Golf Club Atlas => Golf Course Architecture Discussion Group => Topic started by: Terry Lavin on January 12, 2011, 10:55:27 AM

Title: Mr. Lister Redux: Give us the names of your club's annual golf events
Post by: Terry Lavin on January 12, 2011, 10:55:27 AM
I've always been fascinated by some of the names that private clubs have for their annual events, typically the member guest.  At Beverly, our event names are fairly bland (the Medley and the Invitational), but other clubs in town have some nutty names.  At Bob O'Link, the big member guest is the Hullabaloo.  Another place whose name I can't recall has a Shindig, while Oak Park has the Auchtermuchtie, I kid you not.

Give us your name, even if it's lame, and we'll compile a group list.
Title: Re: Mr. Lister Redux: Give us the names of your club's annual golf events
Post by: Jim_Kennedy on January 12, 2011, 11:22:39 AM
We have an event, men vs women, called The Chamberpot. The trophy is actually a tureen, but the story goes that when the women won the first meeting and were presented with it one of them said it looked more like a chamberpot and the name stuck.
Title: Re: Mr. Lister Redux: Give us the names of your club's annual golf events
Post by: George Freeman on January 12, 2011, 11:37:57 AM
Every year I play in the Detroit Golf Club's member/guest, which is called The Whistler, complete with 15 lb solid bronze trophies of a young boy whistling as the prize for flight champs (think old school; the whistling boy serves as one of the club's main emblems).

Their late summer (and I believe lower-key) member/guest is called The Hummer.

Great club and great event!
Title: Re: Mr. Lister Redux: Give us the names of your club's annual golf events
Post by: K. Krahenbuhl on January 12, 2011, 11:56:19 AM
The biggest event we play in is called the Locker Room Rhubarb.
Title: Re: Mr. Lister Redux: Give us the names of your club's annual golf events
Post by: Terry Lavin on January 12, 2011, 11:59:31 AM
Thanks for the entries!

We used to have a late fall event at the Bev called "The Wide Open".  Sort of like the event Freeman is talking about.  No rules.  Just action!
Title: Re: Mr. Lister Redux: Give us the names of your club's annual golf events
Post by: Chris Johnston on January 12, 2011, 12:04:02 PM
The Branding
The Round-up
Title: Re: Mr. Lister Redux: Give us the names of your club's annual golf events
Post by: Sean Leary on January 12, 2011, 12:48:05 PM
Prairie Dunes

Polar Ruckus
Tam O'Shanty
The Jake

Title: Re: Mr. Lister Redux: Give us the names of your club's annual golf events
Post by: Kevin Lynch on January 12, 2011, 12:57:23 PM
Elma Meadows

Get Acquainted (Opening Scramble to meet new or potential members)
BASH  (Combo of Best Ball, Alternate, Scramble, High Ball)
Kick A.S.S.  (Alternate, Scramble, Scotch)
Memorial  (Honor Deceased Member each Year)
Member / Member (sorry, no creativity on that one).
Directors' Cup
President's Cup
Title: Re: Mr. Lister Redux: Give us the names of your club's annual golf events
Post by: George_Bahto on January 12, 2011, 02:28:54 PM
Sleep Hollow hold the Headless Horseman

a large bronze sits in the lobby

Title: Re: Mr. Lister Redux: Give us the names of your club's annual golf events
Post by: Chris Buie on January 12, 2011, 02:42:30 PM
There is a remarkable one held at Pebble Beach called The Swallows.  Named after the bird, that is.  Not a private club but the event itself is quite private.,28136,1995056-1,00.html#ixzz0qIntkXpS (,28136,1995056-1,00.html#ixzz0qIntkXpS)
Title: Re: Mr. Lister Redux: Give us the names of your club's annual golf events
Post by: Jeff_Brauer on January 12, 2011, 03:13:45 PM
My club has an event called "Tee-esta" a take off on Siesta.  We play golf, nap for a while, go back and play golf.....
Title: Re: Mr. Lister Redux: Give us the names of your club's annual golf events
Post by: Terry Lavin on January 12, 2011, 03:47:58 PM
My club has an event called "Tee-esta" a take off on Siesta.  We play golf, nap for a while, go back and play golf.....

So one event is called the Swallows and the next calls for a nap.  I can see a trend line!
Title: Re: Mr. Lister Redux: Give us the names of your club's annual golf events
Post by: Sean_A on January 12, 2011, 07:01:36 PM
We have a few that I like

Fiddler's Ashes
JH Taylor Gold Medal
Palmer Tankard
West of England Amateur Championship

at the other club

Harlequin Bogey
Hinda Part Afore Medal
President's Putter
Y Ddraig Aur

Title: Re: Mr. Lister Redux: Give us the names of your club's annual golf events
Post by: Tim Martin on January 12, 2011, 07:07:05 PM
Every year I play in the Detroit Golf Club's member/guest, which is called The Whistler, complete with 15 lb solid bronze trophies of a young boy whistling as the prize for flight champs (think old school; the whistling boy serves as one of the club's main emblems).

Their late summer (and I believe lower-key) member/guest is called The Hummer.

Great club and great event!

George-What do you get for winning "The Hummer"? What`s low key about that? :P
Title: Re: Mr. Lister Redux: Give us the names of your club's annual golf events
Post by: JR Potts on January 12, 2011, 07:59:51 PM
Medinah has the Medinah Open (Member-Member - Spring), The Classic (Member-Guest), Bendelow Cup (Member-Member - Fall), Armour Cup (Member-Member teams year long Match-Play), Presidents Cup (Member-Member year long match play), the creatively titled Ryder Cup (Member Member Ryder-Cup Type Event), the Camel Trail (Men's Day) and the Biennial Medinah Invitational.
Title: Re: Mr. Lister Redux: Give us the names of your club's annual golf events
Post by: Bill_McBride on January 12, 2011, 11:08:03 PM
Our member guest is the Bay Bash, great time.
Title: Re: Mr. Lister Redux: Give us the names of your club's annual golf events
Post by: Rob_Waldron on January 13, 2011, 11:52:03 AM
HOw about:

Spring Fling
Summer Slam
Fall Bash
Superintendent's Revenge