Note to Huckaby:
Don't mess with perfection. I watched you stripe the ball all day long at Sand Hills, and painfully recall your's being the only ball in play at CP's 16th.
Remember the lesson of so many tour players who tinkered and tinkered until it was gone.
Mike, I sincerely appreciate that, especially since given your place in the pantheon, you could have REALLY screwed with me if you wanted to!
That is my karma/place in life/reality, to be Popeye as well as Medusa of golf, as I just told my bud Brian off-line... I yam what I yam and that's all that I yam... Sometimes it works, like that Sand Hills trip and the glorious day I was a man among other men whilst lesser men laid up.
Other times it doesn't, like with some great folks at Yale who saw me suck worse than the worst hack... The reality is that while everyone does prefer to play better than worse, well... I sure as hell have come to accept my limitations. As other greats have said in here, the more I suck the more fun the game gets.
The quote I continue to attach to each post still has great relevance to me, also....
So OK, not to get too maudlin (sorry!) and while I'm sure this is among the worst wastes of bandwith in the history of this forum (I can just feel Tim Weiman cringing), well... I do appreciate all this, gents!
ps to Matt - we crossed - muchas gracias also, mi amigo. From what I hear and sure as hell need to SEE sooner rather than later, you have no issues with actually hitting the ball. I just didn't know you were a Popeye/Medusa like me... Man I appreciate the company!