Golf Club Atlas => Golf Course Architecture Discussion Group => Topic started by: Anthony_Nysse on September 18, 2008, 06:26:18 PM

Title: Colonial CC Renovation pics
Post by: Anthony_Nysse on September 18, 2008, 06:26:18 PM
Just a quick update with some pics. we are in the final stages of the renovation and we can see the light! TDI has done an incredible job and Keith Fosters work and eyes for detail have really brought out this design!

#1 from the fwy
#2 from fwy
#3 from the tee
#3 fwy bunkers
#7 fwy-note the new bunker

Tony Nysse
Asst. Supt.
Colonial CC
Ft. Worth, TX
Title: Re: Colonial CC Renovation pics
Post by: Andy Troeger on September 18, 2008, 06:44:14 PM
Seems like you've made a lot of progress since the last time I saw photos! Congratulations on making it this far and good luck finishing things up!
Title: Re: Colonial CC Renovation pics
Post by: BVince on September 18, 2008, 06:48:49 PM
The course is looking great...I am excited to see the final product!
Title: Re: Colonial CC Renovation pics
Post by: PThomas on September 18, 2008, 06:56:35 PM
The course is looking great...I am excited to see the final product!
ditto...well done Tony et al
Title: Re: Colonial CC Renovation pics
Post by: Philippe Binette on September 18, 2008, 09:52:57 PM
Shapes looks good, I just don't like the ultra white sand there and basically everywhere since you lose all the shadows and it kill the depth perception of the bunker
Title: Re: Colonial CC Renovation pics
Post by: Jeff_Mingay on September 18, 2008, 09:59:49 PM

There's definitely a hint of Augusta National in these photos. Is it just me?

Hope all's well.
Title: Re: Colonial CC Renovation pics
Post by: Matt Kardash on September 18, 2008, 10:44:50 PM
I was thinking the same thing Jeff
Title: Re: Colonial CC Renovation pics
Post by: Anthony_Nysse on September 19, 2008, 07:19:18 AM
  The bunkering definatley is much better with smooth contours that are seemless into their surrounding areas. several fairwyas have been regraded for drainage purposes, but it has also given the fairways some very good, subtle contouring. It will be a much more complete golf course and a truely special place to play. It feels like a timless golf courses that has had it's shot values returned.
  The sand wasnt picked for its color. The playability, ability to set the sand up firm or soft and its ability to drain water are the reasons that sand was chosen.

Tony Nysse
Asst. Supt.
Colonial CC
Ft. Worth, TX
Title: Re: Colonial CC Renovation pics
Post by: Wyatt Halliday on September 19, 2008, 09:49:21 AM

Thanks for sharing the pics. It's been a while since I've been there, and your comments regarding the addition of subtle fairway sloping is most intriguing to me. Which holes benefit the most from a strategic or aesthetic perspective?
