Thank you for that meaningful contribution to the discourse.
If your definition cannot answer the question, perhaps it is inadequate.
I agree that the Nassau Players Club sounds like an interesting organization, and I'm sure it's well-managed to maintain its relationship with the parks department.
However, I don't see why the presence of a restaurant or pool matters in determining whether or not it's a golf club. Also, why does it matter? If it fails, it might become a public course. That becomes home to the neoclassical model of golf club.
All that matters for a golf club to be a golf club is that it’s one of the central thing binding the group to each other is golf.
Beyond that, I think there are a lot of models that we can talk about how that affinity with the game is expressed.
like is an app that organizes leagues, games and handicaps like Sparkgolf and Fairgame. Golf clubs, or are they just facilitators?
So sorry, I have no opinion on if the quality of the chef's soup effects how I see a club or any other frivolity