Golf Club Atlas => Golf Course Architecture Discussion Group => Topic started by: Peter_Herreid on August 30, 2004, 05:44:33 PM

Title: Special Olympics Myopia Hunt Club outing; 10/12/2004
Post by: Peter_Herreid on August 30, 2004, 05:44:33 PM
I thought there might be other members of GCA interested in this event, which is being held on Tuesday, October 12, 2004 at the Myopia Hunt Club, as a fundraiser for Special Olympics of Massachusetts.

I have no personal stake in this event whatsoever, other than one foursome of GCA'ers is participating and, as of last week, there were openings for other interested individuals.  The cost is $350/golfer, starts at 11am, and includes lunch, and post-round cocktail hour and a few door prizes, I would imagine.

This is a terrific cause, and a unique chance to see a GCA favorite course in the full force of the fall foliage.  Please contact the tournament co-ordinator, Deb Maguire (617-267-2300), for more information, but I wouldn't recommend waiting too much longer.

Title: Re:Special Olympics Myopia Hunt Club outing; 10/12/2004
Post by: ChipRoyce on August 30, 2004, 06:20:39 PM
Having played the course a few times, I want to heartily reccomend taking the opportunity to participate in this event.

The grounds of Myopia, especially in early October, will be a beautiful place. Those of you not in contention will at least have some wonderful peak foliage.

As for the course, should be in excellent condition that time of year. Ground should be firm and fast, greens in fantastic shape after their sept aeration.  I expect the dinner at the club to be done at high levels of taste. The clubhouse is fantastic!

Title: Re:Special Olympics Myopia Hunt Club outing; 10/12/2004
Post by: pdrake on August 30, 2004, 11:33:03 PM
If $$$ is no object for golfing, this is a no brainer.  MHC is very private and allows almost no outside play.  This may be your chance to play this great old course.  This is where golf started in Mass (along with TCC and Essex).  Take a look around when you are there and smell the history.  The pros are all great guys and put together a great outing.  A definite thumbs up..........
Title: Re:Special Olympics Myopia Hunt Club outing; 10/12/2004
Post by: Peter_Herreid on August 31, 2004, 12:25:50 PM
Just bumping this again, because of the high post turnover rate this morning...

Title: Re:Special Olympics Myopia Hunt Club outing; 10/12/2004
Post by: Forrest Richardson on September 01, 2004, 06:23:26 AM
A great American course. A great American cause. I would run — not walk — if there is still room for this event.
Title: Re:Special Olympics Myopia Hunt Club outing; 10/12/2004
Post by: Peter_Herreid on October 05, 2004, 02:21:01 PM
I am bumping this back up to the top, as the event is now one week away.  I have just spoken to the co-ordinator and there are a handful of spots still available in the event.  The specifics are as listed above--FWIW, the forecast for next Tuesday at the club is for low 60's and mostly sunny--no rain in sight.

Additional details; check-in is at 9.30am, the shotgun begins at 11am.  There is a brief cocktail hour afterwards, followed by sit-down buffet dinner, during which there is a small auction.  The event is expected to be concluded by 7pm.

This seems to be an exceptional opportunity to see Myopia Hunt at its peak, and for a worthwhile cause to boot.  Again, in the interest of disclosure, I have no presonal stake in the Special Olympics tournament or charity, other than several of us GCA'ers are playing and it would be great to see more of us there...

Please contact Deb McGuire, tournament co-ordinator, immediately for more information (617-27-2300).

Title: Re:Special Olympics Myopia Hunt Club outing; 10/12/2004
Post by: bakerg on October 05, 2004, 02:59:20 PM
I would strongly recommend this as well. I played in a charity outing at this club a few weeks back and enjoyed it greatly.  I only hope that you don't have to start your round on the 12th hole like I did.