Brian - I look forward to that as well. Something tells me we will have a VERY good time.
And sure, go strictly by the language, OK. Of course that's exactly what I said I was doing, but now I am gonna change course completely, as the fickle slut that I am.
Dan did say "long carry" and now even he steps in and misses the point of his own question (kinda hard to have someone else tell you what you really mean, but Dan can take it).
The point isn't "can you make the carry", the point is "would you want to play a hole like this forever where such exists." Since "no long carries" is the first criterion, it is a very fair assumption that in his perfect golf hole Dan would, or should since he can't help himself here, not want ANY carry at all. And say what you will about that wee burn, if you think it's an easy carry or doesn't effect the golf hole, then you either have no fear or haven't played there. The carry exists big time and in fact defines the hole.
So I, as self-appointed Guardian of What Dan Kelly Really Means, hereby declare both of you wrong. #1 at the Old Course doesn't make this list.
Case dismissed.