I have a scientific sample of three:
Two are fans, both read a bit on-line, both bought the book just because it's Geoff's latest.
One is not a fan per se, but devours all things golf, and did not buy the book, with the exact reason of "why should I buy it when I can just read it all on-line."
So Dan, your argument here makes very good sense to me. I guess it would be odd to print it all out, but man that's the first thing I thought of.. we have a very high speed printer here and 200 pages is a lot, but not atypical... But ok, I guess this is insignificant, not many people would even think this way, or have the access to such hardware, or be willing to use it. Hell even I wasn't, even if the thought did occur to me.
But read it on-line? I think the third person above isn't atypical at all... it's not tough to read a few pages, come back later, read a few more... the fact you're doing so on a computer screen doesn't seem THAT strange to me....
So do you wish your books were all on-line in entirety? Hell I'm just stoked to hear you HAVE four books... where do I get them? I gather not on-line, huh?