Daily Times -


Oct. 11, 1922 Portsmouth Daily Times -


Dec. 7, 1922 Chillicothe Gazette -


Youngstown Country Club (Youngstown, OH) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1924, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

Youngstown is another mystery.  The course started in 1912 and is credited to Barker.  However, there are newspaper reports suggesting the original work was done by Ross.

June 23, 1928 Marion Star -


Bedford Springs Hotel Golf Club (Bedford, PA) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1924, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Changed to 12 Holes, New in 1923, 6 Holes, Remodel in 1923

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

Ross was here in 1922, and the early accounts note the addition of 9 holes to an existing 9 holes course.

Aug. 29, 1922 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette -


Warwick Country Club (Warwick, RI) - 9 Holes, New in 1924, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

I don't have anything on Ross here.

Cheraw Country Club (Cheraw, SC) - 9 Holes, New in 1924, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Changed to 9 Holes, New in 1924 & 1939

Not included in the 1930RB.

I don't have anything on Ross here.

Shelby Golf Course (Nashville, TN) - 9 Holes, New in 1924, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930RB.

Although Ross did visit the site and map out a course, the city eventually decided to locate the course in a different area of the park.  Although the article below is from late in 1924 (after the course eventually opened), Ross visited the site well before this time.

Oct 26, 1924 The Tennessean -


The layout at the new location was designed by Tom Bendelow.  The course was expanded to 18 holes by 1931, but I don't have any information on who did the extension.

March 29, 1924 The Tennessean -


Tate Springs Golf Club (Tate Springs, TN) - 18 Holes, New in 1924, NLE in 1936

2018 DRS Update - Date changed to 1926

Not included in the 1930RB.

The 1924 date is probably off by a couple of years.

Feb. 28, 1926 Tampa Bay Times -


1926 Ross Plan -


River Oaks Country Club (Houston, TX) - 18 Holes, New in 1924, 9 Holes, New in 1927, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

April 10, 1923 Galveston Daily News -


Sept. 27, 1923 Houston Post -


Burlington Country Club (Burlington, VT) - 18 Holes, New in 1924, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

Sept. 27, 1924 Burlington Free Press -


Jan 27, 1925 Burlington Free Press -


1924 Ross/Hatch Plan -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on February 26, 2018, 10:12:05 AM
1924 (cont.)


Riviera CC (St. Petersburg, FL)

Not included in the 1930RB.

In 1924 advertisements for the Riviera CC ran in the local papers.  I have found no other records of a course by this name in St. Petersburg, other than a 1928 listing of courses in Florida which notes an 18 hole course.

March 6, 1924 St. Petersburg Times -




Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on February 26, 2018, 10:42:27 AM
The Sept. 27, 1924 Burlington Free Press article posted above for Burlington CC notes a number of Ross and Hatch projects that had been completed to date.  They include:

Acacia CC (Cleveland, OH) - noted in the 1923 Listing.
Edgewood CC (Pittsburgh, PA) - noted in the 1921 Listing.
Biltmore Forest CC (Biltmore, MD (this should be Asheville, NC)) - noted in the 1922 Listing.
Brookside CC (Canton, OH) - noted in the 1922 Listing.
Winnapaug CC (Westerly, RI) - noted in the 1922 Listing.
Westbrook CC (Mansfield, OH) - noted in the 1920 Listing.
Glens Falls CC (Glens Falls, NY) - noted in the 1923 Listing.
Lakeside CC (Richmond, VA) - noted in the 1921 Listing.
Charles River CC (Newton Center, MA) - noted in the 1921 Listing.

Ross' workload in 1924 was a bit lower than it had been in the previous few years.  One reason for the dip is that Ross was severly ill for a good part of the year.  In 1923, the woman he had started dating, Susie Aldridge, had passed away.  With Ross battling illness, and looking for a stable mother figure for his daughter Lillian, Ross became engaged to Florence Blackinton.  When the wedding took place, Ross was bedridden.

Nov. 11, 1924 Boston Globe -


It makes sense that at around this time Ross began to rely a bit more on his team of associates.  Walter Johnson was busy handling much of the ever expanding work in Florida, while Frank Maples was managing projects near the Pinehurst home base.  Hatch was continuing his duties with a focus on the midwest, while McGovern pops up all over the map.

Ross seems to have rebounded from his near death experience, and returned to the road as the reports from late in 1924 have him traveling to and from Florida, and his activity in the years to come would remain strong.
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Jim_Kennedy on February 26, 2018, 02:30:40 PM
Sadly, the Winchendon GC (Toy Town) closed last season.
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on February 27, 2018, 09:52:53 AM

Belleview Biltmore (f/k/a Belleview Mido o/k/a Pelican CC) (Belleair, FL) - 18 Holes, New in 1925, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930RB.

This course was originally built for the Belleair Estates, a real estate development near the Bellevue Biltmore Hotel.

Jan. 25, 1926 Tampa Tribune -


Jan. 31, 1927 Tampa Bay Times -


Boca Raton - Cloisters (o/k/a Mizner #1) - 18 Holes, Design in 1925, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Changed to 9 Holes, New in 1925

Not included in the 1930RB.

As the April 17, 1925 article below notes, the reporting suggests the original plan was to have Ross design two 18 hole courses.  Flynn was brought in at some point to do the Ritz-Carlton course, and would design the second course on the west side of Dixie Highway as well.

April 17, 1925 Miami News -


July 26, 1925 Miami News -


Plat of the Development -


Delray Beach Golf Club (Delray Beach, FL) - 9 Holes, New in 1925, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930RB.

Jan. 1, 1926 Palm Beach Post -


1925 Ross Plan -


Hyde Park Golf Club (Jacksonville, FL) - 18 Holes, New in 1925, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930RB.

I don't have anything on Ross here.

Lake Wales Country Club (Lake Wales, FL) - 18 Holes, New in 1925, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Listing - Name changed to Lake Pierce CC and noted as NLE

Not included in the 1930RB.

As has been discussed in great detail on this site, Lake Wales Municipal GC (which became Lake Wales CC) was a Raynor design.  Ross did the nearby Lake Pierce CC, which will be discussed in the 1925 Additions.

Miami Shores Country Club (North Miami, FL) - 18 Holes, New in 1925, NLE

Not included in the 1930RB.

Dec. 4, 1925 Miami News -


1926 Ross Plan -


Palatka Municipal Golf Course (Palatka, FL) - 18 Holes, New in 1925, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930RB.

I don't have anything on Ross here.  Supposedly the 1925 plans for the course note W. D. Clark as architect.

Pinellas Country Club (Belleair, FL) - 18 Holes, Design Only in 1925

Not included in the 1930RB.

Jan. 21, 1925 Tampa Bay Times -


Jan. 25, 1925 Tampa Bay Times -


San Jose Country Club (San Jose, FL) - 18 Holes, New in 1925, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930RB.

Aug. 22, 1925 Miami News -


Sept. 6, 1925 Miami News -


Dec. 6, 1925 Baltimore Sun -


Sara Bay Country Club (f/k/a North Shore CC and Sarasota Bay CC o/k/a Whitefield Estates CC) (Sarasota, FL) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1925, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930RB.

This may have been one of the most heavily advertised golf developments of its day when the project started.  Ads for Whitfield Estates ran almost daily in the local papers.  The property changed hands a number of times before being taken over as a country club.

Jan. 14, 1925 Tampa Tribune -


Course Plan -


Venetia Country Club (Jacksonville, FL) - 18 Holes, New in 1925, NLE?

2018 DRS Update - "?" taken off NLE

Not included in the 1930RB.

Not sure if this course was ever built or if it became known by a different name.  The 1926 Annual Guide notes the course but contains no information on it.  The 1929 AG notes the course is under construction.  The 6,503 yards noted on the Ross plan coincide exactly with the distance given to the San Jose CC course (see above) which opened in Jacksonville in the same year.

1925 Ross Plan -


Country Club of Columbus (Columbus, GA) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1925, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930RB.

I don't have anything on Ross here.  The course had recently been expanded to 18 holes with the 1922 Annual Guide being the first instance of the full course being noted. 

Washington Wilkes Country Club (o/k/a Oak Hill CC) (Washington, GA) - 9 Holes, New in 1925, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930RB.

I don't have anything on Ross here.

Salem Country Club (Peabody, MA) - 18 Holes, New in 1925, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

Aug. 7, 1925 Boston Globe -



July 21, 1926 Boston Globe -


March 1932 Golfdom -



Undated Plan of the Course -


Dearborn Country Club (Dearborn, MI) - 18 Holes, New in 1925, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Date changed to 1923

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 holes.

Dearborn was also know as the "Henry Ford Golf Club."

Feb. 28, 1926 Detroit Free Press -


Aug. 28, 1938 Detroit Free Press -


Rackham Golf Course (Huntington Woods, MI) - 18 Holes, New in 1925, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 holes.

June 15, 1933 Detroit Free Press -


1923 Ross Plan -


Western Golf & Country Club (o/k/a Brightmoor GC) (Redford, MI) - 18 Holes, New in 1925, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Date changed to 1926

Not included in the 1930RB.

Pretty sure that Western was never known as Brightmoor, which was actually a name used for Hawthorne Valley.

Oct. 21, 1925 Detroit Free Press -


Feb. 21, 1926 Detroit Free Press -


Aug. 30, 1928 Buffalo Evening News -


May 14, 1939 Detroit Free Press -


1925 Ross Plan -


Charlotte Country Club (Charlotte, NC) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1925, 2 Holes, Remodel in 1942, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Changed to 9 Holes, New in 1913-15, 9 Holes, Remodel in 1913-15, 2 Holes, Remodel in 1945

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

As discussed in the 1914, listing, Ross was here earlier.  I don't have anything on his 1925 or 1942 work, but there was discussion of him visiting around 1920.

March 28, 1920 Asheville Citizen-Times -


Hendersonville Country Club (o/k/a Laurel Park CC) (Hendersonville, NC) - 18 Holes, New in 1925, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Date changed to 1925-33

Not included in the 1930RB.

A new course appears to have been constructed in 1933, with later ads noting it as a new Donald Ross course.

Aug. 27, 1924 Miami News -


May 16, 1926 Miami News -


1925 Ross Plan -


Sept. 21, 1932 Asheville Citizen-Times -


April 1933 Golf Illustrated -


July 27, 1934 Greenville News -


Roaring Gap Club (Roaring Gap, NC) - 18 Holes, New in 1925, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

1925 Ross Plan -


Lone Pine Golf Club (New Brunswick, NJ) - 18 Holes, New in 1925, NLE

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

Lone Pine would become known as Lawrence Brook (or Laurence Brook) CC.

May 14, 1925 Central New Jersey Home News -


Dec. 22, 1929 Central New Jersey Home News -



1925 Ross Plan -


1930 Aerial -


7th Hole -


Whipporwill Country Club (Armonk, NY) - 18 Holes, New in 1925, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930RB.

I don't have anything on Ross here.

Hamilton Elks Country Club (Hamilton, OH) - 18 Holes, New in 1925, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes Hamilton CC with 18 Holes.

I don't have anything on Ross here.

Brainerd Golf Course (f/k/a Chattanooga Muny) (Chattanooga, TN) - 18 Holes, New in 1925, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930RB.

I don't have anything on Ross here.
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: MCirba on February 27, 2018, 11:07:32 AM

Here you go regarding Bedford Springs, from the Pittsburgh Daily Post, August 1924;

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Mike Bodo on February 27, 2018, 12:02:39 PM
Sven -

The repository of information you've compiled and published on Ross' courses over his career thus far in this post is truly amazing. Thanks so much for putting in the hours and days it had to have taken to gather and chronologically sort this information, as it is a Herculean task. I could easily spend an entire day reading and reviewing all of the nuggets posted on this thread and you're not close to being done. Your love and appreciation of Ross' design work is infectious and I thank you for the time and effort put in to creating this thread. Keep it coming! :)

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: MCirba on February 27, 2018, 12:49:14 PM
Here Hear!!
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Bret Lawrence on February 27, 2018, 07:04:43 PM

Going back to 1924 here is an additional article on the Riviera Country Club located in St. Petersburg, FL:

The Evening Independent-March 4, 1924:

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Bret Lawrence on February 27, 2018, 07:14:37 PM
Two articles from 1925 describing the redesign of Bannockburn Country Club, just a few years after Connellan finished up Ross' original plan.  The second article notes Ross as the designer.

Evening Star-April 14, 1925:


Evening Star-April 15, 1925:

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Bret Lawrence on February 27, 2018, 07:33:04 PM
Not sure if this belongs in this thread, but I will include it anyway.  Here is 1925 poem written by Edgar Guest for Donald Ross. This is from The Hartford Courant:

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on February 27, 2018, 11:26:23 PM
1925 (cont.)


Baisden Shores GC (Tampa, FL)

Not included in the 1930RB.

Pretty sure this course never came to fruition.

Oct. 3, 1925 Tampa Times -



Oct. 4, 1925 Tampa Tribune -


Dec. 13, 1925 Tampa Tribune -


Lake Pierce CC (Lake Pierce, FL)

2018 DRS Update - Lake Wales listing updated to reflect Lake Pierce as 18 Holes, New in 1925, NLE

Not included in the 1930RB.

April 17, 1925 Tampa Tribune -


Dec. 12, 1925 Palm Beach Post -


Lake Pierce Ad -


1925 Ross Plan -


Windemere GC (Orlando, FL)

Not included in the 1930RB.

Not sure exactly the name of this course, and it doesn't appear that it was ever built.

Jan. 20, 1925 Orland Evening Star -




Ocean City Harbors GC (Ocean City, NJ)

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

In 1925, a bunch of advertisements were run touting the Ocean City Harbors development, with Donald Ross to supervise the construction of the golf course to be built there.  Willie Park had routed a course in Ocean City in 1923, and reports in 1926 would have William Robinson constructing his design.  The Ross notation here is a bit strange, as it doesn't fit his modus operandi.  After reading Ross' letter regarding why he turned down further work at Dedham, it makes sense that he may have declined a project that involved constructing another architect's design.

Sept. 1, 1925 Philadelphia Inquirer -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on February 28, 2018, 12:23:12 PM
In 1925 Ross was spending quite a bit of time in Florida, with nearly a dozen courses underway.  One of those projects was referred to rather cryptically in the article below.

July 2, 1925 Indianapolis News -


Following up on the similarities between Ross and Flynn noted earlier in the thread, it makes sense to note their working relationship while constructing three courses for Mizner at Boca Raton.  Ross was certainly the senior statesman of the two, and Flynn would have been familiar with the work Ross had previously completed in the Philadelphia area.  It isn't a stretch to say that Ross must have been a large influence on Flynn as he developed his own style.

June 7, 1925 Palm Beach Post -


I've started adding in additional course maps (as well as other articles and items that have popped up or been forwarded to me).  On the maps, there are distinctive styles dependent on which associate was involved with the project.  You can almost tell a McGovern or Hatch project without even looking at the writing.  For some courses the plans were drawn up by agencies outside of the Ross family, often by a landscape architect like Arthur Helder out of Kansas City.  Helder's plans (like those for Teugega and Thendara) are some of the more beautiful to be found in the Ross portfolio. 
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on February 28, 2018, 01:53:56 PM

Roseland Golf and Curling Club (Windsor, Ont.) - 18 Holes, New in 1926, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930RB.

1926 Ross Plan -


June 22, 1928 Detroit Free Press -


Wellshire Golf Club (Denver, CO) - 18 Holes, New in 1926, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930RB.

Aug. 13, 1931 Chillicothe Constitution-Tribune -


1924 Ross/Hatch Plan -


Country Club of Waterbury (Waterbury, CT) - 18 Holes, New in 1926, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 holes.

1926 Ross Plan


Dunedin Country Club (o/k/a Dunedin Isles GC) (Dunedin, FL) - 18 Holes, New in 1926, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 holes.

Reports from 1924 note an 18 hole course being built with 9 holes ready for play.  The first reports for Ross' involvement appear in early 1926 and note he was to lay out an 18 hole course.

Dunedin remains of interest as it was purchased by the PGA after WWII and became the first iteration of PGA National GC.  The PGA would later relocate to the east coast of Florida, and the course reverted to its former name.

Feb. 7, 1926 Tampa Tribune -


May 9, 1926 Tampa Tribune


1926 Photos -



Photo from Golf Architecture in America -


1926 Ross Plan -


April 29, 1945 Chicago Tribune -


Melbourne Golf Course (o/k/a Crane Creek Reserve GC) (Melbourne, FL) - 18 Holes, New in 1926, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930RB.

There was an existing 9 hole course here prior to Ross' arrival.  The Annual Guides in the mid-20's note that an additional 18 hole course was under construction.  Not sure if the original 9 were incorporated into the new Ross course, or if this was a completely separate 18 hole routing.

1926 Photos -



1926 Ross Plan -


Oct. 1, 1938 Orlando Sentinel -


Pinecrest Country Club (o/k/a Pinecrest on Lotela) (Avon Park, FL) - 18 Holes, New in 1926, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930RB.

I don't have anything on Ross here.  An Aug. 2, 1925 Palm Beach Post article notes Bertie Way as the designer, while a much later Feb. 3, 1945 The Evening Independent article notes the course was designed and built by Adrian Kouwenhoven, a name I am not very familiar with in the GCA world.

Athens Country Club (Athens, GA) - 18 Holes, New in 1926, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 holes.

April 21, 1926 Tampa Tribune -


May 8, 1927 Chattanooga Daily Times -


Forrest Hills Golf Club (Augusta, GA) - 18 Holes, New in 1926, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 holes.

The original plan was for two 18 hole courses.

May 22, 1926 Boston Globe -


April 1927 Golf Illustrated -


1926 Ross Plan -


Roosevelt Memorial Golf Course (o/k/a Warm Springs GC) (Warm Springs, GA) - 18 Holes, New in 1926, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930RB.

Ross laid out two 18 hole courses here.  Only 9 were ever built.

June 17, 1926 Anniston Star -


Sept. 4, 1927 Atlanta Constitution -


1926 Ross Plan -


Savannah - Municipal #1 (n/k/a Bacon Park GC) (Savannah, GA) - 18 Holes, New in 1926, Still in Existence
Savannah - Municipal #2 (Savannah, GA) - 18 Holes, Design Only in 1926
Savannah- Municipal #3 (Savannah, GA) - 18 Holes, Design Only in 1926
Savannah- Municipal #4 (Savannah, GA) - 18 Holes, New in 1926, NLE

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 36 holes.

Of the four planned courses, only two were built.  It would be interesting to know the reasons for cutting the entire project short.

May 1925 Golf Illustrated -


Jan. 2, 1926 New York Sun -


April 16, 1927 New York Evening Post -


1925 Ross Plan -


Lucerne Golf Club (o/k/a Lucerne-in-Maine CC) (Holden, ME) - 9 Holes, New in 1926, NLE

Not included in the 1930RB.

May 1926 Golf Illustrated -


July 9, 1926 Boston Globe -


June 3, 1928 Baltimore Sun -


1926 Ross Plan -


Franklin Hills Country Club (Franklin, MI) - 18 Holes, New in 1926, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 holes.

July 2, 1939 Detroit Free Press -


1926 Ross Plan -


Hawthorne Valley Golf Club (Westland, MI) - 18 Holes, New in 1926, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930RB.

[To be updated]

Cape Fear Country Club (Wilmington, NC) - 18 Holes, New in 1926, Remodel in 1946, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930RB.

I don't have anything Ross here in 1926, but his 1946 work is well documented.  The club expanded from 9 to 18 holes around 1919, as noted in the Annual Guides.  The Guides also note a jump in yardage by about 300 yards in 1926, which coincides with the date given for Ross' first work here, but I haven't seen anything to confirm this was an entirely new course.

Early Photo -


May 10, 1946 Wilmington Morning Star -


1946 Ross/McGovern plan -


Country Club Estates (Hendersonville, NC) - 18 Holes, Design in 1926

Not included in the 1930RB.

Pretty sure this is the same course covered in the listing for Hendersonville/Laurel Park in the 1925 Listing.

Greensboro Country Club (Irving Park Course) (Greensboro, NC) - 18 Holes, New in 1926-28, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Date changed to 1924-28

Not included in the 1930RB.

I don't have anything on Ross here.

Grove Park Inn & Country Club (o/k/a Asheville CC) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1926, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930RB.

As noted in the 1918 Additions, Ross was here earlier.  Ross did make recommendations in 1924, but I can find nothing discussing any work in 1926.

Sept. 19, 1924 New York Evening Post -


Sedgefield Country Club #2 (Blue) (Greensboro, NC) - 18 Holes, New in 1926, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 36 holes.

Sept. 3, 1925 Charlotte Observer -


Jan. 1926 Golf Illustrated -


1924 Ross Plan -


Wilmington Golf Course (Wilmington, NC) - 18 Holes, New in 1926, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Date changed to 1925

Not included in the 1930RB.

May 5, 1925 Charlotte Observer -


1925 Ross Plan -


March 23, 1947 Wilmington Morning Star -


Kingswood Golf Club (Wolfeboro, NH) - 18 Holes, New in 1926, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

I don't have anything on Ross here.

Brook Lea Country Club (Rochester, NY) - 18 Holes, New in 1926, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 holes.

Plans were for 27 holes here, only 18 were built.

June 5, 1924 Rochester Democrat and Chronicle -


May 2, 1928 Rochester Democrat and Chronicle -


May 7, 1935 Rochester Times Union -



1925 Ross Plan -


Country Club of Buffalo (Williamsville, NY) - 18 Holes, New in 1926, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 holes.

April 10, 1923 Buffalo Morning Express -


1923 Ross Plan -


Congress Lake Club (Hartville, OH) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1926, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 holes.

The course was laid out by Willie Park in 1924.  I don't have anything on Ross' involvement.

Hawthorne Valley Country Club (Solon, OH) - 18 Holes, New in 1926, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930RB.

The article below notes the course was designed by Frank Pelton and F. T. Stafford.

May 2, 1928 Cleveland Plain Dealer -


Hyde Park Golf & Country Club (Cincinnati, OH) - 18 Holes, New in 1926, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Date changed to 1920

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 holes.

As noted in the 1922 Additions, Ross' work here was earlier than 1926.

Lancaster Country Club (Lancaster, OH) - 9 Holes, Remodel in 1926, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930RB.

If I'm reading the article below correctly, it appears that McGovern inspected the course and suggested leaving things as they were.  It is possible they decided to make changes anyway and Ross was still involved.

Oct. 29, 1926 Lancaster Eagle-Gazette -


Westwood Golf Club (Richmond, VA) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1926, NLE

Not included in the 1930RB.

It should be noted that the course isn't listed in the Annual Guides until 1931 with a date of organization of 1927 and 27 holes.

1926 Ross Plan -


Woodberry Forest Golf Course (Woodberry Forest, VA) - 9 Holes, New in 1926, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930RB.

I don't have anything on Ross here.
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on February 28, 2018, 03:31:54 PM
1926 (cont.)


CC of Laurel (Laurel, MS)

Not included in the 1930RB.

See the Jan. 1926 Golf Illustrated article above under Sedgefield in the 1926 Listing noting Ross was to add 36 holes to the existing 18 hole course.

Princess Anne CC (Virginia Beach, VA)

Not included in the 1930RB.

The course is credited to Willie Park, but ads published in the mid-20's noted this as a Donald Ross course.

June 13, 1926 Brooklyn Daily Eagle -


In 1926, the city of Fort Myers, FL was looking to build a new municipal golf course, and they planned to seek out Donald Ross for the design.  Instead of a new course, the city ended up purchasing the existing Fort Myers Golf & Yacht Club, revitalizing the course which had seen irrigation issues and 9 holes abandoned.

Feb. 2, 1926 Tampa Tribune -


Here's another Ross project on Long Island that never came to fruition (the article was sourced by Benjamin Litman).

Nov. 18, 1926 The County Review -


Another bit of a mystery from 1926 involves a proposed resort near Greenville, NC where Ross' name was involved. 

Jan. 4, 1926 Greenville News -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Chris_Blakely on February 28, 2018, 07:09:39 PM
Lucerne-In-Maine is stil around.

I played last summer on a trip through Maine.

The layout matches Ross' plan, but the order had changed:
3 is now 1, 4 is now 2, 5 is now 3, you go across road for 4 through 7 and 1/2 are now 8 and 9.

The only hole that appears different from his plan is the original 6 (current 4th).  Dogleg has been eliminated or was not built.


Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Jim_Kennedy on February 28, 2018, 07:25:28 PM

A piece on Woodberry Forest:
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Cob Carlson on February 28, 2018, 10:14:23 PM
Amazing photo of Ross and Flynn. Have never seen it before.
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on March 01, 2018, 12:12:02 AM

Country Club of Birmingham - East (Birmingham, AL) - 18 Holes, New in 1927, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Date changed to 1926.

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 36 holes.

June 7, 1932 Atlanta Constitution -


Algonquin Hotel & Golf Club (St. Andrews-By-The-Sea, NB, Can.) - 27 Holes, New and Remodel in 1927, NLE in 1996

Not included in the 1930RB.

I don't have anything on Ross here.

Havana Biltmore Yacht & Country Club (Havana, Cuba) - 18 Holes, New in 1927, NLE

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 holes.

Sept. 18, 1927 Tampa Tribune -


Feb. 12, 1928 Miami News -



Bobby Jones Golf Course - British/American (o/k/a Sarasota Muny) (Sarasota, FL) - 18 Holes, New in 1927, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Date changed to 1926

Not included in the 1930RB.

Oct. 29, 1925 Tampa Tribune -


1925 Ross Plan -


Fort George Island Golf Club (Jacksonville, FL) - 9 Holes, New in 1927, NLE in 1989

Not included in the 1930RB.

I don't have anything on Ross here.

Panama Country Club (Lynnhaven, FL) - 18 Holes, New in 1927, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930RB.

I don't have anything on Ross here.

Punta Gorda Country Club (Punta Gorda, FL) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1927, NLE

Not included in the 1930RB.

I don't have anything on Ross here.

Augusta Country Club - Hill Course (Augusta, GA) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1927, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 holes.

Jan. 29, 1927 New York Evening Post -


Feb. 1931 Golf Illustrated -


Bon-Air Vanderbilt (Augusta, GA) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1927, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930RB.

2018 DRS Listing - Record deleted from the listing

Pretty sure this is the same as the Augusta CC Hill Course above.

Savannah Golf Club (Savannah, GA) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1927, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930RB.

I don't have anything on Ross here.

Wilmington Island Club (o/k/a George Oglethorpe Inn Golf Course) (Savannah, GA) - 18 Holes, New in 1927, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930RB.

Aug. 26, 1945 Chattanooga Daily Times -


Fairview Golf Club (Fort Wayne, IN) - 9 Holes, New in 1927, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Name changed to Donald Ross GC f/k/a Fairview GC

Not noted in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

I don't have anything on Ross here.

Greenock Country Club (Lee, MA) - 9 Holes, New in 1927, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Changed to 9 Holes, Remodel in 1927

Not noted in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

Oct. 25, 1927 Berkshire Eagle -


June 19, 1928 Berkshire Eagle -


Oak Hill Country Club (Fitchburg, MA) - 9 Holes, Remodel in 1927, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

Oak Hill has its roots in the Alpine GC which was one of the oldest courses in Massachusetts.  In 1917 plans were formulated to purchase new land and to have Donald Ross lay out a new 9 hole course.  Whether this work was delayed by the War or for other reasons, in 1919 Wayne Stiles took over the project.  Ross and Hatch were back in the picture a few years later adding 9 new holes (opening in 1927) and reworking the existing Stiles 9 (opening in 1929).  Some sources note Orren Smith reworking two holes in the late 1930's, but as the article below notes Ross was the genesis for those changes, although it is possible that Smith did the construction work.

Thanks to Tom Bagley for sending on a wealth of information on Oak Hill.

Oct. 3, 1917 Fitchburg Sentinel -


May 6, 1919 Fitchburg Sentinel -


1920 Stiles Plan -


Nov. 12, 1924 Fitchburg Sentinel -


Oct. 25, 1926 Fitchburg Sentinel -



Oct. 29, 1937 Fitchburg Sentinel -


Oyster Harbors Club (Osterville, MA) - 18 Holes, New in 1927, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.

Oct. 19, 1925 Evening Journal -


April 19, 1928 The Hyannis Patriot -


Nov. 1929 Golf Illustrated -


June 1930 Golf Illustrated -


1925 Olmsted/Ross Plan -


Wachusett Country Club (West Boylston, MA) - 18 Holes, New in 1927, Still in Existence

Not noted in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

I don't have anything on Ross here.

Highlands Golf Club (o/k/a Highlands CC) (Grand Rapids, MI) - 18 Holes, New in 1927, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 holes.

Ross was here much earlier than 1927.  See the 1916 Additions listing.

Warren Valley Country Club #1 (Dearborn Heights, MI) - 18 Holes, New in 1927, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Date changed to 1922

Not included in the 1930RB.

I don't have anything on Ross here.

Warren Valley Country Club #2 (Dearborn Heights, MI) - 18 Holes, New in 1927, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Date changed to 1922

Not included in the 1930RB.

I don't have anything on Ross here.

Northland Country Club (Duluth, MN) - 18 Holes, New in 1927, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 holes.

Ross' work started in 1922.

April 18, 1926 StarTribune -


1923 Ross Plan -


Asheville Municipal (f/k/a Buncombe County Golf Course) (Asheville, NC) - 18 Holes, New in 1927, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 holes.

April 29, 1925 Asheville Citizen-Times -




1928 Golfdom -



Hope Valley Country Club (Durham, NC) - 18 Holes, New in 1927, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Date changed to 1926

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 holes.

Jan. 23, 1926 The Daily Tar Heel -


O. B. Keeler's Golf in North Carolina notes that Ross designed an 18 hole course.

Topo Map with golf holes noted -


James Barber Golf Course (Southern Pines, NC) - 18 Holes, Design in 1927

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 36 holes at Southern Pines.

1927 Ross/Johnson Plan -


Pine Needles Golf Club (Southern Pines, NC) - 18 Holes, New in 1927, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 holes.

[To be updated]

Map of Property -


Country Club of Salisbury (Salisbury, NC) - 9 Holes?, New in 1927, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - "?" deleted

Not included in the 1930RB.

I don't have anything on Ross here.

St. Davids Golf Club (Wayne, PA) - 18 Holes, New in 1927, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 holes.

I don't have anything on Ross here.

Point Judith Country Club (Narragansett, RI) - 9 Holes, Remodel in 1927, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930RB.

I don't have anything on Ross here.  There is a routing map, but I can't make out the date or Ross' name.

Course Plan -


Holston Hills Country Club (Knoxville, TN) - 18 Holes, New in 1927, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 holes.

Aug. 10, 1927 The Post-Crescent -


Holston Hills Booklet -












1926 Ross Plan -


Belmont Golf Course (o/k/a Hermitage CC) (Richmond, VA) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1927, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 holes Remodeled.

Ross worked here in 1921.

May 7, 1922 The Times Dispatch -


Sewells Point Golf Club (Norfolk, VA) - 18 Holes, New in 1927, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930RB.

I don't have anything on Ross here.
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Rich Goodale on March 01, 2018, 04:22:15 AM

Re "Fort George Island" you can still see the remains of Ross's 9-hole work on the attached Google map below:,+Fernandina+Beach,+FL,+USA/Fort+George+Island+Cultural+State+Park,+12241+Fort+George+Rd,+Jacksonville,+FL+32226,+USA/@30.4290177,-81.4313224,948m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x88e4559b2d48f0e5:0xf38d4dc4c187d1ca!2m2!1d-81.4618553!2d30.6034347!1m5!1m1!1s0x88e44dfc22aa750f:0xb2a48f88f8335942!2m2!1d-81.4320184!2d30.4239989!3e0

The Ribault Club was a Jeykll Island level club which had a glamorous but short existence.  Today, the main club building belongs to the state of Florida and is available to visit.  So is the nearby Kingsley Plantation which gives you an excellent (if shocking) view of what it was like to be a slave in the 17th and 18th century.  I highly recommend the visit when you are in the Jacksonville area, as does TE Paul.  The golf pavilion and the 1st hole are pretty much intact, across the street from the Ribault Club.
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on March 01, 2018, 10:19:13 AM
1927 (cont.)


Norwich Municipal GC (Norwich, CT)

Not included in the 1930RB.

I don't have anything concrete linking this to Ross and the sources aren't contemporaneous, but its another that bears looking into.

Meadowbrook CC (Detroit, MI)

Not included in the 1930RB.

Ross made suggestions on the course while visiting in the summer of 1926.

March 18, 1927 Detroit Free Press -


Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on March 01, 2018, 10:47:37 AM
The last few years of Ross' work show an interesting pattern.  Starting with 1925, where he had a large concentration of work taking place in Florida, its almost like he decided to apply a heavy focus in certain areas each year.  In 1926 he was kept busy around Savannah and in North Carolina, while in 1927 the work is spread a little more evenly around the southeast.

The following little blurb of hyperbole appeared in the papers early in 1927.  I doubt this was entirely true, and in any case his numbers still hadn't risen to the levels of Bendelow and Findlay.  1927 would be the last big year for Ross.  In 1928 and 1929, his workload would decrease a bit, with the Depression taking its toll after that.  Ross would remain one of the busier architects during the 1930's, but the Golden Age was wrapping up, and the scope of golf course construction projects was changing. 

Jan. 11, 1927 Brooklyn Daily Eagle -


There are a couple of mystery projects that pop up around this time.  If anyone has any information on any of the following, please chime in.

Richford, VT

The Richford CC was organized in 1927, and is credited to Stanley Thompson.

Aug. 12, 1927 Richford Journal and Gazette -


Aug. 13, 1927 Burlington Free Press -


Betterton, MD

I can find no further information on this hotel project.

Aug. 27, 1927 Evening Journal -


North Gardner, MA

The only course I can find in the Gardner area is a municipal course built in the late 1930's.  Curious if anything ever became of this project.

Oct. 19, 1927 Fitchburg Sentinel -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: BCowan on March 01, 2018, 10:58:31 AM


Meadowbrook (Northville, MI),  The 18th green is a Ross green and untouched.  The 12th green is a Ross laser copied green and moved back during the recent Renovation.  It's my favorite green on the course. 

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on March 01, 2018, 11:23:20 AM


Meadowbrook (Northville, MI),  The 18th green is a Ross green and untouched.  The 12th green is a Ross laser copied green and moved back during the recent Renovation.  It's my favorite green on the course.

Did the 12th used to be the 14th?  The article notes the 14th and 18th as Ross remodels, and it covers the changes to the 14th in great detail.  It also notes that the hole in question was a two shot drive and pitch, which fits the 14th to a tee.

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: BCowan on March 01, 2018, 11:41:21 AM


Meadowbrook (Northville, MI),  The 18th green is a Ross green and untouched.  The 12th green is a Ross laser copied green and moved back during the recent Renovation.  It's my favorite green on the course.

Did the 12th used to be the 14th?  The article notes the 14th and 18th as Ross remodels, and it covers the changes to the 14th in great detail.  It also notes that the hole in question was a two shot drive and pitch, which fits the 14th to a tee.


Andy and others believe that Article you posted was a possible typo and not the 14th. (   

''When the original six holes were laid out, plans to complete the nine also were made. The other three holes were ready about 1919. Harry Collis, a turf expert from Chicago, was brought over to direct completion of the 18 hole course. About 1933, Donald Ross, famed architect, remodeled the lengthy 12th hole and also rebuilt the 12th and 18th greens.''

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on March 01, 2018, 11:55:35 AM
I'll go with the contemporaneous report that describes the hole as a two shotter.

Your favorite green there is a Park, not a Ross.  Wouldn't be the first time a remodeling team had the wrong info.

Enough on this distraction.  If you want to continue the conversation on this one hole out of the thousands Ross built, do it in another thread.

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on March 01, 2018, 12:39:08 PM

Keystone Heights Golf & Country Club (Keystone Heights, FL) - 9 Holes, New in 1928, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Name changed to "Lakeside Links GC o/k/a Keystone Heights G&CC"

Not included in the 1930RB.

I don't have anything on Ross here.

East Lake Golf Club #2 (Atlanta, GA) - 18 Holes, New in 1928, NLE in 1966

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 36 holes.

Sept. 20, 1928 Atlanta Constitution -


March 25, 1930 Baltimore Sun -


1928 Ross Plan -


Walthour Golf Club (Savannah, GA) - 18 Holes, New in 1928, NLE

Not included in the 1930RB.

I don't have anything on Ross here.

Woodland Golf Club (Auburndale, MA) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1928, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Changed to 9 Holes, New in 1903, 18 Holes Remodel in 1928

Not included in the 1930RB.

The 1903 Ross work at Woodland was covered earlier in the thread.  I don't have anything on his 1928 work.

Country Club of Asheville (o/k/a Beaver Lake CC, f/k/a Lake View Park CC) (Asheville, NC) - 18 Holes, New in 1928, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Changed to 18 Holes, Remodel in 1926

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 holes.

Work started here in 1926.

May 24, 1926 The Evening Independent -



Dec. 11, 1926 New York Sun -


Highlands Country Club (o/k/a Highlands Estates GC) (Highlands, NC) - 18 Holes, New in 1928, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 holes.

Aug. 8, 1927 Asheville Citizen-Times -


Aug. 19, 1934 Greenville News -


As a side note, a newspaper article from 1938 (see below under Mimosa Hills) erroneously notes 18 of the 27 holes at Highlands were designed by Bobby Jones.

Lenoir Golf Club (Lenoir, NC) - 9 Holes, New in 1928, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Changed to 9 Holes, Remodel in 1945

Not included in the 1930RB.

From the plan below, 18 holes were designed (unless the plan is for a later addition).

Ross/McGovern Plan -


Mimosa Hills Golf Club (o/k/a Morganton GC) (Morganton, NC) - 18 Holes, New in 1928, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930RB.

May 24, 1931 Charlotte Observer -



May 31, 1934 Asheville Citizen-Times -


June 9, 1934 Asheville Citizen-Times -


Aug. 14, 1938 Asheville Citizen-Times -


Pinehurst Country Club #5 (Employee Course) (Pinehurst, NC) - 9 Holes, New in 1928, NLE in 1935

Not included in the 1930RB.

Dec. 1932 Golf Illustrated -



Lake Sunapee Country Club (New London, NH) - 18 Holes, New in 1928, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 holes.

June 1930 Golf Illustrated -


Sept. 11, 1930 Portsmouth Herald -


Aug. 1931 Golf Illustrated -


March 1932 Golfdom -



Plan of the Course -


Fox Hills Country Club (Staten Island, NY) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1928, NLE

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes this as an 18 hole remodel.

The work here took place in 1923/24.

Nov. 6, 1923 Brooklyn Times Union -


May 7, 1924 New York Evening Post -



Sagamore Resort & Golf Club (Bolton Landing, NY) - 18 Holes, New in 1928, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 holes.

Aug. 9, 1926 The Post-Star -



Sept. 4, 1928 The Post-Star -


July 1932 Golf Illustrated -


June 21, 1936 Brooklyn Daily Eagle -


Manakiki Golf Course (o/k/a Willowick CC) (Willoughby, OH) - 18 Holes, New in 1928, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Separate listing created for Willowick CC with 18 holes, New in 1911, NLE c. 1951

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 holes.

Oct. 21, 1927 Plain Dealer -


Feb. 12, 1928 Plain Dealer -


1928 Ross Plan -


Mill Creek Park Golf Club - North/Blue (Youngstown, OH) - 18 Holes, New in 1928, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 holes.

Willie Park laid out the first course here in 1922.  I have no information indicating if what Ross did was a remodel or an entirely new course.

Aronimink Golf Club (Newton Square, PA) - 18 Holes, New in 1928, 9 Holes, Design in 1928, 1 Hole, Remodel in 1930, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 27 holes.

[To be updated]

Cedarbrook Country Club (Cheltenham, PA) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1928, NLE in 1962

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 holes Remodeled.

I don't have anything on Ross here.  The Givens site has a topo map with what appears to be Ross notes.

Topographical map -


Chester Valley Country Club (o/k/a Pennsylvania RR CC) (Malvern, PA) - 18 Holes, New in 1928, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930RB.

I don't have anything on Ross here. 

Country Club of York (York, PA) - 18 Holes, New in 1928, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 holes.

June 18, 1935 The Gazette and Daily -



1926 Ross Plan -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: BCowan on March 01, 2018, 10:58:15 PM
I'll go with the contemporaneous report that describes the hole as a two shotter.

Your favorite green there is a Park, not a Ross.  Wouldn't be the first time a remodeling team had the wrong info.

Enough on this distraction.  If you want to continue the conversation on this one hole out of the thousands Ross built, do it in another thread.


Park only did 6 holes there, #2, #3, #7, #10, #11, and #18.  The info came from an old member who did the club history and it was stated in the Motor City Open programs 12 and 18 greens as being Ross.  I have many friends at Meadowbrook and Tony already found your newspaper clipping over a year ago.  I'll go with the club historian.  Also Art Hills renovated holes 14-16. 

''Wouldn't be the first time a remodeling team had the wrong info'' 

Lose the tude dude.  I'm sure you never miss read a putt.  These guys don't half ass their research.
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Bret Lawrence on March 02, 2018, 11:43:56 AM
Here is an article on the Highlands golf course in Franklin, NC.  A seperate article (not included) mentions Rober T. Jones, father of Bobby Jones as part of the group of Atlanta businessmen who organized the club.  Later articles report Bobby Jones visited here on several occasions (once as a fund raiser for the local library).

Jackson County Journal-March 14, 1928:

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Ira Fishman on March 02, 2018, 01:43:55 PM

If you happen to find any record of Maxwell doing work at Hope Valley, please share. I have seen assertions and there is a notation in the Ross Archives but not seen direct evidence.


Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: BCrosby on March 02, 2018, 02:23:00 PM
Sven -

The Highlands Golf Club in the clipping you post above is in Highlands, NC. That was the course Jones helped to organize, where he had a house and where he played golf in the summer. It is still a wonderful course that is well worth a trip to play. Several special holes. Ross' routing and hole-by-hole drawings hang on the wall in the clubhouse.

Ross and Jones at Highlands circa 1925 is part of the background to arguments you hear that it was surprising that Jones picked MacK for ANGC. Jones had a lot of contact with Ross in the mid-1920's, at Highlands and in Atlanta. Yet he didn't get the ANGC job. (I don't think the Jones/Mack/ANGC choice was at all surprising, otoh.)

I can't make sense of the "Franklin" reference in the clipping. Franklin, NC is not far away. Both towns are in Jackson County, NC, where presumably the newspaper was published, so the error is strange. 

[size=78%]A tip of the hat for all the work you have put into this. I try to pick up the thread with respect to courses I know. Very educational.[/size]


Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Jim_Kennedy on March 02, 2018, 02:52:11 PM

Bob,I think that the first line  - "It was learned here today" - gives the impression that the author was writing from the office in Franklin using info that was provided to him.
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: BCrosby on March 02, 2018, 03:16:36 PM
Jim - That would make sense. Awkward, however.

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Bret Lawrence on March 02, 2018, 03:21:02 PM

That was my error, writing Franklin as I saw it written in the article.  Franklin, NC is actually in Macon county while the Highlands is mostly in Macon County but parts of the township do extend into Jackson county, NC.  There are a few newspapers covering the Franklin area on the North Carolina Digital Newspaper site.  One of the newspapers was titled The Franklin Press and the Highlands Maconian.  This newspaper printed many articles covering the Highlands golf course during the Bobby Jones era.  Here is a link to the digital NC newspaper site.  Lots of goodies in there:

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: BCrosby on March 02, 2018, 03:50:14 PM
Bret -

I stand corrected. Yes, Highlands is in Macon County. The lame excuse for my error is that, until recently I owned a home in next door Cashiers which, as you know, is in Jackson County.

The site for NC newspapers is impressive. Thanks for forwarding.

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on March 02, 2018, 09:46:25 PM

Country Club of Birmingham - West (Birmingham, AL) - 18 Holes, New in 1929, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 36 holes.

See the June 7, 1932 Atlanta Constitution article posted in the 1927 Listing for the East Course.

1929 Ross Plan -


Mountain Brook Country Club (o/k/a Jemison) (Birmingham, AL) - 18 Holes, New in 1929, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 holes.

I don't have anything on Ross here.

Essex County Golf & Country Club (LaSalle, Ont., CAN) - 18 Holes, New in 1929, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Date changed to 1926

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 holes.

Oct. 19, 1928 Calgary Herald -


July 14, 1929 Detroit Free Press -


Liverpool Golf & Country Club (Queens County, NS, CAN) - 9 Holes, New in 1929, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Name changed to White Point Beach GC f/k/a Liverpool G&CC

Not included in the 1930RB.

Two more Canadian courses.

E. F. Hutton - Miniature Course (Palm Beach, FL) - 9 Holes, New in 1929, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Changed to NLE

Not included in the 1930RB.

June 8, 1929 Palm Beach Post -


Seminole Golf Club (North Palm Beach, FL) - 18 Holes, New in 1929, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 holes.

March 31, 1929 Palm Beach Post -


April 7, 1929 Palm Beach Post -


1929 Ross Plan -


Aerial Photo -


1947 Image -


17th Hole Plan -


17th Hole Green Plan -


Dec. 1931 Golfdom -


Carolina Golf Club (Charlotte, NC) - 18 Holes, New in 1929, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930RB.

Jan. 15, 1933 Pampa Daily News -


Ross Plan -


Forsyth Country Club - Course #2 (Winston-Salem, NC) - 18 Holes, Design in 1929

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 holes.

1929 Ross Plan -


Sedgefield Country Club #1 (Red) (Greensboro, NC) - 18 Holes, Design in 1929

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 36 holes.

The 36 Hole Ross Plan for the two Sedgefield courses is posted in the 1926 Listing above.

Mount Crotched Country Club (o/k/a Tory Pines) (Francestown, NH) - 9 Holes, New in 1929, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

I don't have anything on Ross here.

Mountain Ridge Country Club (West Caldwell, NJ) - 18 Holes, New in 1929, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 holes.

1929 Ross Plan -


1931 The Putting Green, O. M. Scott & Sons -


Chappaqua Golf Club (Mount Kisco, NY) - 18 Holes, New in 1929, NLE?

Not included in the 1930RB.

I don't have anything on Ross here.

Maketewah Country Club (Hamilton County Golf Club) (Cincinnati, OH) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1929, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930RB.

The work at Maketewah took place starting in 1919, although it was reported that Hatch (as "Walter Hunt") was on site in 1929 recommending changes.

Nov. 2, 1919 Cincinnati Enquirer -


May 28, 1921 Cincinnati Enquirer -


1919 Plan -


Nov. 7, 1929 Cincinnati Enquirer -



Penrose Park CC (Reidsville, NC)

Not included in the 1930RB.

Aug. 20, 1929 The Bee -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on March 02, 2018, 10:20:58 PM
Before moving into the 1930's, where production definitely falls back a notch, I wanted to add in a few odds and ends.

First, a report regarding the Highland G&CC in Indianapolis noting that Ross had turned down a request to construct Willie Park's layout.  This is the only instance I am aware of where Ross would have worked on another architect's design.

May 22, 1920 Indianapolis Star -


Second, I added Genundawah into the 1920 Additions based on the following article.  Genundawah was a precursor to Monroe CC, so it makes sense that Ross was brought in when the later course was built.

March 25, 1920 Democrat and Chronicle -


Third, in Oct. of 1927 work was started on the Westridge CC in Rochester, NY.  An Oct. 2 article in the local paper noted the course had been designed by Donald Ross, with a correction issued a few days later noting the architect was actually a former associate of Ross.  The first name that popped to mind was Orrin Smith, but I'm sure there are other suspects.

Oct. 2, 1927 Democrat and Chronicle -


Oct. 10, 1927 Democrat and Chronicle -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Bret Lawrence on March 03, 2018, 12:52:02 AM
Photo of the 17th hole at Seminole, published in 1931.

Golfdom-December 1931 (Cover):

Feature on Birmingham Country Club and the superintendent, Frank Dooley. The last paragraph of the story contains information on Dooley's history with Ross and how Dooley ended up in Birmingham. Also included is a great picture of Dooley's equipment from 1939.

Golfdom-February 1939

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on March 03, 2018, 02:04:16 PM
Since this thread started, Jan Ludwig and the folks at the Donald Ross Society have produced an update to the course listing found in the link below:

There will always be more updates to be found, but I was happy to see the new information released and the updates that were made.  The latest release is the combined efforts of three very different sets of researchers.  Mr. Ludwig and the folks at the Tufts Archives are continually sifting through the items they hold, while a team of researchers and historians from individual courses send in updates on their particular areas of focus.  The third prong is the work of those who pour through the old magazine and newspaper articles, like many of those interested in such matters from this site and like Chris Buie did in preparing for his book.  I believe it is the combination of these three different approaches that makes this listing the most complete analysis of one architect's body of work as can be found, a remarkable feat considering Ross' total output of courses.

As Mr. Ludwig notes in the lead in to this listing, the last few years have seen a tremendous increase in the amount of information that has become available, as more and more old magazines, books and newspapers are being digitized and made available for review.  There are new sources coming available on almost a monthly basis, and I'll endeavor to update this thread as new items arise as a supplement to the listing above.
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on March 03, 2018, 04:38:58 PM

Congressional Country Club - Blue (Bethesda, MD) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1930, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930RB.

I don't have much on Ross here other than the article below discussing the 10th hole, and should note that other sources have his work in 1934.

Jan. 12, 1937 Evening Star -


Myers Park Country Club (Charlotte, NC) - 9 Holes, Remodel in 1930?, 18 Holes, New in 1945, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Remodel in 1930? changed to New in 1922

Not included in the 1930RB.

Ross was there in the early '20's renovating and adding 9 holes to the course built by A. W. Tillinghast.  He returned in 1937 when the club purchased new land looking to replace 8 holes of the existing course, but it doesn't appear that those plans went through until 1945.

Jan. 18, 1922 Charlotte Observer -


Nov. 30, 1922 Charlotte Observer -


Jan. 10, 1937 Greenville News -


1945 Ross Plan -


Apawamis Club (Rye, NY) - 3 Holes, New in 1930, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Changed to 3 Holes, Remodel in 1918-29

Not included in the 1930RB.

Pretty sure this work took place a few years later.  There was a June 1931 Golf Illustrated article on the club that noted very few changes had been made to the course since it had moved to its current location in 1899.

Elkview Country Club (Carbondale, PA) - 18 Holes, New in 1930, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930RB.

Ross first arrived in Carbondale around 1919/1920.  He and McGovern later extended the course to 18 holes.

Aug. 15, 1922 Carbondale Daily News -

( (

April 18, 1931 Times-Tribune -


1930 Ross/McGovern Plan -


Whitemarsh Valley Country Club (Lafayette Hill, PA) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1930, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 holes Remodeled.

As noted in the 1919 Additions thread, Ross was here earlier.  I don't have anything on his 1930 work.

Triggs Memorial Golf Club (o/k/a Providence Muny) (Providence, RI) - 18 Holes, New in 1930, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 holes.

1929 Ross Preliminary Plan -


1930 Ross Plan -


Richland Country Club (Nashville, TN) - 18 Holes, Remodel in the 1930's, NLE

2018 DRS Update - Date changed to 1920-21

Not included in the 1930RB.

The history of Richland is a bit tough to decipher.  The club's roots stem from the old Nashville G&CC, and best I can tell it remained at the original site of that course up until 1980.  When Richland was formed around 1920, work was done on the existing course, and although the club history notes Ross did this work I can find no record of his involvement at that time.  Ross visited in 1930 when Richland was looking to move to a new site, but the move didn't take place.  The club had further plans to move in 1936 to a site that would eventually become Hillwood CC with Ross to be engaged for the new course, but that move didn't take place either.

July 23, 1930 The Tennessean -


Sept. 29, 1936 The Tennessean -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Bill Healy on March 03, 2018, 04:47:24 PM
Mr. Nilsen,

Thank you for "Re-understanding Donald Ross"
I appreciate the information----especially the primary sources.

I can augment your information on Concord CC in Concord, MA.

In June 1913, the Governing Board of Concord CC engaged Donald Ross to build a nine hole golf course.
This course was built for $1590, and it opened for play on July 4, 1914.
In 1921-22, Ross returned to Concord to review the golf course and suggest improvements, which generally consisted of extending tees, adding length, reconstructing bunkers, and remodeling the putting surface of one green.
In 1928, the Club decided to add nine more golf holes, and Ross was hired again, for which he was paid $1000.
The eighteen hole golf course at Concord CC opened for play on October 4, 1930.
Ross returned in November 1930 to make a few suggestions for improvement, and this is probably his last visit to Concord.

Thanks for your good work.

Bill Healy
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on March 03, 2018, 06:50:26 PM

Richmond Pines Country Club (Rockingham, NC) - 9 Holes, Remodel in 1931, Still in Existence

May 18, 1940 News and Observer -



Jeffersonville Golf Club (West Norristown, PA) - 18 Holes, New in 1931, Still in Existence

Work probably started here earlier than 1931.  Thanks to Joe Bausch who first found the article below.

May 25, 1931 Public Ledger -


1942 Aerial -


Upper Saucon Township Municipal GC (f/k/a Tumblebrook GC) (Coopersburg, PA) - 9 Holes, New in 1931, Still in Existence

1931 Ross/McGovern Plan (forwarded by Mike Cirba) -



Carolina Pines Golf Club (Raleigh, NC) - 18 Holes, New in 1932, NLE in 1942

I don't have anything on Ross here.

Tupper Lake Golf Club (Tupper Lake, NY) - 18 Holes, New in 1932, Still in Existence

Worth noting that Cornish & Whitten has this as a Willard Wilkinson course.
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on March 04, 2018, 09:23:19 AM
The article below gives a fairly brief bio of Ross.  Towards the end of the piece the author notes how Ross introduced traps to the game to battle the unscientific layouts of the early courses.  While I don't believe Ross invented the idea of adding traps to a course, I do believe he mastered how to use traps, to the point that it may be what he was best known for. 

We spend a good deal of time around here discussing exactly what is meant by the term "scientific" when it applies to golf course design.  The second article below from 1915 gives you an idea of what it meant back then.  If you were to sum up what scientific design meant to Ross you might come up with the concept of hazards on a course that offer a suitable challenge for the stronger player while being avoidable for the dub.

May 4, 1932 Niagara Falls Gazette -


Aug. 29, 1915 Hartford Courant -




Finally, another name to add to the Ross family tree of architects.

May 1932 Golfdom -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on March 04, 2018, 10:59:25 AM

Zanesville Country Club (Zanesville, OH) - 18 Holes, New in 1933, Still in Existence

Although I don't have anything on Ross here, a 1931 article discussed plans for the new 18 hole course and included a preliminary map of the course.  The current routing of the course doesn't match the plan below, although it does appear to be the same site.

May 23, 1931 Zanesville Times Recorder -




Allegheny Country Club (Sewickley, PA) - 3 Holes, Remodel in 1933, Still in Existence

The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 holes Remodeled.

2018 DRS Update - Changed to 18 Holes, Remodel in 1911-24

Ross was here earlier, and I don't have anything on him in 1933.  A Nov. 6, 1945 Pinehurst Outlook article posted below in the 1945 Listing notes Ross doing remodeling work at that time.


Brightwood Golf & Country Club (Dartmouth, NS, CAN) - 9 Holes, New in 1934, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Now noted as 9 Holes New in 1921 and 9 Holes Remodeled in 1921

Another Canadian project.


Asheboro Municipal Golf Club (Asheboro, NC) - 9 Holes, New in 1935, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Date changed to 1937

I don't have anything on Ross here.

Mayfield Country Club (Euclid, OH) - 18 Holes, New in 1935, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Changed to 18 Holes, Remodel in 1911-12

I don't have anything on Ross here.


Hyannisport Golf Club (Hyannis Port, MA) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1936, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Changed to 9 Holes, New in 1936, 9 Holes, Remodel in 1936

I don't have anything on Ross here.

Ponkapoag Golf Club - 1 (Redman GC) (Canton, MA) - 18 Holes, New in 1936, Still in Existence
Ponkapoag Golf Club - 2 (Canton, MA) - 9 Holes, New in 1936, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Dates changed to 1932

1931 Metropolitan District Commission Annual Report -




July 2, 1932 Boston Globe -


The articles below cover the opening of the third 9 holes designed by Ross, which were incorporated with the existing second 9 into a new 18 hole course with the existing first 9 remaining as a stand alone 9 holer. 

June 14, 1941 Boston Globe -



June 21, 1941 Boston Globe -


June 24, 1941 Boston Globe -


Bloomfield Hills Country Club (Bloomfield Hills, MI) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1936, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Notation added of "two redesigns but never built" and changed to Design c. 1920

See the article in the 1919 Additions noting Ross doing work in 1919 and returning in 1935-36 to alter tees and greens.

Monroe Country Club (Monroe, NC) - 9 Holes, New in 1936, Still in Existence

April 11, 1937 Charlotte Observer -


Feb. 7, 1938 The Daily Times-News -


Course Plan (with what appears to be Ross' signature) -


1936 Additions:

Dayton CC (Dayton, OH)

See the 1919 listing noting Ross' work here in 1936.
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sean_A on March 04, 2018, 09:33:30 PM
Sven...or whomever

Why the heck does Tufts stamp the digital maps in such a horrible manner?  Why can't they put a dicreet stamp in a corner? 

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on March 05, 2018, 09:59:07 AM
Quick side note to try to decipher a bit of a mystery.

In the 1920 listing above I noted Gross Ile and posted the Ross course plan which matches what is on the ground today.  I also included a Aug. 29, 1920 Detroit Free Press ad for Golf View Estates on Grosse Ile, copied below.


If you look closely at the map in the ad, the location of the course noted is that of today's West Shore G&CC.  West Shore is credited in some sources to George Ferry (with dates varying between 1908 and 1916).  West Shore was also known as Island CC, as noted in the following article.

May 14, 1933 Detroit Free Press -


This article, along with the 1920 ad, seems to suggest that West Shore (f/k/a Island) was designed by Ross.  This would make Ross responsible for both of the golf courses on Grosse Ile.

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on March 05, 2018, 10:07:28 AM
Two quick notes on Ross from 1933.

First, some quick thoughts on tee construction.  The idea of the free-flowing tee box that doesn't have to be perfectly aligned to the line of play has seen a bit of a resurgence in our times.

Feb. 5, 1933 The National Greenskeeper -


Second, an image of Ross presenting the prize for the North and South, the tournament he managed during his years at Pinehurst.  The North and South was one of the premier events of its day, and it brought a myriad of the best players right to Ross' doorstep.

April 6, 1933 The Herald-Palladium -


This 1936 article notes that Ross still had game in his later years.

Jan. 29, 1936 Cincinnati Enquirer -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on March 06, 2018, 09:52:16 AM

Tedesco Country Club (Marblehead, MA) - 18 Holes, New in 1937, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Date changed to 1912

Addressed above in the 1912 Addition.

Mill Creek Park Golf Club - South (Youngstown, OH) - 18 Holes, New in 1937, Still in Existence

I don't have anything Ross here.


Brunswick Country Club (Brunswick, GA) - 18 Holes, New in 1938, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Changed to 9 Holes, New in 1938, 9 Holes, Remodel in 1938

Post-1930 Ross Booklet notes 9 Holes, New in 1936.

The club's history notes they moved to a new location in 1936 and Ross was hired to design the back nine in 1938 and later that year he redesigned all of the greens.

George Wright Golf Course (Muny) (Hyde Park, MA) - 18 Holes, New in 1938, Still in Existence

Work first started here in 1930.

Dec. 17, 1930 Boston Globe -


June 3, 1937 Boston Globe -




1938 Additions:

Woodstock CC (Woodstock, VT)

Certain listings note Ross was here in 1938.  I haven't seen anything that confirms the activity.


Mark Twain Golf Course (Elmira, NY) - 18 Holes, New in 1939, Still in Existence

March 2, 1937 Elmira Star-Gazette -


March 16, 1937 Elmira Star-Gazette -


Sept. 3, 1937 Elmira Star-Gazette -


May 25, 1939 Elmira Star-Gazette -



1937 Ross Plan -


Camden Country Club (a/k/a Kirkwood Hotel) (Camden, SC) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1939, Still in Existence

May 18, 1939 Florence Morning News -


Lancaster Golf Club (Lancaster, SC) - 9 Holes, New in 1939, Still in Existence

1940 Ross Plan -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Kyle Harris on March 06, 2018, 10:06:08 AM
That Joe Kirkwood photo is perhaps why Donald Ross was brought in at Huntingdon Valley to do some renovation work with the pending new right-of-way of Welsh Road? Kirkwood was the long-time Professional at HVCC.
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sean_A on March 06, 2018, 11:23:28 AM
Quick side note to try to decipher a bit of a mystery.

In the 1920 listing above I noted Gross Ile and posted the Ross course plan which matches what is on the ground today.  I also included a Aug. 29, 1920 Detroit Free Press ad for Golf View Estates on Grosse Ile, copied below.


If you look closely at the map in the ad, the location of the course noted is that of today's West Shore G&CC.  West Shore is credited in some sources to George Ferry (with dates varying between 1908 and 1916).  West Shore was also known as Island CC, as noted in the following article.

May 14, 1933 Detroit Free Press -


This article, along with the 1920 ad, seems to suggest that West Shore (f/k/a Island) was designed by Ross.  This would make Ross responsible for both of the golf courses on Grosse Ile.

The article usurps the Grosse Ile G&CC story and slaps it onto West Shore! 

The GIG&CC are looking at is a 27 hole iteration of which 9 holes were never built....a plot of land between Meridian and Bellevue Rds is where the holes were designed to be...backing onto gardens.  The holes planned in the bottom left corner became a housing estate of sorts...the land was sold to rebuild the house which burned down shortly after WWII.  Additionally, the numbering for the 18 hole course was reversed when the new house was moved so the entrance could be off Grosse Ile Parkway...which was the rail line. When the course was built the original rail bridge over Trenton Channel didn't take cars....hence access to the club was off Bellevue Rd. 


Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on March 06, 2018, 11:14:49 PM

Not sure if I follow what you mean by the usurping storyline.  Do you mean the article has it wrong and what they're actually describing is Grosse Ile?

Hosner is noted as the pro at Island CC in all of the Annual Guides that have a listing for the course (1925-1931). 

Here are a few additional articles covering the start of the Island CC (lka West Shore G&CC) course.

Oct. 5, 1919 Detroit Free Press -


July 11, 1920 Detroit Free Press -


Jan. 16, 1921 Detroit Free Press -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sean_A on March 07, 2018, 07:25:54 AM

I am saying the story doesn't gel right.  The 9 hole + 9 hole Ross design story is Grosse Ile G&CC's history, not The Island Club (Westshore).  The author might have grabbed info from another story and used it for the housing estate story without fact checking.  GIG&CC doesn't have waterfront property, although there is a 9 hole golf course adjacent to GIG&CC which does have access to the marina, but it wasn't built until the 60s...I think.  The course is now owned by Grosse Ile Township.  To further muddy the waters, Grosse Ile G&CC was formed when the existing Grosse Ile CC merged with the newly built 9 hole course. I also note the name Welch in the article and ad.  This leads me to believe these docs are really about The Island Club (Westshore)...the location in the ad confirms this as well.     

What I find interesting about the article is the mention of two 18 hole courses and an extensive recreational area. I wonder if the orginal concept did include both courses etc and plans fell through.  The number of houses that is mentioned certainly didn't come to pass.  It took some effort just to get GIG&CC up and running let alone a mega club/housing estate.

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on March 07, 2018, 08:35:22 AM

This leads me to believe these docs are really about The Island Club (Westshore)...the location in the ad confirms this as well.     


I think we're on the same page.  All of the recently posted items are about The Island Club (West Shore).  I don't think there are any mistakes in the articles, they just don't each individually tell the whole story. 

The Island Club was going to be a real estate development, and the initial plans called for two 18 hole courses (the plan for the additional 18 seems to have been scrapped early on).  A temporary 9 hole course was built by Ernest Way with the plan to have it replaced by the full 18 hole course designed by Ross and Hatch (not really a 9 and 9 situation, as the temporary course was replaced).  What the articles don't mention but allude to is that Way was on site to manage the construction of the Ross plan, as he had done on a number of other projects.

Just down the road, William Connellan was managing the construction of the new Grosse Ile G&CC course for Ross. 

Feb. 12, 1922 Detroit Free Press -


Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on March 07, 2018, 09:18:18 AM
A quick interjection to note I've added Durand-Eastman in Rochester, NY to the 1916 Additions listing.
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sean_A on March 07, 2018, 09:35:14 AM

This leads me to believe these docs are really about The Island Club (Westshore)...the location in the ad confirms this as well.     


I think we're on the same page.  All of the recently posted items are about The Island Club (West Shore).  I don't think there are any mistakes in the articles, they just don't each individually tell the whole story. 

The Island Club was going to be a real estate development, and the initial plans called for two 18 hole courses (the plan for the additional 18 seems to have been scrapped early on).  A temporary 9 hole course was built by Ernest Way with the plan to have it replaced by the full 18 hole course designed by Ross and Hatch (not really a 9 and 9 situation, as the temporary course was replaced).  What the articles don't mention but allude to is that Way was on site to manage the construction of the Ross plan, as he had done on a number of other projects.

Just down the road, William Connellan was managing the construction of the new Grosse Ile G&CC course for Ross. 

Feb. 12, 1922 Detroit Free Press -


By 9 + 9 holes I meant 9 holes were open prior to the opening of 18 at GIG&CC....not that there were 9 holes then a design for 9 new holes was implemented.   

This is the first I have heard about West Shore being a Ross design...which it what you seem to  Do you have any further proof of this?  I strongly suspect Ross never designed West Shore despite announced plans. 

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on March 07, 2018, 09:43:20 AM
A series of articles and other items from 1937.

First, when Elmira hired Ross to lay out the Mark Twain course, the local papers ran a couple of articles on him.  The first covered Ross' history in his own words. 

March 9, 1937 Elmira Star-Gazette -



The second in the series covered Ross' work during the depression and his interest in public golf.  Like Bendelow before him, Ross sought to spread the game beyond the realm of the private club.  You could make an argument that the timing of the voicing of this opinion is a bit opportunistic, but despite most of his contracts coming from the club set, he was willing throughout his career to take on the more basic project.  The fact that he underbid his competition by a large margin for the Mark Twain project shows that in some sense not every build was about the paycheck (although at this point Ross may have been the only working architect left with the cushion to do so).





Another North - South trophy presentation, this time to Horton Smith.

March 27, 1937 Press Democrat -


An ad for Woods designed by Ross, in a sense continuing the legacy of club making he had learned at St. Andrews and Carnoustie.

June 3, 1937 Chicago Tribune -


Ross playing in a tournament for seniors, perhaps a precursor to today's Seniors Tour.

Nov. 30, 1937 Brooklyn Daily Eagle -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on March 07, 2018, 09:45:55 AM

Further proof.  Note the side by side articles on the two courses.  We know Grosse Ile was a Ross, the plan says so.  Now we know Island CC (West Shore) was as well.


April 8, 1923 Detroit Free Press -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sean_A on March 07, 2018, 10:31:22 AM

Further proof.  Note the side by side articles on the two courses.  We know Grosse Ile was a Ross, the plan says so.  Now we know Island CC (West Shore) was as well.


April 8, 1923 Detroit Free Press -


Very interesting...thanks.  I would dearly love to see a Ross course map... 

I would really like it if West Shore was a Ross course. 

1. Ross can't be pigeon-holed as the greens for these two courses are very different

2. Who the design associate/man on the ground for Ross may have been more important than we know

3. William Connellan..maybe this guy was something special if it was him that came up with the greens at GIG&CC.   He was meant to have designed Indianwood with W Reid and I am a fan of Brae Burn as well.  Do you know more about his work Ross?

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on March 07, 2018, 05:41:58 PM
As you can imagine, Ross' output slowed down to nothing during World War II.  I'll cover his post-war work in a bit.

First, an article that I thought a few of the purists around here might enjoy.

Feb. 8, 1941 Syracuse Journal -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on March 07, 2018, 06:39:47 PM
The focus of my research in general has been on the years leading up until World War II, so I won't have a lot on the handful of courses remaining on the list.  If anyone has info to add in on any of these, please do so.

A Nov. 6, 1945 Pinehurst Outlook article highlighted Ross' current activities.  All of the courses noted fit into the timeline, except for Hickory (I don't have anything on a new 18 hole course in Hickory at this time), Greenville (the only Greenville project I am aware of was a proposed hotel course which is noted earlier in the thread) and Allegheny (he was here in 1933, I have nothing on any later work).



Highland Country Club (Fayetteville, NC) - 18 Holes, New in 1945, Still in Existence

See the Nov. 6, 1945 Pinehurst Outlook article above.

Oct. 12, 1945 Miami News -


1945 Ross/McGovern Plan -


Myers Park Country Club (Charlotte, NC) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1945, Still in Existence

See the Nov. 6, 1945 Pinehurst Outlook article above and the Oct. 12, 1945 Miami News article above, as well as the prior listing for Myers Park in the 1930 listing.

Pennrose Park Country Club (f/k/a Reidsville) (Reidsville, NC) - 9 Holes, New in 1945?, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Changed to 9 Holes, New in 1929, 9 Holes, Design in 1945

Two 1945 Ross/McGovern Plans -



Lewiston Country Club (o/k/a Birch Hill GC) (Lewiston, PA) - 9 Holes, New in 1945, Still in Existence

See the Nov. 6, 1945 Pinehurst Outlook article above.

1945 Ross/McGovern Plan -


Schuykill Country Club (Orwigsburg, PA) - 9 Holes, New in 1945, 9 Holes, Remodel in 1945, Still in Existence

See the Nov. 6, 1945 Pinehurst Outlook article above.

1945 Additions

Irondequoit CC (Rochester, NY)

See the 1916 Listing above noting Ross and McGovern designing 9 additional holes.

Charlotte CC (Charlotte, NC)

See the Oct. 12, 1945 Miami News article above noting plans for Ross to add 9 holes.

Lenoir GC (Lenoir, NC)

2018 DRS Update - Changed to 9 Holes, Remodel in 1945

See the Nov. 6, 1945 Pinehurst Outlook article above and the Oct. 12, 1945 Miami News article above noting plans for Ross to build a new 18 hole course.


Greenwich Country Club (Greenwich, CT) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1946, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - 18 Holes changed to 4 Holes

I don't have anything on Ross here.

Hartford Golf Club (Hartford, CT) - 14 Holes, New in 1946, Still in Existence

See the 1914 listing above.

Benvenue Country Club (Rocky Mount, NC) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1946, Still in Existence

See the 1922 Listing above and the Nov. 6, 1945 Pinehurst Outlook article above.

Cape Fear Country Club (Wilmington, NC) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1946, Still in Existence

See the 1926 listing above as well as the Nov. 6, 1945 Pinehurst Outlook article above.

Catawba Country Club (Newton, NC) - 18 Holes, New in 1946, Still in Existence

See the course map provided by Brian Ross in post #150 below.

Jan. 13, 1946 Charlotte Observer -


Stryker Golf Course at Fort Bragg (Fayetteville, NC) - 18 Holes, New in 1946, Still in Existence

I don't have anything on Ross here.

Huntingdon Valley Country Club (Jenkintown, PA) - 18 Holes, Design Only in 1946

Please see the post from Kyle Harris below regarding the changes that were actually made.

1946 Ross/McGovern Plan -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on March 08, 2018, 12:36:47 AM

New Smyrna Golf Club (o/k/a New Smyrna Beach CC) (New Smyrna Beach, FL) - 18 Holes, New in 1947, Still in Existence

[To be updated]

Vesper Country Club (Tyngsboro, MA) - 9 Holes, Remodel in 1947, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - 9 Holes changed to 18 Holes

See the 1919 listing above.

Alamance Country Club (Burlington CC) (Burlington, NC) - 18 Holes, New in 1947, Still in Existence

June 14, 1946 Burlington Daily Times -



Oct. 9, 1947 The Daily Times-News -



Raleigh Country Club (Raleigh, NC) - 18 Holes, New in 1947, Still in Existence

1945 Ross/McGovern Plan -


Miami Shores Golf Club (Troy, OH) - 18 Holes, New in 1947, Still in Existence

April 16, 1947 Dayton Daily News -


Maryland Woods (Delaware County, PA) - Design in 1947

1947 Ross/McGovern Plan -


Silver Creek Country Club (o/k/a Bethlehem Steel CC) (Hellertown, PA) - 18 Holes, New in 1947, Still in Existence

I don't have anything on Ross here.

Fort Mill Golf Course (Fort Mill, SC) - 9 Holes, New in 1947, Still in Existence

1947 Ross/McGovern Plan -


Ridgefields Country Club (Kingsport, TN) - 18 Holes, New in 1947, Still in Existence

1951 - Kingsport - The Planned Industrial City -


July 1, 1951 Knoxville Journal -


Aerial Photos -



Kinderton Country Club (f/k/a Clarksville CC, o/k/a Colonial Mills) (Clarksville, VA) - 9 Holes, New in 1947, Still in Existence

1947 Ross/McGovern Plan -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Kyle Harris on March 08, 2018, 05:28:06 AM

One change to Huntingdon Valley was implemented. They moved the 14th green and 15th tee as per the plan and that still exists today.
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Brian Ross on March 08, 2018, 08:21:33 AM

We have the Ross plan for Catawba Country Club hanging here in our office, though it is badly, badly faded. Here are a couple of pictures (sorry for the poor quality):

(<br /><br /><br />


Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on March 08, 2018, 11:51:25 AM
As we know, Ross passed away in 1948.

Ross had parted ways with Hatch and Johnson a few years into the Depression.  Eric Nelson took on a role working for the Pinehurst Resort.  McGovern remained as his sole associate managing all of the firm's work in the late '30's and through the '40's (although William Gordon was still doing construction).  It is tough to tell how involved Ross was with these later projects, but if the articles on Alamance are any indication he was at least still handling the design work.

The listing notes contains a couple of listings for courses that were done by McGovern after Ross' death (Llanerch and Gaffney).  The last real Ross work was at Moore Park in North Carolina.


Moore Park Golf Club (o/k/a Mooresville GC) (Mooresville, NC) - 9 Holes, Remodel in 1948, Still in Existence

1948 Ross/McGovern Plan

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on March 08, 2018, 12:13:15 PM
Ross & Associates produced at least two course listing booklets.  One of them was revised as of 1930, the second contains courses from after that date.  My guess is that there was at least one more such booklet, hence the revised as of 1930.

The 1930 booklet notes on its cover page that it was a partial list of prominent courses, suggesting they did not cover ever single project Ross touched.  But they are as good a source as any for Ross' own personal account of what he had done.

I have only seen pieces of the two booklets I noted, and would welcome the chance to examine each in their entirety. 

I'm going to annotate this thread with what information I do have, but it is certainly not complete and if a course isn't covered it doesn't necessarily mean it wasn't covered in the booklets (although the listing by State in the booklets does help in narrowing that down, which I will note).

I think we should take the information from the Post-1930 booklet with a grain of salt.  My guess is that the pages I have are from something prepared well down the road after Ross' death, and not by anyone in the Ross & Associates group.
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on March 16, 2018, 09:38:12 AM
There a few mysteries that I haven't included in the listing yet.

One of these concerns Twin Ponds G&CC in Utica, NY.  When Twin Ponds was originally built in 1914, it was known as Utica G&CC. 

A 1942 article on the club discusses a bit of its history, and notes Donald Ross and Jerome Travers were engaged to lay it out.

April 26, 1942 Utica Observer-Dispatch -



Going back and searching for articles on the creation of the course, I can find no mention of Ross being involved other than the article below noting that either Ross or Travers would add bunkers to the new course.  An Oct. 2, 1915 Utica Herald Dispatch article (not included) notes Walter Travis was to arrive to consult on the further development of the course, but neither this article nor the one below tells us who actually did the original layout.

So did Ross actually have something to do with the original design, or did the story get twisted along the way?

Sept. 26, 1915 Utica Sunday Tribune -




Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on March 16, 2018, 09:43:23 AM
Another mystery, this one probably being a project that never got off the ground.

Plans for a course to be located to the north of the towns of Quogue and Westhampton on Long Island.

Nov. 18, 1926 The County Review -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on March 16, 2018, 09:50:39 AM
A third mystery, or most likely just an example of how non-contemporaneous accounts don't always get it right.

April 6, 1947 Brooklyn Daily Eagle -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on March 16, 2018, 10:02:13 AM
The following report on the Blue and White courses at Salisbury links on Long Island has some intrigue.  The 1951 date for the opening of these courses puts them after Ross' death.  Timing wise it is possible he did the design work prior to passing away, but it is just as likely that the article has the wrong guy for the design.

Jan. 12, 1951 Long Island Star-Journal -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on March 16, 2018, 10:14:05 AM
When I first read the following article, I thought it might be a reference to Cheraw CC, but the location noted in the article doesn't quite fit.

March 22, 1923 Rockingham Post-Dispatch -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: BHoover on March 16, 2018, 11:28:01 AM
Sven, do you have anything on what Ross did at Springfield in Ohio?
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Brian Finn on March 16, 2018, 03:17:25 PM
Sven, do you have anything on what Ross did at Springfield in Ohio?
He mentions it in reply #72 (year 1921)
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Jim_Kennedy on March 16, 2018, 03:39:42 PM

I think I posted an article or three about Travis doing the bunkering at Utica UG&CC in the Travis/Utica thread. Here's one suggesting Ross or Travers   was going to do it. The Shermans of Yahnundasis were good friends of Travis, and I think he did the bunkering after the course was built. He was at Yahnundasis to make the same recommendation for them, and the next day he and Tom McManus were paired against the Shermas for a match at UG&CC.

p.s. I also think Lancelot(?) Servos was the name of the man who laid it out.   

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on March 18, 2018, 12:35:02 PM
In another thread Bret Lawrence posted a number of articles trying to clear up the Ross/Stiles confusion over Lake Lure in North Carolina.  Those articles clearly indicate the course was designed by Stiles.  The developers of the project did try to hire Ross, which makes sense due to the involvment of E. S. Draper.  Why he was not hired or decided not to take the project remains a mystery.

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on March 18, 2018, 02:11:28 PM
Another project that never came to fruition for Ross was the Dunedin Municipal Golf Course.  When Ross designed the Dunedin Isles course around 1926, he also did a design for a municipal course.

Interest in the course seems to have lagged after 1926, with the bonds issuance to finance the course being cancelled.

May 8, 1926 Tampa Times -


May 9, 1926 Tampa Tribune -


Aug. 30, 1926 Tampa Bay Times -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Brian Ross on March 18, 2018, 02:51:05 PM
When I first read the following article, I thought it might be a reference to Cheraw CC, but the location noted in the article doesn't quite fit.

There is no golf course on Everetts Lake, which is about halfway between Rockingham and Cheraw on Route 1, about a half mile from the state line on the North Carolina side, so it's definitely not referring to Cheraw CC. My guess is that this was never built.
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on March 18, 2018, 04:56:02 PM
Another project where Ross was involved in the initial phase, this time in Vicksburg, MS.

A course would be built here shortly after this date, with Stiles and Van Kleek doing the construction.

Feb. 28, 1928 Greenwood Commonwealth -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on March 18, 2018, 05:40:30 PM
A recent thread asked why Ross did not leave a slew of proteges in his wake.  Part of this probably had to do with timing, with the Depression and World War II throwing a 15 year wrinkle into the careers of any younger guys emerging from the Ross shadow.  That being said, there were a few names that merit mentioning, including Edward Dearie.  Dearie, like William Gordon and a number of other guys (Way, Reid, Connellan, etc.), spent time working on courses for Ross.  By the time the mid-1940's came around, many of these guys were gone or at the tail end of their careers. 

May 1932 Golfdom -


Jan. 12, 1933 Detroit Free Press -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on March 19, 2018, 10:01:53 PM
Around 1924 and 1925 the golf scene in Sarasota, FL exploded.  Ross was at the center of this work.

The article below discusses three courses that were either being contemplated or were already in the works.  The Longboat Key course is evident, and the reference to the course near Indian Beach (this was the Sara Bay/Whitefield course). 

The third course noted is a bit of a mystery.  Andrew McAnsh was a developer who built the Mira Mar Hotel around this time.  In doing so he received a bit of a deal from the city on property taxes.  The timing of this course fits with the start of the Bobby Jones municipal course project, but the article makes this sound like McAnsh was building his own course.

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on March 21, 2018, 05:11:52 PM
Another Ross project that doesn't appear to have gotten off the ground, this time two 18 hole courses on the Sherwood Forest estate near Stone Mountain, GA.  RTJ would do a course near here later on.

Jan. 27, 1924 Atlanta Constitution -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Bret Lawrence on March 21, 2018, 07:23:12 PM

This is a listing for a potential Ross course that appears to have been built, but no longer exists.  The course was named Brevard Country Club in Brevard, NC.

In 1925, the Brevard News ran a story that mentions their hopes for a Donald Ross designed and constructed course were about to be realized.  The article also mentions that they hoped Ross would be in town within the next few days to lay out the course.

Brevard News-September 3, 1925:

The following year a story was published stating the course was open for play and described the work that needed to be accomplished to construct the golf course.  The article noted the course was designed by an expert golf architect, but never a mention of Ross again.  The 1926 story also listed yardages for nine holes.

This project also happened to be a development E.S. Draper was working on, according to a December 1925 report.  There are a number of other stories discussing the club in the late 20's, 30's and 40's, but I haven't seen Ross mentioned again.  Whether Ross designed the course or not is hard to say with my limited findings, but I thought I would bring it to the attention of this thread to see if anyone has more information on this course.


Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Edward Glidewell on March 21, 2018, 08:09:54 PM
This project also happened to be a development E.S. Draper was working on, according to a December 1925 report.  There are a number of other stories discussing the club in the late 20's, 30's and 40's, but I haven't seen Ross mentioned again.  Whether Ross designed the course or not is hard to say with my limited findings, but I thought I would bring it to the attention of this thread to see if anyone has more information on this course.

I found this from a local newspaper, suggesting the course existed until sometime in the 1960s, but also doesn't refer to who designed it:

The Old Hickory House Building was originally the home of Brevard County Club. Construction work began on July 3, 1939, using Works Progress Administration (WPA) funds and workers. The walls were built using saddle-notched round logs, which were sealed and painted. The chimney, mantel and other features in the building and outside are made from fieldstone.  The surrounding property was the site of a nine-hole golf course, which was first commissioned in 1925. The course was eventually about 3,200 yards long. The building has about 5,000 square feet of space, including the main floor, a basement and a second floor that was used as living quarters for the course’s caretakers. The course was used into the mid-60s, when the Glen Cannon Golf Club was built. The golf course and clubhouse property, about 120 acres in total, was put up for auction in 1966. The clubhouse remained, but the golf course property was eventually developed for housing. Since the early 1970s, the former clubhouse has been the site of a series of restaurants.
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on March 21, 2018, 10:15:16 PM
The DRS listing has entries for Elks CC in Worthington, OH (basically in Columbus) and Wyandot Golf Course in Centerburg, OH (a bit outside of Columbus).  It notes the course in Worthington as Still in Existence, while it has the Centerburg course as NLE.

Elks CC was purchased in the early 1930's and renamed Wyandot CC, a club which survived into the 1950's before it went under.

There is still a Wyandot Golf Course in Centerburg.  I have my doubts that it was ever a Ross course. 
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on March 21, 2018, 11:38:20 PM
Just like E. S. Draper in North Carolina, Ross had connections with landscape architects and planners in Florida.  One of those guys was John Watson.  Watson was responsible for a number of major Ross projects, including much of his work in Sarasota.

One Watson/Ross project that never got off the ground was a major development in Lake Butler, FL.

Sept. 25, 1925 Bradford County Telegraph -



Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Dave Maberry on March 22, 2018, 08:35:06 AM
The DRS listing has entries for Elks CC in Worthington, OH (basically in Columbus) and Wyandot Golf Course in Centerburg, OH (a bit outside of Columbus).  It notes the course in Worthington as Still in Existence, while it has the Centerburg course as NLE.

Elks CC was purchased in the early 1930's and renamed Wyandot CC, a club which survived into the 1950's before it went under.

There is still a Wyandot Golf Course in Centerburg.  I have my doubts that it was ever a Ross course.


For information on Elks CC vs existing Wyandot Golf course see
This explains some of confusion regarding the two courses.

For Ross involvement see

The chapters from this blog turned into "Golf in Columbus at Wyandot Country Club" by Bill Case released in 2014 which is still available today
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on March 23, 2018, 01:17:18 PM
The DRS Listing notes two courses in Hendersonville, NC designed during the mid-1920's.  The first is Hendersonville CC o/k/a Laurel Park CC with a date of 1925.  The second is Country Club Estates noted as a Design in 1926.

I am almost positive these were one and the same. 

The first notation for a golf course in Hendersonville I have appears in a Jan. 20, 1921 Asheville Citizen-Times article which notes a new 9 hole course.  The 1923 Annual Guide has a listing for a 9 hole 2,575 yard course with a date of organization of 1919.  The 1926 and 1927 Guides note the club was being reorganized with a new course to be ready in 1927.

Around 1924 Ross was commissioned to design a new 18 hole course for the club (covered in the 1925 Listing above). 

As the brief article below notes, the interests of the club were acquired by a new entity.  My guess is that this is the entity that was promoting its real estate venture as "Country Club Estates."


The Laurel Park neighborhood, the Country Club Estates neighborhood and the current location of the Hendersonville CC are all within a stone's throw of each other on the map.

This article suggests that the Ross course was already up and running, but later reports in the early 1930's (and the club's website) indicate the course wasn't completed until later on.  It is of interest to note that the Ross Plan included in the 1925 Listing for Hendersonville/Laurel Park matches almost to a tee what is on the ground now.
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Chris_Blakely on March 28, 2018, 11:04:38 AM
Oakwood Club (Cleveland, OH) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1915, Still in Existence

This club closed in 2010, see below: ( (
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on March 28, 2018, 11:13:54 AM
David Marberry made me aware of the following Ross letters and notes relating to Conewango Valley.

Conewango was an early Ross design (1915/16), and was a project where Ross seemingly was not involved in the project after the design phase.  The rough nature of the notes shows a practice that would be refined in later years, but gives us a valuable insight into the guidance he offered to the clubs he worked with while the letters note the constrains on his time at that phase in his career.  The August letter and related notes on grass seed coverage calculations were particularly interesting, as its an aspect of his design work that we normally don't see covered in the historical record.

March 22, 1915 Ross Letter -


March 30, 1915 Ross Letter -


1st Hole Notes -



2nd Hole Notes -


3rd Hole Notes -


4th Hole Notes -


5th Hole Notes -


6th and 7th Hole Notes -


8th and 9th Hole Notes -


Plan of the Course -


Aug. 7, 1915 Letter and Related Notes -





Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Chris_Blakely on March 28, 2018, 11:14:59 AM
Highlands GC (Grand Rapids, MI) The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.The DRS listing has this as a new 18 hole course in 1927, but Ross was called in around 1915 to rework Bendelow's recently completed 18 holes.

This course closed in 2016 when it was purchased by the adjacent Blandford Nature Center: (

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Ryan Taylor on March 28, 2018, 11:15:37 AM
Thanks for taking the time to post all of this information. It's an incredibly useful and helpful post for any fan of Donald Ross.
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on March 28, 2018, 11:30:47 AM
Highlands GC (Grand Rapids, MI) The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.The DRS listing has this as a new 18 hole course in 1927, but Ross was called in around 1915 to rework Bendelow's recently completed 18 holes.

This course closed in 2016 when it was purchased by the adjacent Blandford Nature Center: (


All of the information I've taken from the DRS Listing is from the version prior to the just released update (the latest version was released after this thread started).  At some point I plan to annotate the thread with the updates that were made.

For your information, both Oakwood and Highlands are noted as NLE in the latest version (which I linked to earlier in the thread).

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Chris_Blakely on March 29, 2018, 01:40:58 PM
Highlands GC (Grand Rapids, MI) The 1930 Ross Booklet notes 18 Holes.The DRS listing has this as a new 18 hole course in 1927, but Ross was called in around 1915 to rework Bendelow's recently completed 18 holes.

This course closed in 2016 when it was purchased by the adjacent Blandford Nature Center: (


All of the information I've taken from the DRS Listing is from the version prior to the just released update (the latest version was released after this thread started).  At some point I plan to annotate the thread with the updates that were made.

For your information, both Oakwood and Highlands are noted as NLE in the latest version (which I linked to earlier in the thread).



Sorry I missed the update link.  Just trying to help the thread.  I had always wanted to play Oakwood when I heard they were going to close and photograph it, but never did.  Highlands I did play and take pictures and just found out closed by accident.

Also, when I played Miami Shores GC (Troy, OH) several years ago on a trip down to play Piqua (when heard they would close).  I talked to the pro and he said they have the Ross plan, I did not see or take a photo.  Also stated the course underwent a major renovation in the early 80s that eliminated a lot of the Ross character.



Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on March 31, 2018, 10:51:32 AM
I've added in updates that note any changes that were released in the 2018 DRS Listing.  Its a start, but there are still quite a few changes I'd like to see.

Many of the changes are fairly minor, such as changing a year or noting a course as NLE.  There were a few that stood out, including:

-Making the switch from Lake Wales CC to Lake Pierce
-Changing Old Elm from a new course to a remodel (which is wrong)
-Noting his Beverly work as a remodel and not a new course
-Deleting the Bon Air listing which was duplicative of the Augusta Hill entry
-Adding in a listings for Durand-Eastman and Wanakah
-Noting the Bloomfield Hills work as redesigns that were never built
-Clearing up the Wyandot/Columbus Elks questions
-Addressing the 1918 remodeling work at the CC of Buffalo

A number of new courses were added to the list, as noted below:

Country Club of New Bedford (Dartmouth, MA) - 9 Holes, New in 1924, 9 Holes, Remodel in 1924

Highland Park Golf Course (Grand Rapids, MI) - 9 Holes, New c. 1914

High Point Country Club - Emerywood Course (High Point, NC) - 9 Holes, New in 1923

Country Club of Buffalo (Buffalo, NY) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1918

Durand-Eastman Park Golf Course (Rochester, NY) - 9 Holes, New in 1917

Lake Pleasant Golf Course (Lake Pleasant, NY) - 9 Holes, New in 1922

Malone Golf Club - East Course (Malone, NY) - 9 Holes, New in the 1930's

Schroon Lake Golf Club (Schroon Lake, NY) - 9 Holes, New in 1917

Wanakah Country Club (Hamburg, NY) - 9 Holes, New in 1913, 9 Holes, Remodel in 1913

Willowick Country Club (Willowick, OH) - 18 Holes, New in 1911, NLE c. 1951

Pittsburgh Field Club (Pittsburgh, PA) - 5 Holes, Remodel c. 1916

Palmetto Golf Club (irrigation only) (Aiken, SC) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1928

Pinehurst Country Club (Orange, TX) - 9? Holes, New c. 1921

Army Navy Country Club (Arlington, VA) - 3 Holes, New c. 1944

Danville Golf Club (Danville, VA) - 18 Holes, New in 1919-31

The Homestead (Hot Springs, VA) - 9 Holes, Design in 1916
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on April 01, 2018, 12:59:06 AM
Another article noting Ross' connection to West Shore CC (aka Island CC).

Sept. 11, 1938 Detroit Free Press -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on April 03, 2018, 08:06:50 PM
Another unknown Ross project.  The DRS notes Ross working at Palmetto in Aiken in 1928 (adding in an irrigation system).  It makes sense that he visited Highland Park as well while this work was going on.

Nov. 1, 1929 Aiken Standard -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on April 05, 2018, 09:25:54 AM
In 1926, Ross visited Atlanta to consult with the city on its municipal courses.  Whether any of his advice was acted on is not clear.  It would be interesting to know if the "Peachtree" site Ross examined is the same site that became Peachtree GC.

A year and a half later, Stiles & Van Kleek were hired by the city for projects that would amount to 117 holes.  It appears that much of this work never came to fruition, probably due to the onset of the Great Depression.

Nov. 7, 1926 Atlanta Constitution -


Nov. 9, 1926 Atlanta Constitution -



July 20, 1928 St. Petersburg Times -



Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on April 05, 2018, 10:19:46 AM
In addition to a bunch of other articles on other courses, I've added some information on Ross' work in Dayton, OH, including a major revamping of the Dayton CC course in 1935/36.

Ross suggested changes at Dayton CC in the late teens, although it seems like the final plans for any changes at that time weren't finalized until 1922.  Whether those plans were ever put into play at that time is unclear.

In 1922, Ross or a representative from his team visited Dayton's municipal course and offered advice on the improvements taking place at that time.  This course, the Dayton Community GC is credited to William Hoare in 1912, but credit is also given to Alex Campbell in 1919 (Campbell's work is cited as being on the Hills and Dales Park GC or Hills at Community GC and Dales at Community GC, but these were all the same course at the Hoare course).  In any case, it is worth noting the Ross involvement here, even if it was as basic as an associate like Walter Hatch paying a visit and offering advice.

Oct. 5, 1922 Dayton Herald -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: MCirba on April 05, 2018, 10:26:12 AM

The Hills Course at Community GC in Dayton is where Joe Coble of Cobb's Creek GC in Philly won the 1924 US Public Links tournament.    His was a true "Rocky" story in Philadelphia if ever there was one.

I'm planning to play there next month when I'm in the area out of respect for his accomplishments.

Thanks for sharing that information.
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on April 06, 2018, 10:00:57 AM
An older article noting Ross at Dornoch and describing some of the company he kept before jumping over the pond.

July 25, 1896 Aberdeen Journal -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on April 06, 2018, 10:09:00 AM
Miami Valley CC in Dayton, OH is covered in the 1919 Listing, but I wanted to include the following article which discusses some of Ross' practices in connection with the early design phase.  At least for this one example, you could not accuse him of "mailing it in."

March 15, 1931 Dayton Daily News -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on April 08, 2018, 11:26:14 AM
In the late teens and 1920's, during the motor tour craze, a number of automobile touring guides were printed.  They often contained descriptions of golf courses you might pass along the way, as well as write-ups of other attractions.

One of those guidebooks was Rinaldi's Official Guide Book, published in 1920.  This guide focused on the West Coast of Florida, and provided a good bit of information on the golf courses in the area at that time. 

For the Fort Myers entry, the guide enlisted Donald Ross himself to describe the course.  This is one of the few examples I've seen of a description of a Ross course in his own words.  Today, the course still exists as the Fort Myers CC municipal course.

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on May 03, 2018, 09:45:23 AM
One more new one for the list, this time Montgomery CC in Alabama.

June 10, 1926 Montgomery Advertiser -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: BCrosby on May 03, 2018, 03:33:10 PM
An older article noting Ross at Dornoch and describing some of the company he kept before jumping over the pond.

July 25, 1896 Aberdeen Journal -


Fantastic find. First evidence I've seen that Low knew Ross, though Low traveled to Dornoch regularly for many years.

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: BCrosby on May 03, 2018, 03:59:07 PM
Sven -

About the articles above regarding the plans for various municipal courses in Atlanta, I don't think any of them were built. Ross didn't do a municipal course. If S&VK did one, which I doubt, the name has since changed.

The current site of P'tree GC would not have been one of the sites considered by Ross during his 1926 tour. It would have been too far north. My guess is that they were looking at sites near P'tree Battle Creek (then called P'tree Creek). It might be the current site of the Bobby Jones Golf Course, formerly a city course now redone and owned by the state, that has several holes on the creek.

There is a dog that didn't bark aspect of the Atlanta newspaper accounts of the Ross visit in 1926. One  would have thought that if Ross had already designed a course in Atlanta (think EL), it would have been mentioned. That doesn't prove anything, but I have always thought it suggestive. There were several other surveys of golf courses in ATL from about the same time or earlier. None mentions a Ross course.

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: MCirba on May 03, 2018, 04:09:00 PM

If memory serves, S&VK did the original Bobby Jones muni.   Thanks.
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Mike_Young on May 06, 2018, 08:14:31 AM
Some places in Atlanta don't want to know who DID NOT design their courses. :)    Of course that is also true of other cities as well.
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Tom_Doak on May 06, 2018, 09:58:20 AM

Was this really written by the designer?  The byline is "Donald C. Ross".  Ross's middle name, of course, was James.  And none of it is written with agency ... it's all phrased like "the course was laid out," so is it possible some other Donald Ross wrote this?

In the late teens and 1920's, during the motor tour craze, a number of automobile touring guides were printed.  They often contained descriptions of golf courses you might pass along the way, as well as write-ups of other attractions.

One of those guidebooks was Rinaldi's Official Guide Book, published in 1920.  This guide focused on the West Coast of Florida, and provided a good bit of information on the golf courses in the area at that time. 

For the Fort Myers entry, the guide enlisted Donald Ross himself to describe the course.  This is one of the few examples I've seen of a description of a Ross course in his own words.  Today, the course still exists as the Fort Myers CC municipal course.

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on May 06, 2018, 03:24:27 PM

I don't think so.  It wasn't the only time someone gave Ross the wrong middle initial in the press, including using "Donald C. Ross."  And in countless hours of searching I haven't come across anyone else with that combination of first and last names that was considered some kind of authority on golf.

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on July 08, 2018, 11:55:22 AM
A number of freshly available Boston Globe articles are helping to round out Ross' activities in New England.

One course that is highlighted prominently is Belmont CC (f/k/a Belmont Spring CC).  In addition to designing the course in 1908, Ross returned over the years to suggest updates, including a visit in 1918 where he made suggestions that were not to be carried out until after the war.

March 26, 1918 Boston Globe -


Ross came back in 1922 and came up with a whole new round of changes.  From the articles below, it sounds like these changes were implemented over the next 7 or 8 years.

Sept. 16, 1922 Boston Globe -


Nov. 9, 1925 Boston Globe -


April 2, 1929 Boston Globe -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on July 08, 2018, 12:20:22 PM
Until recently, the historical record of Ross' work at Belmont was treated as a new 18 hole course in 1918.  There was no mention of his earlier original design, nor of his subsequent remodeling efforts in the 20's.  When the club looked to a fixed date in time to base its most recent renostruction, 1918 was the date that was used. 

A 2009 Mass Golfer article (copied below) detailing the club's history and describing the thoughts behind the renovation give the reader a sense of the historical details that had been lost over time.  Not only does the article mistakenly indicate that the course only had 9 holes up until 1918 (it didn't), it only tells part of the Ross/Belmont story. 

It would seem to this reader that perhaps 1930 would have been a better date to look at for the complete Ross story.  Belmont, like the Pinehurst courses and a number of other places, was a design that Ross spent a good number of years updating and perfecting.  To only to look to a date in the middle of his efforts seems to miss entirely the scope of his contributions.



Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on July 09, 2018, 12:16:00 PM
I've maxed out the allowable characters for a number of the posts in this thread, so I'll included any additional articles in new posts.

The following two reports cover the origins of the 9 hole Waltham CC course.

Oct. 16, 1921 Boston Globe -


Oct. 22, 1921 Boston Globe -


Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on July 19, 2018, 10:20:05 AM
Another addition to the list.  Ross visited Brockton CC in 1911 to suggest changes.  Two years later the opening of two new holes was reported.

Aug. 20, 1911 Boston Globe -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on July 20, 2018, 10:12:52 AM
The origins of the Currier Course in Peterborough, NH were covered recently in another thread:,22627.msg1577846.html#msg1577846

Makes sense to add this work in here as well.

July 9, 1932 Boston Globe -


June 16, 1932 Peterborough Transcript -








Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on July 20, 2018, 12:20:13 PM
Plymouth CC is covered earlier in the thread.  The story is that the club started with a 9 hole course in 1910 and Ross added 9 holes in the early '20s.  The old 9 holes were outclassed by the new 9, so the club decided to bring Ross back in to add 9 more.

With the addition of the new 9 holes, in 1930 PCC opted to make the original 9 available to the public, with their pro Tom Vinton given the opportunity to run that course.  The experiment was shot-lived, by 1935 the club took back in the original 9 and operated as a 27 hole facility.

In addition to being responsible for the new full 18 hole course, Ross also built a miniature 18 hole course that was deemed part of the public facility.

If you compare the 1929 Map of the Course prepared by Ross to what is on the ground today, there a few differences.  If anyone knows the story on the several holes that exist today that aren't on that map, please let me know.  I am guessing that the modern course borrowed a few holes from the original 9, and is now an amalgam of all three 9 hole courses.

July 1, 1930 Boston Globe -



July 28, 1932 Boston Globe -


April 30, 1935 Boston Globe -


Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on July 25, 2018, 03:04:07 PM
A quick spotlight on Tedesco, and I'm hoping Brad Tufts chimes in with any information to add to what is included below.

The club was organized in 1900 with a 6 hole course (quickly expanded to 9), with a new 9 holer built in 1902/03 at a new site.

1901 Harpers Official Golf Guide -


1902 Official Golf Guide -


May 1903 Golf Magazine -



Sept. 1903 Golf Magazine -


Ross shows up in 1912 (as noted earlier in the thread) and adds 9 new holes and reworks the existing 9.

Feb. 1912 American Golfer -


July 8, 1912 Christian Science Monitor -


Around 1926 the club decided to expand to 36 holes.

Jan. 1926 Golf Illustrated -


May 1926 Golf Illustrated -


I don't have information on who completed the first 9 additional holes.  The second 9 appears to have been a joint effort between Ross and Wayne Stiles, although the later two articles suggest Stiles was primarily responsible for the work along with club member Eugene Clapp.

Jan. 17, 1929 Boston Globe -


June 20, 1930 Boston Globe -



Feb. 7, 1931 Boston Globe -


In 1932 Tedesco's clubhouse burned down (leading to some of the confusion over its architectural history).  The following article notes Ross offering a few suggestions on the course at this time, with my guess being this work was on what was considered the 18 hole 6,400 yard championship course at that time.

April 4, 1932 Boston Globe -



By 1934 the club was still tinkering with the layout and adding new holes.  The account below gives credit for the course to Ross, but I would guess several of the holes used were part of the addition made by Stiles.

April 6, 1934 Boston Globe -


What is left is a bit of a mystery.  We know Ross was wholly responsible for at least 9 holes of the 36 holes that would be built, with Stiles most like responsible for at least 9 of the others.  It is possible that the two men collaborated on the last 9 holes built.  The story that Skip Wogan rearranged the course in the mid-1930's seem erroneous, as that work apparently was done pursuant to the suggestions of Ross.  Brad has also indicated that Ross left notes with the club around 1937 for additional work.

The biggest part of the mystery for me is trying to decipher what holes ended up comprising the course that exists today, what holes were abandoned and what holes ended up as the "Gun Club Nine" and spun off as the public Sunbeam Golf Course.  There are clues in the descriptions of the locations of the new holes carved through the rock strewn forest area that was developed in the late 1920's, as well as the description of holes located on the "bluff side" of the property.  Hopefully Brad has a good deal more information on this front.
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: MCirba on July 25, 2018, 03:13:00 PM
Great stuff, Sven.   I know Brad has been trying to get as much information together as possible in this regard.
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Brad Tufts on July 25, 2018, 04:16:31 PM

Hi Sven, I can actually answer most of your questions at the end of your post above, although there are some gray areas that still exist in my knowledge that I cannot prove.  I have actually never seen the Clapp profile or the Rises Above Flames articles, despite going through the whole Globe archives search from 1899 to today a few months ago!!

As far as I know, the only Ross involvement was the addition of a second nine in 1912, and a list of suggestions made during his visit in October 1931 (not 1937 as I may have mis-informed before).  We didn't exactly "hire Ross" to do a wholesale redo in the 30s, although its clear TCC did use a few of his suggestions, with a gray area surrounding how much work he oversaw.  Ross made suggestions to the 27-hole configuration, so he wasn't in charge of moving back to 18 later on. 

Wogan was in charge of pulling the course back from 27 holes into an eighteen-hole routing in the late 30s, and my guess (unproven speculation ahead!) is that Ross may have recommended him as a cheaper former protégé, or the TCC board realized Wogan would just be cheaper to hire. 

The "Ross Design" reference in the "Rises" article seems on the surface to be in error due to the recently-finished Stiles/Clapp nine, but it's oddly correct due to Ross adding 9 holes in 1912, and Ross doing ongoing small amounts of work or giving suggestions at TCC in the early 30s.

My big question is Who did the Gun Club Nine?  It opened in 1927, and had been sold by mid-1931 as a mosquito-ridden place that didn't get much play, as it was built in a boggy area.  It was operated until 1953 as the public Sunbeam GC.  Stiles was working on the Clapp nine from the late 20s to that nine opening in 1930, so maybe it was Stiles?

It's so confusing because there are so many references to Tedesco "adding nine" or "adding 18." The cadence was really 9 in 1903, 9 in 1912, 9 in 1927, and 9 in 1930, then minus the Gun Club (1927) in 1931, and minus the Clapp nine (1930) as an entity in 1936ish).  The Clapp nine and the Gun Club nine were never "an 18" at any point, and the Clapp nine was incorporated into the already-existing 18 to make a new 18-hole routing that was the longest TCC ever had, with 9 other holes tossed aside as a "short course."  With two new nines (Gun Club and Clapp) in various stages of construction from the late 20s into the early 30s, there's no way to know which one all the articles reference.

So, in its 36 hole "heyday" that really only lasted about 18 months (!), it was the Long Course (18 holes made from 9 originals and 9 Stiles/Clapp), the short course (9 originals), and the Gun Club mostly across Tedesco St.

I have intricate notes on the current holes and where they came from, I can/will get into that tonight!
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on July 25, 2018, 06:04:33 PM

It seems that the club's intentions in the late '20's was to have two 18 hole courses.  That the second 18 was added in two pieces (and on separate ends of the property) isn't in and of itself unusual.

The timing of the impetus of this addition of 18 holes just before the depression is notable.  One can understand how the club could have been able to support two 18's in 1928, but may have been looking at different circumstances only a few years later.

The 1929 article above is also a bit confusing, as it appears to suggest that the 4th set of 9 holes was designed by Stiles and Ross.

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Brad Tufts on July 25, 2018, 10:33:17 PM
Hi Sven,

Here's my interpretation:

I agree that it's confusing.  I know it's just semantics really, but the presentation was always a core 18 (of different configurations), and one or two other nines in play.  The "Short Course" and the Gun Club 9 were never added together on a scorecard, as they were always presented as two separate nines.  When Stiles added 9 that was done in 1930 just beyond the core 18, it was immediately folded into a new "championship 18" (The Long Course) that was in play from 1930-1936, with the extra (and mostly the oldest) 9 holes made into a Short Course.  Because of this, the Stiles nine was never meant to be half of a completely different 18 holes than the original was meant to enhance what was already there by replacing shorter/inferior holes. 

Concerning the Depression timing, there is an article that is almost overly defensive of the club's finances during the early part of the Depression, even though they just unloaded the Gun Club 9!  It's my guess that the Gun Club 9 was already out of favor and they were looking to unload it even as the Stiles 9 was almost ready.  To me it's almost mere coincidence that all 36 was in play for maybe 1 or 2 seasons.

The 1929 article citing the board approving a Stiles/Ross joint plan makes no sense to me.  I could understand if that was the Gun Club, for which we don't have evidence of the designer, but this was winter 1929, two years after the Gun Club 9 was in play, so the article concerns the nine opened in 1930.  This is the only reference to Ross concerning this nine, with many Stiles references, including the draft plan on Stiles paper in our centennial book.  I also have the list of Ross recommendations from 1931, which includes critique of the 1930 Stiles wouldn't make much sense for Ross to critique holes he had a hand in designing only a year or two earlier!!

There is another Globe article where a Tedesco official is quoted basically as "we're thinking of some changes so we will contact Wayne Stiles or Donald Ross and figure it out" so it seems to me even the TCC board wasn't always sure of who was on retainer at the given moment...
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on July 26, 2018, 12:31:17 AM

Do you have anything that confirms when exactly the Sunbeam 9 holer was spun off?

As for the financial stability of the club, the purchase of additional land, two fires and the complete reconstruction of the clubhouse must have taken its toll.  At some point the club voted to do away with its board of governors and turned the entire operation over to the guidance of the pro Alex Ellis.

In 1935 it filed for reorganization in bankruptcy court.

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Brad Tufts on July 26, 2018, 09:12:19 AM

The opening tourney for the Gun Club 9 was on 9/4/1927  (from the Globe article dated the following day).

There is an article on 2/5/1931 (Boston Daily Globe) about selling the Gun Club 9 to Arthur Little, basically because it got no play after the Stiles nine opened.  The sale had not quite gone through yet, but sounds like it was well on its way.  There are no mentions of the Gun Club after this point in the Globe.  Included in the article are some other interesting tidbits, like an amateur valuation of the 224 acres TCC owned at the time (including all four nines) at $1M, and a mention of 1930 having over 27,000 rounds played over the four nines.

Tedesco's prominence in Mass (or even National) golf seemed to ebb right from 1930.  From basically 1900-1930 it was one of the best-known courses in Massachusetts, maybe top 10 in prominence or thereabouts, if not higher at times.  We had nationally-competitive head pros, exhibitions of famous players, and briefly 36 holes! 

After the Depression dimmed Tedesco's star, we just muddled along like most clubs, hosting an MGA event every 10 years or so without much fanfare.  It's sad how the coverage in the paper went from mentioning every time a course added a hole or changed a tee box in the fun times of the 20s, then as tough economic times and WW2 came to the fore, the innocence wore off and news took on the flavor that continues today, only talking about politics and people killed in various ways, etc.
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on October 02, 2018, 10:36:48 AM
Added Mississauga G&CC in Ontario to the 1919 additions post.

June 21, 1919 Calgary Herald -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on October 19, 2018, 09:17:15 PM
In addition to his earlier work at Glens Falls CC, Ross would return in the late 1930's to rework many of the bunkers.

June 28, 1938 Post-Star -


April 21, 1939 Post-Star -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on October 25, 2018, 01:43:32 PM
Another one, but this time in a consulting role.

Ross helped select the site for the Kenwood CC in Cincinnati, which was an offshoot of the downtown Cincinnati Club.  There were plans for 27 holes initially, and then for 36.  William Diddel ended up being engaged to do the work.

Nov. 13, 1929 Cincinnati Enquirer -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on November 01, 2018, 11:59:56 PM
One that bears a little more looking into.

The Florence CC in Florence, SC was built in 1923.  In 1938 plans were put in place to extend the course to 18 holes, with an article noting the plans for the new 9 holes had been prepared by E. S. Draper when the course was first built.  The Ross/Draper relationship was touched on earlier in the thread. 

Without any additional information it is hard to say if Ross had any involvement with the initial 1923 plan for 18 holes, but I do not know of any Draper golf course projects were Ross wasn't involved.  And the timing makes sense for when they were collaborating.

Dec. 4, 1938 Florence Morning News -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Jeff Schley on November 02, 2018, 05:40:04 AM
Kudos to those doing the legwork on this wonderful thread.  Got reinvigorated about Ross this summer playing Essex County Club and Plainfield back to back days.  Love his greens (when I'm putting well).
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Bill Healy on November 04, 2018, 01:56:14 PM
To: Sven Nilsen and all students of Donald Ross,
Re:  Hyannisport Club
In 1930-32, Donald J. Ross Associates delivered a routing map, field notes, hole sketches, and green sketches for the reconstruction of the golf course at the Hyannisport Club, and these documents appear to be the work of Walter Irving Johnson.  However, I cannot find any information regarding a visit(s) by Donald Ross to Hyannis Port.  Can anyone help me with this dilemma?
Thanks,  Bill Healy
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on November 04, 2018, 10:34:47 PM
To: Sven Nilsen and all students of Donald Ross,
Re:  Hyannisport Club
In 1930-32, Donald J. Ross Associates delivered a routing map, field notes, hole sketches, and green sketches for the reconstruction of the golf course at the Hyannisport Club, and these documents appear to be the work of Walter Irving Johnson.  However, I cannot find any information regarding a visit(s) by Donald Ross to Hyannis Port.  Can anyone help me with this dilemma?
Thanks,  Bill Healy


My apologies, as I owe you a response to your email (its been a busy couple of months).  I don't have anything specific linking Ross to Hyannisport, but if anything pops up I'll pass it on. 

The 1930-32 timing is interesting (and it should be noted the DRS lists 1936), as this would have been towards the tail end of Johnson's work with Ross, with the depression putting a dent in the work he was able to provide his associates.  On one hand, Johnson was known to be Ross's primary draftsman, so there's a good chance any plans drawn up by Johnson originated in Ross's original notes and sketches.  On the other hand, at this point Johnson had already done his own design work at Potowomut. 

If forced to guess, if the items were delivered under the Donald Ross & Associates name, Ross probably had a good bit of involvement.  Even late in his career, he was still making site visits, and Hyannisport was in his stomping grounds.

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on November 05, 2018, 04:32:45 PM
The 1926 Listing above notes Hyde Park CC in Jacksonville, FL.

From the article below, it would appear this was not a Ross.

May 13, 1926 Miami News -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: MCirba on November 27, 2018, 07:03:43 PM
Saw that one too, Sven.   

That would pretty much confirm Stanley from my perspective.   Others had speculated that Thompson may have just built the course from a Ross plan but that seems unlikely without additional evidence..
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Anthony Gholz on November 27, 2018, 08:21:11 PM

This looks like 1926 from the article.  For what its worth, Stanley Thompson did build an Alison course in 1922, the York Downs G&CC in Toronto.  And he advertised it with a picture of an Alison green in the February 1923 issue of Golf Illustrated:  Stanley Thompson & Co. Golf Course Planning and Construction.

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on December 01, 2018, 08:29:45 PM
I've seen speculation that Ross was involved with the Houston CC in the 1920's, but the sources note the attribution has never been proven.

Here's an April 18, 1920 Houston Post article discussing Ross redoing the greens.

Today this course is known as the Gus Wortham Golf Course.

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on January 07, 2019, 01:01:00 AM
Update on Chillicothe CC.  Ross was here around 1915-16 (the DRS List has 1915), and the course was reworked as noted in the following article. 

May 29, 1922 Chillicothe Gazette -


Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on February 16, 2019, 01:47:18 PM
In one of the obituaries printed for Ross (from the April 28, 1948 The Post Star), the author notes that Ross "termed the Country Club of Waterbury course...the most difficult he had encountered."  Most of us are fairly familiar with the glacial deposition that covered the New England countryside.  Here are a bunch of photos taken from the club's website that depict what it was like to build a course on that type of terrain.

1st Hole -


2nd Hole -



 3rd Hole -



8th Hole -


9th Hole -



10th Hole -


11th Hole -


14th Hole -


15th Hole -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Bret Lawrence on February 18, 2019, 09:38:01 PM
These pictures are great.  I have to say I really appreciate Donald Ross going through all the effort to build this course.  He clearly got frustrated and took it out on the course, because it's a brute! But it is an interesting course with a lot of variety in the Par 4's. Many of the rock pile features still exist.  They have obviously been covered up with soil and long grass, but they make for some unique shots if you find them or get near them.

The pictures above of the 3rd and 8th hole look very reminiscent of today's holes.  That huge boulder on 8 is still there too.

I think the picture labelled 1st hole is actually looking over the 10th green and down the 11th fairway. Way off in the distance on top of the hill is the 6th fairway.  If you stand on the 11th tee today, it's a very similar view.

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Bret Lawrence on February 18, 2019, 11:30:53 PM
Added Mississauga G&CC in Ontario to the 1919 additions post.

June 21, 1919 Calgary Herald -



Here are two more brief articles on Mississauga.

Canadian Golfer., April 1919:

Canadian Golfer., November 1919:

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Bret Lawrence on February 18, 2019, 11:48:12 PM
I have been reading through a few old Canadian Golfer Magazines.  Kanawaki appears to be interested in Ross as early as 1917.

Canadian Golfer., April 1917:

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Bret Lawrence on February 19, 2019, 12:00:50 AM

More articles on Kanawaki from Canadian Golfer., April 1919:(

Canadian Golfer., September, 1921:

Canadian Golfer., March 1922

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Bret Lawrence on February 19, 2019, 10:07:43 AM

The article above does a good job of explaining the work at Rosedale in Toronto, but here are a few more. "The Activities of 1919" included after the second Rosedale article is interesting too.

Canadian Golfer., March 1919:

Canadian Golfer., April 1919

Canadian Golfer., April 1922
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Bret Lawrence on February 19, 2019, 10:21:38 AM

A few brief mentions of Ross' work for three Winnipeg clubs; St. Charles, Pine Ridge and Elmhurst.

Canadian Golfer., April 1919:

Canadian Golfer., May 1919:

A little more info on Elmhurst Golf Club.
Canadian Golfer., October 1919:
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Bret Lawrence on February 19, 2019, 10:33:34 AM
Two more articles mentioning Lambton Golf and Country Club and Algonquin Golf course, St. Andrews, N.B.

Canadian Golfer., January 1922:

Canadian Golfer., April 1922:
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Bret Lawrence on February 19, 2019, 10:52:45 AM
This sums up what I have initially found on Ross in the Canadian Golfer. There were a few articles on Banff as well, but I didn't include those as it has already been covered in this thread and the articles I found  didn't add much.  I'd imagine there are many more articles discussing Ross and his work in Canada that could be found with additional searches or a thourough reading. Here are a few more general articles and one mention of Asheville Country Club.

Canadian Golfer., April 1918:

Ross discussing "Long Courses"
Canadian Golfer., July 1919

Ross' Timetable for Pinehurst #2
Canadian Golfer., May 1921

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on April 02, 2019, 11:28:30 AM
One quick addition to the list.

Lakewood CC in Cleveland would eventually be designed by A. W. Tillinghast, but prior to his involvement it appears that the club was contemplating hiring Ross.

Feb. 11, 1922 American Contractor -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on April 03, 2019, 10:22:40 AM
Another bit of a mystery for the list.

The current Cranwell Resort course began its life in 1925 as the Wyndhurst Club, with plans for 18 holes. 

Although Ross was one of the architects contemplated for the original design, the work was done by Stiles and Van Kleek.

April 19, 1925 Palm Beach Post -



May 3, 1925 Brooklyn Daily Eagle -


Nov. 6, 1925 Berkshire Eagle -


In 1931 the course was being operated by Pinehurst, Inc., with Richard Tufts planning to purchase the property and have Donald Ross build three new holes to replace holes lying on a neighboring parcel.  I have not yet found any evidence noting that these new holes were built.

Sept. 10, 1931 Berkshire Eagle -



Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on April 04, 2019, 12:15:56 PM
An addendum to the 1921 Listing (I've exceeded the allowable space in that post).

Two articles discussing the new Jefferson-Lakeside CC course in Richmond, VA.

April 23, 1922 The Times Dispatch -


May 14, 1922 The Times Dispatch -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: MCirba on April 04, 2019, 04:08:52 PM

If I'm not mistaken they are referring to what is today known as Belmont Golf Club (formerly Hermitage CC), which is also at risk of disappearing.

The Jefferson-Lakeside course is just northwest of there.   
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on April 04, 2019, 04:52:01 PM
Thanks Mike.  The correct article is now posted.
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on April 04, 2019, 05:20:23 PM
Another addition to the 1921 Listing, this time covering the CC of Virginia and noting plans for Ross to expand the existing 18 hole course and add 9 additional holes.

April 1, 1921 -


Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on April 19, 2019, 09:46:23 AM
Two clips from 1918 and 1919 comparing Ross' income to other professionals:
Evening Public Ledger-February 19, 1918

Evening Public Ledger-December 22, 1919

Another article on his income from later on in his career. 

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Jeff_Brauer on April 19, 2019, 10:28:27 AM

Translates to $420-$840K in 2019 dollars. 
Frugal Scott. Stayed in a modest house, albeit in Pinehurst on one of his courses, rather than buy the requisite McMansion that would be expected these days. ;)
And, $80K in 1947 from the last article would be worth $1.13M today.
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on April 23, 2019, 11:06:18 AM
Sven -

About the articles above regarding the plans for various municipal courses in Atlanta, I don't think any of them were built. Ross didn't do a municipal course. If S&VK did one, which I doubt, the name has since changed.

The current site of P'tree GC would not have been one of the sites considered by Ross during his 1926 tour. It would have been too far north. My guess is that they were looking at sites near P'tree Battle Creek (then called P'tree Creek). It might be the current site of the Bobby Jones Golf Course, formerly a city course now redone and owned by the state, that has several holes on the creek.


Following up on this response from earlier in the thread.  Seems like the "Peachtree" site Ross examined was just south of Haynes Manor, which would put it at the location of the Bobby Jones Municipal Course.

Nov. 14, 1926 Atlanta Constitution -


As an aside, Stiles and Van Kleek were heavily involved with Atlanta's municipal courses.  They designed Bobby Jones GC, John White GC and Ragsdale Park GC, revised James Key GC and Piedmont Park GC and had a hand in the Candler Park course.
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: BCrosby on April 23, 2019, 11:59:38 AM
Good find, Sven. Agreed, the reference must be to the location of the current Bobby Jones course, not built until the early thirties by S&V. It is not a surprise that Ross liked the soil at the site as it is mostly flood plain.  As recently as last month the course was under about a foot of water after a prolonged rain.

Ross' tour of Atlanta sites in 1926 was seen as a big deal and well covered by the Atlanta newspapers. Have you come across anything more on his tour? I seem to recall reading that there was a host committee for his visit and that O.B. Keeler was on the committee. I also seem to recall that Keeler (or possibly someone else) wrote an account of the Ross visit in which he talked about the great Donald Ross and named several of his famous courses. No mention is made of East Lake. When researching the origins of East Lake several years ago, I was struck by the "dog that didn't bark" aspect of the account. I would love to see anything you come across related to that.

Thanks, Bob   

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on April 23, 2019, 07:17:22 PM

East Lake #1 is covered in post #30 on page 2 of the thread.

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Bret Lawrence on April 26, 2019, 02:17:35 PM

I thought I would include this article in the thread.  This was written by George F. Clark, describing some experiences while building golf courses for Willie Park Jr. and Donald Ross.  It pertains mostly to Willie Park, but does mention Ross too.

Canadian Golfer., December 1921:


Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on August 21, 2019, 12:31:30 PM
Tucked at the end of the following article on Cherokee CC in Tennessee is a reference to Ross doing work at Tuxedo in New York.  This is the only instance I've seen of him being connected to that course.

Dec. 22, 1919 Journal and Tribune -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on August 21, 2019, 04:03:20 PM
Glenburnie is noted above in the 1915 listing.  The Glenburnie Inn was a relatively well-known Lake George vacation spot on the northeastern shore of Lake George (located just below Anthony's Nose).  The Inn no longer exists, but the Glenburnie cottage community is still there as is the Glenburnie Club which has a 5 hole course (aerial copied below).

The only reference I've found to Ross at Glenburnie comes from the Feb. 7, 1936 Berkshire Eagle article below:



Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: MCirba on August 22, 2019, 10:12:22 AM
Another unknown Ross project.  The DRS notes Ross working at Palmetto in Aiken in 1928 (adding in an irrigation system).  It makes sense that he visited Highland Park as well while this work was going on.

Nov. 1, 1929 Aiken Standard -



Not sure if it was noted that Highland Park is today's Aiken Golf Club.

Great thread here, thanks.
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: MCirba on August 23, 2019, 09:30:27 AM
It may or may not be related but the effort to convert Aiken Golf Club's (aka Highland Park) greens from sand to grass was ongoing by 1928 and supposedly completed that summer.

However, the course did not begin advertising the fact that they had grass greens until 1932 which seems odd.

I suspect Ross was consulted in 1929 and assisted in that effort.

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on August 24, 2019, 10:08:27 AM
Fort Myers CC is covered above in the 1916 listing, but I wanted to include this March 6, 1918 News-Press article as it contains a description of the course penned by Ross himself.  His thoughts on working with a flat site and the importance of variation and undulation, particularly on the greens, have some resonance today. 



Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Greg Beaulieu on August 25, 2019, 10:38:48 AM

Brightwood Golf & Country Club (Dartmouth, NS, CAN) - 9 Holes, New in 1934, Still in Existence

2018 DRS Update - Now noted as 9 Holes New in 1921 and 9 Holes Remodeled in 1921

Another Canadian project.

Sven, let me chime in with how incredible this effort has been on your part. It must surely have been a labor of love for which we owe you many thanks.

As a former member of Brightwood I would like to add some info on the above entry if I may. When I joined Brightwood in the early 1990s there was very little awareness of who was responsible for the design of the course, but the name Willie Park was found on some material used by the club. It was not until somewhat later that the club used any Ross references, though now they cite him frequently as the principal architect.

The club website now has a history which they either commissioned or was gifted to them, I do not know: (

Since past versions of the site had a bad habit of disappearing without a trace I will reproduce the text below:

"Brightwood Golf & Country Club was established in 1914 and has been a place for great golf, great friends and great memories ever since. The course is a Donald Ross and Willie Park Jr. design – and the only 18 hole course by these designers. Located in the heart of Dartmouth and minutes from downtown Halifax gives Brightwood the unique ability to be both an oasis and close to the city.   

In 1913, Dartmouth golfers faced the challenge of taking a ferry or going on a long car trip around the harbor if they were to use the golf links at Gorsebrook in Halifax. On January 6th, 1914 an investment group formed and incorporated the name Brightwood Golf Club. They then purchased an eighty-acre site referred to as Mount Thom for $40,000.

The original nine-hole course was laid out in 1914. The Brightwood course used an old residence on the property, built by architect Henry Elliot, as the first clubhouse. The property offered excellent vistas of the Halifax and the Bedford Basin. The course was officially opened by Prime Minister Sir Robert Borden on July 3, 1914. Unfortunately, the course was not ready for play and Borden only drove a ball off the first tee. The course opened two weeks later for play on July 17th, 1914. 

The course was updated by British Open Champion Willie Park Jr. In July 1919 in Canadian Golfer magazine it was reported, “He was rearranging the links while there.” In the same article Willie Park Jr. told Ralph Reville of Canadian Golfer, “The situation at Brightwood is very fine, and they will have a first-class golf course when the suggested alterations are carried out.”

A local Halifax writer would write, “Probably the view that impresses artists and lovers of scenic beauty most, is that obtained from the highest point on the course. Gazing southward the view is magnificent. In the foreground is the panorama of the golf course, the green of the trees contrasting with the vivid emerald of the velvety greens and the darker green of the rough. 

Beyond this fine sweep of country, sparkles the entrance of the harbor and the blue Atlantic. On Saturday the white sails of the yachts and other boats made the water seem more blue and the angry surf can be seen leaping up at the foot of the picturesque lighthouse on Meager’s Beach and hurling itself against Chebucto Head which gleamed purple and gold in the bright sunlight.”

In 1921, designer Donald Ross was hired to help the club expand to eighteen holes. He presented a plan to the Brightwood Golf & Country Club that included a second nine holes as well as a redesign of the original nine holes. This plan was adopted. But the work would not be completed in the mid 1920’s. In September 1921, C.E. Creighton of the club told Canadian Golfer, “We expected to have been on our new nine holes before this, but the weather has been so dry and the new turf has not grown in as expected., consequently we will play on our old nine until late in the season.” 

In December 1922 Canadian Golfer mentions that Halifax is building a new 18-hole golf course at Brightwood, in Dartmouth. Reville mentions, “They are carting away rocks and cutting down trees to make an eighteen.” This work clearly took time to accomplish because it wasn’t until August 1924 Brightwood Golf and Country Club became the first club in the Maritimes to furnish its members with an 18-hole course. The following is from a review on the course in Canadian Golfer in March of 1926: “Brightwood Golf and Country Club, at Dartmouth across the harbor from Halifax, draws its membership from both Halifax and Dartmouth. Its second nine holes wore put into play during the summer of 1924 and have fully justified the generous expenditure involved in carving them out of the forest primeval.

The course has an entirely different character being on high ground at 350 sea level and affording magnificent overlooks of the Bedford Basin.” The article continues later, “The course measures 5,750 yards.” It goes on to share some observations on the golf course, “A tricky situation confronts the player at the No. 2 hole with its wide ravine and misleading slopes. At No. 7 the player faces a green which at a little distance slope sharply, giving the new player the curious impression that he is driving straight into the Atlantic Ocean.” The first Men’s Nova Scotia Amateur Championship was conducted in 1927 at the Brightwood Golf and Country Club. Dartmouth native and Brightwood member Frank Miekle won the first amateur with a round of 81 – 73 – 73 – 73 – 300. In 1959 the Brightwood CC purchased 450 acres on the Porto Bello property but never did expand or build on that site. The 1921 Donald Ross layout of the golf course remains to this day."

The dates noted are partly in line with those cited in a book by James A. Barclay, "Golf In Canada" (McClelland & Stewart Inc., 1992) which mentions the Park involvement but does not mention Ross despite having other references to his work in Canada. As you note, the DRS list has Brightwood as a 1921 Ross project (it may even be the source of the above). I also note that the Tufts Archive holds a "Collection of 22 Field Survey Books by Rassie Wicker, with dates from 1925 to 1967" relating to Brightwood.

Given the challenges of the piece of ground he had to work with - a small parcel of very hilly and rocky property - it is remarkable that a playable 18-hole course was delivered. Over the years various greens committees have of course added bunkers, planted trees, and done the usual sorts of things that they feel are worthwhile. In my opinion none of them has added much value. In more recent times the biggest change was the repositioning of the 5th green further away from the property boundary to reduce the number of balls (and resulting liability) landing on adjacent residential properties that were constructed there in the 1960s and '70s, and adding several very tall netting arrays around parts of the boundary to prevent more of the same in other areas.

A 1963 aerial photo is the earliest I could find online of the course but is still instructive in showing how it was constrained as the city grew around it. To orient the viewer, #1 tee is to the immediate right of the clubhouse in the photo, playing to a green at the bottom of the frame; #9 tee is behind the clubhouse, playing in the opposite direction, and #18 green is to the left of the clubhouse. The right side of the photo shows the 5th hole without the residential properties along the boundary fence that would later necessitate the relocation of the green. This also shows the original clubhouse that was destroyed by fire later in the 1960s and what was then a dirt parking lot, paved and expanded at some later date.

Once again, many thanks for your work.


Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on August 28, 2019, 01:28:34 PM
Anyone familiar with this proposed Ross project in Whiteville, NC?

March 11, 1946 Wilmington Morning Star -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on August 28, 2019, 04:09:05 PM
Another proposed course that never got off the ground, this time a second course for Indian Spring GC.

March 5, 1922 Washington Herald -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Bret Lawrence on August 29, 2019, 09:22:23 AM

I have also seen Herbert Strong's name mentioned in connection with two new courses at Indian Spring near Washington DC, shortly after the Ross course was opened for play.


Here is another article to add to the first Indian Spring course, designed by Donald Ross.  You have an article from 1922 (earlier in this thread) that was a follow-up to this article. Your article mentioned Harrison was also called in and one more of Ross' foreman to make sure they finished the course on time.


Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Craig Disher on August 29, 2019, 11:38:37 AM
While he was forming the club, the owner, Tom Moore, purchased land across the street to protect the golf course from development he considered undesirable. From the article, it appears he considered building an additional course. Actually, he decided to develop the land with residential real estate. In 1923, some property just to the west of IS was purchased by Argyle CC which constructed a 9-hole course that was sold to the county in 1945 when the club moved to a larger site. It's possible the Argyle course was built on part of the land mentioned in the article.
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on September 03, 2019, 11:24:48 AM
Two additional Ross projects that seemingly never took off.

First, a development in Asheville known as Stradley Mountain Park touted plans for an 18 hole Ross course.  There was a very short-lived real estate boom in Asheville around this time, with salesmen using all of the tricks of the trade to move lots.  A lawsuit filed by some  purchasers notes the sales team ringing sirens and shouting out sales to dupe buyers into thinking the number of lots available were running out.  The boom eventually petered out, with Stradley Mountain Park being a prime example of the unfulfilled promises made by many of the developers.

June 13, 1926 Knoxville Journal -


Second, a club planned for the College Park neighborhood between Johnson City and Elizabethton, TN.  Before going bankrupt in 1930, the project was dubbed Shelby Hills Country Club.

Sept. 12, 1929 Johnson City Chronicle -



Oct. 14, 1929 Kingsport Times -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on November 04, 2019, 12:01:22 PM
Chattanooga Golf & Country Club is noted in the 1920 listing above as a new 18 hole Ross course.  The club started with a 9 hole course laid out by W. V. Hoare in 1897 which was expanded to 18 holes in 1909. 

I have found nothing linking Ross to CG&CC, and none of the Ross archives have any information on what he did there.  Ross did not include the course in his own listing of work.

What I have found is another course (like Cherokee) where H. H. Barker predated Ross' arrival, this time rearranging the course in 1914/15.  The length given for the Barker course (6,390 yards) matches up with the yardage given in all of the Annual Guides throughout the 1920's.

Dec. 22, 1914 Chattanooga Daily Times -


Feb. 4, 1915 Chattanooga Daily Times -



Feb. 1915 Golfers Magazine -


If anyone has any information on what Ross did at CG&CC and when he did it, I'd love to see it.
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on November 04, 2019, 12:16:45 PM
As a followup to the previous post, when the city of Chattanooga built the Brainerd municipal course, Ross was the first choice as architect.  In the article below discussing plans for his engagement, there is a brief mention of work Ross had done in the South.  What is missing is any reference to any work he had recently done in Chattanooga. 

It seems like a new course for the country club in town supposedly done 5 years earlier would have been mentioned.

May 8, 1925 Chattanooga Daily Times -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on January 05, 2020, 11:12:36 PM
A quick followup on Metacomet.  As noted above in the thread, the club's new course when built in 1919 was laid out by Willie Park, with Ross coming in a number of years later to do some significant work.  The article below notes that Ross was also considered by the club to do the work that eventually went to Park.

Nov. 16, 1917 Fall River Globe -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on January 06, 2020, 11:05:27 AM
Copied below are a series of articles on the development of the Chattanooga Municipal Golf Course, aka Brainerd Golf Course.  The offshoot of these revelations is that the Brainerd course may not have actually had the involvement of Ross himself, rather being a Walter Hatch project under the Donald Ross company umbrella.

The first article describes the efforts to start a new private club to be known as the Brainerd G&CC and shows the plans for an 18 hole course.

Feb. 17, 1924 Chattanooga Daily Times -


The impetus for the new club seems to have died on the vine, as around a year later the same site was being considered for a new municipal course with Walter Hatch visiting to give his opinion on the location.

May 8, 1925 Chattanooga Daily Times -


May 24, 1925 Chattanooga Daily Times -


May 28, 1925 Chattanooga Daily Times -


The subsequent reports on the planning and construction of the course note the involvement of Hatch, noting he was serving as a representative of the Donald Ross company.  I haven't found anything that directly links Ross himself to the project.

June 16, 1925 Chattanooga Daily Times -


June 17, 1925 Chattanooga Daily Times -


Aug. 19, 1925 Chattanooga Daily Times -


Aug. 28, 1925 Chattanooga Daily Times -


Sept. 10, 1925 Chattanooga Daily Times -


Sept. 11, 1925 Chattanooga Daily Times -


Feb. 18, 1926 Chattanooga Daily Times -


April 21, 1926 Chattanooga Daily Times -


Feb. 20, 1927 Chattanooga Daily Times -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on January 06, 2020, 11:28:13 AM
A couple of additional articles on Cedar Rapids, including information that Ross first visited the club in 1914. 

Nov. 3, 1914 The Gazette -


March 4, 1915 The Gazette -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on January 06, 2020, 11:40:37 AM
We all know Lookout Mountain as a Raynor course, with his plans for the course first being put on display in November of 1925.  However, in August of that year the club was considering hiring Ross. 

Combined with the articles above regarding the Brainerd course and Ross' seeming non-involvement with the project, one wonders if there's more to the story.

Aug. 5, 1925 Chattanooga Daily Times -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on January 06, 2020, 11:51:57 AM
Below is a 1921 article on the CC of Mobile, noting the course was laid out by Donald Ross and detailing plans to enhance each hole in honor of a particular old member.  The article isn't included because it adds any new information, but rather for the following quote which describes an era as well as reminds us that the prose of yesteryear had a bit more flavor.

"Some soul with a long memory has suggested the Anheuser-Busch as the appropriate decoration for the nineteenth hole, though this variety is said to be extinct."

Jan. 9, 1921 Chattanooga Daily News -


Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on January 06, 2020, 11:58:27 AM
A quick article noting Ross as a radio star.

July 24, 1926 Boston Globe -


Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on January 07, 2020, 12:54:49 AM
Some followup articles on Kenosha CC.

March 15, 1920 Kenosha Evening News -


Feb. 19, 1921 Kenosha News -


Sept. 29, 1922 Kenosha Evening News -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on January 07, 2020, 09:57:52 PM
Charlotte CC (aka Mecklenburg CC is covered in detail earlier in the thread, with Ross revising the existing 9 hole course and adding 9 new holes in 1913, making suggestions on trapping in 1920, and adding an additional 9 holes in 1945.

Ross was also engaged to rework the course in 1940 in anticipation of the club possibly hosting the US Open.

March 31, 1940 Charlotte Observer -

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on January 09, 2020, 09:48:27 AM
Two followup articles on Holston Hills.

June 28, 1926 Knoxville News-Sentinel -


July 14, 1926 Knoxville News -


Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: BCrosby on January 09, 2020, 03:24:21 PM
Sven - Again, thanks for these.

I note the reference in the Knoxville News-Sentinel (6.28.26) to the "famous" Ross course in Atlanta - Druid Hills!!! Another instance where the dog-didn't-bark. The more famous course in Atlanta at the time would have been East Lake, Bobby Jones' home course.

These sorts of cross-references come up from time to time in the 1920's. New Ross projects want to establish Ross's bona fides by noting his well-known courses. I have yet to find a cross-reference (before the 1930's) to East Lake as a Ross course. Lots of other courses are mentioned, but no EL.

Interestingly, the scant evidence we have of DR's work at EL comes from a brief passage in the American Golfer that says Ross did a bunker plan for both EL and Druid Hills. That's pretty much it. (Druid Hills today calls itself a H.H. Barker course, which I think more accurately reflects what went on there.)

The divergent paths taken by the design attributions of the two courses is curious.


Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: David Harshbarger on January 09, 2020, 03:27:38 PM

I note the reference in the Knoxville News-Sentinel (6.28.26) to the "famous" Ross course in Atlanta - Druid Hills!!! Another instance where the dog-didn't-bark. The more famous course in Atlanta at the time would have been East Lake, Bobby Jones' home course.

Great reference to Mr. Doyle. 
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on July 19, 2021, 12:14:48 AM
Woodland was covered earlier in the thread with respect to the 1903 and 1928 work.

Ross was also here around 1912 supervising alterations.

June 8, 1912 Boston Evening Transcript -

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Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on August 11, 2021, 12:23:28 PM
To: Sven Nilsen and all students of Donald Ross,
Re:  Hyannisport Club
In 1930-32, Donald J. Ross Associates delivered a routing map, field notes, hole sketches, and green sketches for the reconstruction of the golf course at the Hyannisport Club, and these documents appear to be the work of Walter Irving Johnson.  However, I cannot find any information regarding a visit(s) by Donald Ross to Hyannis Port.  Can anyone help me with this dilemma?
Thanks,  Bill Healy


My apologies, as I owe you a response to your email (its been a busy couple of months).  I don't have anything specific linking Ross to Hyannisport, but if anything pops up I'll pass it on. 

The 1930-32 timing is interesting (and it should be noted the DRS lists 1936), as this would have been towards the tail end of Johnson's work with Ross, with the depression putting a dent in the work he was able to provide his associates.  On one hand, Johnson was known to be Ross's primary draftsman, so there's a good chance any plans drawn up by Johnson originated in Ross's original notes and sketches.  On the other hand, at this point Johnson had already done his own design work at Potowomut. 

If forced to guess, if the items were delivered under the Donald Ross & Associates name, Ross probably had a good bit of involvement.  Even late in his career, he was still making site visits, and Hyannisport was in his stomping grounds.


An update on Hyannisport.  A big gap in the record was evidence of who expanded the course from 9 to 18 holes.

The article below suggests it was Ross.

July 30, 1913 Boston Evening Transcript -

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Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Tommy Williamsen on August 11, 2021, 01:35:06 PM
I reread Brad Klein's book on Ross this summer. It is a great read.
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on August 11, 2021, 01:59:12 PM
I reread Brad Klein's book on Ross this summer. It is a great read. (

Brad's book was published nearly 20 years ago.  There has been quite a lot discovered about Ross since then.

All the best,

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on November 28, 2021, 09:16:21 PM
A few of the Wendell Miller plans posted on the compilation thread from Ross courses.

Dearborn CC -

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Oak Hill CC (NY) -

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Granville Inn Golf Course -

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Oakwood CC -

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Rackham GC -

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Portsmouth CC -

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Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on November 28, 2021, 09:28:37 PM
One of the Wendell Miller plans presented a bit of a surprise.

The Evansville CC plan notes "Golf Course Layout by Donald Ross and Leonard Macomber.  The Ross notation is new to me.  I have seen articles discussing Macomber constructing the course.

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Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Bill Healy on November 29, 2021, 10:45:53 AM
Thanks to Sven Nilsen for his abiding interest in Donald Ross and Ross design golf courses.
As Brad Tufts notes, the story of Oakley CC and Donald Ross is fascinating.
I am writing the history of Oakley, and the Club is proud of the fact that Oakley was the first stop for Donald Ross on a long and distinguished career in golf course design.
When Donald Ross arrived at Oakley in March 1899, he found an 18 hole Willie Campbell design golf course, which was the first 18 hole golf course in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.  Remarkably, the new links, which allegedly played to 5225 yards, was squeezed onto 71 acres of leased and purchased land on Strawberry Hill in Watertown, MA.
Between 1899 and 1910, Ross redesigned the golf course several times to accommodate loss of leased land and acquisition of new land.
Donald Ross improved the playing conditions by clearing trees, removing stumps, adding sand to the heavy organic soil, removing fences, rock walls, and foundations which served as hazards, and installing drainage.
He improved the routing and the hole designs by eliminating several long green to tee walks, adding doglegs, and taking advantage of natural inclinations on the hillside.
He improved the greens by adding slopes and undulations, piping the greens, and rolling he turf.
He eliminated several quirky and unsafe golf holes.
Ross added length to a maximum of 6095 yards in 1915.
In 2021, Oakley lays at 6009 yards on a, 88+ acre property.
I look forward to learning more about Oakley during the next year.
Bill Healy
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on November 30, 2021, 11:37:14 PM
Wentworth-by-the-Sea GC in Portsmouth, NH is included in the 1921 listing above.  The plan included notes what I think is a date of 1921 which coincides with the DRS listing of a 1921 remodel.

But Ross was there earlier updating the original 1897 layout.

June 27, 1909 Boston Herald -

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June 29, 1909 Portsmouth Herald -

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Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on December 01, 2021, 12:14:39 AM
An update for the 1926 listing for the Congress Lake Club.

Nov. 12, 1929 Akron Beacon Journal -

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Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Kyle Harris on December 01, 2021, 05:28:37 AM
I wish this thread were pinned to the top of the message board. As the dean of "Your golf course is not a Donald Ross course" here in Florida, I reference it a lot.
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: V_Halyard on December 01, 2021, 01:36:05 PM
I wish this thread were pinned to the top of the message board. As the dean of "Your golf course is not a Donald Ross course" here in Florida, I reference it a lot.
Don't drive angry...

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Ronald Montesano on December 02, 2021, 08:25:58 PM
You can bookmark the thread, and then the overpinning won't be necessary.
Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Bret Lawrence on April 18, 2022, 09:22:41 AM
Here is a proposed sketch plan dated 1922 for Petersham Golf Club in Petersham, Massachusetts. This course no longer exists.

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Here is a link for those who would like a closer look: (

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Bret Lawrence on April 19, 2022, 10:31:57 AM
Bretton Woods-Mount Washington Golf Course:

This course is listed as a 1915 design, but the work wasn’t completed until later and the course was opened in 1921.  Here are a few articles detailing some of Ross’ work at Mount Washington and announcing the opening. 

In the Tufts Archives there are drawings for all 18 holes of the “Bretton Woods” course. The drawings match up with what the first article is telling us.  Ross built an entirely new nine (the back nine) and altered many of the original holes on the front, but did retain the first hole and some of the features and routing of Holes 13-16 for his 4th through 7th holes.

The original Mount Pleasant nine was broken off in 1921 and called the Mount Pleasant course again, making 27 holes in total.

The White Mountain Echo., September 04, 1920:
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Announcement of the opening match on August 21, 1921:
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Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Bret Lawrence on April 21, 2022, 08:33:24 AM
Including an 18-hole routing map for Whippoorwill Country Club from 1927.  Also including a letter from Ross dated 1928.  Shortly after this course was completed, Charles Banks redesigned the golf course using additional land not previously available to Ross. The Banks design does incorporate some of the original Ross holes into the design.

Courtesy of the United States Department of Interior, National Park Service, Frederick Law Olmsted Historic Site:
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Link to the map: (

Ross Letter dated March 14, 1928:

 Courtesy of the United States Department of Interior, National Park Service, Frederick Law Olmsted Historic Site
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Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: MCirba on May 16, 2022, 03:24:39 PM
This may be a new one.   Two summers ago Tom Dunne and I had played Sugarloaf Resort in Maine and rather than subsequently quit the game ;) , we decided to squeeze in nine holes elsewhere before the dinner event.   We had heard good things from Michael Moore about Mingo Springs Golf Course, about 1/2 hour away which is today made up of (I believe) 2 of the 3 courses listed in this article.   Mr. Moore indicated that both nines were worthy but that the front nine (which I believe is the 3rd nine mentioned in the article) was pretty special.

I had done some preliminary research and the oldest course listed had origins from Arthur Fenn but I'm not 100% it's the 1st course mentioned here.   In any case, this June 6th, 1954 Boston Globe article indicates that at least one of the courses there was designed by Donald Ross and  I would say neither Tom nor I would have much reason for doubt as it was a wild and wooly affair that used the terrain magnificently.

Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: Sven Nilsen on October 06, 2022, 02:47:31 PM
Minneapolis Golf Club (Minneapolis, MN) - 18 Holes, Remodel in 1920, Still in Existence

Not included in the 1930 Ross Booklet.

June 24, 1920 Star Tribune -


The Givens site has a map of the course, but the 1917 notation predates Ross' involvement.

Course Plan -


An update to the post on Minneapolis GC.  Copied below is the Ross plan for the early 1920's improvements.

May 15, 1921 Minneapolis Journal -

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Title: Re: Reunderstanding Ross
Post by: John Challenger on November 03, 2022, 01:55:00 PM
Here is some info on Donald Ross and Indian Hill Club in the early 1920s.

In the Chicago Tribune on May 6, 1921, Joe Davis reports that "Ross will visit the Oak Park Country club today to look over the course, and about May 20 will inspect Indian Hill."

In American Golfer on May 21, 1921, it is reported that "Ross will return to Chicago shortly and spend a couple of days at the Indian Hill Country Club."

In Donald Ross's book "Golf Has Never Failed Me..." Indian Hill Club is listed as "Remodeled 1914 and 1922."