Golf Club Atlas => Golf Course Architecture Discussion Group => Topic started by: Jim Colton on April 01, 2011, 03:04:17 PM
Despite the lack of quantity, last year we had a few high profile courses open up - Old Macdonald and the two courses at the Prairie Club spring to mind. Who are the contenders for Best New 2011? Awarii Dunes? Anything else out there scheduled to open this year in the U.S.?
When does Streamsong open?
Tom D said on another thread that Streamsong is projected to open in 2012. I must admit I'm very curious about the project--the website indicates that they're only going to have only 140 guest rooms (which I think is less than half of Bandon), plus it's apparently in the middle of nowhere. I assume that already owning the land (and perhaps getting gov't assistance because it had been mined) helps a lot.
Middle of nowhere where? It has to be near something doesn't it? Even Bandon is near something.
Jim, Streamsong is a little over an hour southeast (mostly east) of Tampa. It's a 2012 opening for both the Doak and C&C courses. The mining company that owns the land, Mosaic, is also behind the resort development. Definitely a promising project.
I, too, am curious what's scheduled to open in the U.S. this year. (If anything!)
The New #2.
Does Cabot open this year?
Is Shanqin Bay open yet?
Was Dormie Club on the 2011 list or did it open too late for that? Or was it disregarded?
Dormie opened in '10, according to their site.
New AND U.S. You have a reno/resto and two internationals.
New AND U.S. You have a reno/resto and two internationals.
I think the new Nicklaus course in the Hill Country opens this year.
I think the new Nicklaus course in the Hill Country opens this year.
They just file bankruptcy again last month. It does sound like they will finished the course. (
Shouldn't the thread be titled "U.S. New Course Openings In 2011?" [cue the crickets...]
A new high end development with a Tom Weiskopf course just opened in Kauai called Kukai'ula.
Someone just posted something about a new Gene Bates course in Washington.
Firekeeper in Mayetta, ks opens May 17 to public. We hope la Costa north reopens late this year.
Should Sebonack qualify?
Should Sebonack qualify?
What about Erin Hills? They have remodeled this course five times so it should be consider a new course opening. Or was that last year?
Scott, This time GD panelists should be able to vote for it, too.
I believe the Gary Player designed course at The Cliffs/Mountain Park opens this fall.
Scott, This time GD panelists should be able to vote for it, too.
Whitten still says no.
I think EH should be included for consideration. They have the numbers and process verified by an auditing firm now. It's supposed to be the definitive list of America's Best 100 courses, not America's Best 100*. How odd would Golfweek Modern's list look without Old Mac if Brad K took the same stance given his unpaid role in that course's development? I trust that these guys can wear two different hats with integrity.
Plus, one could argue that the course today is a far cry from the one Whitten had a part in building. It seems like a lot of his influences (Dell hole, 10th hole) have been taken out or altered significantly.
At least by continually mentioning that EH is excluded from consideration from the top 100, Whitten gets to imply that it should or would be there if the restriction had been lifted.
Jim -
I couldn't agree more. Ron does not have a vote in any of the ratings so I am hard pressed to see why the panel cannot vote on his baby. Maybe he does not want to hear what the panel has to say? I liked the course, even the Dell hole though.
A new high end development with a Tom Weiskopf course just opened in Kauai called Kukai'ula.
Someone just posted something about a new Gene Bates course in Washington.
Looks like this is the one.
Bates also did Circling Raven here on the other side of the state and it turned out pretty nice.
What about Engh's Awarii Dunes?
Steve, You make an excellent suggestion there. It's highly possible it could win. Since I've only toured it, I can only speculate on it's merits. Certainly the principles inherit are sound and it's location on a sandy site, with ample wind should be enough for some of the more sophisticated golfers. I don't know how that translates to panelists. :)
What about Engh's Awarii Dunes?
It will win in Digest for a couple or reasons. For one, it is an Engh. For two, Whitten now votes on best new without input from his raters and it is in his back yard. I just had to say this because if the tide was turned on Golfweek I would have done the same to Klein. Sorry.
I will give it a full and accurate report after I play June 1st. My only concern is the housing and other distractions as viewed from on the course.
Please advise as to the nature of these "other distractions" at Awarii Dunes.
Please advise as to the nature of these "other distractions" at Awarii Dunes.
I see power lines in some photos and a model home is acting as a temporary clubhouse. Given the price of the lots some also may be on or near the course. I won't know until I visit. This is strictly a personal preference that I don't expect anyone else to understand.
Despite the lack of quantity, last year we had a few high profile courses open up - Old Macdonald and the two courses at the Prairie Club spring to mind. Who are the contenders for Best New 2011? Awarii Dunes? Anything else out there scheduled to open this year in the U.S.?
Here is a new course opening in Illinois: Metamora Fields Golf Club
Not sure how great it will be but it will be a top 10 of new courses because there will be only 10 new courses opening in 2011.
This course has a strange name but a good designer:
"The Max A. Mandel Municipal Golf Course is expected to open sometime in late fall."
Any new courses scheduled to open this year in California? Has the Weiskopf course north of Napa officially opened yet?
This course has a strange name but a good designer:
"The Max A. Mandel Municipal Golf Course is expected to open sometime in late fall."
Mandel was a banker in the area.
This course may or may not open this summer: Fyre Lake National Golf Course, Sherrad, Ill.
It was suppose to open last year but did not grow in fast enough.
Any other courses opeing in the U.S. this year?
I believe the Gary Player designed course at The Cliffs/Mountain Park opens this fall.
New information says 2012.
I didn't see if anyone mentioned it above, but GOLF DIGEST has abandoned the concept of having a Best New Courses list for 2012, because there are so few candidates. Ron Whitten will write up individual courses of merit throughout the year -- has he found any yet? -- but there will be NO official ranking.
We had some of them our sights and others we did not know of. I doubt any of these will make the top 100 modern.
Here is the list of Best New Courses for 2011 from Golf Digest:
Awarii Dunes- Engh- Kearney, NE
Salish Cliffs- Bates- Shelton, WA
Applecross- M. Nicklaus/Heatwole- Chester County, PA
Rope Rider @Suncadia-Jacobson/Hardy- Roslyn,WA
Metamora Fields- Weibring- Metamora, IL
Osprey Point- Case/Grossman-Boca Raton, FL
RockCreek-Nicklaus Design/Williams- Lake Texoma,TX
and 2 Canadian courses:
Wildstone-Lawrence/Black Knight Design- Cranbrook, BC
Oak Bay- Watters- Honey Harbour, ONT
Kukuilua was incredible. Likely wont have the right sample size, but has all the opportunity to be a top 50 course