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Brian Phillips

Re:The Future of Golf in America... now available
« Reply #25 on: January 31, 2004, 05:29:32 AM »
I just downloaded the book from the site for six dollars.  That is a bargain!!  I haven't read it yet but will start tonight.  Looks very interesting as usual from Geoff.

Bunkers, if they be good bunkers, and bunkers of strong character, refuse to be disregarded, and insist on asserting themselves; they do not mind being avoided, but they decline to be ignored - John Low Concerning Golf


Re:The Future of Golf in America... now available
« Reply #26 on: January 31, 2004, 10:10:04 AM »

I read a few chapters on a plane to chilly Florida a few weeks ago.  This is a blockbuster manuscript that speaks the truth and needs to be read.  It inspired me to write a note to the USGA on their web site explaining why I will not be a member this year for the first time in a long while. I will get a copy of the book read teh rest of what you have to say.

Keep up the good work



Re:The Future of Golf in America... now available
« Reply #27 on: January 31, 2004, 11:03:54 AM »
Okay, I generally try to avoid paying retail, but it seems that too many of you are recommending the book for it just to be hero worship.  If I can figure out how, Geoff has another sale.  BTW, since seems to be such a good marketing channel for the talented, prolific writer, could he be made the site's author laureate?

I will be disappointed, however, if his main thrust is that the USGA must regain control over distance (B & I).  That is a given.  The question is how.  Hopefully, the book considers all constituents of the game, provides a historical perspective, and acknowledges that golf is a sport that must be allowed to evolve.

And if Tuco Ramirez is David Moriarty, I will be really, really disappointed.   I had hoped that Tuco was a person confident in his beliefs and unafraid to speak his mind.  Instead, he appears to be just another jokester who enjoys pulling everybody's chain.  For shame!  
« Last Edit: January 31, 2004, 11:05:08 AM by Lou_Duran »


Re:The Future of Golf in America... now available
« Reply #28 on: January 31, 2004, 12:55:05 PM »
Jeff Mingay,
Thanks for the kind words. They truly are appreciated.

Tom Huckaby & Lou Duran,
I want to put to sleep the rumors of David Moriarty being Tuco, we're just not that good, being the actors that Tom H. thinks we are. (David Moriarty is not Tuco.) Tuco is an East Coast-based bandito, and like it or not, he is sincere in his ramblings and quests. He doesn't do a double-play on words and only speaks truth as he sees it. Call him the thinking-mans JakaB.) And I'm here to tell you--breaking my self imposed silence to say that everything I say here is TRUTH. Even if Tom Huckaby doesn't believe it.

I think this book has the potential to open up some really serious debate on the game of golf as seen today. It will have the naysayers speaking "this isn't happening in my game!" But in truth, its as good a book you can find on the politics of the game that have never really ever get talked about in the published media. I can only hope it that it shake the world and right the ship because I do love golf first and last. And despite what some people might think, so does Geoff Shackelford.


Re:The Future of Golf in America... now available
« Reply #29 on: January 31, 2004, 01:48:08 PM »
Six Bucks to download?

You got ripped off, if it didn't come with the illustation on the cover. An extra $16 for a work of art!

He was undoubetedly inspired by this:

Brian Phillips

Re:The Future of Golf in America... now available
« Reply #30 on: January 31, 2004, 02:22:53 PM »

It did come with the cover.  For me it was the quickest way to get a copy.  If I like it then I will buy the hard copy.  Couldn't be a better way of doing it..

Bunkers, if they be good bunkers, and bunkers of strong character, refuse to be disregarded, and insist on asserting themselves; they do not mind being avoided, but they decline to be ignored - John Low Concerning Golf

Forrest Richardson

Re:The Future of Golf in America... now available
« Reply #31 on: January 31, 2004, 08:21:47 PM »
If Tommy really considers this "his" cover design — which I doubt he would claim — then he must have worked for the Times Mirror Press in the early part of the last century, as Geoff's cover is a virtual duplication of "Golf Architecture In America" by Geo. Thomas.
— Forrest Richardson, Golf Course Architect/ASGCA


Re:The Future of Golf in America... now available
« Reply #32 on: January 31, 2004, 10:26:20 PM »
C'mon Forrest, you haven't heard... it's been figured out that the guy who designed the cover for Geo. Thomas' book had a time machine. He traveled to 2003 and ripped Tommy off. I thought you were in the loop. Obviously not.

I've spent the last few weeks trying to figure out how I can assist Tommy with filing a lawsuit... it's a tad complex though  ;D

Forrest Richardson

Re:The Future of Golf in America... now available
« Reply #33 on: February 01, 2004, 12:45:36 AM »
I'd imagine it will not be a problem if you file in California. After all, the courts there are in Neverland.
— Forrest Richardson, Golf Course Architect/ASGCA

Tuco Ramirez

Re:The Future of Golf in America... now available
« Reply #34 on: February 02, 2004, 07:11:20 AM »
Lou Duran,

How in the darn tootin hell am I a jokester.  Go back and read my posts hombre, I'm always marrying philosophy to my views.  I try and take a poetic look at things.  I really don't understand where you are coming from.

"There are two types of people in this world--those with loaded guns and those who dig--- You dig"

And why is it a problem if I as Tuco put up a fictional character.  Tuco serves to bring about debate much more than my real self.


Re:The Future of Golf in America... now available
« Reply #35 on: February 02, 2004, 09:22:49 AM »

Tom Huckaby & Lou Duran,
I want to put to sleep the rumors of David Moriarty being Tuco, we're just not that good, being the actors that Tom H. thinks we are. (David Moriarty is not Tuco.) Tuco is an East Coast-based bandito, and like it or not, he is sincere in his ramblings and quests. He doesn't do a double-play on words and only speaks truth as he sees it. Call him the thinking-mans JakaB.) And I'm here to tell you--breaking my self imposed silence to say that everything I say here is TRUTH. Even if Tom Huckaby doesn't believe it.

Tommy - for a guy who' suppsed to be silent you sure do make a lot of posts!   ;)

The comment about you and Dave being good actors was meant to be a compliment - each of you could do justice to Geoff's material FAR better than I could... that's it...  ;D ;D

I really don't care who Tuco is.  But I do know.  And it's not Dave M., although Dave is surely simpatico with Tuco!  Yes, Dave has always had the nads to use his own name when he's attacked me, which is appreciated.   Tuco?  He remains irrelevant.  And you of all people should know better than to post more shit like this, taking focus away from Geoff's book.  For shame... for this you are demoted from Emperor to King.   ;D

« Last Edit: February 02, 2004, 10:05:34 AM by Tom Huckaby »


Re:The Future of Golf in America... now available
« Reply #36 on: February 02, 2004, 09:42:38 AM »
And I'm here to tell you--breaking my self imposed silence to say that everything I say here is TRUTH.

mama always said to beware of the man that has to tell you to believe him or tells you that he speaks the TRUTH... :)

« Last Edit: February 02, 2004, 09:42:54 AM by Brian_Gracely »

Jeff Fortson

Re:The Future of Golf in America... now available
« Reply #37 on: February 04, 2004, 08:33:05 PM »
I just read the first 20 pages or so on the sample pages of the website it is being sold at.  I am making my purchase today.  I have never spoken with Geoff, nor do I know much about him other than he has written other books, attended Pepperdine and helped design Rustic.  

The pages I scanned reminded me of the movie Jerry Maguire, when Tom Cruise wrote that visionary "Mission Statement" that got him fired.  But, in the long run it turned out to be the best thing Jerry ever did.  I really hope the book turns out to have an impact on the game, no matter how minor or major.

The tennis analogy is dead on, in my opinion.  As a golf professional I see the focus of my profession being OVERLY focussed on merchandise, rounds per year, cart concessions and people wanting to know how to hit it LONGER and have more POWER.  I try to teach people to hit it in the direction they want or with the shape they desire.  Length should be the sum of strength and coordination, not shaft kick points and clubface COR.

Call me an ass kisser if you want, but after reading just a few pages of this book I feel like someone else out there is finally saying how I've felt for years and has at least some credibility to take such a stance.

Jeff F.

« Last Edit: February 05, 2004, 04:26:33 PM by Jeff_Fortson »


Re:The Future of Golf in America... now available
« Reply #38 on: February 04, 2004, 08:39:36 PM »
Jeff F:

I don't know how the notion of ass kisser got applied to Geoff Shackelford or people who enjoy his work.

Far from kissing ass, Geoff is swimming upstream against the establishment in golf.

Thank goodness someone has Geoff's courage.
Tim Weiman


Re:The Future of Golf in America... now available
« Reply #39 on: February 04, 2004, 09:28:41 PM »
I believe JakaB in his inimitable way has called us all ass-kissers for trumpeting the worth and importance of Geoff's new book.  I don't think anyone ever gave that label to Geoff... from what I read, good lord is he the ANTITHESIS of such a thing..

This is gonna be a very important book without a doubt, I think.  It sure as shit has me thinking already (can you tell from my other thread?), and like Jeff I have just read the first 20 pages or so.  I can't wait to get the book and read the rest.

In any case, jeez if it's engendered this kind of passion before hardly any of us have read it, well... we're in for some fun times once we all have actually read the book!

I surely encourage one and all to read it.  Hell download it, read it on-line, preferably buy it so Geoff gets the financial reward he deserves, but one way or the other, read it!  From all I can tell it's gonna be incredible food for fodder here... and maybe even some action....



Re:The Future of Golf in America... now available
« Reply #40 on: February 04, 2004, 09:41:37 PM »
Tom Huckaby:

You may be able to figure out JakaB, I can't.

By supporting Geoff's book we are "ass-kissers"???

I would think JakaB would step up and clearly state he had no such thing in mind.
Tim Weiman


Re:The Future of Golf in America... now available
« Reply #41 on: February 04, 2004, 09:57:29 PM »
The only mouth that can speak to who is an ass-kisser is the mouth found on an ass.  


Re:The Future of Golf in America... now available
« Reply #42 on: February 05, 2004, 12:09:21 AM »
No further comment from me.  Whoever kisses who's rump, well... it takes nothing from the fact this is one book that at least I want to read.


Re:The Future of Golf in America... now available
« Reply #43 on: February 05, 2004, 12:26:07 AM »
I ordered the book...The future of golf just got a little brighter.  
« Last Edit: February 05, 2004, 12:49:41 AM by JakaB »


Re:The Future of Golf in America... now available
« Reply #44 on: February 05, 2004, 09:13:09 AM »
I ordered the book...The future of golf just got a little brighter.  

I had hoped you would... you are one of the people I am most eager to discuss this with when we both have read it.

 ;D ;D


Re:The Future of Golf in America... now available
« Reply #45 on: February 05, 2004, 10:21:55 AM »
I asked the same question, and apparently it won't stay up on the internet for free for long (sorry guys!).  I gather the publisher thought this would help sales... that's far from my comprehension... silly me, I think if people can get something free far fewer will then want to pay for it...

If this is a Jerry McGuire mission statement, let's hope it turns out like it did in the movie.  I doubt Jeff would mind ending up with Rene Zellwegger.

 ;D ;D ;D


Re:The Future of Golf in America... now available
« Reply #46 on: February 05, 2004, 12:03:44 PM »
If I'm not mistaken I believe it's Lynn Shackelford, Geoff's dad, who's particularly fond of Rene Zellwegger. I vaguely recall he said Rustic Canyon really grows on him like Rene Zellwegger has. Not certain if that's a compliment to Rene or Rustic Canyon, or both.


Re:The Future of Golf in America... now available
« Reply #47 on: February 05, 2004, 12:08:29 PM »
 ;D ;D ;D

Might we have something Oedipal going on here?

Dan Kelly

Re:The Future of Golf in America... now available
« Reply #48 on: February 05, 2004, 12:46:17 PM »
I ordered the book...The future of golf just got a little brighter.  

I had hoped you would... you are one of the people I am most eager to discuss this with when we both have read it.

 ;D ;D

Tom --

You're not listening.

JakaB doesn't read golf books.

He just orders them!
"There's no money in doing less." -- Joe Hancock, 11/25/2010
"Rankings are silly and subjective..." -- Tom Doak, 3/12/2016


Re:The Future of Golf in America... now available
« Reply #49 on: February 05, 2004, 12:49:30 PM »
Damn.  I hope not.  His take on this book would be priceless to me... Say what you will about the man, one thing I know is that he does tell it like it is, or like he thinks it is... and I am eager to know what his view is of this book.  I'm eager to know EVERYONE's take, for sure... but his also.

