Golf Club Atlas => Golf Course Architecture Discussion Group => Topic started by: Ronald Montesano on March 26, 2012, 07:50:27 AM
Birthday (if it truly is) to Patrick Mucci.
A guy who foments more argumentation and debation than any other on this discussion complexity (a good thing.)
Happy Birthday Pat. Maybe you can finaly get on Pine Valley this year.
Ron: I must not have had enough coffee today -- I just "got" the thread title! Nicely done -- a clever homage to one of Pat's many stylistic signatures.
Happy birthday, Patrick. Keep making birdies, keep eyeing the birds...
Happy Birthday Pat! I hope you have a big birthday cake with a big ole pimple of extra icing.
Many Happy returns of the day Mr Mucci....
Happy Birthday Patrick. I hope one day to make your acquintance.
In the meantime, can someone say something stupid about a New York or New Jersey legendary golf course so Pat can correct them.
BTW - re: the recent discussion on #3 at NGLA, reading "Brassies, Mashies and Bootleg Scotch" - really easy and entertaining read. Reminds me of the stories Patrick provides on the site.
and many many more
Yes, today is my 70th and I had a spectacular, all day, birthday celebration, and..... I didn't play golf.
I can honestly say that I'm looking forward to my 80th and the people I've met on have been assets in my life.
Ron Forse introduced me to and I quickly made the acquaintance of Ran Morrissett and many other interesting golf course architecture fanatics like myself.
Participating on has been informative and fun.
Thank you to all those sending birthday "wishes".
Let's hope that all of us enjoy many, many more happy birthdays.
Do you think it is coincidence or design that Patrick and Aretha Franklin were born on the same day?
Dan King
I sing to the realists; people who accept it like it is.
--Aretha Franklin
Happy Birthday!
Happy 70th Birthday Pat. Keep hitting it like a 50 year old.
70?? Geez Pat, the last time I saw you, you didn't look a day over 64!!! You must work out.
Happy Birthday Pat! Keep posting, questioning, and rebutting!
Happy 70th Birthday Pat. Keep hitting it like a 50 year old.
Thanks, that's a great birthday wish.
Unfortunately, I'm 99.9 % sure that I tore my Meniscus the other day when, of all things, I tripped over a wastepaper basket.
I don't think I'll be playing golf for a while.
I tried playing, but may have exacerbated the situation.
It just goes to show you that you never know what each day will bring, so you'd better enjoy each day while you can.
As my father advised me, "The 'Golden Years' aren't so golden, so have as much fun as you can, while you can."
I've tried to live by those words since the day I was born and will continue to try to live by them until the day I die.
One of my motto's, other than, "I never met a fairway or green I didn't like", is..... "you can't play enough golf"
Be responsible to your family and business, and then play as much golf as you can.
This ain't a dress rehersal.
So, as The Mad Hatter in "Alice in Wonderland" indicated, don't just celebrate your birthdays, but your unbirthdays as well
Pat: Ice, Ace & when we do meet and play gof (with jerry Vogel), I want several strokes a side. I'll only play you even if you promise to entertain us with your stories at the post round hydration session.
And onc emore, with feeling, happy birthday Mu! See you in two months:)
Happy belated birthday, Pat. I hope your knee heals soon.
Pat: Ice, Ace & when we do meet and play gof (with jerry Vogel), I want several strokes a side. I'll only play you even if you promise to entertain us with your stories at the post round hydration session.
Jerry is one of my favorites. We've been playing together for over 40 years.
I'll try the ice and Ace, but, I think the MRI will indicate that surgery is the only cure.
Another doctor at HSS advised me to avoid surgery if possible.
I guess it comes down to the severity of the injury, and life style decisions.
I don't think I helped the situation by playing in a few Member-Guests and practicing.
Post round hydrations are mandatory.
Unfortunately, I'm 99.9 % sure that I tore my Meniscus the other day when
Sorry to hear Pat. at the very least you have to time these things better and stop going in for surgery at the start of the golf season.
Happy Birthday Pat,
It gets easier to shoot your age now.
Best wishes.
Bob Huntley,
Shooting my age has escaped me by one stroke since I turned 67, when I really had my best shot at it, but a three putt from 20 ft on the 6th hole foiled my chances.
While I'm driving well, my iron play is becoming more dreadful.
Maybe the hiatus will be good for me.
I used to play football, hockey and basketball until February 1st every year figuring that if I broke some bones prior to Feb 1st, that I'd be in a cast for six weeks with another six weeks of rehab and be ready to play golf by May 1st, but I never figured that a wastepaper basket would wreck my schedule.
Unfortunately, I'm 99.9 % sure that I tore my Meniscus the other day when
Sorry to hear Pat. at the very least you have to time these things better and stop going in for surgery at the start of the golf season.
Happy Birthday Patrick! Are you sure you can use a word like that on this very public website?