Golf Club Atlas => Golf Course Architecture Discussion Group => Topic started by: John Kavanaugh on February 18, 2011, 02:49:51 PM
The bring your dog to golf thread opened my eyes to one of the factors that is killing golf. The golfing attention whore syndrome. So, I ask the question: What do you do to bring attention to yourself during a round?
Do you bring your dog to the course?
Do you click your irons while walking?
Do you wear the latest loudmouth type golfwear?
Have you bought a R11 white driver?
Do you have your name or the name of your course or social networking site on your bag?
Do you wear shorts when inappropriate?
Do you wait until everyone in your group is watching to hit?
Are your golf shoes more expensive than your work shoes?
Do you yell when making a shot either good or bad?
I am sure their are other methods used by GAW's and would love to hear more, but the real question is: Why?
Do you start lame off topic threads on
what do you do to bring attention to yourself on attention whore syndrome?
I think Al Gore was the first person to point out that I have internet attention whore syndrome. I think I keep it under control when golfing.
See, now that I know it pisses people off seeing golf used as a verb I just can't get enough, but that is here, not on the course.
The bring your dog to golf thread opened my eyes to one of the factors that is killing golf. The golfing attention whore syndrome. So, I ask the question: What do you do to bring attention to yourself during a round?
Do you bring your dog to the course?
No. But I own two cats but they would be crazy chasing squirrels and other critters!
Do you click your irons while walking?
If it begins to happen, it doesn't last more than a few steps.
Do you wear the latest loudmouth type golfwear?
Have you bought a R11 white driver?
Nope. Still play with an R5.
Do you have your name or the name of your course or social networking site on your bag?
USGA bag tag.
Do you wear shorts when inappropriate?
Do you wait until everyone in your group is watching to hit?
No. And those of you that have played with me know that I play very quickly.
Are your golf shoes more expensive than your work shoes?
No, both about the same (75 bucks).
Do you yell when making a shot either good or bad?
Not nearly as much as I used to.
Do you start lame off topic threads on
This is not off topic as making the course revolve around each golfer like they are soooooo special drives costs up and dumbs architecture down.
My clubs clack as I walk because my driver does not have a head cover.
See, I'm cool. Validate me please.
LOL. This topic isn't working as well as your other one, John.
Flamboyance is generally brought to the golf course by those who are flamboyant in all walks of life.
A holes are A holes, not just on the course.
John - I think because golf is an individual sport played in the company of others, it is the most akin to, say, first class air travel or a meal in a high class restaurant. So men of a certain age and temperament and social standing expect a level of service/quality of experience that is both personal and commensurate with what they have paid for the experience and what they think they are worth as human beings. Drawing attention to oneself on the course is seen as one way to validate and ensure that personal attention -- sort of like ordering from off the menu or asking for substitutions in a restaurant; or taking one's shoes off in first class even if your feet are stinky. You do it because you can...
I also believe that one's flamboyance here online does not accurately reflect one's need for attention in actual social situations.
I'd also suggest garish golfwear is not always intended to draw attention to oneself negatively; rather it's fun and sporty.
I'd say the greatest way anybody offends in this manner is to explain one's golf shots for any length of time. We used to have a joke, that if you wanted to talk about a shot, you get 15 seconds, and not very often.
John-Maybe you could enlighten me as to what is wrong with having a logo bag from the course where you play. The last thing I knew the pro appreciated you spending money in his shop instead of going for a closeout at Edwin Watts. When is it inappropriate to wear shorts if the host club permits it? Thanks.
John - I haven't had the pleasure of meeting you yet, but I can't resist, you served up a beach ball.
How do you hear my irons clacking from the cart path.
John-Maybe you could enlighten me as to what is wrong with having a logo bag from the course where you play. The last thing I knew the pro appreciated you spending money in his shop instead of going for a closeout at Edwin Watts. When is it inappropriate to wear shorts if the host club permits it? Thanks.
Why have a logo on your golf bag unless you want someone else to see it bringing attention to yourself?
An example of inappropriate short wearing is the guy who wears shorts at Bandon when everyone else is wearing raingear. He does it to prove something about himself unrelated to golf.
When are shorts inappropriate unless expressly prohibited by the host club?
I understand you might be uncomfortable if it's cold and/or rainy, but why's that inappropriate?
Besides, I like to wear shorts under rain pants.
(Note to self: check outs shorts policy at Kinloch for Dixie Cup in October.)
Have you seen Ward's slacks a la Daly?
I think his point is that a guy wearing shorts in 45 degree weather is simply doing it for attention.
The bring your dog to golf thread opened my eyes to one of the factors that is killing golf. The golfing attention whore syndrome. So, I ask the question: What do you do to bring attention to yourself during a round?
Do you bring your dog to the course? NO - EX-WIFE KEPT THEM
Do you click your irons while walking? WALKING?
Do you wear the latest loudmouth type golfwear? NOT MADE IN MY SIZE
Have you bought a R11 white driver? HAVE ABOUT 20 ON ORDER
Do you have your name or the name of your course or social networking site on your bag? DOES A WVU BAG COUNT?
Do you wear shorts when inappropriate? DOES SLEEPING COUNT?
Do you wait until everyone in your group is watching to hit? THEIR EYES ARE ALWAYS ON ME
Are your golf shoes more expensive than your work shoes? SAME THING
Do you yell when making a shot either good or bad? ONLY WHEN PLAYING WITH ANTHONY GRAY
I am sure their are other methods used by GAW's and would love to hear more, but the real question is: Why?
"I think his point is that a guy wearing shorts in 45 degree weather is simply doing it for attention"
Ironically, that's how I feel about guys that wear pants when it's 80+.
"I think his point is that a guy wearing shorts in 45 degree weather is simply doing it for attention"
Ironically, that's how I feel about guys that wear pants when it's 80+.
Until you get lyme disease ;)
John, back in high school a few of us thought it would be cool to wear big floppy newsboy caps as seen in the black exploitation films of the 70's. I had a fabulous orange and white job that I'd occasionally wear in golf tournaments. Once at a home tournament while sporting this cap I was approaching the 7th green from the fairway in full view of the clubhouse bar. My wedge bounded over the green and I tossed my club in disgust.
One man in the bar turned to the other and asked: "Who is that a%^hole?" The man's response: "That's my son." Boy did I catch it when I got home.
Something like this, though with altenating orange and whilte panels:
Probably should have gone with the old standby - the fluorescent orange trucker hat with "Liquid Lightning Fertilizer" across the front.
The dog found me in regards to my post. And dogs often roam around the course, causing no harm to anyone or the course.
No to all the rest of the 'me, me, me' questions.
Whoops, do have a USGA bag tag.
Oh oh, just thought of another.
My golf bag says 'Titlelist' and I have never even been close to one, so that is a lie.
I buy work shoes that are made by craftsmen in the United States.
I used to buy golf shoes that were made by basically the same group of craftsman
does this make me an attention whore or just someone that appreciates good craftsmanship (and needs a narrow shoe)?
"I think his point is that a guy wearing shorts in 45 degree weather is simply doing it for attention"
Ironically, that's how I feel about guys that wear pants when it's 80+.
Not much choice at some very good clubs.......
My golf bag has a club logo on it, it was given to me by the club. Oooooops, I designed the golf course, shame on me!
My golf bag has a club logo on it, it was given to me by the club. Oooooops, I designed the golf course, shame on me!
I'm sure you only took the job to draw attention to yourself.
Several things I like to do.
Wear very bright clothing.This also protects me from getting shot when I am in the woods.
Name dropping.I love this one.Makes others think I'm important.
Course droping.Although it is of no use when golfing with GCAers,with others it puffs you up.
Hot Chick.My favorite.Having a hot chick meet you at the 18th green is a must when traveling.
Hit bad shots.This attracts more attention than playing a boring fairway,green two put game.
Loud celebrations.Nothing like screaming while circling the green looking for some one to hug (Jimmy V) after a bird on the last hole.
Ball marker.Having my knees pop like pop corn every time I squat gets many grimaces.
Logo ball.This one is a classic providing the logo is your face.
Santa Clause.Playing in a Santa costume is a no brainer around the holidays.
Public urinating.Who needs a tree when you have a wide open fairway.
Caddy.When your to injured to play,wear a caddy outfit when walking with buddies.Works well at a course that has no caddies.
Hatless.I like to go hatless so after the round I can enter the clubhouse looking like the Unibomber.That gets attention.
Bilingual.Take your wifes family to Bandon since they can't speek english.Talk about getting attention.
Fake an injury.Especially if you are playing bad.
The doctor card.Have somebody call the grill when it is packed and have them ask for Dr Gray.
Lists.Tell the pro shop that I am a rater.
Buy drinks.No brainer.
Seems we have forgotten what a golf course is for - To play Golf, not go cruising on a Sunday Night
Several things I like to do.
Wear very bright clothing.This also protects me from getting shot when I am in the woods.
Name dropping.I love this one.Makes others think I'm important.
Course droping.Although it is of no use when golfing with GCAers,with others it puffs you up.
Hot Chick.My favorite.Having a hot chick meet you at the 18th green is a must when traveling.
Hit bad shots.This attracts more attention than playing a boring fairway,green two put game.
Loud celebrations.Nothing like screaming while circling the green looking for some one to hug (Jimmy V) after a bird on the last hole.
Ball marker.Having my knees pop like pop corn every time I squat gets many grimaces.
Logo ball.This one is a classic providing the logo is your face.
Santa Clause.Playing in a Santa costume is a no brainer around the holidays.
Public urinating.Who needs a tree when you have a wide open fairway.
Caddy.When your to injured to play,wear a caddy outfit when walking with buddies.Works well at a course that has no caddies.
Hatless.I like to go hatless so after the round I can enter the clubhouse looking like the Unibomber.That gets attention.
Bilingual.Take your wifes family to Bandon since they can't speek english.Talk about getting attention.
Fake an injury.Especially if you are playing bad.
The doctor card.Have somebody call the grill when it is packed and have them ask for Dr Gray.
Lists.Tell the pro shop that I am a rater.
Buy drinks.No brainer.
Anthony-Genius and attention getting on all counts.
John-Maybe you could enlighten me as to what is wrong with having a logo bag from the course where you play. The last thing I knew the pro appreciated you spending money in his shop instead of going for a closeout at Edwin Watts. When is it inappropriate to wear shorts if the host club permits it? Thanks.
Why have a logo on your golf bag unless you want someone else to see it bringing attention to yourself?
An example of inappropriate short wearing is the guy who wears shorts at Bandon when everyone else is wearing raingear. He does it to prove something about himself unrelated to golf.
WHY? Because you got to Prestwick but BA sent your clubs to some other country and the Club says, "you can't play unless you have your own clubs". So you buy a canvas Sunday bag for 45 pounds, and borrow a club from a half a dozen guys and head to the 1st tee.
Sorry but after paying $90 for a Sunday bag I'm using it - even if it has a gaudy, huge Calaway logo on it.
Ironically, I found that it is so light that walking is once again the perferred method of transportation.
The doctor card.Have somebody call the grill when it is packed and have them ask for Dr Gray.
I knew you'd get a kick out of that. I was just repaying you for your generosity earlier in the day. Little known fact about Dr. Gray, hands down one of the most generous people I've met in my life.
I reckon this thread is about as good as the Why would...thread and that the answers are interchangeable.
1. I don't care if golf is used as a verb - see above.
2. I spit.
3. I swear.
4. I piss.
5. I like beer while playing and this may be the thing I miss most about US golf.
6. I don't like the traditional British concotions on the course.
7. I like to smoke cigars while golfing.
8. I won't give a putt if a guy had a shot on the tee.
9. I want to be lucky rather than good.
10. I am not too bothered who I play with - don't play favourites.
11. I like to be sarcastic on the course, but not usually very talkative.
12. I am not adverse to teeing one up in the middle of a story (someone else's) if I think we need to keep up.
13. I am slow walker.
14. I like cloudy/cool weather for golfing.
15. I want to win, but am not really bothered or terribly competitive.
16. I don't like playing scummy courses.
17. I don't like to buy the first round if I lost the bet.
18. I have a disdain for big headed drivers and expensive equipment in general.
19. I may openly question why a 15 capper has a sand wedge in his hand if not in a bunker.
20. I am critical (in the proper sense of the word) of courses.
21. I dislike folks saying "bad luck" when luck has nothing to do with it.
what do you do to bring attention to yourself on attention whore syndrome?
Barney, I loved this topic as I read it, but I think Alex gotcha here... that was an LOL response that I'm sure even you as the object of it got a pretty big chuckle out of...
Alex also gets credit for quickness. Few things I enjoy more than a properly placed quick witted quip at my expense. Congrats.
My golf bag has a club logo on it, it was given to me by the club. Oooooops, I designed the golf course, shame on me!
Show off!
Do you bring your dog to the course? Only the big dog
Do you click your irons while walking? Walking?
Do you wear the latest loudmouth type golfwear? Dockers and freebies, nothing loud
Have you bought a R11 white driver? Don't buy much of anything. 4 generations old driver
Do you have your name or the name of your course or social networking site on your bag? "camo" bag from wounded warriors tourney
Do you wear shorts when inappropriate? Any time i wear shorts could be inappropriate
Do you wait until everyone in your group is watching to hit? Often 2 shots in the air at same time when I play
Are your golf shoes more expensive than your work shoes? Work and golf shoes are the same!
Do you yell when making a shot either good or bad? Good/no bad/define yell
You and Jean-Paul Sartre are soul buddies.
L'enfer c'est lest autres!
I purposely posted this in french to gain attention to myself and to also revel in my superiority of my expensive education. You see! Sartre is correct.
You see! Sartre is correct.
He is; hell is other people.
Hot Chick.My favorite.Having a hot chick meet you at the 18th green is a must when traveling.
Better to have the hot chick play with you. Bonus points if she plays off the men's tees and hits a better drive than half the guys in the group waiting to tee off who are muttering to themselves "great, we have to play behind a chick"
I will plead guilty to enjoying that kind of attention when I had a hot girlfriend in the early 90s who could pop one out there about 240 when she got ahold of one. The looks on the faces of the guys standing around waiting was priceless! ;D
One time we played 36 holes around a 9 holer and played through the same foursome 3 times.....was that attention whoring?
The doctor card.Have somebody call the grill when it is packed and have them ask for Dr Gray.
I knew you'd get a kick out of that. I was just repaying you for your generosity earlier in the day. Little known fact about Dr. Gray, hands down one of the most generous people I've met in my life.
I watched that one take shape. Hope your tooth is better Jason.
I saw some dude playing golf with lime green pants with hula girl pictures stiched into them. I think this guy is the King, as far as this topic goes!!! :)
Seems we have forgotten what a golf course is for - To play Golf, not go cruising on a Sunday Night
I thought it was a place to walk dogs
"I think his point is that a guy wearing shorts in 45 degree weather is simply doing it for attention"
Ironically, that's how I feel about guys that wear pants when it's 80+.
No, we're just doing it to avoid skin cancer.
You and Jean-Paul Sartre are soul buddies.
L'enfer c'est lest autres!
I purposely posted this in french to gain attention to myself and to also revel in my superiority of my expensive education. You see! Sartre is correct.
Oh dear, please don't send Barney to the translator again. :o
I saw some dude playing golf with lime green pants with hula girl pictures stiched into them. I think this guy is the King, as far as this topic goes!!! :)
He shoots, he scores.