Golf Club Atlas => Golf Course Architecture Discussion Group => Topic started by: JC Jones on August 18, 2010, 10:42:37 AM
From the December 1933 issue of the American Golfer:
The Augusta National is a private club, of course, with a membership drawn from well-known followers of golf in many sec- tions of the country. At the same time, the policy of the club is a liberal one in the matter of playing guests. Golfers in good standing from other cities may call, intro- duce themselves, and submit their creden- tials, and arrange to play on payment of the customary green fee.
I think that changed in 1934.
JC, for those of us who are Southern by the Grace of God (SBTGOG), it's simply a matter of knowing who to call. Sorry.
As opposed to us who are Northern by the Grace of God but Choose to Live in the South (NBTGOGBCTLITS) for the weather and the BBQ. ;)
Being a born and lifetime Southerner I do indeed know who to call. And I also know what he would say.
Considering it was depression era, I suspect the club most likely needed cash (and members, still) at the time. In turn, the open invite.
Jones did want to create a club in the image of the great links of Scotland- an "homage." Many of those clubs do invite ouotside play. I think, however, that this probably was more about building membership than anything else.
When did ANGC stop the policy?
As opposed to us who are Northern by the Grace of God but Choose to Live in the South (NBTGOGBCTLITS) for the weather and the BBQ. ;)
On the new moon in September, we all gather in our churches and pray that you will go back
JC, for those of us who are Southern by the Grace of God (SBTGOG), it's simply a matter of knowing who to call. Sorry.
I was never told that secret #, even though I grew up in the South! Gonna have to call my Dad and ask him why he didn't share that with me! ;)
It's great reading little blurbs like this about the past.
As opposed to us who are Northern by the Grace of God but Choose to Live in the South (NBTGOGBCTLITS) for the weather and the BBQ. ;)
On the new moon in September, we all gather in our churches and pray that you will go back
But then who would y'all work for?
When did ANGC stop the policy?
I think the policy still stands, just that the credentials alluded to are current or past POTUS or CEO of a respectable (i.e old money) Fortune 500 company.
When did ANGC stop the policy?
I think the policy still stands, just that the credentials alluded to are current or past POTUS or CEO of a respectable (i.e old money) Fortune 500 company.
You forgot Super Bowl winning football coach. ;)
When did ANGC stop the policy?
I think the policy still stands, just that the credentials alluded to are current or past POTUS or CEO of a respectable (i.e old money) Fortune 500 company.
You forgot Super Bowl winning football coach. ;)
Or complete NFL failure who is willing to coach the Gamecocks.
Now , Now.. the real season starts in just about 10 days. Let us not be judgemental..... Go Bucks!
Although I live in the south, I'm a West Coast Guy - not a part of the Civil War debate.... But I studied it in my history courses, and truth be told, I was pulling for the north...
I believe you mean the War of Northern Aggression... ;)
and I thought Yankees was a baseball team until I met my Mississippi wife.