Thanks again for the invite, Eric. This sounds awesome, and I'm definitely interested in playing. If anyone is looking for a better-ball partner, let me know.
Any plans by GCAers to venture to other area courses (Wild Horse, etc.) while out there?
My game can only get better from rock bottom, so if you can keep your number at 10 we'll team up!
If you don't want to play, Spaulding can play out your holes.
Thanks again for the invite, Eric. This sounds awesome, and I'm definitely interested in playing. If anyone is looking for a better-ball partner, let me know.
Any plans by GCAers to venture to other area courses (Wild Horse, etc.) while out there?
You can always play tennis.
Thanks again for the invite, Eric. This sounds awesome, and I'm definitely interested in playing. If anyone is looking for a better-ball partner, let me know.
Any plans by GCAers to venture to other area courses (Wild Horse, etc.) while out there?
I'm not 100% on my schedule, but I am certainly looking to travel before/after the 5th Major. Heading to Ballyneal for a few days for sure, then would like to visit Wild Horse, Prairie Club, maybe a few in Denver area, SHGC (maybe, hopefully), Awarii Dunes (if possible)...who knows. You have any thoughts?
You can always play tennis.
I recieved my appearance fee yesterday.Count me in.
JNC - That's why we're driving out - TONS of great prairie golf!
Cool other activities too - the Fort Niobrara NWR looks pretty awesome up near Valentine. Elk, bison, prairie dogs... Scottsbluff has the Oregon Trail and Scotts Bluff.
There's Bayside GC, Awarii dunes, and Wildhorse. Prairie Dunes too...
What a great event you have planned Eric!
You're very kind to extend this invitation to all of us and I only wish I had enough spare time to attend this July. Perhaps next year - I'm still holding you to that drink you owe me! ;)
Have a great time...the course looks like a heck of a lot of fun.
Please ensure y'all are on the same page...Prairie Dunes or The Prairie Club. The "Club" is pretty close (relatively speaking). I know people who've made the "Dunes" trek and it is a bit of a drive.
Please ensure y'all are on the same page...Prairie Dunes or The Prairie Club. The "Club" is pretty close (relatively speaking). I know people who've made the "Dunes" trek and it is a bit of a drive.
Google Maps has the drive from Mullen to Prairie Dunes as about 400 miles and 7.5 hours. You're right, that is a trek!
It seems to me that it makes sense to fly in to Omaha and head west, ending in Denver. Anyone know anything about golf in Omaha? I looked at pictures on the Omaha CC (Maxwell design, recently restored by Keith Foster) website and it looks amazing. Anyone know anything about it?
It is getting very difficult to wait for the 5th Major, 3 months is too far away. Sitting in the snow and looking at all of these great golf courses feels damn near hell.
Eric: I may be in the area around that time - is it okay to come over one day and play a round with the guys?
My future in-laws from Australia are visiting for the fourth. I guess Australians have a fireworks fetish so I need to be around to light it up. Sorry.
One other question. Does Australia have catfish?
For those who venture out for the 5th Major, I have fun surprise to share with you. Trust me, it will be worth the trek for a first look at something very special. You don't want to miss this opportunity to say you were the inaugural 5th Major at Dismal River. An no, there is no prize for guessing - you have to be here.
Dan - just come up to the clubhouse and ask for CJ or Greg "Lumpy" Dennis. Or, just proceed to the hospitality desk in the pro shop. I really look forward to meeting all the GCAers and Lounge Lizards in person. The course is in exceptional condition, and is like nothing many of you have ever seen before in this country. The beer is already on ice! Great golf, great food, great friends.
Eric - My friend, that is quite a trophy. Have I mentioned I need a handicap adjustment?
John - Mullen has an exquisite fireworks show plus cow pattie bingo. Bring the in-laws!
My surprise for all the boys, has withdrawn her entry. Citing job requirements, but I know it's the new beau. ;)
I won't be able to replace Kenz, unless her Mom wants to play. ;D
It will still be a great time had by all who attend.
Did you notice the ship to name on the FedEx air bill? ;D We used to drink beer out of that thing. Then it began rusting inside. JC's right, enough teasing already!
E - I did notice and have arranged for crickets in your room ;D
My surprise for all the boys, has withdrawn her entry. Citing job requirements, but I know it's the new beau. ;)
I won't be able to replace Kenz, unless her Mom wants to play. ;D
It will still be a great time had by all who attend.
E - I did notice and have arranged for crickets in your room ;D
Great! I will use them for bait down at the trout pond. And what's this about a handicap adjustment? Has anyone in the world played more rounds at Dismal than you over the past year? :-X I didn't think so. ;D
I guess I've certainly played both courses at Dismal River more than anyone. Green speeds are wildly different between the two these days. Still need an adjustment - spending too much time with the Chefs these days.
My surprise for all the boys, has withdrawn her entry. Citing job requirements, but I know it's the new beau. ;)
I won't be able to replace Kenz, unless her Mom wants to play. ;D
It will still be a great time had by all who attend.
I know of a good clinic you can go to for 12 weeks Adam.
I guess I've certainly played both courses at Dismal River more than anyone. Green speeds are wildly different between the two these days. Still need an adjustment - spending too much time with the Chefs these days.
Time to step out of the kitchen??
Chris, Not ducking, just been out all day. I would love to be your pardner. I have a few invites out to take Mckenzie's spot, if they don't pan out, I'm in to be your partner.
Also, I have not forgotten to call up there, I've just been out of town for a couple weeks. Will be back in the swing of things this week.
we're staged & ready to go here in N. Platte!
Been to Sutton Bay and the Black Hills, and Dismal river will be great!
PS -- The area south of Alliance along US385 would be a great site for a great course!
after not losing any balls one can easily appreciate how far the course has come
Tim, The 10th hole has been altered. From my recollection, the bunker is now less deep, less severe. The hole is actually really fun to play, where ever they put the pin.
Tim, The 10th hole has been altered. From my recollection, the bunker is now less deep, less severe. The hole is actually really fun to play, where ever they put the pin.
Also, having three pins set in the green during the tourney delivered 3 times the fun!
Patron?? Who??^^^
Mark - what, 5 under in two days? Great meeting you and great playing with you at SHGC! Dude has game!
Congratulations to GCAer Mark Saltzman and Dismal member Ron Hendren for winning The 5th Major. It was the most fun 3 days of golf in my life and I think everyone here has enjoyed their time at DRGC. It's tough knowing we're leaving tomorrow, but the good news is we'll be back. Thanks everyone for coming!
Mark - what, 5 under in two days? Great meeting you and great playing with you at SHGC! Dude has game!
I will be playing with Mark tomorrow, and it's nice to know what I'm getting myself into.
Wow, with all that lush grassland this year, you'd think we'd see some drop in prices of beef in fall. Skip the corn fattening e-coli soaked feedlot and get them grassland fed beauties straight to market!
Those feed lots are, for lack of a better word - dismal. We drove past a couple of them along the interstate. Worst smell in the world.
Those feed lots are, for lack of a better word - dismal. We drove past a couple of them along the interstate. Worst smell in the world.
From the little I read about it, the factory feedlot operations that are feeding the cattle the unnatural corn that is said to produce the e-coli in the first stomach because the animal is not suited to digest corn well -and that is where the bacteria forms, can still be cleansed after feeding on corn to work out the e-coli from the system in a mere 5 days of redirecting them back to grass forage, but the industry thinks they loose too much money putting that step in the process, and loss of a few pounds on the hoof that the animal sheds in those few days of reintroduction to grass after corn in order for the animal to cleanse.
Sorry for the hijack, but in fact you can't really have a full cattle country grazing prairie experience without some discussion of cowagraphy politics and economics. ;D 8) ::)
BTW, be careful what you write, because you can get sued by the meat processors on allegations of disparaging them if you express these opinions on your beliefs. :P
Eric, John and I had a great start to our Dismal River holiday as we encountered some of the locals on the back road to the club!
( (
As to cattle - the feed lots fatten the cows and fat enhances the taste. ...
As to cattle - the feed lots fatten the cows and fat enhances the taste. ...
And pray tell, what does it do to the arteries in your heart? ;)
How appropriate you had Meatloaf on the stereo on the Tucker ranch road video
Patron?? Who??
Wow, with all that lush grassland this year, you'd think we'd see some drop in prices of beef in fall. Skip the corn fattening e-coli soaked feedlot and get them grassland fed beauties straight to market!
Would help with the soil erosion and the flooding in the midwest too.
Had a grassfed burger the other night; once you go grass you never go back.
As to cattle - the feed lots fatten the cows and fat enhances the taste. Before they are shipped there, cows out here are very lean, muscular in fact.
Unreal. I have no comment on those two pictures. ::) :P ;D
Unreal. I have no comment on those two pictures. ::) :P ;D
Patron - what's with the coffee cup?
btw - I would have left the bottle at the table.
Unreal. I have no comment on those two pictures. ::) :P ;D
Patron - what's with the coffee cup?
btw - I would have left the bottle at the table.
Great pictures.Was the coffee cup loaded with fresh lime wedges ready for action? Why does JNC look blurry? I will understand if you can`t or won`t answer my questions. ;DPatron?? Who??
You know who!! :-X ;D
Wow, with all that lush grassland this year, you'd think we'd see some drop in prices of beef in fall. Skip the corn fattening e-coli soaked feedlot and get them grassland fed beauties straight to market!
Would help with the soil erosion and the flooding in the midwest too.
Had a grassfed burger the other night; once you go grass you never go back.
The beef in Argentina is the best I've ever had, and until recently all grass fed. Sadly, I recently read that there are now a couple of American style feed lots. However, I doubt the feed will be corn. I have heard that are far more antibiotics used in agriculture than medicine. L :P
Is it to early to put my name in for next years 5th major?
I'm drinking the Dismal River Kool-Aid in a bad way.
Is it to early to put my name in for next years 5th major?
I'm drinking the Dismal River Kool-Aid in a bad way.
You beat me to it. I was going to ask the same thing!
Is it to early to put my name in for next years 5th major?
I'm drinking the Dismal River Kool-Aid in a bad way.
Is it to early to put my name in for next years 5th major?Harris,
I'm drinking the Dismal River Kool-Aid in a bad way.
I'd love to see you come for the next one. You have to bring your sidekick along as well. He has a fairly substantial bar credit he can cash in when you all you've got that going for you! ;D
Is it to early to put my name in for next years 5th major?Harris,
I'm drinking the Dismal River Kool-Aid in a bad way.
I'd love to see you come for the next one. You have to bring your sidekick along as well. He has a fairly substantial bar credit he can cash in when you all you've got that going for you! ;D
I'm 100% in for next year if invited and I will happily cash in on that bar credit after our first day on the course.
That said, I feel it's important to get one thing straight before we move forward - Harris is MY sidekick, not the other way around!
:D ;)
For those of us who actually grew up on a ranch and raised cattle, you don't talk like a cowman.
Could have played again, but we chilled on Ben's Porch, cleaned up, and grabbed a fantastic dinner in the clubhouse.