Golf Club Atlas => Golf Course Architecture Discussion Group => Topic started by: Geoffrey_Walsh on March 11, 2010, 11:30:28 PM
I'm not sure I have ever come across a definitive list. After a quick search on the web, here is what I could find:
* Brooklake Country Club - Private in Florham Park
* Canterbury Golf Club - Private in Beachwood, OH
* Country Club of Maryland - Private in Towson, MD
* Engineers Country Club - Private in Roslyn Harbor, NY
* Guyan Golf & Country Club - Private in Huntington, WV
* Indian Hills Country Club - Semi-Private in Fort Pierce
* Inner Nine at Army Navy Country Club - Arlington - Private in Arlington, VA
* Island Hills Golf Club - Private in Sayville, NY
* Island's End Golf & Country Club - Semi-Private in Greenport, NY
* Lake Forest Country Club - Private in Hudson, OH
* Linwood Country Club - Private in Linwood, NJ
* Old at Saucon Valley Country Club - Private in Bethlehem, PA
* Riomar Country Club - Private in Vero Beach, FL
* Sherwood Forest Golf Course - Private in Sherwood Forest
* St. Petersburg Country Club in Saint Petersburg
* Vero Beach Country Club - Private in Vero Beach, FL
* Woodholme Country Club - Private in Pikesville
Is this list complete? Can people fill in the missing states which weren't included on list. Which courses retain Strong's work, even today? Any additional NLE courses like MR (as mentioned on the other thread)?
Once I compile a master list, I'd like to add it to the archives at Canterbury.
Isn't Inwood CC credited to Strong?
Yes, but he wasn't the first there.
Btw...picking up the stash early tomorrow morning. The plot has been hatched.
Thanks, Mike.
How about Murray Bay in Canada?,6528428
and Lakeview near Toronto:
Second nine at Northeast Harbor (ME):
Never built Varadero 18 hole course (Cuba):
Clearwater Country Club:
Manoir Richelieu Golf Club, in La Malbaie, Quebec, was designed by Herbert Strong. There is also a Murray Bay Golf Club nearby, but I beleive it is older than Manoir Richelieu and it was designed by someone else. It might actually be on of the oldest golf courses in America, still sitting on its original location, if I am correct....
Unfortunately, the original Manoir Richelieu course was redesigned a couple of years ago, when the Fairmont Hotel who now owns the course decided to add another nine. To allow all three nines to come back to a new clubhouse, many holes on the original eighteen had to be modified and the rest was renovated to blend in with the new holes. The renovations were done by Darrell Huxham and Graham Cooke, before Darrell left Graham's firm in 2005. Hotel management now lists Darrell as the designer of the course. Check the following link for more info on the course....
Good luck on your list.
PS As an add-on, here is a bit of info on Murray Bay Golf Club, a curiosity on its own, established in 1876!!
Herbert Strong came to the US in 1905 without a job. For a very brief period he was an assistant at GCGC before getting the head pro job at Apawamis in 1906. Over the next several years that course was redesigned by Strong under the direction of the golf committee, mostly by adding bunkers. Apawamis was one of the most heavily bunkered courses of that era, and it hosted the 1911 US Am.
Strong moved to Inwood CC in 1912. The first nine at Inwood was laid out around the turn of the century, and the second nine was added around 1910. Strong overhauled the course in the years he was at the club, which resulted in the course being considered one of his designs. Inwood was the springboard to his design career, and he left there in 1916 to devote his time to architecture. One of his major designs during this early period was Engineers, where he assumed the head pro job around 1918.
One of the courses often cited as a Strong design is Metropolis in 1904. The course at Metropolis was originally the Century CC course before they moved in the early 20s to the course CH Alison built. Strong was not in the country in 1904 so he couldn't have laid out that course. I suspect he redesigned the course in the early 20s when Metropolis CC was formed, but that is just a guess.
Strong designed the first nine of the Winding Hollow CC (now Champions GC) here in Columbus.
I don't know if there is a single well preserved example of his work. There are lots of pieces remaining at Canterbury, Inwood, Engineers, Saucon Valley, etc, but the work of others is present as well.
Here is an ad from circa 1926-27 when he was partners with George Low. Most of the courses listed were designed prior to their partnership.
Thanks for those additions!
We can now add the following:
Tartan East Golf Club (Formerly Winding Hollow), New Albany, OH - First 9
St. Petersburg Country Club (formerly Lakewood GC), St. Petersburg, FL
Aviation CC, Detroit, MI NLE
Nassau CC, Glen Cove, NY
Metropolis CC, Greenburgh, NY
Keep them coming...
Tartan East (the second Winding Hollow) is Arthur Hills; Champions (the first Winding Hollow) is Herbert Strong.
Thanks for the clarification on Winding Hollow. I didn't realize there were two of them.
As we discussed in the other Strong thread, Ponte Vedra Beach Inn is a Strong course, and a fairly well-renowned one at that.
Here's the updated list:
Apawamis Country Club (made changes while head pro, 1906-1911) / Rye, NY / Private /
Army Navy Country Club (White/Inner Nine, 1924) / Arlington, VA / Private /
Brooklake Country Club (Formerly known as Florham Park, 1921) / Florham Park, NJ / Private /
Canterbury Golf Club (1922) / Beachwood, OH / Private /
Champions Country Club (first nine, formerly known as Winding Hollow) / Columbus, OH / Public /
Clearwater Country Club (1920) / Clearwater, FL / Private /
Country Club of Maryland (formerly known as Rodgers Forge CC, 1925 - need to confirm) / Towson, MD / Private /
Engineers Country Club (1917/1918) / Roslyn Harbor, NY / Private /
Guyan Golf & Country Club (1922) / Huntington, WV / Private /
Inwood Country Club (Made changes while head pro, 1912-1916) / Inwood, NY / Private /
Island's End Golf & Country Club (1914) / Greenport, NY / Semi-Private /
Lake Forest Country Club (1930) / Hudson, OH / Private /
Lakeview Golf Club (1922) / Toronto, ON / Public /
Linwood Country Club (1921) / Linwood, NJ / Private /
Metropolis Country Club (sometime between 1917-1922, confirm) / Greenburgh, NY / Private /
Nassau Country Club / Glen Cove, NY / Private /
Northeast Harbor Country Club (Second 9, 1925) / Northeast Harbor, ME / Private /
Ponte Vedra Beach Inn & Country Club (Ocean Course, 1928) / Ponte Vedra Beach, FL / Resort /
Riomar Country Club (Confirm 9 or 18, 1919) / Vero Beach, FL / Private /
Saucon Valley Country Club (Old Course, 1922) / Bethlehem, PA / Private /
Sherwood Forest Club (possibly NLE but 9 hole course is visible, known as South Sherwood, 1923) / Sherwood Forest, MD / Private /
St. Petersburg Country Club (Formerly known as Lakewood GC, 1924) / Saint Petersburg, FL / Private /
Vero Beach Country Club (1924) / Vero Beach, FL / Private /
Woodholme Country Club (1930) / Pikesville, MD / Private /
Completely redone by others:
Island Hills Golf Club (9 holes, redesigned by Tillinghast in 1927) / Sayville, NY / Private /
Indian Hills Country Club (Built 1938, Redesigned by Ward Northrup in 2005) / Fort Pierce, FL / Public /
Manor Richelieu (1925, Redone by Darrell Huxham) / Charlevoix, QC / Resort /
Varadero Country Club (Plans never built, 9 holes built by Sim Cuthrie in 1931) / Varadero, Cuba / Private /
Aviation Country Club / Detroit, MI / Private
Huntingdon Golf & Marine Club / NEED MORE INFORMATION
Lake Shore Country Club / Vermont / NEED MORE INFORMATION
Private course on estate of FF Proctor (1910) / Central Valley, NY / Private
Mountain Ridge CC (Current club in different location) / New Jersey / Private
Other Candian projects (Need more information):
Royal Quebec
Murray Bay Golf Club / Murray Bay, ON / Public /
St. Andrews
Strong laid out a 9-hole course on the estate of FF Proctor in Central Valley, NY and Brooklake aka Florham Park in NJ. He also designed or redesigned Mountain Ridge in NJ, but that course was at a different site than the present Mountain Ridge. He was also involved at Royal Quebec, Laval-sur-le-lac and St. Andrews in Canada, though I'm not sure exactly what he did.
If you want your list to be fully accurate, even for the NLE or modified courses you should list the city Manoir Richelieu's course sits in as La Malbaie, QC, and not Montreal, QC. They are, in fact, about 5 hours apart! ;D
Great work.
Tom MacWood,
I just drove past the course in Florham Park last weekend.
Is that the same one Strong designed?
"As we discussed in the other Strong thread, Ponte Vedra Beach Inn is a Strong course, and a fairly well-renowned one at that."
It is not that often I think of them in this context because of something mentioned on here and I guess frankly I do sort of actively try to limit having to think about them but every now and then something comes up on here that just makes me miss both my mother and father and particularly miss being able to ask them some questions about some things they would inevitably have some valuable answers for. Just the mention of that Ponte Vedra course is definitely one of those times.
I have a very strong hunch that if up to maybe 25% or more of the participants on this website could be just dropped back lock, stock and barrel into that entire environment of those kinds of golf courses in Florida back then after the war, like Ponte Vedra, they would just eat it up; just totally fall in love with the whole aura and ethos of the way it was then.
It is so tempting to say that the palpable feeling would be the going back into a slower and simpler and more innocence time but that might be pretty trite to say considering they were all coming out of one of the most mind-numbing cataclysms this world has ever known which most of us can probably hardly even imagine.
I added more information to the master list above including the year the course was built.
Some oustanding questions:
When did Strong redesign Nassau CC?
Need to confirm existing nine holer at Sherwood Forest is not Strong's.
Did Strong only build 9 holes at Riomar?
Possibly NLE, need more information
Aviation GC - Detroit, MI
Lake Shore CC - Vermont
Huntingdon Golf & Marine Club (could this be another name for Guyan? Could also have been located on Long Island)
Tom M. - Any idea when the nine at Winding Hollow/Champions was built by Strong. I found a thread where you suggested early 20's. I'd love to narrow it down to a year if you can.
Winding Hollow was designed in 1921, and opened in 1922. Nassua was a redesign, and I believe that was 1925, but I'm not positive. Riomar was only nine holes - Strong built two sets of tees for each hole to simulate 18. Guyan is in W.V. Huntington G&MC was on Long Island, but I've not been able to confirm Strong designed the golf course.
Do you have any detail on what Strong did at Apawamis and what of his work still exists?
Here's the updated list:
Apawamis Country Club (made changes while head pro, 1906-1911) / Rye, NY / Private /
Army Navy Country Club (White/Inner Nine, 1924) / Arlington, VA / Private /
Brooklake Country Club (Formerly known as Florham Park, 1921) / Florham Park, NJ / Private /
Canterbury Golf Club (1922) / Beachwood, OH / Private /
Champions Country Club (first nine 1922, formerly known as Winding Hollow) / Columbus, OH / Public /
Clearwater Country Club (1920) / Clearwater, FL / Private /
Country Club of Maryland (formerly known as Rodgers Forge CC, 1925 - need to confirm) / Towson, MD / Private /
Engineers Country Club (1917/1918) / Roslyn Harbor, NY / Private /
Guyan Golf & Country Club (1922) / Huntington, WV / Private /
Inwood Country Club (Made changes while head pro, 1912-1916) / Inwood, NY / Private /
Island's End Golf & Country Club (1914) / Greenport, NY / Semi-Private /
Lake Forest Country Club (1930) / Hudson, OH / Private /
Lakeview Golf Club (1922) / Toronto, ON / Public /
Linwood Country Club (1921) / Linwood, NJ / Private /
Metropolis Country Club (sometime between 1917-1922, confirm) / Greenburgh, NY / Private /
Nassau Country Club (Redesign, possibly 1925) / Glen Cove, NY / Private /
Northeast Harbor Country Club (Second 9, 1925 / Abandoned in 1940's / Restored beginning in 1970's) / Northeast Harbor, ME / Private /
Ponte Vedra Beach Inn & Country Club (Ocean Course, 1928) / Ponte Vedra Beach, FL / Resort /
Riomar Country Club (9 holes, 1919) / Vero Beach, FL / Private /
Saucon Valley Country Club (Old Course, 1922) / Bethlehem, PA / Private /
Sherwood Forest Club (possibly NLE but 9 hole course is visible, known as South Sherwood, 1923) / Sherwood Forest, MD / Private /
St. Petersburg Country Club (Formerly known as Lakewood GC, 1924) / Saint Petersburg, FL / Private /
Vero Beach Country Club (1924) / Vero Beach, FL / Private /
Woodholme Country Club (1930) / Pikesville, MD / Private /
Completely redone by others:
Island Hills Golf Club (9 holes, redesigned by Tillinghast in 1927) / Sayville, NY / Private /
Indian Hills Country Club (Built 1938, Redesigned by Ward Northrup in 2005) / Fort Pierce, FL / Public /
Manor Richelieu (1925, Redone by Darrell Huxham) / Charlevoix, QC / Resort /
Varadero Country Club (Plans never built, 9 holes built by Sim Cuthrie in 1931) / Varadero, Cuba / Private /
Aviation Country Club / Detroit, MI / Private
Huntingdon Golf & Marine Club / New York / Private / NEED MORE INFORMATION
Lake Shore Country Club / Vermont / NEED MORE INFORMATION
Private course on estate of FF Proctor (1910) / Central Valley, NY / Private
Mountain Ridge CC (Current club in different location) / New Jersey / Private
Other Candian projects (Need more information):
Royal Quebec
Murray Bay Golf Club / Murray Bay, ON / Public /
St. Andrews
Tom M. - Do you know which 9 at Riomar is Strong's?
I don't know the details of his work at Apawamis, only that the course was toughened in the years prior to the US Am. I don't believe the course has changed much from the 1910s and 1920s.
I don't know which nine at Riomar.
Here are a few more Strong courses:
Aviation CC - Detroit (just saw that you already had this one)
Woodmere - L.I.
Olympia Fields -IL - 4th course
Columbus CC -OH
Huntington Bay L.I. -renovation
Waterbury CC , Ct.- renovation 1920 (7 years before Ross)
Also, Brooklake was also known as Braidburn. A company bought it in 1923 and changed the name.
I found an article about St. Andrews that says (I think) that a man named John Peacock laid out the course.
Royal Quebec
thought the course was done by Willie Park Jr.
I can confirm this was bunker only work
St. Andrews
One day Ross visit, finished by local professional
Surprisingly, even Royal Quebec GC cannot confirm if the course was actually fully designed by Willie Park Jr. Their website claims that, and they go as far as mentioning that, if he, indeed, designed the course, it was not built by him or with his input, since he got sick and went back to England where he died. The course was apparently completed by a Mr Roddick , a landscape architect which was apparently an expert at "laying out links".
I have to say that a few of the greens at Royal Quebec are exceptional and quite interesting, but the bunkering - especially in the fairways - truly lacks any sort of strength and strategy to speak of. Perhaps, Mr Roddick had greens drawings and did the rest on his own. I would certainly like to hear your thoughts on this, especially since we played it together, which was fun by the way!
Oh by the way, Geoffrey,
Manoir Richelieu is, once again, in the city of La Malbaie, Quebec, not Charlevoix. Charlevoix is the geographical region in which the course is located.
Geoffrey. I am working on the evolution of the two Army Navy courses and would most appreciate it if you would provide me the source of the Army Navy (White/Inner Nine) entry on your list of Herbert Strong designed golf courses.
Braidburn Country Club in Florham Park, NJ was renamed Brooklake Country Club in 1985. (Geoffrey Cornish redesign)
Are you working off courses listed in his 1925-26 ad?
Is Laval-sur-le-lac on that list?
I have a 1928 aerial for Laval that I'll be using for a bunker project on the Green course - the only question I have is about whether Strong had done the (or at least some) bunkers at that point. We can't find any confirmation on the timing of his work.
Courses from at Strong 1925 ad that don't appear to be on the list
Lakewood Golf Club, St. Petersburg
Linwood Country Club, Atlantic City
Winding Hollow Country Club, Columbus, Ohio
Rogers Forge Country Club, Baltimore
Cedar Point Country Club, Woodmere, L.I.
Huntington Bay Club, Huntington, L.I.
Rodgers Forge GC was the original name for CC of Maryland, which is alive, well, and beautiful. The club was also once known as Terra Maria GC. Their members even have a trophy called the Herbert Strong Cup which they play for each year. Despite the "CC" it is a fairly understated, golf-only kind of place. They haven't gone and lengthened anything unduly, it plays maybe 6200 from the back. As an aging short hitter the course suits me perfectly. :)
They did a very nice restoration in about 2006. I never played it prior to the restoration, but an examination and comparison of aerial photos shows the scope of work. No routing was changed, mostly fixing the existing bunkering and green sizes. I have no idea what they did regarding green contours, or what if any research was done to try and duplicate the 1920s greens.
I was born/raised in Columbus and was always informed by word of mouth and periodicals Winding Hollow was a Robert Trent Jones,Sr. and Columbus CC, Donald Ross.
Courses from at Strong 1925 ad that don't appear to be on the list
Lakewood Golf Club, St. Petersburg
Linwood Country Club, Atlantic City
Winding Hollow Country Club, Columbus, Ohio
Rogers Forge Country Club, Baltimore
Cedar Point Country Club, Woodmere, L.I.
Huntington Bay Club, Huntington, L.I.
Is Laval there?
My understanding of the lineage of Winding Hollow in Columbus, Ohio is that it was originally designed as a nine hole course in the 1920's. My understanding is that Strong designed the original course. In the late 1940's, RTJ Sr. redesigned the course and expanded it to 18 holes. I think this was around the same time he was redesigning Firestone South. I have no idea how much of Strong's original design is left. However, it is a really good golf course on a pretty compact piece of land. This article gives some of the history of the club, including Trent Jones' involvement:
Thanks,Columbus CC may have started as Strong before Donald Ross.
Tim-I have also heard that Bendelow was involved at Columbus Country Club. Don't have any source for that though.
Only Canadian courses listed are Lakeview and New Manior Richelieu.
From the ad, "The Chairman of the Greens Committee of the Engineers' in his report says: In closing my report, I wish to say that the entire credit for the wondefrul one-year-old golf course belongs to Herbert Strong, our Golf Architect. He has lived, moved and has being on this course since the first spadeful of earth was turned. He has nursed each blade of grass as it sprung from Mother Earth and he has built for himself and for us a Golf Monument that ranks among the greatest examples in the world. We believed him competent when we engaged him to lay out the course, but we 'builded more wisely than we knew'."
Thanks Anthony,
I went through the entire Golf Canada archives (regarding Laval) and I found nothing, which is odd, since the club had enough profile.
I should reach out to Ron Whitten.
I do have the original booklet for Manior Richelieu, all the holes are drawn and a photo for each is provided
I can't remember when or how I ended up with that.
Some oustanding questions:
Need to confirm existing nine holer at Sherwood Forest is not Strong's.
This place must be a real throwback - the modern aerial of it shows that they still have sand greens.
I don't know if HS actually did anything there, but the article suggests that he did something.
Bradley Klein made a presentation to the Columbus Country Club membership in 2012 and reinforeced the fact that CCC has features more consistent with Bendelow and H.S. Colt.
Tim-I have also heard that Bendelow was involved at Columbus Country Club. Don't have any source for that though.
Check this thread for Bendelow's involvement at Columbus CC:,36324.0.html
Bump for information on Herbert Strong at St. Andrews.
I am currently engaged with Andrew Harvey at looking at some old Canadian golf courses. This one has piqued our interest as Stanley Thompson is also listed as the architect. There is a little information on Mr. Strong's involvement with the project and we would like to try to clarify this picture belleve its an interesting story of two of golfs best architects on one site. If anyone can point us in the right direction on this it would be of great assistance.
Island's End in Greenport LI was designed by George Heron, a PGA Professional at original Meadowbrook Club, LI in 1960. Construction by Charle K Martin, who had also helped shape Suffolk County public courses, Swan Lake, Spring Lake, and Middle Island, as well as work at North Hills, Indian Island, etc. It is often mistakenly credited to Herbert Strong, as the Island's End of today opened in 1960. (I do like them bragging about planting 40k trees in the 1960s. those were crazy times!) There are some trees planted right in the middle of clearly grassed over bunkers on the right of 13 fairway, and the left of 14 at the dogleg. Would be better as bunkers vs trees. It's a fun place, a couple of wild greens, long par 3s, short par 5s, variety of par 4s. Simple, but not easy.
Engineer's is one of my favorite courses to play, Inwood is great fun, so was hoping there was a Strong connection to Island's End, but don't think so.
Island's End Golf and Country Club article (
Article on Charles K Martin (
Through a letter writing campaign informing other community organizations of the project as well as a donor “Tee Off” dinner, Island’s End secured the support necessary to begin construction in July 1960, opening for business in 1961. Initially a 9-hole golf course, designed by George Heron a PGA golf professional, in 1963 the course expanded to 18 holes. In an atmosphere of “private” clubs, Island’s End Golf and Country Club’s decision to be a semi-private club with public access provided a unique opportunity for the golfing community. The course was quickly embraced by the public.
The year 1965 saw even more changes at Island’s End. A driving range property was purchased and a tree planting program was instituted for several years. Eventually, 40,000 trees from the N.Y.S. Forestry Service were planted. This tree planting program was also the beginning of job opportunities for local high school students. In the late 1960s the course was accepted by the United States Golf Association (U.S.G.A.).