Golf Club Atlas => Golf Course Architecture Discussion Group => Topic started by: Emile Bonfiglio on November 11, 2017, 01:48:48 PM
I'd love to connect with some of you to follow the courses you're playing, your travels and get to know you better. You can find me @option720 or (
I follow several of you now, but alway up for more feeds!!
I now follow you on twitter. And after clicking thru your feed I feel extremely poor.
I think you'll find this thread helpful:,60661.0.html
@la_seitz. It's mostly golf courses, breweries/beer festivals, and concert pics.
Yep. @jeffshelman
mashie_Melbourne - mostly golf courses and old clubs.
Matt121280 — a couple of pictures when I play somewhere nice, but not a golf-only account.
Around 850 golf photos from my travels so far...about 4 months lag between current travels and photo tours so lots of ammunition for the daily posts.
@top100beltnotcher LOL, just kidding. @markpmckeever My handle is basically golf, wine, and food.
Yep, started not long ago....@detroitgolfer. Not many golf pix, mostly jetsam and flotsam.
I think my favourite grammer is thelondonlifeinc..highly stylized, but some cool shots.
Guys-If you want followers get rid of the "look at me" posts. Nobody cares if you are in an airport drinking a glass of wine or eating crackers and cheese. There are some cool accounts out there but the volume of superfluous posts is astonishing. Additionally I see people reposting stuff because they have nothing new at the moment. News flash-We can wait for you to do something noteworthy. ;)
Guys-If you want followers get rid of the "look at me" posts. Nobody cares if you are in an airport drinking a glass of wine or eating crackers and cheese. There are some cool accounts out there but the volume of superfluous posts is astonishing. Additionally I see people reposting stuff because they have nothing new at the moment. News flash-We can wait for you to do something noteworthy. ;)
Does this mean you’re not a “grammer”?
Guys-If you want followers get rid of the "look at me" posts. Nobody cares if you are in an airport drinking a glass of wine or eating crackers and cheese. There are some cool accounts out there but the volume of superfluous posts is astonishing. Additionally I see people reposting stuff because they have nothing new at the moment. News flash-We can wait for you to do something noteworthy. ;)
Does this mean you’re not a “grammer”?
BHoov-I am not a "grammer" and even more important to me not a "grammer enabler". I have on more than one occasion seen guys on the golf course downloading pictures on Facebook and Instagram in real time. This requires others in the group to be taking action photos on command which is right up there with getting a root canal in a third world country. #PLAYNOWPOSTLATER
Guys-If you want followers get rid of the "look at me" posts. Nobody cares if you are in an airport drinking a glass of wine or eating crackers and cheese. There are some cool accounts out there but the volume of superfluous posts is astonishing. Additionally I see people reposting stuff because they have nothing new at the moment. News flash-We can wait for you to do something noteworthy. ;)
Does this mean you’re not a “grammer”?
BHoov-I am not a "grammer" and even more important to me not a "grammer enabler". I have on more than one occasion seen guys on the golf course downloading pictures on Facebook and Instagram in real time. This requires others in the group to be taking action photos on command which is right up there with getting a root canal in a third world country. #PLAYNOWPOSTLATER
Melvyn and Myself are giving you a thumbs up! A friend recommended this book, now I have to order it.
Don´t post much, but @eldesafiogolf and @mac_golf_photos
I am on the 'Gram as the kids call it. You can find me there @benmalach and on twitter as well. I use the same posting strategy on all of my accounts. I only posting when I feel something has value so my accounts are mainly golf focused but there is a little of my personal life. This approach leads to a sporadic posting schedule but I think its the best way to do it.
@friedegggolf for me.
Golf/work: @hochsteindesign
Personal (which is mostly just landscape/architecture/culture shots): @bretthochs
@friedegggolf for me.
You should follow Andy via twitter/blog/newsletter anyway you can. He's doing great stuff for golf right now.
Here are some good follows for golf:
@thegolfhawk - Ben Peters
@gunga_galunga_golf - Carl Spackler
@channingbenjaminphotography - Channing Benjamin
@geoff_shac - Geoff Shackelford
@stephaniemwei - Stephanie Wei
@jwizay1493 - Jason Way
@keithrrheb - Keith Rhebb
@jbrgolfs - Josh Bills
@pjkoenig - Patrick Koenig
@gil_hanse - Gil Hanse
I realize it’s technically OT, and it’s not instagram, but do yourself a favor and drop everything right now (including worrying about instagram) and follow @ClubProGuy on twitter. Be sure to read every twitter post, his blog, and his recent podcast interview. Club Pro Guy should be the next monthly interview on this site too. He has renewed my faith in the game.
For lovers of Golf and Booze, check out Scott Erickson’s @amartinislife. Some great shots of golf courses - partially concealed by a freshly made - and drunk - martini. Kingsbarns and many other Scottish courses are in there...
I realize it’s technically OT, and it’s not instagram, but do yourself a favor and drop everything right now (including worrying about instagram) and follow @ClubProGuy on twitter. Be sure to read every twitter post, his blog, and his recent podcast interview. Club Pro Guy should be the next monthly interview on this site too. He has renewed my faith in the game.
BHoov-Now that is someone worth following. A guy with a sense of humor that doesn't take himself too seriously. What is it that leads those down a path of multiple hashtags and voluminous pictures of their dog, car, things they ordered online and drone shots of their driveway?
I realize it’s technically OT, and it’s not instagram, but do yourself a favor and drop everything right now (including worrying about instagram) and follow @ClubProGuy on twitter. Be sure to read every twitter post, his blog, and his recent podcast interview. Club Pro Guy should be the next monthly interview on this site too. He has renewed my faith in the game.
No Laying Up did the Mock-podcast with the guy behind that Twitter account who was "in character". It was gold.
I realize it’s technically OT, and it’s not instagram, but do yourself a favor and drop everything right now (including worrying about instagram) and follow @ClubProGuy on twitter. Be sure to read every twitter post, his blog, and his recent podcast interview. Club Pro Guy should be the next monthly interview on this site too. He has renewed my faith in the game.
No Laying Up did the Mock-podcast with the guy behind that Twitter account who was "in character". It was gold.
A friend of mine put me on to this last night...I haven't stopped laughing since.
Everyone should listen to it, it's seriously funny
@iacas on Twitter and Instagram here. I don't post too much.
Feel free to follow my daughter's golf Instagram account: @nataliebrosiggolf.
Simply some of the photos I've taken over the years around Long Island publics, with some historical shots mixed in.
I'm @breakingeighty. Also looks like you're in Oregon. Let me know if you ever want to go tee it up in Portland.
Looks like I'm following some of you (without even knowing you're members here) and my handle is @jordanjcaron. Don't post a lot and only when I go away as my day to day life is not gram worthy!
-Ryan Carey
-Nick Spears
I realize it’s technically OT, and it’s not instagram, but do yourself a favor and drop everything right now (including worrying about instagram) and follow @ClubProGuy on twitter. Be sure to read every twitter post, his blog, and his recent podcast interview. Club Pro Guy should be the next monthly interview on this site too. He has renewed my faith in the game.
For those interested, Club Pro Guy recently did another podcast interview, this time sitting down with Golf Channel’s Tripp Isenhour. He discussed more of his experiences on the Mexican Tour, analyzed some Tour pros, and addressed his relationship with his club’s GM. No spoilers, but this time he even managed to discuss a little golf course architecture and his views on course maintenance! (
@jake_marvin13 on Instagram.
I'm late to the Instagram game, but better late than never. I just started to compile some photos from through the years that I have mainly kept to myself. Feel free to check out my work at @btgolfphotos (linked below). Often my photos are better than my golf game. Sometimes neither is memorable.
I'm late to the Instagram game, but better late than never. I just started to compile some photos from through the years that I have mainly kept to myself. Feel free to check out my work at @btgolfphotos (linked below). Often my photos are better than my golf game. Sometimes neither is memorable.
Just followed you, Brad.
I don't think I've ever posted mine in this thread, so here it is:
Who do you think owns Instagram? ;D
Who do you think owns Instagram? ;D
The bigger question is who owns you?
I'd love to connect with some of you to follow the courses you're playing, your travels and get to know you better. You can find me @option720 or (
I follow several of you now, but alway up for more feeds!!
Just followed you,,,,
Who do you think owns Instagram? ;D
The bigger question is who owns you?
My wife ;)
@ToddPlopper #socialmediaechochambercirclejerk
-Ryan Carey
Found your Golf Treasures videos on Youtube and really enjoyed watching. The production quality is pretty good.